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Mu xiang







       张中文,男、副教授、硕士,日本麻布大学留学归国人员。现任全国小动物分会理事。主要研究方向:宠物临床(肾病与眼科疾病)。主持“十一.五”科技支撑计划子课题1项(中兽药药效评价模型及其关键技术研究-肠速康临床药效学试验研究子课题任务书编号:2008BADB4B01-8),北京市教委科技项目2项(中西医结合防治奶牛流产的研究,KM 20051005002等);参加国家自然科学基金项目2项,在英国、德国、中国等发表科技论文50余篇,其中4篇被SCI收录,主编出版著作、教材6部,申报国家发明专利3项。获得省部级科技奖1项,北京市教育教学成果二等奖1项。
1  TGF-beta1/Smads signaling stimulates renal interstitial fibrosis in experimental AAN. Journal of  Receptors and Signal Transduction,295):280-2852009(并列第一作者,SCI收录)
2 小鼠肾小管上皮细胞的原代培养及鉴定[J].解剖学报,200712(6)765-767(通讯作者)
3 三聚氰胺对小鼠肾脏的影响及中药治疗试验.动物医学进展,2008,29(12):31-33(通讯作者)









Ren Xiaoming, male, Han nationality, returned oversea doctor, born in Shuangliao, Jilin Province in June, 1958, am the executive and professor of Veterinary Medicine Department, Animal Science College, Beijing University of Agriculture, and concurrently the vice-executive of Agricultural Laboratory Animal Professional Committee, China Laboratory Animal Science Association, the councilor of Pig Husbandry Chapter and Poultry Husbandry Chapter of China Animal Husbandry Association, the commissioner of Beijing Agriculture and Forestry Committee, Jiusan Society, etc.
Obtained bachelor degree in 1982 from Veterinary Medicine Department, Agricultural College, Yanbian University; obtained the master degree in 1985 from Veterinary Medicine College, China Agricultural University. Studied in Japan from 1989 to 1997 as the visiting scholar and oversea student. Successively learned and worked in Japan University, Hokkaido University, Azabu University, Japan Laboratory Animal Centre Institute, and obtained the doctor’s degree.
Before the oversea studying period, had engaged in teaching and researching in the burgeoning field, “laboratory animal”, and established the branch of the china laboratory animal subject, “Laboratory Animal Techniques”, and edit the teaching material “Laboratory Animal Techniques” which is the state-compiled textbook of higher learning.
Used to be the former director assistance of Laboratory Animal Institute of China Medicine Academy of Science, the former executive assistance of Laboratory Animal Department of Peking Union Medical College, the former councilor of Wild Animal Branch Committee of China Laboratory Animal Committee, the former director of technology of Sino-US joint venture, Peking Jiuzhoudadi Corporation Group, the former chief executive officer of Feed and Breeding Pig Department of Sino-US joint venture, Peking Resource Corporation Group, the former general councilor of Beijing Laboratory Animal Society, the former general councilor of Beijing Feed Society before taking office in Beijing University of Agriculture as the high level talents in 2004.
Used to edit more than 10 textbooks and monographs as the chief editor including “Laboratory Animal Technique”, “Hyoiatrics”, “Pigs’ Application In Biomedical Research”, “Laboratory Animal Breeding Science”, “Basic Veterinary Medicine”, “Prevention & Cure Against Common Animal Diseases”, “New Atlas Of Fish Diseases”, “Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery Techniques”, “Quick Clinical Diagnosis Guides For Pig Diseases”, “New Methods to Raise Pigs”, “How To Raise Catfish”, “How To Raise Loach”. And published more than 40 papers in academic journal at home and abroad.
Won the second class of “Science And Technology Progress Prize” presented by Ministry Of Agriculture, the second class of “Beijing Higher Education Teaching Achievement Prize” and the first class of “Education And Teaching Achievement Prize”of Beijing University Of Agriculture







1、2011.01-2013.12  国家自然基金   编号: 31072185
项目名称:不同来源植入前期绵羊胚胎IFN tau差异表达及其体外诱导子宫
3、2012.01-2016.12 国家“863”计划项目:“牛羊分子细胞工程育种技术创新与优势性状新品种培育”的任务,子课题“黄淮肉用山羊分子细胞育种技术研究。课题编号:2011AA100307,任务编号:2011AA100307-4。
4、2009.1-2012.06  国家“十一五转基因生物新品种·培育重大专项”课题
编号: 2009ZX08007-005B
5、2011.01-2013.12  国家自然基金   编号: 31072185
项目名称:不同来源植入前期绵羊胚胎IFN tau差异表达及其体外诱导子宫
6、2009.01-2011.12 (横向)国家“十一五转基因生物新品种·培育重大专项”
课题编号: 008ZX08008-005-04   项目名称:抗关节炎脑炎转基因羊新品种培育研究 
7、2011.01-2015.12 国家十二五计划863项目 编号: 2011AA10030
 8、2008.1-2010.12 “863计划重点项目” 编号: 2008AA101003
9、2008.1-2010.12 国家“十一五支撑计划项目”    编号: 2008BADB2B04-4
项目名称: “优质肉用羊新品种选育与产业化开发”项目二级子课题“肉
羊高效育种关键技术的研究与应用” ;
10、2010.1-2010.12 国家自然基金面上项目     编号: 30972228
项目名称:“绵羊体外胚胎妊娠时MUC1, GLYCAM1和ISG15对子宫容受态影响
11、2008.1-2009.12   北京市科委项目     编号: Z08050503260802
12、2008.1-2009.12 农业部重点横向合作项目  
13、2008.1-2010.12  国家“十一五支撑计划项目”    编号: 2008BADB2B09-4
 14、2007.7-2010.12 国家“十一五支撑计划项目”    编号: 2007BAD51B01-1-2项目名称:荣昌猪资源保护体系及关键技术研究   
NAME:                                  Ni,Hemin 
GENDER:                               Male
DATE OF BIRTH:                Dec 28, 1962
PLACE OF BIRTH:             Shanxi , China
CITIZENSHIP:                     China
 Department of Animal Science and Technology
Beijing University of Agriculture
Changping District, Huilongguan Beinong Road 7
Beijing , 102206
                                                Office: ( 8610) - 80793721
                                                 Fax:      (8610) - 80799177
E-MAIL:                                  nihemin@yahoo.com.cn
Institution and Location
Filed of Study
Northwest Agricultural University
Northwest Agricultural and Forestall University
 Veterinary Science
Veterinary Science
1987-1992:    Lecturer in the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science of Beijing Agricultural College.
1992-1997:    Assistant Professor in the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science of  Beijing Agricultural College.
1999-2011:     Associated Professor in the Department of Animal Science and Technology of Beijing Agricultural College.
2011.12-          Professor in the College of Animal Science and Technology of Beijing University of Agriculture.
1985-1992:    Focusing on teaching Poultry Science and Cattle Science in the Department of Animal Sciences in Beijing Agricultural College, and doing some research work on breeding of light layers, and on the application of some reproductive techniques (such as embryo transfer, embryo freezing, et al.) for sheep and dairy cattles.
1993-1997: Focusing on the nuclear transfer of bovine embryos, and production of                    transgenic rabbits and goats. Five transgenic rabbits (Human Insulin like Growth Factor-1, hIGF-1) and two transgenic goats (Bovine β-casein) were identified transgenic positively by Southern Blot Hybridization. Microinjection of foreign genes (such as bovine chamosin and hIGF-1) into bovine IVF (in vitro fertilization) embryos was also conducted. Construction of recombinant plasmids for gene transfer and positive transgenic animals were detected by PCR and Southern Blot Hybridization.
1998-2012     Focusing on the mechanism of ovine and bovine oocyte maturation in vitro by researching on the effects of EGF, PG and FSH AND LH on the development of their  pre-implantation embryos. In vitro production of transgenic cloning of beef cattles.
Grant Support
National Fund for Natural Sciences of China ( 31072185, PI )           2011/01/01 – 2013/12/31
The goal of this project is to explore the mechanism of the regulation of differential embryonic expression of IFNτ on different types of bovine embryos, and their in vitro induction of ISG15 on their uterine epithelium cells cultured in vitro. [ $5,600,0]
National Key Scientific and Technological Grant of China for Breeding New Transgenic Animals and Plants---Sub-grant (2009ZX08007-005B, PI )      2009/01/01—2012/7/31
The goal of this project is to breed a new transgenic clonig beef cattle breed. [ $8,340,0]
National Key Scientific and Technological Grant of China for Breeding New Transgenic Animals and Plants---Sub-grant ( 2011ZX08008-005-03, PI )    2011/08/01—2012/12/31
The goal of this project is to breed a new transgenic anti-arthritis encephalitis ovine breed. [ $8,340,0]
National Key Scientific and Technological Grant of China for Breeding New Transgenic Animals and Plants---Sub-grant ( 2008ZX08008-005-02, Co-investigator, PI: Liu Yun-hai )
The goal of this project is to breed a new transgenic anti-arthritis encephalitis ovine breed. [ $19,400,0]
National Eleventh “5-year-plan” “863 High Tech Major Plan” of China---Sub-grant  ( 2008AA1003 PI)
The goal of this project is to explore the mechanism of in vitro maturation for ovine oocytes . [ $4,500,0]
1. Zhang Shaoyu, Liu Yunhai, Ni Hemin, Wang Hao, Gu Meichao, Yan Peng, Yang Fei,Guo Yong, Gene expression profile analysis of dormant mouse embryos preserved by controlled slow freezing, Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica ,2012, 20(5): 15-19,
2. Chen Li-ping, Piao Xue-jiao, Luo Yong, Ni He-min, Liu Yun-hai, Guo Yong, Study on the in-vitro cultured methods for the uterine endometrical cells of dairy cattles and sheep, Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2012, 28(14): 99-104,
3. Li Kai#, Ni He-min#, Liu Yun-hai, Zhao Yan-wei, Qu Yang-yan, Li Xiao-yan, Guo Yong, LH plays a role to enhance the nuclear and cytoplasm synchronization for in vitro maturation of ovine oocytes, Scientia Agricultura Sinica,2011, 10(1):136-141;(#:co-first author, *: correspondence author, indexed by SCIE)
4. Ni He-min*, Zhang Hong-bo, Liu Yun-hai, Deng Gui-xin, Lu Tian-gang, Guo Yong, The distribution of LH receptor on the ovaries among three different sheep breeds by different efficiency of superovulation, Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2011, 42(11): 1625-1631, (*: the first author and correspondence author)
5. Ni He-min*, Zhang Hong-bo, Liu Yun-hai, Lu Tian-gang, Deng Gui-xin, Guo Yong, Distribution of FSH receptor on the ovaries among different sheep breeds by different efficiency of superovulation, Scientia Agricultura Sinica,2011, 44(6):1232-1238;
6. Tian Yu-jing, Lu Wen-geng, Zhang Yu, Lin Hao, Ni He-min, Guo Yong, Isolation and cultivation of bovine trophoblastic stem-like cell lines, Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2011, 27(26): 20-24,
7. Lin ZL, Gao Y, Deng GX, Liang HB, Zhang HB, Liu YH, Ni HM, Guo Y, Wang ZHG, Effect of estrus synchronization with PMSG and FSH on the distribution of estrogen receptor α in the mouse uterus, ovary and fallopian tube, Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica ,2010, 18(3): 204-207,
8. Gao Y, Lin ZL, Zhang HB, Liang HB, Liu YH,Guo Y, Ni He-min*, Comparison of the expression of estrogen receptor α in mouse endometrium between those treated by estrus synchronization and in natural estrus, Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica ,2010, 18(2): 168-171,
9. Liang HB, Liu JQ, Li FH, Xu HT, Niu JY, Li J, Sun Y, Guo Y, Liu YH, Comparison of different methods for boar sperm capacitation by CTC staining, China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2010, 37(4): 171-173,
10. Liu YJ, Xia Y, Jin JN, Guo R, Liu YH, Guo Y, Li JH, Wei XL, Effect od different durations treated by luteinizing hormone on maturation in vitro of bovine oocytes, China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2010, 37(5): 123-125,
11. Liu LQ, Guo Y, Liu YH, Xue JZH, Zhang H, Li XY, Ni HM, Effect of Calcium Ionophore and Caffeine on Ovine Sperm Capacitation in vitro, China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2010, 37(1): 112-115,
12. Li K#, Ni HM#, Liu YH, Zhao YW, Qu YY, Li XY, Guo Y, LH plays a role to enhance the nuclear and cytoplasm synchronization for in vitro maturation of ovine oocytes, Scientia Agricultura Sinica,2009(10): 42(10):3633-3638, (*: correspondence author)
13. Li K, Mu YL, Han JL, Yang SL, Liu L, Yuan XX,Guo Y, Feng ST, Study on genetic variation of inbred families of Wuzhishan miniature pig using microsatellite DNA loci. Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2009, 40(3): 296-302,
14. Qin GS, Li HJ, Liang HB, Guo Y, Ni HM, Liu YH, In vitro production of early dairy cattle embryos by using X-bearing sperm. Chinese Journal of Animal Science, 2009,
15. Liu LQ, Liu YH, Guo Y, Yang FG, Ni HM, Comparison of the ovine sperm capacitation and fertilization in vitro among different concentration of serum collected from their different estrous stages. Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2009, 40(8): 1150-1156,
16. Qu YY, Liu YH, Guo Y, Li K, Zhao YW, Li XY, Ni He-min*, The tendency of mitochondrial distribution during maturation in vitro of ovine oocytes. Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2009, 40(8): 1258-1261,
17. Liu JW, Ni HM, Guo Y, Xu Y, Bao WY, Liu YH, Murine parthenogenetic embryonic development can be improved by the associated chemical activation. Chinese Journal of Zoology, 2009, 44(4): 135-141,
18. Li K, Feng ST, Mu YL, Yang SL,Han JL, Liu L, Yuan XX,Guo Y, Study on genetic regulation of microsatellite loci gene of three inbred families of Wuzhishan miniature pig. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2009, 42(5): 1751-1760,
19. Wu J, Ni HM, Liu YH, Guo Y, Bao WY, Xu Y, Wang XZ. Effect of different durations on nuclear maturation in vitro of feline oocytes. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2009, 36(3): 102-105,
20. Zhang HB, Qin GS, Liu YH, Guo Y, Li XY, Liu LQ, Ni He-min*Ni HM. Effect of estrogen and progesterone on the distribution of progesterone receptor on mouse endometrium of different pubescent ways. Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica ,2009, 17(3): 206-209,
21. Bao WY, Liu YH, Guo Y, Xu Y, Wu J, Ni He-min*. Determination of the ovulation duration for domestic cats after superovulation during their non-breeding seasons. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2009, 35(10): 72-74
22. Liu LQ, Zhou WB, Gu S, Yang FG, Guo Y. Ovine Sperm Capacitation is not Affected by Their Reproductive Ducts during Different Reproductive Phases.Chinese Journal of Animal Science, 2008, 44(3): 13-15,
23. Zhang H, Liu YH, Ni HM, Yang FG, Liu LQ,Guo Y. Effect of Different Co-culture Cell Types on the Development of Ovine Parthenogenetic Embryos. Heilongjiang Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, 2008, 316(5): 8-12,
24. Li XY, Ni HM, Liu YH, Zhao YW, Qu YY, Liu JW, Guo Y. Effect of PGE2 ,PGF and
 Iloprost on Development in vitro of 2-cell Mouse Embryos. Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica , 2008,  16(2): 122-126,
    25. Bao WY, Liu YH, Guo Y, Xu Y, Wu J, Ni He-min*. Determination of the ovulation duration for domestic cats after superovulation during their Non-breeding seasons. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine,2008, 35(10): 72-74,
26. Li K, Zhao YW, Guo Y, Liu YH, Lu TG, Qu YY, Ni He-min*, Effect of E2 and P4 on maturation in vitro of oocytes from Kunming mouse. Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica , 2008,  16(4): 293-297,
    27. Yang FG, Ni HM, Guo Y, Liu LQ, Zhang H, Liu YH. Effect of Butyrolactone on in vitro maturation and fertilization of Ovine Oocytes. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, 2008, 16(1): 66-70,
28. Liu LQ, Liu YH, Ni HM, Xue JZ, Zhang JT, Bai JL,Guo Y.Comparision of Ovine Sperm Capacitation in Different Animal Reproductive Ducts. Heilongjiang Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, 2008, 312(1): 27-29,
29. Yang FG, Guo Y, Ni HM, Zhang H, Liu LQ, Xue JZ,Liu YH. Effect of Medium and Duration on In Vitro Maturation and Development of Ovine Parthenogenetic Embryos. Heilongjiang Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, 2008, 312(1): 33-35,
30. ZHAO YW, LI K, Qu YY, LU TG, Liu YH, Guo Y, Ni He-min*. Effect of LH and hCG on
In Vitro Maturation of Oocytes from Kunming Mouse. Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine, 2008, 18(2): 23-27,
31. Yang FG, Liu YH, Ni HM, Zhang H, Guo Y. Effect of Butyrolactone on Maturation in vitro and Developmental Competence of Ovine Oocytes. Chinese Journal of Animal Science, 2007, 43(23): 7-10,
33. Liu LQ, Liu CS, Guo Y, Ni HM, Zhang H, Yang FG, Liu YH. Comparison of CTC Staining and in Vitro Fertilization among Different Ovine Sperm Capacitation Methods. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2007,34(8): 31-34,
34. Zhang H, Liu YH, Ni HM, Yang FG, Liu LQ, Xue  JZ, Guo Y. Effect of Media and Serum Concentration on Development of Ovine Parthenogenetic Embryos. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2007,34(7): 32-34,
35. Xue JZ, Liu YH, Guo Y, Liu LQ, Zhang H, Yang FG, Ni He-min*. Effect of Different Concentrations of Progesterone on Ovine Sperm Capacitation in vitro, Journal of Guangxi Agric and Biol Science, 2006, 25(supp): 63-66,
36. rnal of China Agricultural University. 2001, 6 (1): 1-6,
37. Guo Yong, Ni Hemin, Xia Guoliang, Zhu Yuding. Progress in cloning mammals from somatic cells, Progress in Biotechnology (China), 2000, (20): 44-49,
38. Yuding Zhu, Yong Guo, Ni He-min*. Progress in biotechnology of small ruminants in China, Small Ruminant Research,  1999, (34): 203-213,
39. Ni He-min*, Guo Yong, et al. Study on oocyte taken from live cows, Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 1999, (5): 87-95,
40. Guo Yong, Ni Hemin, et al. Improvement of microinjection system for transgenic rabbit embryos. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 1998, (5): 69-74,
41. Guo Yong, Ni Hemin, et al. Progress on producing transgenic mammals by microinjection, Progress in Biotechnology(China), 1997, (1): 42-47,
Yang WS, Ni HM, Guo Y. Study on Superovulation in female rabbits, Laboratory Animal Science and Administration, 1996, (13): 8-11, 





Name and Gender Shen Hong, Female

Present employment Associate Professor, College of Animal Sciences and Technology, Beijing University of Agriculture (BUA), ChangPingDistrict, PO Box 102206, Beijing, China.

Tel: +861080799141, fax: +86 1080799141, e-mail: sh912@bua.edu.cn

Education Bachelor degree in Animal Medicine from AnhuiAgriculturalCollege, July 1985. Master of Science in Animal Nutrition and Feed Sciences from Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, July 2000. Ph.D. in Animal Physiology from China Agricultural University, July 2005.

Work Experience An Associate Professor, teaching Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology at College of Animal Sciences and Technology, Beijing University of Agriculture (BUA) from July 1985 to now. A Postdoctoral Fellow, working in Cell Biology at Zoology Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences from 2006 to 2009. A Visiting Scholar, work with research in Cell Immunology at AarhusUniversity in Denmark from October 2009 to October 2010.

Present research area

Research in Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology in domestic animals with special emphasis on chickens and pigs.Presiding and participating in a number of national and municipal research projects, and nearly 30 papers published in domestic and international core journals in recent years. The research mainly focuses on Chinese medicine and Veterinary drug. The work includes studies of immunomodulatory role of Chinese herbs in Animal disease control and prevention and development of specific methods for the analysis of veterinary medicine residues in animal food, which may be applicable to preventions of Animal infectious diseases and Animal food safety.
















Personal Resume

Li Huanrong, born in 1968, Ph.D., Professor, the associate dean and master instructor of animal sciences and technology college, received a Bachelor's degree in agronomy at the department of veterinary medicine of Henan Agricultural University in 1990, a master's degree in veterinary microbiology and immunology at Nanjing Agricultural University in 1995, and Ph.D degree in preventive veterinary medicine at China Agricultural University in 2007.

Field of research: animal etiology and immunology.

Taught undergraduate courses: veterinary microbiology, animal microbiology, animal virology, bacteriology of animal pathogens, aquatic animal diseases.

Taught graduate courses: advanced immunology, topics of preventive veterinary medicine, diagnostic techniques of veterinary medicine.

Awards: Mentor award in graduate employment outstanding contributions in 2011, and the 2nd science and technology progress award by the Ministry of Education in 1999 (fifth person to complete).

In addition, five books (including textbooks, a deputy editor) , more than 40 papers publishedincluding six SCI and 1 EI.

Presided over or participated in the project:

The National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2012: 'Effect of PCV2-infected porcine vascular endothelial cells on the differentiation and immune tolerance of blood-derived DCs’;

Sub-project of the Twelve-Five National Technological Support Plan of China during the year of 2011-2015;

Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation in 2006: ‘Role of porcine skin-derived dendritic cells during PCV2 infection in vivo‘;

Beijing Municipal Education Commission in 2008: Development of differential diagnosis method of TGEV and PRCV.






















    杨佐君,动物科学技术系教师,副教授。女,汉族,籍贯:河北。 1964.10月出生。1985年毕业于东北师范大学生物系,1999年于中国农业大学研究生班毕业,专业为动物组织胚胎学。从教21年,主要教授动物学、动物细胞生物学、组织胚胎学等课程。曾参于编写《细胞生物学》(高教出版社2006)、《家禽孵化手册》(中国农业大学出版社1999)等书。现担任动物科学技术系基础教研室教研室主任。主要从事动物细胞和细胞微环境等相关方向的科学研究工作。


    王金洛, 男,19566月生,四川省自贡市人,农学博士。现任北京市农林科学研究院研究员、副院长。研究方向:免疫学与畜禽疾病防治。先后主持或参加国家级和省(部)级多项科研课题,获得省(部)级科研教学奖3项,国家发明专利4项,在国内外核心刊物发表论文70余篇,主编(译)著作6部,参编审著作5部。社会兼职有中国畜牧兽医学会常务理事,全国动物生理生化学会常务理事,北京畜牧兽医学会理事长,北京市科协委员,北京技术市场协会副理事长,首都师范大学兼职教授。

1、使用PCR方法,以大肠杆菌质粒为模板扩增出traT基因(一种抗补体活性基因),并通过标记制备得到 traT-DIG 基因探针,使用该探针可检测出大肠杆菌菌株致病力的强弱,从而创建了一种检测大肠杆菌致病性的快速可靠的新方法。


    刘爵,男,1966年生,博士(后),现为北京市农林科学院畜牧兽医研究所研究员。2000年中国农业大学博士研究生毕业。2000年至2002年新加坡国立大学分子农业生物学院访问科学家(Visiting Scientist)。2002年至2006年新加坡国立大学淡马锡生命科学研究院(前身为分子农业生物学院)博士后研究员(Research Fellow)。中国畜牧兽医学会禽病学分会理事、世界禽病学会会员、北京微生物学会兽医微生物委员会委员。国家肉鸡产业技术体系疾病控制研究室岗位专家。2008年入选北京市市级新世纪百千万人才工程。
以第一完成人获2006年农业部“新兽药注册证书”和2007年度北京市科学技术三等奖, 参与建立并完成《传染性囊病诊断技术》国家标准(第二完成人)。在国际权威病毒学刊物如《JournalofVirology》、《Virology》和《VirusGenes》上第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI收录论文14篇。



代表性论文与成果:1Susceptibility and transmissibility of pigeons to Asian lineage highly pathogenic avian influenza virus subtype H5N1;(2Influenza virus receptors in pigeon’s respiratory and intestinal tracts;3)鸡、鸽、虎呼吸道和消化道粘膜上皮细胞表面流感病毒受体类型的检测;(4)鸽等动物禽流感流行病学与免疫防治的研究;(5)禽流感H5亚型HI抗原与阴、阳性血清。
联系方式:010-51503475(办)     13641247600   


长期从事兽医影响临床实验与科研工作,精通动物X线、 超声、CT和核磁共振等影像诊断技术。目前主要主持综合影像诊断法相关的临床研究X线、超声波、内窥镜、T和核磁共振等综合诊断法的有效性研究;恶性肿瘤的放射线疗法研究—最佳放疗条件研究;动物椎间盘病新激光照射微创疗法研究;高压疗法动物疾病治疗的有效性研究等科研项目,指导博士研究生多人,发表学术论文多篇、专译著多部。



·          Huiqin Duan, Yongdong Zhang, Jianqin Xu, Jian Qiao Zhanwei Suo, Ge Hu, Xiang Mu*. Effect of anemonin on NOET-1 and ICAM-1 production in rat intestinal microvascular endothelial cells. Journal of Ethnopharmacology2006104(3)362-366
·          段慧琴,乔健,张永东,索占伟,穆祥*,许剑琴*. LPS对大鼠肠黏膜微血管内皮细胞分泌NO的影响. 畜牧兽医学报,2005369):974-976
·          段慧琴,穆祥,许剑琴.中草药制剂防治仔猪黄白痢的研究现状. 动物医学进展,2005261):43-45
·          段慧琴,张永东,范开,索占伟,胡格,穆祥*.七叶亭抗炎机理研究. 中国兽医杂志,2007439):45-46
·          段慧琴,许剑琴,张永东,穆祥*.小檗碱对脂多糖致肠粘膜微血管内皮细胞NO分泌的影响,中国兽医杂志,2007437):54-55
·          段慧琴,张永东,索占伟,胡格,穆祥*.白头翁素对RIMEC分泌功能的影响,中兽医医药杂志,200737-9
·          段慧琴,张永东,穆祥*.微血管内皮细胞的体外分离培养方法概述,动物医学进展,2007284):93-96
DUAN HUIQIN Female,9/14/73,Associate Professor, Department of Animal Science and Technology, Beijing Agricultural College, Beijing, China, for Chinese Traditional medicine and Animal histology, 2001;Emal:dhq0113@sina.com
Herbal Pharmacology
Ph.D.   China Agricultural University, Veterinary pathobiology, 2005.
M.S.    China Agricultural University, Veterinary Medicine, 2000.
B.S.    Inner Mongolia University For Nationalities, Veterinary Medicine, 1997.
1.Huiqin Duan, Yongdong Zhang, Jianqin Xu, Jian Qiao,Zhanwei Suo, Ge Hu, Xiang Mu*.Effect of anemonin on NO、ET-1 and ICAM-1 production in rat intestinal microvascular endothelial cells. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2006, 104(3):362-366
2.Huiqin Duan, Jian Qiao, Yongdong Zhang, et al. Effects of Lipopolysaccharide on the Production of Nitric Oxide in Intestinal Mucosa Microvascular Endothelial Cells in vitro. Chinese Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences.2005,36(9),974-976
3.Huiqin Duan, Xiang Mu, Jianqin Xu. Review of Prevention and Cure of Colibacillosis in Piglet by Traditional Chinese Medicine. Progress In Veterinary Medicine. 2005,26(1),43-45
4. Huiqin Duan, Fan Kai,Yongdong Zhang,Zhanwei Suo, Ge Hu, Xiang Mu*. The study on anti-inflammatory mechanism of esculetin.Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 2007,43(9):45-46.
5. Huiqin Duan, Xiang Mu, Yongdong Zhang,Xiang Mu*. Effect of berberine on NO production in rat intestinal microvascular endothelial cells,Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine,2007,43(7):54-55
6.DUAN Hui qin, SUO Zhan wei, HU Ge, MU Xiang*. Effects of anemonin on the secretiory function of rat intestinalmucosam icrovascular endothelial cells. Journal of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine. 2007,3:7-9
7.      Huiqin Duan, Yongdong ZhangXiang Mu*. Microvascular endothelial cells in vitro methods overview.Progress in Veterinary Medicine,2007284):93-96












Hua Yao is working at Beijing University of Agriculture in the College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine. She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Veterinary Medicine from China Agricultural University and immediately began research on pathology. Two years later, Hua returned to Beijing University of Agriculture to work in Internal Veterinary Medicine with a special emphasis on diagnosis and treatment of small animal disease and metabolic disease in animals. She is currently a lecturer for undergraduate students in diagnosing and treating patients, and for graduate students in the development of clinical veterinary medicine. Her research focuses on the mechanism of canine mammary tumor. She also has had the opportunity to teach in the Animal Teaching Hospital at Beijing University. Her future goals include studying the best method for pathologic diagnoses using animal tumor cases as well as the classification of tumors.











Dr. Daixun Jiang (1978~), male, associate professor. He graduated from the China Agricultural University and obtained PhD degree of clinical veterinary medicine in June, 2007, then worked at Beijing Key Laboratory of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine up to now. He presides and participates in several national and provincial scientific research projects, and now preside the projects such as “Study of phosphodiesterase 4 herbal inhibitor on cellular adhesion molecule expression in pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells” (National Natural Science Foundation, 2012-2014), “Study on the effect of phosphodiesterase 4 in neutrophil adhesion and the relative herbal regulation” (Beijing Natural Science Foundation, 2011-2013) and ” Anti-inflammatory ingredients’ screening and application in phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitive herbs Baishao and Lugen” (General Program of Science and Technology Planning Program of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, 2010-2012). At present, he mainly goes in for the researches about the anti-inflammatory mechanism of herbs and related acupuncture mechanism of action, and has made certain progress in the study of phosphodiesterase expression, activity assay and the regulation of herbs and the mechanism of acupuncture treating animal “flaccidity syndrome”. He has published more than 10 research papers in the domestic and foreign academic journals. Now he serves as the vice secretary-general of Asian Society of Traditional Veterinary Medicine








Sun YingJian, PhD, Associate professor. She received her BSc degree (major in veterinary medicine) from Beijing Agriculture College in 1992, and MSc and PhD degree (major in basis veterinary medicine) from Veterinary Medicine College of China Agriculture University in 2003 and 2009 respectively. She is a member of China Society of Toxicology. She is also a member of councils of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology and Veterinary Food Hygiene, China Society of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine. Now, she has been teaching the courses of Animal Food Hygiene and Veterinary Public Health. She has been studying in the areas, which are related to Veterinary Pharmacology and Chinese Traditional Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacology,Molecular Toxicology. In recent years, more than seven research projects have been carried out (including participated) in her lab. She has published over 20 papers in the academic journals and 4 books (in Chinese), 5 of which in the SCI journals and there are 2 papers of which the influence factor is above 3.




胡 格,男,1973年出生,理学博士,副教授,内蒙古通辽市人。






Hu Ge, male, born in 1973, Ph.D, associate professor, from Tongliao, Inner Mongolia.

Graduated from College of Biology of China Agricultural University with Ph.D in 2008. Graduated from Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University with a master's degree in Basic Veterinary Science in 2001. Graduated from Inner Mongolia Agricultural University with a bachelor's degree in Veterinary Science in 1997. Taught "animal anatomy" and "Animal Histology and Embryology" in Beijing university of Agricultural since 2001. Editor of 5 textbooks.

The main research direction is animal histology and embryology, antiviral mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine. Had completed a project for National Natural Science Foundation, a  project for Beijing Nova program; hosting a project for science and technology of Beijing Municipal Education Commission, a project for Academic Human Resources Development in Institutions of higher Learning Under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Muncipality - the Young Backbone Teachers, participating in 3 projects for Academic Human Resources Development in Institutions of higher Learning Under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Muncipality - Innovative Team. Elected to Beijing Nova program in 2006, got "Beijing Youth Backbone Teachers" title in 2009. Received the 3rd Pride for Beijing Science and Technology Progress and two national invention patents, published more than 30 papers, including five in SCI. As part-time committee   of  Beijing Association of Anatomy.







  侯晓林(1973- 男,山西人,副教授,中国农业大学博士,中国疾控中心博士后。已主持863课题,博士后自然基金各一项,申请国家专利3项,发表SCI论文近20篇,现主持国家科技支撑子课题一项。主要从事兽药药理与毒理学,动物性食品安全。








通讯地址:北京市昌平区回龙观北农路7 兽医学(中医药)北京市重点实验室 邮编:102206




Hong Dong: PhD. Associate Professor.

Beijing Key Laboratory of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine,

Animal Science and Technology College, Beijing University of Agriculture.



AddressNO. 7 Beinong Road, Huilongguan Town, Changping District, Beijing 102206, China. 
Dr. Hong Dong (1978- ), graduated with a B.S. from The Rongchang campus of Southwestern University in 2001, and then obtained Ph.D. from China Agricultural University of Traditional Veterinary medicine. Dr. Dong is now an associate professor in the Beijing Key Laboratory of TCVM, Beijing University of Agriculture, with her research interests specially focusing on molecular mechanism research of Traditional Veterinary Medicine on prevention and control of animal diseases.

Grant Support:

National Natural Science Foundation of China “The Mechanism of Chinese Medicine Ingredients Increasing the Amplitude of Vasomotion of Microvascular Endothelial Cell Resist Damage of Pathogenic Factor” (31101850 PI) 2012.1-2014.12 

Beijing Natural Science Foundation“The effect of microvascular endothelial cell damaged by bacteriotoxin on neutrophil activity and the regulation mechanisms of Chinese medical prescription” (6132007 PI) 2013.1-2015.15

Science and Technology Project of Beijing Municipal Education Commission “The Antipyretic Mechanism of XijiaoDihuang Decoction” (KM201210020008 PI) 2012.1-2014.12 

The State Key Program of three funds of Beijing University of Agriculture “The Antipyretic Mechanism of Chinese Medicine and Screening of Effective Components” (PI) 2011.1-2012.12

Beijing Association for Science and Technology Project “Extract Preparation of PingWei Powder and Clinical Pharmacodynamic research” (PI) 2011.1-2012.12  

Representative Publications

1.       Hong Dong., Zhang Y.D., Liu F.H., Yang K., Yu J., Xu J.Q.. Regulating Effects and Mechanisms of Chinese Medicine Decoction on Growth and Gut Hormone Expression in Heat Stressed Pigs. Livestock Science, 2012, 143:77-84
2.       Hong Dong, Xiaoyu Liu, Tao Zhang, Daixun Jiang, Effects of astragaloside increased the amplitude of  microvascular vasomotion on the gene expression of rat myocardium microvascular endotheliasl cells. 4th Conference of the Asian Society of Traditional Veterinary Medicine, 2012, 71-72
3.       Hong Dong., Wu W., Ma Z., Lv J., Zhang T., Mu X. Acute Toxicity and Pharmacodynamics Experiment of Mubingxiaohuang Powder. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2011,47(1):52-54
4.       Hong Dong, Liu F.H., Yang K., Xu J.Q.. Traditional Chinese medicine prescription enhances intestinal digestion and absorption in heat stress rats by regulating the CCK, SST GAST and GIP. The Journal of Japanese Society of Traditional Veterinary Medicine, 2010, 18(1):171-182
5.       Hong Dong, Yang K., Mu X., Liu F.H., Xu J.Q.. Effects of Chinese medicinal prescription on Jejunum Hsp70 in rat under heat stimulation. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 2010, 12: 10-12.
6.       Hong Dong, Liu F.H., Mu X., Zhang Y.D., Xu J.Q. Effect of Sijunzi Decoction on the Expression of mRNA of VIP and SS of Beijing Duck with Spleen Deficiency. Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2006, 37(10): 042-1046 

7.       Hong Dong, Mu X., Liu F.H., Wang Z.L., Xu J.Q. Effect of Dangshen and Baizhu on Expression of mRNA of CCK, VIP and SS from Beijing Duck with Spleen Deficiency. Chinese Journal of Animal Science, 2006, 42(23):22-25

8.       Hong Dong, Mu X., Liu F.H., Zhang Y.D., Xu J.Q. Cloning and sequencing analysis of VIP gene from Beijing duck. Journal of China Agricultural University. 2006, 11(4): 29-32

9.       Hong Dong, Liu F.H., Zhang Y.D., Xu J.Q. Advance in the Effects of Functional Regulation of Exocrine Pancreatic Secretion. Progress in Veterinary Medicine, 2005, 26(10): 19-22


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