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主讲研究生课程“果树种质资源学”等,研究方向为园艺植物发育生物学与种质资源创新。重点研究花果发育的生物学机制与调控技术,主持完成国家自然科学基金等国家及市部级项目10余项。培育板栗新品种共2个,发表研究论文40余篇。获教育部科技进步二等奖及市级科技与推广奖共5项。2008年承办国际园艺学会每4年一届的“第四届国际板栗学术会议”,主编国际园艺学会主办的《Acta Horticulturae》第844卷。



Dr. Shaohui Wang



Huilongguan Zhen Beinonglu 7,

Changping District,

College of Plant science and technology

Beijing University of Agriculture

P.R.C 102206

Office Phone: +86-10-80799143
wshdjs@vip.sina.com, wangshaohui@bac.edu.cn

Current Position

Professor of Horticultural Science

  Breeding and genetics of radish with resistance to low temperature

  Environmental stress (water, light, disease ) on cucumber and tomato

  Resistant Mechanism of Tomato to Root Knot Nematodes: Graft, Phloem transport Protein and small RNAS.

Breeding and genetics of tomato (eggplant, pepper) with resistance to nematode


Academic Affairs

  Train graduate students:

9 M.S. (+5 in progress)

68 Bachelors  (+6 in progress)

Teach “Vegetable Crop Production”, “Soiless Cultivation”, “ Protected Horticulture”






Post Doctor

China Agriculture University


Vegetable molecular biology

Ph. D.

China Agriculture University



M. S.

Shandong Agriculture University



A. B.

Shandong Agriculture University





Professional experience






Plant. Sci.& Tech., Beijing University of Agriculture

2002 – 2009

Associate Professor

Plant. Sci.& Tech., Beijing University of Agriculture


Assistant Professor

Hort. Sci., Beijing Agriculture College

Grant Funding

1 Function of jasmonic acid mediated long distance signal in grafted tomato with resistance to root knot nematode. 130,000.0 C, 2009.01-2011.12. Supported by Beijing Natural Science Foundation.

2 Studies of the Relationship between Jasmonic acid mediated Phloem Transported Protein and Resistance to Root-knot Nematodes of Tomato.20,000.0 RMB, 2010.01-2012.12. Supported by Ministry of Education of P.R.China.

3 Identification and Function of root-knot nematodes induced miRNAs transported through phloem which regulate jasmonic acid synthesize.630,000.0 RMB, 2012.01-2015.12. Supported by National Science Foundation Commission.

Selected Recently Funded Projects

1 The role of systen-jasmonic acid in the resistance to nematode of tomato: ¥50,000.0 RMB, 2006.01-2008.12. Supported by Beijing Municipal Government.

2 Germplasm Collection of Tomato and rootstocks with resistance to nematodes: ¥30,000.0 RMB, 2004.01-2005.12. Supported by Beijing Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs

3 Innovation and utilization of the germplasm of Tomato and rootstocks with resistance to nematodes: ¥280,000.0 RMB, 2004.07-2007.12. Supported by Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission.

4 Breeding and genetics of radish with resistance to low temperature: ¥90,000.0 RMB, 2006.01-2008.12. Supported by Beijing Municipal Commission of Education

5 Clone and function analysis of GVDE promoter: ¥32,000.0 RMB, 2008.01-2010.12. Supported by National Science Foundation Commission.

6 Effect of light quality on peach and cucumber quantity under solar greenhouse. ¥120,000.0 RMB, 2002.01-2004.12. Supported by Beijing Municipal Commission of Education.

7 Grafting of tomato and pepper: ¥100,000.0 RMB, 2005.01-2006.12. Supported by Beijing Municipal Commission of Education.

8 Technique for growing cucumber under solar greenhouse: ¥500,000.0, 2006.01-2006.12. Supported by National Science Foundation Commission..

Honors and Awards                                

1 The 8th Beijing Science and technology institute “Excellent paper award.(2006)

2 Excellent courseware awards: Beijing university of agriculture (2006).

3 Shandong Science and technology progress second prize (2002)

4 Beijing Science and technology progress second prize (2006)

5 “Excellent Post doctor of Beijing” (2010)

6 Scholar of Great Wall (2012)

Membership in Professional Organizations

Beijing Society of Vegetable Science

China Society of Horticultural Science

International Society of Horticultural Science

Selected Reviewed Publications

1  Shaohui Wang, Yun Kong, Yuncong  Yao. Difference in photosynthetic performance among three peach cultivars grown under low light condition in greenhouse. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011,10(8):1347-1352

2 Rui Yang , Jihong Cheng, Chen Zhang, Shao-hui Wang. Selection of tomato cultivars with resistance to root knot nematodes. ICEE,20119:7807-7810 (Corresponding Author)

3 Hua ChenXianyun Du, Hui Lei, Shaohui Wang. Transport Tracer in Phloem between Scion and Stock of Graft Tomato.ICEE,2011, 98920-8722(Corresponding Author)

4 Du Xianyun Cheng JIhong, Lei Hui, Wang Shaohui. Effects of Vernalization on Carbohydrate Content in leaves and flashy taproot of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) during flashy taproot development. ICEE,2011,9:7553-7556 (Corresponding Author)

5 Shaohui Wang, Liping Hu, Jianlei Sun, Xiaolei Sui, Yuxia Wei, Zhenxian Zhang. Effects of exogenous abscisic acid on leaf carbohydrate metabolism during cucumber seedling dehydration. Plant Growth Regulation.2012, 66(1):87-93 DOI 10.1007/s10725-011-9632-8

6 Lining Zhang, Hui Lei, Rui Yang, Hua Chen, Jihong Cheng and Shaohui Wang. Effects of Jasmonate on Proteinase Inhibitor II and Variation in Tomato Response to Root-Knot Nematodes. 2011, Acta Hort. 917,249-252  ISHS 2011 (Corresponding Author)

7 Jiayi Xing, Hui Lei, Jihong Cheng, Rui Yang, Shaohui Wang. Optimization of SDS-PAGE procedures for analyzing the total protein in seeding roots of Lycopersicon esculentum.Agriculrural Science & Technology, 2011,12(12):1784-1786 (Corresponding Author)

8 Liping Hu, Huihui Sun, Ruifu Li, Lingyun Zhang, Shaohui Wang, Xiaolei Sui, Zhenxian Zhang .Phloem unloading follows an extensive apoplasmic pathway in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) fruit from anthesis to marketable maturing stage. Plant, Cell and Environment (2011) 34, 1835–1848 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2011.02380.x 

9 Shaohui Wang, Xiaolei Sui, Jianlei Sun, Yuxia Wei, Liping Hu, Zhenxian Zhang.  Effects of exogenous abscisic acid treatment of cucumber seeds on seedling growth and water-stress tolerance. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 201038(1):8-21 DOI: 10.1080/01140671003619274  ISSN 0114-0671

10 Liping Hu, Fanzhen Meng, Shaohui Wang, Xiaolei Sui, Wei Li, Yuxia We, Jianlei Sun, Zhenxian Zhang. Changes in carbohydrate levels and their metabolic enzymes in leaves, phloem sap and mesocarp during cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) fruit development. Scientia Horticulturae2009121(2): 131-137

   http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2009.01.023 (Equally contributed to the paper as the first authors)

11 Fan-Zhen Meng1, Li-Ping Hu1, Shao-Hui Wang1, Xiao-lei Sui, Li wei, Yu-xia Wei, Jian-lei Sun, Zhen-xian Zhang. Effects of exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) on cucumber seedling leaf carbohydrate metabolism under low temperature. Plant growth regulation, 2008, 563):233-244   DIO 10.1007/s10725-008-9303-6 (Equally contributed to the paper as the first authors)

12 Wang Shaohui, Kong Yun, Zhang Jie,Yao Yuncong. Influence of low light on photosynthssis rate and carbohydrates in peach leaves. Acta Horticulturea, 2008,772, 283-286 

13 Shaohui Wang, R Yang, J Zhao. J Li. Comparison of the blossom data and nutrition quality of some radish cultuvars. Acta Horticulturea, 2008, 769, 97-102  

14 Shao-hui Wang, Yun Kong, Rui Yang,Ji-hong Cheng and Jin-fang Zhao,Li-shan Si. Studies and Selection of Four Tomato Cultivars on the Resistance to Race 3 Meloidogyne incognita Nematodes. Acta Hort. 821, ISHS 2009,95-98  ISBN 978-90-66052-69-7  2009.03

15 Rui Yang, Jihong Cheng, Chen Zhang, Shao-hui Wang. Selection of tomato cultivars with resistance to root knot nematodes. ICEE,20119:7807-7810

16 Transport Tracer in Phloem between Scion and Stock of Graft Tomato. ICEE, 2011, 98920-8722

17 Shao-hui Wang, Yun Kong, Rui Yang,Ji-hong Cheng and Jin-fang Zhao,Li-shan Si. Studies and Selection of Four Tomato Cultivars on the Resistance to Race 3 Meloidogyne incognita Nematodes. Acta Hort. 821, ISHS 2009,95-98

18 S Wang, R Yang, J Cheng, J Zhao.Effect of rootstocks on the tolerance to high temperature of eggplants under solar greenhouse during summer season. Acta Horticultural. 2007,761,357-362

 19 Shaohui Wang, Shuangxi Fan, Yun Kong, Qingjun Chen.Effect of light quality on the growth and photosynthethetic characteristics of cucumber Cucumis sativus L. under solar greenhouse. Acta Horticulturea, 2007,731, 243-250

20 Shaohui Wang, Fuman Zhang. Effect of different water treatments on photosynthesis characteristics and leaf ultrastructure of cucumber growing in solar greenhouse.  Acta Horticultural. 2004633398-401

21 WANG Shao-hui, ZHANG Fu-man. Effect of water treatments on ABA and polyamine content of cucumber growing in solar greenhouse.  Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2004, 24(12): 2848-2852

22 Shaohui Wang, RuiYang, Jinfang Zhao, Diqin Chen, Lilin Xu. Evaluation and analysis the quality of radish. China vegetable,2006, 4:22-23(in Chinese)

23 Shaohui Wang, Fuman Zhang .Effect of Water Deficiency on Growth and Metabolization of Some Matter of Cucumber in Solar Greenhouse. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2004,316:743-746(in Chinese)

24 WANG Shao_Hui ZHANG Fu_Man. Effect of Different Water Treatments on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Cucumber Plants Growing in Solar Greenhouse. Chinese Bulletin of Botany,2002,19(6):727-733 (in Chinese)

25 Fan Shuangxi; Wang Shaohui. Endurance to high temperature stress of grafted tomato. Transactions of The Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2005s):60-63 (in Chinese)

26 Guan Meizhi;; Fan Shuangxi; Wang Shaohui; Qin Yong; Gao Jie. Effect of Various Root Stocks on the Growth and of Grafted Tomato in Different Period under Solar Hreenhouse. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 20059):324-326(in Chinese)

Book Chapters

1 Wang Yu, Wang Shaohui.Sightseeing vegetable for pot cultivation,China forest press,2002.

2 WangShaohui, Zhao Jinfang. How to progress vegetables production in suburb besides big city. Jindun Press, 2006

3 Zhenxian Zhang, Xizhen AI, Shaohui Wang, Xiaolei Sui..How to grow ginger, China agriculture press,2006

4 Zhenxian Zhang, Shaohui Wang,. How to grow Chinese cabbage. China agriculture university press,2007

Research Interestings

Small RNAs induced by root knot nematodes

Small RNAs and JA

Root stocks for horticulture



万平博士后,教授,硕导,北京农学院小豆研究团队带头人。2000年,在南京农业大学获农学博士学位。2000-2002,中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所博士后。 2011年,在日本National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences进行合作研究。2009年到英国Harper Adams University College做访问学者。研究方向:小豆及其近缘物种分子遗传与育种。主要从事食用豆类分子遗传与育种、基因定位和克隆及功能分析、转基因、豆科比较基因组学、种质资源创新与利用研究。长期从事植物分子遗传学与育种的科研和教学工作,在植物育种、基因定位、基因克隆与功能分析、比较基因组学研究方面积累了丰富的经验。参加过多项国家高科技攀登计划“863”、“973”、重大研究项目,主持完成科研项目4项。在研项目5项,主持国家自然科学基金1项和北京市教委在研项目3项,参与国家转基因专项研究。主持育成小豆新品种京农21号,京农22号,多次出席国际学术会议。
已在Plant Molecular Biology》、《Euphytic》、《Agricultural Science & Technology》、《Legume Genomics and GeneticsAfrican Journal of Biotechnology《中国农业科学》、《作物学报》、《遗传学报》、《植物学报》、《分子植物育种》等国内外核心刊物上发表论文40多篇,其中SCI论文4篇。副主编全国农林高等院校“十一五”规划教材《应用文写作》、参编国家“十一五”规划教材《农学概论》、参编国家“十二五”规划教材《农业生物技术》和《细胞遗传学》,副主编高等学校教材《蛋白质工程简明教》,出版农业科技著作1部。
1. Wan-Xia Luo, Yi-Song Li, Bao-Mei Wu, Yu-Er Tian, Bo Zhao, Li Zhang, Kai Yang and Ping Wan* *通讯作者). Effects of electron beam radiation on trait mutation in azuki bean (Vigna angularisi). African Journal of Biotechnology, 2012,11(66):12939-12950
2. 赵波,叶剑,金文林,曾潮武,吴宝美,濮绍京,潘金豹,万平*(*通讯作者) 不同类型小豆种质SSR标记遗传多样性及性状关联分析. 中国农业科学,2011,44(4): 673-682
3. Wu Baomei Liu Hongxia Zhao Bo Tong Xing Zhao Qingmu Wan Ping *(*通讯作者) Colchicine-Induced Trait Variations in Azuki Bean (Vigna angularis). Legume Genomics and Genetics,  2010, 1 (7): 1-8,DOI:10.5376/lgg. 2010.01.0007
4. 田玉娥,刘红霞,赵波,曹劲宏,宋云星,张李,吴宝美,万平*(*通讯作者),小豆组织培养和植株再生研究,分子植物育种,2011,9:1267-1273
5. 佟星,赵波,金文林,曾潮武,刘红霞,吴宝美,濮绍京,陈学珍,潘金豹,万平**通讯作者) 理化诱变小豆京农6号突变体的鉴定. 作物学报,2010,36(4): 565-573
6. Ping Wan(*通讯作者), Xing Tong, Wenlin Jin, Bo Zhao, Chaowu Zeng, Shaojing Pu, Bomei Wu Construction and Identification of Mutant Populations Induced by Physical and Chemical Mutagens in Azuki Bean (Vigna angularisi). 5th International Food Legume Research Conference (IFLRC V) & 7th European Conference on Grain Legumes (AEP VIII), BOOK OF ABSTRUCTS, April 26-30, 2010, Antalya, Turkey, p195
7. Ping Wan*(*通讯作者), Chaowu Zeng, Bo Zhao, Baomei Wu, Shaojing Pu, Wenlin Jin Genetic Diversity and DNA Fingerprint Analysis in Wild, Weedy and Cultivated Azuki Bean (Vigna angularis) Using SSR Markers. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Plant Molecular Breeding, Beijing, September 5-9, 2010, China, p162-163
8. Tong Xing, Zhan Bo,Jing Wen-lin, Zeng Chao-wu, Liu Hong-xia, Wu Bao-mei, Pu Shao-jing, Wan Ping(*通讯作者). Screening of Leaf Shape Mutants Induced by EMS and Analysis of Agronomic Traits in Adzuki Bean (Vigna angularis) . Agricultural Science & Technology2010112):48-51
9. 曾潮武金文林赵波黄普菊佟星濮绍京孙万仓,万平(*通讯作者). 太空诱变红小豆后代农艺性状变异研究. 分子植物育种,2010,8(2): 329-334
10.             Ping Wan, lijun Ling, Shuanghe Cao, Hongqing Ling, Lihong Zhu, and Xiangqi Zhang Isolation, chromosomal location and expression analysis of putative powdery mildew resistance genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) .  Euphytic, 2007155:125–133

Curriculum Vitae





College of Plant Science and Technology , Beijing University of Agriculture , Huilongguan Beinonglu 7Changping DistrictBeijing , 102206, P. R. China

Email: pingwan3@yahoo.com.cnpingwan@bua.edu.cn

   Tel: 86-10-80799134, Mobile telephone: 86-10-13051620978






Ph.D., Plant Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China, September 1995-July 2000

Supervisor: Professor Dajun Liu, Academician of China National Engineering Academy

Dissertation: Molecular mapping of dwarf gene Rht3 in wheat and homoeologous grouping of R.kamoji chromosomes introduced in wheat using RFLP molecular markers


Master's degree, Plant Genetics and Breeding, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei, China, September July 1988

Thesis: Studies of Chromosomes C-banding and G-banding patterns of  Nuclear Sterile

Lines and Their Maintenance Lines in Maize


BachelorAgronomyAnhui Agricultural University, Hefei, China, July 1983



Professor  2005-Present


PI of legumes research Lab, College of Plant Science and Technology, Beijing University of Agriculture , Beijing, P.R.China

Research Interests:

l          Azuki bean (Vigna angularis) genomics and functional genomics.

l          Molecular breeding of azuki bean and relative species.

l          Comparative genomics between azuki bean and legumes.

l          Transgene of iron uptake gene into azuki bean and soybean

l          Mapping and cloning of agronomic trait and other genes in azuki bean

l          Genetic diversity, origin and evolution research of azuki bean and species in Vigna L


Cooperative research, 2011

National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences in Japan


Visiting Scholar, 2009

Harper Adams University College in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Research Associate, 2003-2005

Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China

Research project: Comparative mapping, positional cloning and functional analysis of liguleless and auricleless genes in rice

·        Fine Mapped the rice liguleless and auricleless genes (lg, lg-T65, aur1) to a 50 kb DNA fragment region

·        Cloned and sequenced the candidate genes (lg, lg-T65, aur1) that are orthologs of lg1(liguleless1 gene) in maize

·        Complemented experiment and analyzed the functions of these candidate genes

·        Genome-wide Analysis of the GRAS gene family in Rice and Arabidoposis.

·        Assisted lab management

·        Trained Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows with the molecular biological techniques and experimental skills

Postdoctoral Research Associate, 2000-2002

Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS, Beijing, China

Research project: Cloning, mapping and expression analysis of putative powdery mildew resistance genes and zinc finger protein gene in wheat

·        Developed populations for genetic mapping of the wheat powdery mildew resistance genes

·        Constructed and screened a cDNA library challenged with wheat powdery mildew pathogens

·        Isolated three full-length cDNA clones (TaMla-1, TaMla-2 and TaMla-3) encoded Mla-like proteins from a powdery mildew resistance line of wheat

·        Mapped the three genes to Chromosomes 1AL and 1BL and analyzed expression patterns of these genes.


Ph.D Research,1995-2000

·        Mapped dwarf gene Rht3 to the short arm of homologous group 4 (4A, 4B) in wheat with RFLP markers by southern bloting.

·        Identified 16 wheat-Roegneria. kamogi (a relative species with wheat, resistant disease of Fusarium graminea) alien chromosomal addition, substitution and translocation lines by RFLP markers.

Associate Professor, 1999-2000

Biotechnology Research Center, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei, China

Studied on molecular biology,

·        Served as a principal investigator for two granted research programs from 1997 through 2000: ‘Molecular genetics and breeding of pre-harvest sprouting resistance in wheat’ and ‘Molecular markers and mapping of dwarf genes in wheat’

·        Taught two undergraduate courses: Molecular Biology and Cytoengineering



1. Wan-Xia Luo, Yi-Song Li, Bao-Mei Wu, Yu-Er Tian, Bo Zhao, Li Zhang, Kai Yang and  Ping Wan (Corresponding author) ( 2012) Effects of electron beam radiation on trait mutation in azuki bean (Vigna angularisi).  African Journal of Biotechnology 11(66)12939-12950

2. Zhao Bo, Ye Jian, JIn Wen-lin, Zeng Chao-wu, Wu Bao-mei, Pu Shao-jing, Pan Jin-bao, Wan Ping  (Corresponding author) ( 2011) Analysis on Genetic Diversity and Trait Association of Different Types of Azuki Bean (Vigna angularisi) by SSR Markers. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 444:673-682

3. Tong Xing, ZhaoBo, Jin Wenlin, Zeng Chaowu1, Liu Hongxia, Wu Baomei, Pu Shaojing, Chen Xuezhen, Pan Jinbao, and Wan Ping (Corresponding author)  (2010)  Identification of Mutants from Azuki Bean (Vigna angularisi) Jingnong 6 Seed Induced by Physical and Chemical Agents. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 36(4): 565573

4. Zeng Chaowu,  Jin Wenlin, Zhao Bo, Huang Puju, Tong Xing,  Pu haojing , Sun Wancang  Wan Ping (Corresponding author)  (2010)  Studies on Agronomic Trait of the Progeny of Azuki Bean by Space-induced. Molecular Plant Breeding, 8(2): 329-334

5. Tong Xing, Zhan Bo, Jing Wen-lin, Zeng Chao-wu, Liu Hong-xia, Wu Bao-mei, Pu Shao-jing, Wan Ping (Corresponding author)  (2010) Screening of Leaf Shape Mutants Induced by EMS and Analysis of Agronomic Traits in Adzuki Bean (Vigna angularis) . Agricultural Science & Technology, 11(2):48-51

6. Wu Baomei, Zhao Bo, Zhang Li, Tian Yue, Pu Shaojing, Tong Xing, Wan Ping  (Corresponding author)  (2010) Analysis on Nodulation Inoculated with Rhizobia in Azuki Bean(Vigna angularisi). Journal of Beijing University of Agricultural, 25(3): 5-10

7. Wan Ping (Corresponding author), Liu Hongxia, Tong Xing, Zhao Bo, Zhao Qingmu,  Pu Shaojing, Sun Wancang  (2009)  Colchicine-Induced Variations in Characters of Adzuki Bean. Molecular Plant Breeding, 7(6): 1169-1175

8. Zhao Bo, Jin Wenling Pu Shaojing, Guo Bei and Wan Ping (Corresponding author)  (2008)  DNA Fingerprint and Relative Relationship of New Varieties and Lines of Azuki Bean by SSR Markers. Journal of Beijing University of Agricultural, 23(3):10-13

9. Ye Jian, Zhao Bo, Tong Xing , Pu Shaojing Wan Ping (Corresponding author)  (2008)  Genetic Diversity of Cultivated Adzuki Bean (Vigna angularis) Germplasm Resources Based on SSR Markers.  Journal of Beijing University of Agricultural, 23(1):1-6

10. Ping Wan, Lijun Ling, Shuanghe Cao, Xianping Wang, Wenjun Zhang, Hongqing Ling, Lihuang Zhu and Xiangqi Zhang  (2007)  Isolation, chromosomal location, and expression analysis of putative powdery mildew resistance genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Euphytic, 155:125–133

11. Wanxin Tao, Shaojin Pu, Wenlin Jin, Bo Zhao, Ping Wan  (2007)  The Morphological Diversity Analysis of Wild Adzuki Bean Germplasm Resources. Acta Agronomica Sinaca, 82):174-178

12. Ping Wan, lijun Ling, Wenjun Zhang, Hongqing Ling, Lihong Zhu, Xiangqi Zhang (2004) Cloning, Sequence and Expression Analysis of a Zinc Finger Protein Gene in Wheat. Acta Genetica Sinica, 31(9): 22-27 (in English)

13. Chaoguang Tian, Ping Wan , Shouhong Sun, Jiayang Li, and Mingsheng Chen (2004). Genome-wide Analysis of the GRAS gene family in Rice and Arabidoposis. Plant Molecular Biology, 54(4): 519-532 (Worked on expressing and identifying GRAS family genes)

14. Shuanghe Cao, Ping Wan, Xianqi Zhang (2004). Isolation and Charaterization of Mla-like genes of wheat. Acta Botanica Sinica. 46(6): 744-750 (Worked on isolating, mapping genes and analyzing their expressed patterns)

15. Ping Wan Suling Wang , Zhengqiang Ma, Peidu Chen and Dajun Liu (2002). Homoeologous Grouping of R. kamoji chromosomes introduced in wheat using RFLP molecular marker. Acta Genetica Sinica, 29(2):153-160

16. Yongming Gao, Ping Wan (2002) Studies of marker screening efficiency and corresponding influencing factors in QTL composite interval mapping.  Acta Genetica Sinica. 29(6): 555-561

17. Ping Wan, Qingwen Zhou, Zhengqiang Ma, Peidu Chen and Dajun Liu (2001). Molecular markers linked to dwarf gene Rht3 in wheat. Acta Genetica Sinica. 28(11):1028-1033




1. Ping Wan (Corresponding author), Xing Tong, Bo Zhao , Wenlin Jing , Chaowu Zeng, Shaojing Pu,  Bomei Wu  (2010) Construction and Identification of Mutant Populations Induced by Physical and Chemical Mutagens in Azuki Bean (Vigna angularisi). 5th International Food Legume Research Conference (IFLRC V) & 7th European Conference on Grain Legumes (AEP VIII),  BOOK OF ABSTRUCTS, April 26-30, Antalya, Turkey, p195

2. Ping Wan(Corresponding author), Chaowu Zeng,  Bo Zhao,  Baomei Wu,  Shaojing Pu,  Wenlin Jin  (2010) Genetic Diversity and DNA Fingerprint Analysis in Wild, Weedy and Cultivated Azuki Bean (Vigna angularis) Using SSR Markers. Proceedings of the 3th International Conference of Plant Molecular Breeding. BeijingChina, September 6-9, p162-163

The Third International Conference on Plant Molecular Breeding was sucessfully held between September 6-9, 2010 in Beijing,

3. Ye jian , Zhao Bao, Pu Shaojing, Wan Ping (Corresponding author) (2008)  Genetic Diversity of Germplasm by SSR Markers and Genetic Relationship between Ecotypes in Adzuki Bean (Vigna angularis ).  Plant Genomics In China IX,  July 18-22, Guangzhou, China, P78.


濮绍京(1964-),男,江苏泰州人。硕士,副教授。1990年7月毕业于北京农业大学作物遗传育种专业。北京市小豆科研及产业化主要技术专家,国家现代农业产业技术体系食用豆体系北京综合试验站站长。主要研究方向:小豆育种及其成果产业化。目前主攻方向是小豆机械化集成技术和小豆加工产品研发。参与育成“京农6号”、“ 京农7号”、“ 京农8号”等红小豆新品种。育成国内唯一白粒小豆新品系和适宜机械化收获小豆新品系。参与起草北京市红小豆地方标准,及建设出口红小豆标准化示范基地数万亩。























































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