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Liu Yun: Female, Born in 1971, Professor. She is working for department of agriculture resources and environment, plant science and technology college, Beijing University of Agriculture. In 2003, she graduated from college of resources and environment science, China Agricultural University and obtained the doctor degree of ecology science, and in 2008 she went to Wageningen University as a visiting scholar for 1 year. She give such courses as “landscape ecology”, “remote sensing technology and application”, “agricultural resources information system”, “land-use planning”, “Watershed non-point source pollution and ecological engineering”. It had published more than 30 papers (including 8 articles indexed by EI) and 1 software copyright, 4 teaching material book and 1 monograph. Contact with her by the E-mail: liuyun_bj@tom.com.

She mainly engaged in landscape ecology research concerning for the landscape pattern and land use change, for example, the social and natural drive mechanism of land use change and its environmental effect, etc. she has hosted and joined the subjects as follows:

Hosed projects:

1.         National Natural Science Foundation for China General Program: “The regulation mechanism for controlling agricultural non-point source pollution by landscape pattern and process principle in Beijing suburbs” (Number: 40871232; Execution time: 2009, 1-2011, 12);

2.         National Natural Science Foundation of China for Youth Scholar Program: “The application of sustainable land use based on the landscape ecological and thermal infrared remote sensing in suburbs” (Number: 40501029; Execution time: 2006, 1-2008, 12);

3.         China Scholarship Exchange Program cooperation with Dutch Government: “The research on temporal-spatial dynamics of land use and sustainable management model in Daxing district of Beijing” (2008, 10-2009, 10);

4.         Open Subject by Key Laboratory for Agricultural Application and New Technique of Beijing University of Agriculture: “the design for recommended fertilization expert system of Pinggu peach” (2007, 1-2008, 12);

5.         Talents training Program of the Organization Department: “The research on quantitative ecological tourism resources in shallow mountain area of Beijing -A case study in Changping district” (2006, 1-2007, 12);

6.         Introduce Talents Program of Beijing University of Agriculture: “The study on pattern optimization for suburban landscape in Beijing” (2005, 1-2008, 12).

Participated projects:

1.         Sino-Dutch Cooperation Project: “The research on sustainable regional land use resources in different level scales based on crop model and 3S technology” (Number: SAIL-SPP 299.399; Execution time: 2000, 1-2004, 12);

2.         National Natural Science Foundation for China General Program: “The study on sustainable management method in Tianshan forest ecological system” (Number: 39660066; Execution time: 1997, 1-1999, 12);

3.         National Natural Science Foundation for China General Program: “The study on ecological function in Tianshan spruce coarse woodiness residues” (Number: 39960063; Execution time: 2000, 1-2002, 12);

4.         National Natural Science Foundation for China General Program: “The research on the crop growth simulation and early warning by inversion crop canopy temperature based on remote sensing” (Number: 30270776; Execution time: 2003, 1-2005, 12).


近年来主要参加了国家“十二五”科技支撑项目“华北地区小麦-玉米两熟作物及马铃薯抗旱集成技术研究”(2011BAD32B03-03,2011.1.1-2015.12.31)”、国家基金项目“定量评价气孔调节大田作物的节水潜力(31040006,2011.1.1-2011.12.31)”“十一五”国家科技支撑项目“北方农业干旱综合调控技术研究(2006BAD04B06)(2006-2010)”、“华北村镇地下饮用水安全保障技术研究与示范(2008ZX07407-001)(2008.1-2010.12)”、“北方速生丰产林与果园系统固碳增汇技术研究与示范(2008BAD95B07)(2008.1-2010.12)”、科技部社会公益项目“黄河流域农业水环境监测与安全利用技术研究(2004DIB3J095)”(2005.1-2007.12)、 “农业水资源利用与水环境重要技术研究”(2003.1-2006.12)、北京市人才强教等科研项目8项,在国内外核心刊物上发表文章近30篇。
E-mail: sflmn@163.com;15901269108@163.com.



Guo-Jia Xuan46, Female, Associate Professor, Doctor.



1995-1998, China Agricultural University, Agricultural Master;

2000-2003, China Agricultural University, Agricultural Doctor ;

2004-2006; Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Post-doctor.



1991-2004, Laiyang Agricultural College, teacher;

2004-2006; Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Post-doctor

2006-2012, Beijing University of Agriculture, teacher.



Focus on efficient use of agricultural resources, safety of groundwater in agricultural areas and the process of material and heat exchange transmission in Soil - vegetation - atmosphere continuum of Terrestrial ecosystem. More than 30 research papers have been published.


The courses she taught include “Environmental Monitoring and Quality Evaluation”, “Agricultural Ecology”, “Ecological Remediation”.




[1] Research on integrated technology of drought resistance on wheat - corn crops and potato in North China: National "12th Five-Year" scientific and technological support projects (grant No.2011BAD32B03-032011-2015)

[2] Research on agricultural drought comprehensive control technology .in northern part of China: National "11th Five-Year" scientific and technological support projects (grant No.2006BAD04B06, 2006-2010)





Name:   Jia yue-hui Gender: female   Age :  forty two    Health:   Excellent          Hobbies:   reading book and newspaper    Personality:   Honest , Cooperative, Dutiful and Dedicated    Professional titles:  Associate Professor


I gained agronomy bachelor's degree of Resource and Environment College in the West south Agriculture University in 1995

I gained agronomy master degree of Resource and Environment College in the West south Agriculture University in 1998

I gained agronomy doctor degree of Resource and Environment College in the China Agriculture University in 2009


I have worked for forty years in Beijing agriculture University since 1998. I have had lesson of soil and fertilizer for grade 2 college student at the present. So I have full teaching experiments.

   I once had part-time job in Haidian Career Academy of beijing in 2006.



Published papers 

1. JIA Yuehui, LIU Kefeng, WANG Hongli, LIU Yang.  Effects of different Microbes on Organic Matter Content of Pig Muck. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture .2008, 23(3)

2. JIA Yuehui, WANG Tian Tao.  Study on Variety of the Content of Carbon and Nitrogen in Different Type of Soil.  Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture .2005, 20(3)

3. JIA Yuehui, ZHANG Kezhong, LI Wenxue, ZHANG Fu. Effects of  irradiated pollen assisting pollination technique on seed-set of lily's distant cross and early molecular identification of the hybrids.  Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences. 2010, 24(1)



 Address: Beinong Road 7 Huilongguan Town Changping District, Beijing  102206                              

 Phone:  80794486  

  Cell Phone: 13693316683



高凡,男,1979年生,博士(后),2007年7月于中国科学院广州地球化学研究所毕业,获工学博士学位(环境科学),2009年6月于北京师范大学环境学院博士后流动站出站。现在北京农学院植物科学技术学院农业资源与环境专业从事教学与科研工作。讲授《环境影响评价》、《资源环境规划与管理》和《清洁生产导论》等课程。主要研究方向为微量有毒化学物质(如内分泌干扰物质、医药品和个人护理品、农药和典型持久性有机污染物)在环境中的迁移转化规律及生态系统风险评价。已发表国内外核心期刊论文10余篇,其中SCI收录6篇,并且1篇发表在环境科学国际顶级SCI期刊(TOP Journal)Environmental Science & Technology (2010 Impact factor:4.825)上。目前主持国家自然科学基金1项,国家重点实验室开放基金2项,北京市重点实验室开放基金1项;参与十二五科技支撑计划课题1项。
Tel: 010-80794486/13810491540E-mail: gaofan0324@163.com




Assistant Professor of Department of Resources and Environment,

College of Plant Science and Technology

Beijing University of Agriculture,

No. 7 Beinong Road, Huilongguan, Changping District,

Beijing 102206


Tel/Fax: +86-10-80794486

Mobile: +86-13810491540



·         Ph.D., Environmental Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 2007


·         B.S., Environmental Sciences, Shanxi University, China, 2002


  • 2009-present: Assistant Professor, Beijing University of Agriculture.
  • 2010- present : Visiting Research Scientist, State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University

Research Interests:

* Environmental analytical chemistry of organic compounds

* Environmental Chemistry (Fates of trace substances in aquatic ecosystems)

* Trace metal analysis and speciation, cycling and toxicity

* Simulation models of environmental fates of trace substances

* Avian toxicology and habitat requirements

* Ecological risk assessment

* Agricultural Chemicals

* Endocrine modulating compounds

* Perfluorinated compounds: analytical and environmental chemistry and toxicity

* Sediment toxicity assessment

Professional/Scientific Societies:

Environmental Science Society of China


Ecological Society of China

American Chemical Society (ACS)

Publications (articles published in SCI journals):

1.        Gao Fan, Luo Xiaojun, Yang Zhifeng, Wang Xinming, Mai, Bixian. Brominated Flame Retardants, Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Organochlorine Pesticides in Bird Eggs from the Yellow River Delta, North China. Environmental Science & Technology 2009, 43, 6956–6962.

2.        Gao Fan, Jia Jianye, Wang Xinming. Occurrence and Ordination of Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and Hexachlorocyclohexane in Agricultural Soils from Guangzhou, China. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2008, 54: 155-166.

3.        Yang Zhifeng, Shen Zhenyao, Gao Fan, Tang Zhengwu, Niu Junfeng. Occurrence and Possible Sources of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Surface Sediments from Wuhan Reach of the Yangtze River, China. Chemosphere 2009, 74: 1522-1530.

4.        Yang Zhifeng, Shen Zhenyao, Gao Fan, Tang Zhengwu, Niu Junfeng, He Ya. Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Urban Lake Sediments of Wuhan, Central China: Occurrence, Composition, and Sedimentary Record. Journal of Environmental Quality 2009, 38: 1441-1448.

5.        Wang Ying, Yang Zhifeng, Shen Zhenyao, Tang Zhenwu, Niu Junfeng, Gao Fan. Assessment of Heavy Metals in Sediments from a Typical Catchment of the Yangtze River, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2011, 172: 407-417.

6.        Zhang Shangwei, Xia Xinghui, Xia Na, Wu Shan, Gao Fan, Zhou Wenwei. Identification and Biodegradation Efficiency of a Newly Isolated 2,2′,4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl Ether (BDE-47) Aerobic Degrading Bacterial Strain. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ibiod.2012.06.020.





Jingxian Wang, Female, Ph. D. of environmental engineering, Lecturer. She got the bachelor and the Ph. D. degree of Environmental engineering from Dalian University of Technology respectively in 2001 and 2007. In September 2007, she started her teaching and researching work in the College of Plant Science and Technology, Beijing University of Agriculture. The courses she taught include “Pollution Ecology”, “Environmental Monitoring and Quality Evaluation”, and “Ecological Remediation”. Her research field is the degradation mechanism of the environmental pollutants in the soil. In recently years, she has hosted (or participated) several projects including the Project of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education and the Project supported by the Major Research plan of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. And she has published many research papers among which 3 papers were cited by SCI.


Telephone Number: 010-80794486

Email: wjxdlut@yahoo.com.cn












































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