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Fan Shuangxi, born in December 1964,is a member of Chinese communist party, DAG, and full professor. He serves as assistant principal of Beijing University of Agriculture at present. He also holds concurrent posts as the standing director of China Horticultural Association and facilities branch, vice president of Beijing Agricultural Association and Beijing vegetable society, the member of a council of National Universities and Colleges Teaching Research Society, vice chairman of National Agricultural Universities and Colleges teaching research Society, visiting scholar of Chiba University. He was awarded the National Agriculture Science & Technology Promotion Pacesetter for the first time and the Beijing Economic & Technological Innovation Pacesetter and so on.

1Professional Experiences


1989.081996.10, Teach Assistant, Vegetable Teaching and Research Director, Department of Horticulture, Beijing University of Agricalture ,Beijing

1996.111998.09, Vice Director, Associate Professor, Department of Horticulture, Beijing University of Agricalture ,Beijing

1998.101999.10, Visiting Scholar, Ministry of Horticulture, Chiba University, Chiba

1999.112002.06, Vice Director , Head of Department, DAG, Department of Horticulture, Beijing University of Agricalture ,Beijing

2002.072003.11, Head of Department,Professor, Plant Science and Technology College , Beijing University of Agricalture ,Beijing

2003.12 now, Director of Registry, Principal Assistant, Professor, Beijing University of Agricalture , Beijing

2Education teaching achievements

He gives a lecture on “Pandect on Horticulture”, “Protected Horticulture”, " New Technology of Protected Vegetables ", " Advances in Vegetable Science " and so on. He had edited in chief and published "11th five-year plan" textbook such as “Horticulture plant culture "and" Horticulture plant culture experiment guidance",thus receiving the Excellent Textbook Award of the National Agricultural Universities and Beijing Boutique Textbook. He won two 1st prizes of Beijing Higher Education Achievement.

3Achievements in scientific research

He serves as chief expert of Beijing leafy vegetables innovation team of modern agricultural technology system currently. The main research interests consist of vegetable stress-resistance physiological and biological technology application, leafy vegetable breeding and efficient quality cultivation. He had presided over the completion of ten national or provincial scientific research projects and bred four new cultivars, as well as proposed three standardization technical regulations. He won the 2nd Prize of Science & Technology Progress, Ministry of Agriculture and the 3rd prize of National Science & Technology Progress. He had published 60 research papers and 2 monographs.















Jing-guo Liu, Ph.D, Lecture and Master Supervisor

Dr. Liu is dean of Department of Bioengineering. He teaches “Animal Physiology”, “Fermentation Engineering” and “Immunology”. He presided over and participated in the projects from National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing Natural Science Foundation and the sub-project of National Basic Research program of China. He had published more than 10 papers, in which 4 papers were included by SCI. and took part in compiling one textbook.


The research interest of Dr. Liu includes the two fields: the mode action of insecticidal toxin from microbiology and the development of microbiological pesticide. Dr. Liu is presiding over the project from Beijing Natural Science Foundation now.





5年来共取得市级以上科技奖励9项(本人排名第一的有6项),其中北京市科技进步二等奖一项,三等奖各2项,北京市农业技术推广一等奖2项,中华农业科技三等将2项;共获得专利4项,其中发明专利3项;共著书6部,发表论文23篇;共主持和参加科研项目18项,在植物营养与新型肥料研发和土壤资源与环境研究领域做出了重要贡献。主要成绩: 1主持“新型肥料研制与产业化”和“新型肥料研发中心”课题,在S型控释肥料的配方、工艺、连续化生产设备、包衣材料等方面取得了重大突破。在国内实现了四个第一;第一个研制成功S型包膜可控肥;第一个研制成功控释肥连续化生产设备;第一个实现了包膜控释肥产业化;第一个研制成功快速降解控释肥包衣膜。在国际上,第一个将控释肥大面积应用于小麦、玉米等粮食作物,使氮肥当季利用率提高10-30个百分点,改变了传统的施肥模式,真正做到了在多种作物上实现一次性施肥,达到减少化肥投入,改善农产品品质的目标。不仅节约资源,还减轻了因过量施用肥料带来的环境问题,被称为21世纪肥料领域中的一次革命。2、主持“新型肥料产业化科技保障建设”项目,该项目下设5个课题。项目整合了京内外科技资源,为新型肥料技术升级与产业化提供了技术贮备。建成了以北京首创新型肥料制造有限公司为核心,集产、研、商于一体的新型肥料产业化基地;同时成功开发了延迟释放型(S型)控释肥料及其系列专用肥料,以及脲醛发泡基质、抗重茬的功能性肥料、保水型有机复合肥料、养分缓释型基质等系列肥料产品22个,现已销北京、河北、河南、山东、内蒙古、黑龙江、吉林、江西等15个省市,并有部分产品出口美国、韩国、日本和澳大利亚。还研发了养分速测技术、配套的速测箱及速测试剂,建成了人才和成果数据库,建设了新型肥料定位试验站和实验室各1个,建立了新型肥料评价企业标准1套,有效保障了新型肥料的持续开发与应用,“十五”、“十一五”期间被列为国家863和支撑计划项目的示范场3、在国内同行中率先提出研究我国北方农村面源污染课题,并得到北京市环保局和国家环保部支持,在北京(延庆)建立了我国北方有效控制农村面源污染示范区,主持国家环保部重大项目“我国北方有效控制农村面源污染示范工程”,经过多学科联合攻关及实施八项工程措施,构建四条产业链,在农业生产中投入品(化肥、农药)和产出品(秸杆、畜禽粪便)的综合利用等方面取得多项技术创新和明显的经济、社会、生态效益。4、牵头组织国家科技部“十一五”科技支撑计划“沿湖地区农业面源污染防控与综合治理技术研究”项目(有十一个省市的国家和地方及大学等单位300余名专家参与,研究设计全国12个典型湖库),并主持“沿湖地区农业面源污染阻控关键技术研究”共性课题。目前课题研究针对不同湖库污染类型,初步建立了相应的氮磷和农药流失污染防控技术模式;自主研发沼液灌溉综合配套技术,解决了沼液滴灌无堵塞的世界性难题;在中国北方首次建设垂直流全衬苇床人工湿地污水处理示范工程;同时研发出能有效降低畜禽粪便堆肥和土壤中重金属活性的钝化剂。为有效防控和治理农业面源污染提供了技术支撑,对国内类似地区有重要的示范意义。

   电话:(010)51503327 13801016030





研究领域涉及土壤与环境、植物营养与施肥、植物营养元素的土壤化学、不同基因型植物的植物营养差异等领域。在玉米不同基因型锌营养遗传差异、低平原地区水肥偶合研究以及农业面源污染控制技术集成等方面有较为突出贡献。在《植物营养与肥料学报》、《中国农业科学》、《农业环境科学学报》、《中国农业工程学报》、《华北农学报》、《华中农业大学学报》、《河北农业大学学报》等核心期刊发表论文50多篇,出版专著两部。获各级成果16项,其中省部级以上科研成果10项,第一名序5项。其中“不同玉米基因型锌营养遗传差异研究”、“低平原地区农业持续发展研究”、“我国北方地区暨延庆县农村面源污染综合治理与示范”、“泛环渤海地区地下水硝酸盐时空变异研究及脆弱性评价”等成果达到国际先进水平。作为特聘教授已独立培养研究生10名、合作培养2名,在读研究生5名。就施肥与环境、作物营养与施肥、农业持续发展等研究领域在加拿大农业部列桥研究中心(Lethbridge Research Center)、荷兰瓦格宁根大学(Wageningen University)学习和合作研究。


传真电话:010-88436644    EMAILtkzhao@126.com






张喜春, 教授,博士后,北京农学院教务处处长。19951999年留学于俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立大学,获生物学博士学位。19992001年在中国农业大学开展博士后研究工作,20017-20034月在中国农业大学园艺学院蔬菜系工作。20035月调入北京农学院植物科学技术系工作。主要研究方向:蔬菜遗传育种与生物技术。重点开展以细胞工程和基因工程技术为基础,结合常规育种方法,开展蔬菜抗性育种工作。目前,以番茄抗晚疫病育种、耐低温弱光育种为主。其中,在细胞工程育种方面,已获得番茄抗晚疫病品系多个。已育成多个番茄抗寒耐贮藏品种。在番茄抗寒机理、抗病生理生化和分子机理等研究方面开展了大量的研究工作。在国内外学术刊物上发表学术论文60多篇。主持和参加完成教育部、北京市等省部级科研项目10项。现主持中国绿色食品协会等项目2项,主持北京市教委教学改革项目1项。获得省部级等教学科研奖励5项。
















1.    Tao YinJingmei LiuYong Xu and etc. Two negative cis-regulatory regions involved in fruit-specific promoter activity from watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris s.). Journal of experimental botany 200960169-185.

2.    Yong Xu, Shaogui Guo, Haiying Zhang, Guoyi Gong, Sanwen Huang, Hongping Yi, Mingzhu Wu, Yi Zheng, Zhangjun Fei,Latest Advances in Watermelon Genomics, ISHS, Cucurbitaceae2009.

3.    Yong Xu*, Shaogui Guo, Haiying Zhang, Guoyi Gong, Aijun Mao, and  Lihua Geng, Construction of watermelon SSH cDNA libraries induced by  Fusarium oxysporum and analysis of expressed sequence tags, Eucarpia, Cucurbitaceae conference, 2008:621-626

4.    Liu S, Xu L, Jia Z, Xu Y, Yang Q, Fei Z, Lu X, Chen H, Huang S. Genetic association of ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE3-like sequence with the sex-determining M locus in cucumber (Cucumis sativus ). Theor Appl Genet. 2008 Oct;117(6):927-33

5.    Xu Yong*, Shaogui Guo, Haiying Zhang, Guoyi Gong, Aijun Mao, and Lihau Geng, Construction of watermelon SSH cDNA libraries induced by Fusarium oxysporum and analysis of expressed sequence tags. EUCARPIA Cucurbitaceae, 2008 p.621-626.

6.    Joobeur T., G. Gusmini, X. Zhang, A. Levi, Y. Xu, T. C. Wehner, M. Oliver, R. A. Dean. 2006, Construction of a watermelon BAC library and identification of SSRs anchored to melon or Arabidopsis genomes. Theor Appl Genet. 112: 15531562.

7.    Levi A., C.E. Thomas, T. Trebitsh, A. Salman, J. King, J. Karalius, M. Newman, O.U.K. Reddy, Y. Xu, and X. ZhangAn Extended Linkage Map for Watermelon Based on SRAP, AFLP, SSR, ISSR, and RAPD Markers.Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 2006, 131: 393-402.

8.    Xu*Y., D. Kang, Z. Shi, H. Shen, and T. Wehner.Inheritance of Resistance to Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus and Watermelon Mosaic Virus in Watermelon. Journal of Heredity,2004,95(6):498502

9.    Renbing Zhang, Yong Xu*, Ke Yi, Haiying Zhang, Ligong Liu, and Guoyi GongAmnon Levi.Genetic Linkage Map for Watermelon Derived from Recombinant Inbred Lines (RILs).Journal of American Society of Horticulture Science,2004,129(2):237243




1.    特色瓜菜新品种选育与推广,北京市科技进步三等奖,2008

2.    百村蔬菜品种更新示范推广,北京市农业技术推广一等奖,2007



1.    西瓜抗小西葫芦黄花叶病毒基因的连锁分子标记及应用,国家发明专利,国家专利局,2007

2.    西瓜新品种“京秀”品种审定北京,2003

3.    西瓜新品种“京欣3号”品种审定北京,2005

4.    西瓜新品种“京欣4号”品种审定北京,2005

5.    西瓜新品种“京欣5号”品种审定山西,2005

6.    西瓜新品种“京欣6号”品种审定山西,2005

7.    西瓜新品种“国蜜一号”品种审定北京,2007

8.    西瓜新品种“国蜜二号”品种审定北京,2007

9.    西瓜新品种“国蜜一号”品种审定广西,2008

10.             西瓜新品种“京欣7号”品种审定山东,2008



1、             国家863项目“瓜类重要抗病和农艺性状的多基因聚合与种质创新研究”,主持,2006.12-2010.10

2、             国家科技支撑计划项目“优质多抗专用西甜瓜育种技术研究及新品种选育”,课题副主持,子课题主持,2006.1-2010.12

3、             北京市农委项目“优质抗线虫砧木品种选育与推广”,主持,2007.10-2009.12

联系电话:010-51503199         E-mailxuyong@nercv.org







一、       主要论文(第一作者或通讯作者)

1. Zhang F. L., Takahata Y., Xu J. B.  Medium and genotype factors influencing shoot regeneration from cotyledonary explants of Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis). Plant Cell Reports 1998, 17: 780-786.

2Zhang F. L., Takahata Y. Microspore mutagenesis and in vitro selection for resistance to soft rot disease in Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis). Breeding Science 1999, 49: 161-166.

3Zhang F. L., Takahata Y., Watanabe M., Xu J. B.  Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of cotyledonary explants of Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis) Plant Cell Report 2000, 19: 569-575

4Zhang F. L., Takahata Y. Inheritance of microspore embryogenic ability in Brassica crops. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2001, 103: 254-258

5Zhang F. L., Aoki S., Takahata Y. RAPD markers linked to microspore embryogenic ability in Brassica crops. Euphytica 2003131207-213.

6Yang Xu, Yu Yangjun, Zhang Fenglan *, Zou Zhirong, Zhao Xiuyun, Zhang Deshuang, Xu Jiabing. Linkage map construction and QTL analysis for bolting trait based on a DH population of Brassica rapa. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (JIPB)2007495):664-671

7F. L. Zhang , M. Wang, X. C. Liu , X. Y. Zhao and J. P. Yang Quantitative trait loci analysis for resistance against Turnip mosaic virus based on a doubled-haploid population in Chinese cabbage. Plant Breeding, 200812782-86.

8Fenglan Zhang, Guochen Wang, Mei Wang, Xiucun Liu, Xiuyun Zhao, Yangjun Yu, Deshuang Zhang and Shuancang Yu. Identification of SCAR markers linked to or , a gene inducing beta-carotene accumulation in Chinese cabbage. Euphytica, 2008, 164:463-471

9 Shuancang Yu, Fenglan Zhang*,Renbo Yu,Yanmin Zou, Jiani Qi,,Xiuyun Zhao,Yangjun Yu, Deshuang Zhang, Li Li. Genetic mapping and localization of a major QTL for seedling resistance to downy mildew in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis). Molecular breeding2009,23:573-590. DOI 10.1007/s11032-009-9257-z

10. Jiani Qi, Shuancang Yu, Fenglan Zhang*, Xiangqun Shen, Xiuyun Zhao, Yangjun Yu, Deshuang Zhang. Reference gene selection for Real-Time Quantitative Polymerase Chain reaction of mRNA transcript levels in Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis). Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2010,28:597-604. DOI 10.1007/s11105-010-0185-1

11. Shuancang Yu, Fenglan Zhang*, Xiaoyi Wang, Xiuyun Zhao, Deshuang Zhang, Yangjun Yu, Jiabing Xu. Genetic diversity and marker-trait associations in a collection of Pak-choi Brassica rapa L. ssp. chinensis MakinoAccessions.Genes & Genomics, 201032: 419-428, DOI: 10.1007/s13258-010-0033-6

12. Shuancang YuFenglan Zhang*Yangjun YuDeshuang ZhangXiuyun ZhaoWeihong Wang. Transcriptome profiling of dehydration stress in the Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis) by tag sequencing. Plant Mol Biol Rep, (on line) DOI 10.1007/s11105-011-0313-6

13. Shuancang Yu, Fenglan Zhang*, Xiuyun Zhao, Yangjun Yu, Deshuang Zhang SCAR and SSR markers for identifying the major QTL responsible for seedling resistance to downy mildew in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis).Plant Breeding,in press

14Zhang Feng-lanXu Jia-bing Takahata Yoshihito. Inheritance of resistance to black leaf spot (Alternaria brassicae) in Chinese cabbage. Cruciferae Newsletter1996, 18: 134-135

15. Zhang Feng-lan, Zhao Xiu-yun, Zhang Deshuang, Xu Jia-bing, Liu Fan. High frequency production of doubled haploid plants of Chinese cabbage derived from microspore embryogenesis without colchicine treatment  Cruciferae Newsletter 2001, 23: 31-32

16. 张凤兰,徐家炳,飞弹健一.大白菜对干烧心病(缺钙)抗性室内鉴定方法的研究. 《华北农学报》1994,Vol.9No.3127-128

17张凤兰,钉贯靖久,吉川宏昭.环境条件对白菜小孢子培养的影响. 《华北农学报》1994,Vol.9, No.1: 95-100.

18.张凤兰,徐家炳,赵岫云,林海英 苗期遮光对易抽薹型大白菜抽薹开花的影响. 《中国蔬菜》1996, No.3: 22-25

19.张凤兰,徐家炳,严红,李明远.大白菜苗期对黑斑病抗性遗传规律的研究. 《华北农学报》1997,Vol.12, No.3: 115-119.

20.张凤兰,高田义人.甘蓝型油菜小孢子培养胚发生能力的遗传分析. 《华北农学报》2001,Vol.16, No.1: 27-32.

21.张凤兰,高田义人,徐家炳 大白菜子叶离体培养再生植株 《园艺学报》292002):348-352

22.张凤兰,高田义人,徐家炳 不同基因型对白菜子叶培养不定芽再生的影响《华北农学报》2002, Vol.17, 64-69

23.刘秀村、张凤兰*、王美、张德双刘建平 与大白菜桔红心基因连锁的RAPD标记 华北农学报,2003,184:70-73

24.张凤兰、赵岫云  用小孢子培养创建大白菜双单倍体作图群体  华北农学报,2003,184:74-77

25.王美、张凤兰*、孟祥栋、刘秀村、赵岫云、樊治成中国白菜AFLP分子遗传图谱的构建 华北农学报,2004191):1-4

26.张立阳、张凤兰*、王美、刘秀村、赵岫云、薛林宝大白菜永久高密度分子遗传图谱的构建 园艺学报 2005322):249-255

27.冯忠梅、张凤兰*、张德双、于贤昌  大白菜新型胞质雄型不育系及其保持系花药不同发育时期内源激素动态变化的研究  华北农学报,200520 4):48-51

28.张凤兰、徐家炳 我国白菜育种研究进展   中国蔬菜,2005,(10/11):1-3






34.王笑一,于拴仓,张凤兰*,张德双,赵岫云,余阳俊。小白菜品种的SSR指纹图谱及遗传特异性分析. 华北农学报,200823(5):97-103

35.于仁波,于拴仓,戚佳妮,张凤兰*,余阳俊, 赵岫云,张德双.大白菜SSR锚定标记分子遗传图谱的构建.园艺学报,20083510):1447-1454.



38. 赵岫云,张凤兰,徐家炳, 余阳俊,张德双,孙日飞. 大白菜游离小孢子胚再生植株能力的遗传分析.华北农学报,200823(2):122-124

39. 杨旭,余阳俊,张凤兰*, 赵岫云,张德双,徐家炳。应用DH 群体进行白菜叶片数和单株重的QTL 定位与分析。分子植物育种,20086 6):1213-1218.

40.杨 旭,余阳俊,张凤兰*,赵岫云,张德双,徐家炳. 利用DH群体进行白菜株高和开展度的QTL定位分析. 扬州大学学报(农业与生命科学版)200894):90-94

41.邹艳敏, 于拴仓, 张凤兰*, 余阳俊, 赵岫云, 张德双. 白菜抽薹性状相关基因的cDNA-AFLP分析.遗传,2009317):755-762






47.赵凡、于拴仓、石岭、张凤兰*、余阳俊,赵岫云、张德双。SSR作为锚定标记构建白菜 x 芜菁分子遗传图谱。分子植物育种,201082):375-382





52.张凤兰  张德双  余阳俊  徐家炳  赵岫云  于拴仓  卢桂香。早熟青麻叶大白菜新品种京翠 60号的选育。中国蔬菜.2011(2):92-93

53.张凤兰 李建伟。我国大白菜生产现状及发展对策。中国蔬菜.20113):1-2





1. 二十一世纪中国农业科技展望. 山东科技出版社 1993年出版

2. 白菜优质高产栽培技术100. 人民出版社 1994年出版

3. 中国主要蔬菜抗病育种进展. 科学技术出版社 1995年出版

4. 蔬菜优质高产栽培的理论基础. 山东科技出版社 1999年出版

5.白菜系列配套品种及其栽培技术  台海出版社  2001年出版

6. 北方白菜、甘蓝、花菜、芥菜类特菜栽培 中国农业出版社 2003年出版 徐家炳 简元才 张凤兰编著

7. 植物新品种特异性、稳定性、一致性测试指南   大白菜 中国标准出版社 2004年出版  徐家炳 张凤兰 陈广编著

8.大白菜良种及栽培关键技术   中国三峡出版社   2006年出版  张凤兰主编   徐家炳、余阳峻、张德双、赵岫云编著

9.白菜 甘蓝 芥蓝100   中国农业出版社   2009年出版   张凤兰 康俊根 赵岫云 编著

10. 中国大白菜育种学   中国农业出版社  2010年出版   张凤兰副主编




2. 1990年,大白菜配套新品种的选育--“北京小杂56号”、“北京小杂65号”、“北京新一号”获北京市科技进步一等奖。








10. “小白菜育种技术研究和优质抗病丰产系列新品种的选育”200510月通过北京市科委组织的成果鉴定。成果登记号:京科成鉴字[2005]210号。




3. 2008年,一种获得大白菜雄性不育系的方法获得国家发明专利, 专利号:ZL200810116694.x

4. 2011年,一种鉴定白菜紫色性状的方法及专用引物对申请国家发明专利,申请号201110200362.1





3. 北京市科委项目,北京农业育种基础研究创新平台建设(II-主要蔬菜作物育种关键共性技术研究及利用,990万元,2008-2011年。项目编号:D08070500690803,主持。



6. 科技部973项目,主要蔬菜品质改良的全基因组分子设计,2011-2015年,课题编号:2012CB113906。参加。



9.国家自然基金项目- 大白菜霜霉病抗性主效位点BraDW的精细定位与图位克隆,52万元。2012-2015年,课题编号:31171959,参加。







研究领域:番茄遗传育种及分子生物学研究。 研究方向:1)番茄种质资源库构建;2)番茄功能基因及功能基因组学;3)番茄重要性状(基因)分子标记设计及应用;4)番茄分子育种技术;5)番茄种质创新及新品种选育。
科研论著:先后在《nature》、《Plant Physiology》、《New Phytologist》、《Cell Research》、《Plant and Cell Physiology》、《科学通报》、《遗传学报》、《作物学报》、《中国蔬菜》等刊物上发表论文20余篇,SCI收录12篇,影响因子累计50。副主编全国高等学校农林规划教材《植物育种学实验》(高等教育出版社,2004.9ISBN704015431),参编全国高等学校农林规划教材《植物育种学》(高等教育出版社,2003.8ISBN7040121840)等著作。
近年来,主持国家级课题6项,省市级课题3项,参加国家级课题3项。主持北京市自然科学基金重大项目《番茄对腐生型病原菌抗性的分子机制》(6120001),主持农业部转基因重大专项子课题1《抗病虫关键基因克隆机功能验证》(2008ZX08009-003)的分课题、863重点项目《番茄重要功能基因的克隆与验证(2006AA10A116) 和《主要茄果蔬菜重要农艺性状改良的转基因研究》(2009AA10Z104)子课题、国家自然科学基金项目《番茄抗虫新基因Win1的分离及功能研究》(30700446)、全国博士后基金(20070410653)以及中国科学院王宽诚博士后基金(2006027)1项;主持北京市优秀人才培养资助项目1;参加国家杰青项目《以番茄为模式研究植物对昆虫抗性的遗传调控》(30425033),国家自然科学基金重点项目《茉莉酸信号转导途径的化学遗传学解析》(30530440),国家农业部转基因专项《植物抗病毒、抗虫相关基因的分离和克隆》(JY03-A-21)等课题。
Jianfeng Ren, Changbao Li, Chuanyou Li. Tomato genome gets fully decoded paves way to tastier and healthier fruits. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2012, 39, 303-305. (IF_2011: 1.494)
Linlin Qi*, Jiao Yan*, Yanan Li, Hongling Jiang, Jiaqiang Sun, Qian Chen, Haoxuan Li, Jinfang Chu, Cunyu Yan, Xiaohong Sun, Yuanjie Yu, Changbao Li and Chuanyou Li. Arabidopsis thaliana plants differentially modulate auxin biosynthesis and transport during defense responses to the necrotrophic pathogen Alternaria brassicicola. New Phytologist. (2012) (IF_2011: 6.516)
The Tomato Genome Consortium. The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution. Nature. 2012, 485, 635–641.  (IF_2011: 36.101)
李常保, 崔彦玲, 张丽英, 李传友. 番茄黄化曲叶病毒的快速分子检测. 遗传. 2012, 34(3): 366-370.
李常保,柴敏,李季,郑建秋. 北京番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的发生及分子检测. 中国蔬菜. 2010, 1: 28-30.
Lukas A. Mueller,* René Klein Lankhorst, Steven D. Tanksley, James J. Giovannoni, Ruth White, Julia Vrebalov, Zhangjun Fei, Joyce van Eck, Robert Buels, Adri A. Mills, Naama Menda, Isaak Y. Tecle, Aureliano Bombarely, Stephen Stack, Suzanne M. Royer, Song-Bin Chang, Lindsay A. Shearer, Byung Dong Kim, Sung-Hwan Jo, Cheol-Goo Hur, Doil Choi, Chang-Bao Li et al., A Snapshot of the Emerging Tomato Genome Sequence. THE PLANT GENOME. 2009, 2: 78-92
Wenxing Liang*, Chang-Bao Li*, Fang Liu, Hongling Jiang, Shuyu Li, Jiaqiang Sun, Xiaoyan Wu, and Chuanyou Li. The Arabidopsis homologs of CCR4-associated factor 1 exhibit mRNA deadenylation activity and play a role in plant defense responses. Cell Research. 2009, 19: 307-316. (IF_2007: 4.217) (*These authors contributed equally to this work.)
Changbao Li C, Jiuhai Zhao, Hongling Jiang, Yu Geng, Yuanyuan Dai, Huajie Fan, Dongfen Zhang, Jinfeng Chen, Fei Lu, JInfeng Shi, Shouhong Sun, Jianjun Chen, Xiaohua Yang, Chen Lu, Mingsheng Chen, Zhukuan Cheng, Hongqing Ling, Ying Wang, Yongbiao Xue, Chuanyou Li. A snapshot of the Chinese SOL Project. J Genet Genomics. 2008, 35(7):387-90. (IF_2007: 0.938)
Bu Qingyun, Jiang Hongling, Li ChangBao, Zhai Qingzhe, Zhang Jie, Wu Xiaoyan, Sun Jiaqiang, Xie Qie, Li Chuanyou. Role of the Arabidopsis thaliana NAC transcription factors ANAC019 and ANAC055 in regulating jasmonic acid-signaled defense responses. Cell Research. 2008, 18(7):756-767. (IF_2007: 4.217)
Qingzhe Zhai*, Chang-Bao Li*, Wenguang Zheng, Xiaoyan Wu, Jiuhai Zhao, Jiaqiang Sun, Hongling Jiang, Jun Fang, Yong Gen Lou, Chengcai Chu and Chuanyou Li. Phytochrome chromophore deficiency leads to overproduction of jasmonic acid and elevated expression of jasmonate-responsive genes in Arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology. 2007, 48:1061-1071. (*These authors contributed equally to this work.) (IF_2007: 3.654)
Changbao Li, Jiuhai Zhao, Hongling Jiang, Xiaoyan Wu, Jiaqiang Sun, Chunqing Zhang and Chuanyou Li. The Wound-Response Mutant suppressor of prosystemin-mediated responses6 (spr6) is a Weak Allele of the Tomato Homolog of CORONATINE-INSENSITIVE1 (COI1). Plant and Cell Physiology.2006, 47:653-663. (IF_2007: 3.654)
Wenguang Zheng, Qingzhe Zhai, Jiaqiang Sun, Chang-Bao Li, Lei Zhang, Hongmei Li, Xiaoli Zhang, Shuyu Li, Yingxiu Xu, Hongling Jiang, Xiaoyan Wu, Chuanyou Li. Bestatin, an Inhibitor of Aminopeptidases, Provides a Chemical Genetics Approach to Dissect Jasmonate Signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 2006, 141: 1400-1413. (IF_2007: 6.367)
郑文光,耿宇,李常保,李传友. 茉莉酸信号转导突变体ber15的分离和基因克隆表明油菜素内脂的合成影响茉莉酸信号转导. 植物学通报. 2006235):603-610
Li Changbao, Sun Jiaqiang, Jiang Hongling, Wu Xiaoyan and Li Chuanyou. Systemic Defense signaling in Tomato. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2005, 50: 1817-1822. (IF_2007: 0.77)



Personal data


Changbao Li



Date of birth

19 Mar. 1972















Postal Code





Beijing Vegetable Research Center, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences.

Mail Address

No.2443 mailbox, Haidian District, Beijing, PR China

Education Background


Postdoctoral fellow, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Supervisor: Professor Chuanyou Li

Research areas: Tomato systemic defense, Jasmonic acid signaling pathway


Graduate student, Agronomy College, Shandong Agricultural University.

Advisor: Professor Chuanyou Li and Professor Chunqing Zhang

Research areas: Molecular Genetics and Biology of Plant

Title of the thesis: Tomato as a model system to study the molecular basis of plant defense responses to insect attack

Academic Degree: PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)


Graduate student, Agronomy College, Shandong Agricultural University.

Advisor: Professor Jiancheng Song

Research areas: Genetics and Breeding of Plant

Title of the thesis: Identification of RAPD Markers Linked to MRDV Gene and Approaches of Marker-Assisted Selection Effects

Academic Degree: MS (Master of Science)


Undergraduate student, Department of Agronomy, Shandong Agricultural University.

Advisor: Professor Lingrang Kong

Research areas: Agronomy

Title of the thesis: Embryological Studies on the Fertility of the Original and Reciprocal Crosses between Taestivum and Aetauschii

Academic Degree: BS (Bachelor of Science)

Working Experience


Working at Beijing Vegetable Research Center, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences. Professor.


Postdoctoral fellow, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Supervisor: Dr. Chuanyou Li

Research areas: Tomato systemic defense, Jasmonic acid signaling pathway


  Teaching at Shandong Agricultural University. Associate professor. The courses including: “Crop Breeding”, “Experiment of Crop Breeding”, “Modern Agriculture Bio-engineering” and “Theory & Skills of EST Translation”.

Academic Research

My research directionTomato Genetics and Breeding.

1)        Design and Application of Molecular Markers of Tomato Important Characters and Genes.

2)        Functional Genes and Functional Genomics in Tomato

3)        The Construct of Transgenic Technique in Tomato

4)        Molecular Design Breeding in Tomato

The Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 6120001 to Changbao Li2012.01-2015.06, Leader

The Beijing Municipal Training Program for Excellent Talents (Grant No. 2010D002020000003 to Changbao Li). 2010.07-2012.07, Leader.

The 863 Project (Grant No. 2009AA10Z104 to Yanmei Guo) from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2009.07-2011.11, Key Attendee.

The program (Grant No. 30700446 to Changbao Li) of the National Natural Science Foundation. 2008.1-2010.12, Leader.

The Plant Gene Transformation Project (Grant No.2008ZX08009-003 to Chuanyou Li) from the Ministry of Agriculture of China, 2008.1-2010.12, Key Attendee.

The 863 Project (Grant No.2006AA10A116 to Chuanyou Li) from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2006.12-2010.10, Key Attendee.

The key program (Grant No. 30530440 to Chuanyou Li) of the National Natural Science Foundation. 2006.1-2009.12, Key Attendee.

The National Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars (Grant No. 30425033 to Chuanyou Li). 2005.1-2008.12, Key Atendee.




More than 20 academic papers published in “Nature”, “Plant Physiology”, “Plant and Cell Physiology”, “Cell Research”, “Chinese Science Bulletin”, “Journal of Genetics and Genomics”, “Acta Agronomica Sinica”, “China Vegetables” and so on.

Jianfeng Ren, Changbao Li, Chuanyou Li. Tomato genome gets fully decoded paves way to tastier and healthier fruits. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2012, 39, 303-305. (IF_2011: 1.494)

Linlin Qi*, Jiao Yan*, Yanan Li, Hongling Jiang, Jiaqiang Sun, Qian Chen, Haoxuan Li, Jinfang Chu, Cunyu Yan, Xiaohong Sun, Yuanjie Yu, Changbao Li and Chuanyou Li. Arabidopsis thaliana plants differentially modulate auxin biosynthesis and transport during defense responses to the necrotrophic pathogen Alternaria brassicicola. New Phytologist. (2012) (IF_2011: 6.516)

The Tomato Genome Consortium. (2012). The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution. Nature. 485, 635–641. (IF_2011: 36.101)

Date published:

LI Chang-Bao, CUI Yan-Ling, ZHANG Li-Ying, LI Chuan-You. (2012). Molecular detection of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV). Hereditas. 34(3): 366-370

Li CB., Chai M., Li J., Zheng J.(2010). The Occurrence and Molecular Detection of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) in Beijing. China Vegetables 1: 28-30

Lukas A. Mueller,* René Klein Lankhorst, Steven D. Tanksley, James J. Giovannoni, Ruth White, Julia Vrebalov, Zhangjun Fei, Joyce van Eck, Robert Buels, Adri A. Mills, Naama Menda, Isaak Y. Tecle, Aureliano Bombarely, Stephen Stack, Suzanne M. Royer, Song-Bin Chang, Lindsay A. Shearer, Byung Dong Kim, Sung-Hwan Jo, Cheol-Goo Hur, Doil Choi, Li CB et al., A Snapshot of the Emerging Tomato Genome Sequence. The Plant Genome. 2009, 2: 78-92

Liang* W., Li* CB., Liu F., Jiang H., Li S., Sun J., Wu X., and Li C. (2009). The Arabidopsis homologs of CCR4-associated factor 1 exhibit mRNA deadenylation activity and play a role in plant defense responses. Cell Research 19: 307-316. (IF_2007: 4.217) (*These authors contributed equally to this work.)

Li CB, Zhao J., Jiang H., Geng Y., Dai Y., Fan H., Zhang D., Chen J., Lu F., Shi J., Sun S., Chen J., Yang X., Lu C., Chen M., Cheng Z., Ling H., Wang Y., Xue Y., Li C. (2008). A snapshot of the Chinese SOL Project. J Genet Genomics 35(7):387-90. (IF_2007: 0.938)

Bu Q., Jiang H., Li CB., Zhai Q., Zhang J., Wu X., Sun J., Xie Q., Li C. (2008). Role of the Arabidopsis thaliana NAC transcription factors ANAC019 and ANAC055 in regulating jasmonic acid-signaled defense responses. Cell Research 18(7):756-767. (IF_2007: 4.217)

Zhai* Q., Li* CB., Zheng W., Wu X., Zhao J., Sun J., Jiang H., Fang J., Lou Y., Chu C. and Li C. (2007). Phytochrome chromophore deficiency leads to overproduction of jasmonic acid and elevated expression of jasmonate-responsive genes in Arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology 48:1061-1071. (*These authors contributed equally to this work.) (IF_2007: 3.654)

Li CB., Zhao J., Jiang H., Wu X., Sun J., Zhang C. and Li C. (2006) The Wound-Response Mutant suppressor of prosystemin-mediated responses6 (spr6) is a Weak Allele of the Tomato Homolog of CORONATINE-INSENSITIVE1 (COI1). Plant and Cell Physiology 47:653-663. (IF_2007: 3.654)

Zheng W., Zhai Q., Sun J., Li CB., Zhang L., Li H., Zhang X., Li S., Xu Y., Jiang H., Wu X., Li C. (2006). Bestatin, an Inhibitor of Aminopeptidases, Provides a Chemical Genetics Approach to Dissect Jasmonate Signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 141: 1400-1413. (IF_2007: 6.367)

Li CB, Sun JQ, Jiang HL, Wu XY, and Li C (2006). Systemic defense signaling in tomato. Chinese Science Bulletin. 50, 1817-1822. (IF_2007: 0.77)

Zheng W., Geng Y., Li CB. and Li C. (2006). Characterization of Jasmonic Acid Response Mutant ber15 Demonstrates Cross Talk Between Jasmonic Acid and Brassinosteriod Signaling. Chinese Bulletin of Botany 23(5):603-610.

Li CB., Liu Y., Du C. and Kong L. (2002). Embryological Studies on the Fertility of the Original and Reciprocal Crosses between Taestivum and AeTauschii. Acta Agronomica Sinica 28, 170-174

Li CB, Song J., Jiang L., Yang C., Wang Q. and Wang S. (2002). Identification of RAPD Markers Linked to MRDV Gene and Approaches of Marker-Assisted Selection Effects. Acta Agronomica Sinica 28, 564-568

Li CB, Song J. and Jiang L. (2002). Studies on Maize Rough Dwarf Virus Disease. Plant Protection 5, 34-37

Li Changbao and Song Jiancheng.(1999). Studies on the Comprehensive Control of Maize Rough Dwarf Virus Disease. Journal of Maize Science 7, 75-77

Li Changbao and Zhang Jing. (1999). Studies on the identification of crop varietie. Seed 3, 33-36

Li Changbao and Song Jiancheng. (1998). Application of RAPD Markers in Cereal Improvement. Biotechnology Bulletin 6, 20-29


The specialized textbooks of “Plant Breeding” (2003, editor) and “the Experiment of Plant Breeding” (2004, vice chief editor) were published by high education press.



Changbao Li was awarded the 41th China Post-doctoral Fellowships (20070410653 ) in 2007 to research at Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology.

Changbao Li was awarded the Chinese Academy of Sciences K.C. Wong Post-doctoral Fellowships in 2006 to research at Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology.

Gene patent

The protein and application of a novel insect-resistant gene from tomato. Patent No.: ZL200510008609.4, Date of Grant: August 20, 2008

The protein and application of an archeticture related Gene from rice. Patent No.: ZL200610144197.1, Date of Grant: July 14, 2010

Application of one specific primer pairs for tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV). Application No.: 201010168538.5, Date of Application: May 4, 2010


2002-Present  China Society of Plant Agronomy

2004-Present  China Society of Plant genetics

2006-Present  China Society of Tomato



2003年和2007年先后2次入选北京市委组织部的“北京市优秀人才培养计划”,获得北京市优秀人才培养专项资助;2005年入选北京市科技新星培养计划;2007年获得了国家留学基金委访问学者全额奖学金项目的资助;2009年获得北京市留学人才科技活动项目的资助。2008年3月-2009年3月在加拿大农业与农业食品部(AAFC)列桥研究中心(LETHBRIGE RESEARCH CENTERLRC)开展博士后研究。2009年12月-2010年12月在美国普渡大学(PURDUE UNIVERSITY)农学院植物与植物病理学系(DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY AND PLANT PATHOLOGY)进行为期1年访问研究。
1) L.Zhu, H.Xie (共同第一作者), S.Chen and R.Ma* (2010) Rapid isolation, identification and phylogenetic analysis of Pectobacterum carotovorum ssp. Journal of Plant pathology 92 (2) :469-473
2) Yong Xu, Lin Zhang, Hua Xie, Yan-Qiu Zhang, M.Margarida Oliverira, Rong-Cai Ma* (2008) Expression analysis and genetic mapping of three SEPALLATA-like genes from peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch). Tree Genetics and Genomics 4:693-703
3) Ming-Ming Sun, Lin-Hui Li, Hua Xie, Rong-Cai Ma* and Yi-Kun He* (2007) Differentially Expressed Genes under Cold Acclimation in Physcomitrella patens. J Biochem Mol Biol 40(6):986-1001
4) Hua Xie, Yi Sui, Fengqi Chang, Yong Xu, Rongcai Ma* (2006) SSR Allelic Variation in Almond (Prunus dulcis Mill.). Ther Appl Genet 112(2):366-372
5) Da-Peng Dai, Hua Xie, Feng-Qi Chang,Yong Xu, Rui-Juan Gao, Ming-Qing Cao and Rong-Cai Ma* (2006) ESTs analysis and gene expression of heading leaf of Chinese cabbage Acta Hort 706:105-111
6) Hua Xie, Rongxia Guan, Ruzhen Chang, Lijuan Qiu* (2005) Genetic Diversity of Chinese Summer Soybean Germplasm Revealed by SSR Markers. Chinese Science Bulletin 50(6): 526-535
7) Yong Xu, Rongcai Ma*, Hua Xie, Jianting Liu, Mingqing Cao (2004) Development of SSR markers for the genetic diversity analysis of almond trees from China and the Mediterranean region Genome 47(6):1091-1104
8) 谢华,陈绪清,朱朗,贾云贺,姚磊,崔崇士,马荣才* (2010)白菜类富含亮氨酸重复(LRR)抗病蛋白基因BcLRR cDNA克隆及其介导的植物软病抗性分析 农业生物技术学报18(3):416-423
9) 范荣伟,谢华,姚磊,马荣才*(2010)大白菜BrWRKY33基因上游序列的克隆及其功能研究 农业生物技术学报 18(4):670-675
10)褚婷婷,谢华,徐勇,马荣才*(2010)拟南芥FRUITFULL (FUL)基因的表达调控模式 生物工程学报26(11): 15461554
11)李 翠,谢 华,徐 勇,李云伏,马荣才*(2010)桃PpMADS1基因启动子的克隆及功能分析 中国生物工程杂志 30 (5):57-62
12)褚婷婷,谢 华,徐 勇,马荣才* (2010)植物MADS box基因FRUITFULL (FUL)研究进展 中国生物工程杂志 30 (9):98-104
13)叶雪凌,谢华,曹鸣庆,马荣才*(2008)蔬菜作物抗病基因研究进展 农业生物技术学报16(5):898-904
14)赵雪,谢华,马荣才*(2007)植物功能基因组中出现的新型分子标记 中国生物工程杂志 27(8):104-110
15)郭振宇,常凤启,谢华,徐勇,马荣才* (2006) 扁桃SLF 基因和SRNase 基因的克隆及表达分析 园艺学报 33(6):1185-1192
16)葛佳,谢华,崔崇士,洪剑明,马荣才*(2005)大白菜表达序列标签SSR标记分析 农业生物技术学报 13(4): 423-428
17)谢华,关荣霞,常汝镇,邱丽娟* (2005)利用SSR标记揭示中国夏大豆[Glycine max (L.) Merr]种质遗传多样性 科学通报, 50(5):434-442
2) 马荣才;谢 华;徐 勇;张艳秋;贾云贺。一种白菜类LRR抗病蛋白基因BcLRR克隆及其功能。申请(专利)号: CN200810056419.3;公开(公告)号:CN101487006。




Dr. Shaohui Wang



Huilongguan Zhen Beinonglu 7,

Changping District,

College of Plant science and technology

Beijing University of Agriculture

P.R.C 102206

Office Phone: +86-10-80799143
wshdjs@vip.sina.com, wangshaohui@bac.edu.cn

Current Position

Professor of Horticultural Science

  Breeding and genetics of radish with resistance to low temperature

  Environmental stress (water, light, disease ) on cucumber and tomato

  Resistant Mechanism of Tomato to Root Knot Nematodes: Graft, Phloem transport Protein and small RNAS.

Breeding and genetics of tomato (eggplant, pepper) with resistance to nematode


Academic Affairs

  Train graduate students:

9 M.S. (+5 in progress)

68 Bachelors  (+6 in progress)

Teach “Vegetable Crop Production”, “Soiless Cultivation”, “ Protected Horticulture”






Post Doctor

China Agriculture University


Vegetable molecular biology

Ph. D.

China Agriculture University



M. S.

Shandong Agriculture University



A. B.

Shandong Agriculture University





Professional experience






Plant. Sci.& Tech., Beijing University of Agriculture

2002 – 2009

Associate Professor

Plant. Sci.& Tech., Beijing University of Agriculture


Assistant Professor

Hort. Sci., Beijing Agriculture College

Grant Funding

1 Function of jasmonic acid mediated long distance signal in grafted tomato with resistance to root knot nematode. 130,000.0 C, 2009.01-2011.12. Supported by Beijing Natural Science Foundation.

2 Studies of the Relationship between Jasmonic acid mediated Phloem Transported Protein and Resistance to Root-knot Nematodes of Tomato.20,000.0 RMB, 2010.01-2012.12. Supported by Ministry of Education of P.R.China.

3 Identification and Function of root-knot nematodes induced miRNAs transported through phloem which regulate jasmonic acid synthesize.630,000.0 RMB, 2012.01-2015.12. Supported by National Science Foundation Commission.

Selected Recently Funded Projects

1 The role of systen-jasmonic acid in the resistance to nematode of tomato: ¥50,000.0 RMB, 2006.01-2008.12. Supported by Beijing Municipal Government.

2 Germplasm Collection of Tomato and rootstocks with resistance to nematodes: ¥30,000.0 RMB, 2004.01-2005.12. Supported by Beijing Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs

3 Innovation and utilization of the germplasm of Tomato and rootstocks with resistance to nematodes: ¥280,000.0 RMB, 2004.07-2007.12. Supported by Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission.

4 Breeding and genetics of radish with resistance to low temperature: ¥90,000.0 RMB, 2006.01-2008.12. Supported by Beijing Municipal Commission of Education

5 Clone and function analysis of GVDE promoter: ¥32,000.0 RMB, 2008.01-2010.12. Supported by National Science Foundation Commission.

6 Effect of light quality on peach and cucumber quantity under solar greenhouse. ¥120,000.0 RMB, 2002.01-2004.12. Supported by Beijing Municipal Commission of Education.

7 Grafting of tomato and pepper: ¥100,000.0 RMB, 2005.01-2006.12. Supported by Beijing Municipal Commission of Education.

8 Technique for growing cucumber under solar greenhouse: ¥500,000.0, 2006.01-2006.12. Supported by National Science Foundation Commission..

Honors and Awards                                

1 The 8th Beijing Science and technology institute “Excellent paper award.(2006)

2 Excellent courseware awards: Beijing university of agriculture (2006).

3 Shandong Science and technology progress second prize (2002)

4 Beijing Science and technology progress second prize (2006)

5 “Excellent Post doctor of Beijing” (2010)

6 Scholar of Great Wall (2012)

Membership in Professional Organizations

Beijing Society of Vegetable Science

China Society of Horticultural Science

International Society of Horticultural Science

Selected Reviewed Publications

1  Shaohui Wang, Yun Kong, Yuncong  Yao. Difference in photosynthetic performance among three peach cultivars grown under low light condition in greenhouse. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011,10(8):1347-1352

2 Rui Yang , Jihong Cheng, Chen Zhang, Shao-hui Wang. Selection of tomato cultivars with resistance to root knot nematodes. ICEE,20119:7807-7810 (Corresponding Author)

3 Hua ChenXianyun Du, Hui Lei, Shaohui Wang. Transport Tracer in Phloem between Scion and Stock of Graft Tomato.ICEE,2011, 98920-8722(Corresponding Author)

4 Du Xianyun Cheng JIhong, Lei Hui, Wang Shaohui. Effects of Vernalization on Carbohydrate Content in leaves and flashy taproot of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) during flashy taproot development. ICEE,2011,9:7553-7556 (Corresponding Author)

5 Shaohui Wang, Liping Hu, Jianlei Sun, Xiaolei Sui, Yuxia Wei, Zhenxian Zhang. Effects of exogenous abscisic acid on leaf carbohydrate metabolism during cucumber seedling dehydration. Plant Growth Regulation.2012, 66(1):87-93 DOI 10.1007/s10725-011-9632-8

6 Lining Zhang, Hui Lei, Rui Yang, Hua Chen, Jihong Cheng and Shaohui Wang. Effects of Jasmonate on Proteinase Inhibitor II and Variation in Tomato Response to Root-Knot Nematodes. 2011, Acta Hort. 917,249-252  ISHS 2011 (Corresponding Author)

7 Jiayi Xing, Hui Lei, Jihong Cheng, Rui Yang, Shaohui Wang. Optimization of SDS-PAGE procedures for analyzing the total protein in seeding roots of Lycopersicon esculentum.Agriculrural Science & Technology, 2011,12(12):1784-1786 (Corresponding Author)

8 Liping Hu, Huihui Sun, Ruifu Li, Lingyun Zhang, Shaohui Wang, Xiaolei Sui, Zhenxian Zhang .Phloem unloading follows an extensive apoplasmic pathway in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) fruit from anthesis to marketable maturing stage. Plant, Cell and Environment (2011) 34, 1835–1848 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2011.02380.x 

9 Shaohui Wang, Xiaolei Sui, Jianlei Sun, Yuxia Wei, Liping Hu, Zhenxian Zhang.  Effects of exogenous abscisic acid treatment of cucumber seeds on seedling growth and water-stress tolerance. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 201038(1):8-21 DOI: 10.1080/01140671003619274  ISSN 0114-0671

10 Liping Hu, Fanzhen Meng, Shaohui Wang, Xiaolei Sui, Wei Li, Yuxia We, Jianlei Sun, Zhenxian Zhang. Changes in carbohydrate levels and their metabolic enzymes in leaves, phloem sap and mesocarp during cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) fruit development. Scientia Horticulturae2009121(2): 131-137

   http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2009.01.023 (Equally contributed to the paper as the first authors)

11 Fan-Zhen Meng1, Li-Ping Hu1, Shao-Hui Wang1, Xiao-lei Sui, Li wei, Yu-xia Wei, Jian-lei Sun, Zhen-xian Zhang. Effects of exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) on cucumber seedling leaf carbohydrate metabolism under low temperature. Plant growth regulation, 2008, 563):233-244   DIO 10.1007/s10725-008-9303-6 (Equally contributed to the paper as the first authors)

12 Wang Shaohui, Kong Yun, Zhang Jie,Yao Yuncong. Influence of low light on photosynthssis rate and carbohydrates in peach leaves. Acta Horticulturea, 2008,772, 283-286 

13 Shaohui Wang, R Yang, J Zhao. J Li. Comparison of the blossom data and nutrition quality of some radish cultuvars. Acta Horticulturea, 2008, 769, 97-102  

14 Shao-hui Wang, Yun Kong, Rui Yang,Ji-hong Cheng and Jin-fang Zhao,Li-shan Si. Studies and Selection of Four Tomato Cultivars on the Resistance to Race 3 Meloidogyne incognita Nematodes. Acta Hort. 821, ISHS 2009,95-98  ISBN 978-90-66052-69-7  2009.03

15 Rui Yang, Jihong Cheng, Chen Zhang, Shao-hui Wang. Selection of tomato cultivars with resistance to root knot nematodes. ICEE,20119:7807-7810

16 Transport Tracer in Phloem between Scion and Stock of Graft Tomato. ICEE, 2011, 98920-8722

17 Shao-hui Wang, Yun Kong, Rui Yang,Ji-hong Cheng and Jin-fang Zhao,Li-shan Si. Studies and Selection of Four Tomato Cultivars on the Resistance to Race 3 Meloidogyne incognita Nematodes. Acta Hort. 821, ISHS 2009,95-98

18 S Wang, R Yang, J Cheng, J Zhao.Effect of rootstocks on the tolerance to high temperature of eggplants under solar greenhouse during summer season. Acta Horticultural. 2007,761,357-362

 19 Shaohui Wang, Shuangxi Fan, Yun Kong, Qingjun Chen.Effect of light quality on the growth and photosynthethetic characteristics of cucumber Cucumis sativus L. under solar greenhouse. Acta Horticulturea, 2007,731, 243-250

20 Shaohui Wang, Fuman Zhang. Effect of different water treatments on photosynthesis characteristics and leaf ultrastructure of cucumber growing in solar greenhouse.  Acta Horticultural. 2004633398-401

21 WANG Shao-hui, ZHANG Fu-man. Effect of water treatments on ABA and polyamine content of cucumber growing in solar greenhouse.  Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2004, 24(12): 2848-2852

22 Shaohui Wang, RuiYang, Jinfang Zhao, Diqin Chen, Lilin Xu. Evaluation and analysis the quality of radish. China vegetable,2006, 4:22-23(in Chinese)

23 Shaohui Wang, Fuman Zhang .Effect of Water Deficiency on Growth and Metabolization of Some Matter of Cucumber in Solar Greenhouse. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2004,316:743-746(in Chinese)

24 WANG Shao_Hui ZHANG Fu_Man. Effect of Different Water Treatments on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Cucumber Plants Growing in Solar Greenhouse. Chinese Bulletin of Botany,2002,19(6):727-733 (in Chinese)

25 Fan Shuangxi; Wang Shaohui. Endurance to high temperature stress of grafted tomato. Transactions of The Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2005s):60-63 (in Chinese)

26 Guan Meizhi;; Fan Shuangxi; Wang Shaohui; Qin Yong; Gao Jie. Effect of Various Root Stocks on the Growth and of Grafted Tomato in Different Period under Solar Hreenhouse. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 20059):324-326(in Chinese)

Book Chapters

1 Wang Yu, Wang Shaohui.Sightseeing vegetable for pot cultivation,China forest press,2002.

2 WangShaohui, Zhao Jinfang. How to progress vegetables production in suburb besides big city. Jindun Press, 2006

3 Zhenxian Zhang, Xizhen AI, Shaohui Wang, Xiaolei Sui..How to grow ginger, China agriculture press,2006

4 Zhenxian Zhang, Shaohui Wang,. How to grow Chinese cabbage. China agriculture university press,2007

Research Interestings

Small RNAs induced by root knot nematodes

Small RNAs and JA

Root stocks for horticulture


Chen Qingjun, female, born in 1963, post doctor, professor, supervisor of the graduate students .Now she is the expert of Beijing edible fungi association and Beijing edible fungi innovation team.

Professor Chen mainly gives lectures on the courses " edible fungus cultivation ", "the Horticulture" and " vegetable physiology”. She is subeditor of the national 11th five -year development program teaching material "edible fungus cultivation".

Professor Chen’s main research direction is Edible fungi cultivation, physiology and Facilities. In recent years, she has hosted and participated in lots of science and technology projects of Beijing Municipal Education Commission, Beijing Forestry Bureau, Beijing Agriculture Bureau and other suburb counties. What she researches are closely related to the suburban county edible fungus industry, and has built stable scientific research and practice bases .Professor Chen has completed three provincial and ministerial level research projects, and is responsible for one sub-task of the national subject project, 2 provincial level tasks at present. She has won the third prize of the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award, published more than 30 papers, and edited 6 popular science books.






Name:   Jia yue-hui Gender: female   Age :  forty two    Health:   Excellent          Hobbies:   reading book and newspaper    Personality:   Honest , Cooperative, Dutiful and Dedicated    Professional titles:  Associate Professor


I gained agronomy bachelor's degree of Resource and Environment College in the West south Agriculture University in 1995

I gained agronomy master degree of Resource and Environment College in the West south Agriculture University in 1998

I gained agronomy doctor degree of Resource and Environment College in the China Agriculture University in 2009


I have worked for forty years in Beijing agriculture University since 1998. I have had lesson of soil and fertilizer for grade 2 college student at the present. So I have full teaching experiments.

   I once had part-time job in Haidian Career Academy of beijing in 2006.



Published papers 

1. JIA Yuehui, LIU Kefeng, WANG Hongli, LIU Yang.  Effects of different Microbes on Organic Matter Content of Pig Muck. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture .2008, 23(3)

2. JIA Yuehui, WANG Tian Tao.  Study on Variety of the Content of Carbon and Nitrogen in Different Type of Soil.  Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture .2005, 20(3)

3. JIA Yuehui, ZHANG Kezhong, LI Wenxue, ZHANG Fu. Effects of  irradiated pollen assisting pollination technique on seed-set of lily's distant cross and early molecular identification of the hybrids.  Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences. 2010, 24(1)



 Address: Beinong Road 7 Huilongguan Town Changping District, Beijing  102206                              

 Phone:  80794486  

  Cell Phone: 13693316683



高凡,男,1979年生,博士(后),2007年7月于中国科学院广州地球化学研究所毕业,获工学博士学位(环境科学),2009年6月于北京师范大学环境学院博士后流动站出站。现在北京农学院植物科学技术学院农业资源与环境专业从事教学与科研工作。讲授《环境影响评价》、《资源环境规划与管理》和《清洁生产导论》等课程。主要研究方向为微量有毒化学物质(如内分泌干扰物质、医药品和个人护理品、农药和典型持久性有机污染物)在环境中的迁移转化规律及生态系统风险评价。已发表国内外核心期刊论文10余篇,其中SCI收录6篇,并且1篇发表在环境科学国际顶级SCI期刊(TOP Journal)Environmental Science & Technology (2010 Impact factor:4.825)上。目前主持国家自然科学基金1项,国家重点实验室开放基金2项,北京市重点实验室开放基金1项;参与十二五科技支撑计划课题1项。
Tel: 010-80794486/13810491540E-mail: gaofan0324@163.com



Assistant Professor of Department of Resources and Environment,

College of Plant Science and Technology

Beijing University of Agriculture,

No. 7 Beinong Road, Huilongguan, Changping District,

Beijing 102206


Tel/Fax: +86-10-80794486

Mobile: +86-13810491540



·         Ph.D., Environmental Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 2007

·         B.S., Environmental Sciences, Shanxi University, China, 2002


  • 2009-present: Assistant Professor, Beijing University of Agriculture.
  • 2010- present : Visiting Research Scientist, State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University

Research Interests:

* Environmental analytical chemistry of organic compounds

* Environmental Chemistry (Fates of trace substances in aquatic ecosystems)

* Trace metal analysis and speciation, cycling and toxicity

* Simulation models of environmental fates of trace substances

* Avian toxicology and habitat requirements

* Ecological risk assessment

* Agricultural Chemicals

* Endocrine modulating compounds

* Perfluorinated compounds: analytical and environmental chemistry and toxicity

* Sediment toxicity assessment

Professional/Scientific Societies:

Environmental Science Society of China

Ecological Society of China

American Chemical Society (ACS)

Publications (articles published in SCI journals):

1.        Gao Fan, Luo Xiaojun, Yang Zhifeng, Wang Xinming, Mai, Bixian. Brominated Flame Retardants, Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Organochlorine Pesticides in Bird Eggs from the Yellow River Delta, North China. Environmental Science & Technology 2009, 43, 6956–6962.

2.        Gao Fan, Jia Jianye, Wang Xinming. Occurrence and Ordination of Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and Hexachlorocyclohexane in Agricultural Soils from Guangzhou, China. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2008, 54: 155-166.

3.        Yang Zhifeng, Shen Zhenyao, Gao Fan, Tang Zhengwu, Niu Junfeng. Occurrence and Possible Sources of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Surface Sediments from Wuhan Reach of the Yangtze River, China. Chemosphere 2009, 74: 1522-1530.

4.        Yang Zhifeng, Shen Zhenyao, Gao Fan, Tang Zhengwu, Niu Junfeng, He Ya. Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Urban Lake Sediments of Wuhan, Central China: Occurrence, Composition, and Sedimentary Record. Journal of Environmental Quality 2009, 38: 1441-1448.

5.        Wang Ying, Yang Zhifeng, Shen Zhenyao, Tang Zhenwu, Niu Junfeng, Gao Fan. Assessment of Heavy Metals in Sediments from a Typical Catchment of the Yangtze River, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2011, 172: 407-417.

6.        Zhang Shangwei, Xia Xinghui, Xia Na, Wu Shan, Gao Fan, Zhou Wenwei. Identification and Biodegradation Efficiency of a Newly Isolated 2,2′,4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl Ether (BDE-47) Aerobic Degrading Bacterial Strain. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ibiod.2012.06.020.


2、Effect of Simulated Drought Stress on Plant Growth, Yield and Fruit Properties of TomatoActa HorticulturaISTP收录,2008,第一作者
3、Comparison in Quality Characters of Five Different Tomato CultivarsActa HorticulturaeISTP收录,2008,通讯作者
1一种负压调控的封闭式栽培系统及其操作方法(ZL 2004 1 0071164.X),国家发明专利,2007,排名第1
2、一种装配式精确渗灌装置(ZL 02 1 46467.7),国家发明专利,2004,排名第1
3、多孔陶瓷渗水头(ZL 01 2 60832.7),国家实用新型专利,2003,排名第1
4、装配式精确渗灌装置及其中所使用的连接件(ZL 02 2 85179.8),国家实用新型专利,2002,排名第1
联系电话:010-51503519   Email: liumingchi@nercv.org




Resume of Zhao Fukuan

Zhao FukuanPhDProfessor


  1993 -1996: Studied in Huazhong  Agricultural University Majored in Crop Genetics and Breeding

1990 -1991: Studied in Fudan University Majored in Genetics

1980 -1984: Studied in Inner Mongolia Agricultural University Majored in Agronomy

Scientific research

  He has been working in the Beijing University of Agriculture since 1996The main research work included Anther culture under low temperature stress and chilling tolerance induction in eggplantIdentification of genetic diversities in horticultural cropsCloning and expression analysis of transcription factor genes in horticultural crops.


1. Wang Qiujin, Sun Qingpeng ,Yang Aizhen ,Zhao Fukuan ,Genetic Diversity of Eggplant Revealed by SSR MarkersICBBE,2010

2. Niu Yan-xiu,Zhao Fu-kuan,Clustering Analysis and Identification of Genetic Diversities in Eggplant(Solanum melongena L.) Varieties with REMAPICBBE,2010

3.Qin Song, Fukuan Zhao,Qingpeng Sun,Aizhen Yang ,Cloning and Expression Analysis of WRKY Gene in Eggplant,CHST,2010

4.SONG Qin, ZHAO Fu-kuan, SUN Qing-peng, YANG Ai-zhen, Analysis  on Cloning and Expression of WRKY Gene Segment in Brassica campestris L., Agricultural Science & Technology, 2011, 12( 8): 1111- 1115

5.Rui HAO, Fu-kuan ZHAO, Qing-peng SUN, Ai-zhen YANG, Cloning and Sequence Analysis of CmNAC Gene From Cucurbita moschata, Agricultural Science & Technology, 2012, 13(2): 295- 298



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