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Professor Younian Wang, doctoral supervisor, Principal of the Beijing University of Agriculture, Dean of Beijing Academy of Urban Agriculture, Director of Key Laboratory of Urban Agriculture (North)
Ministry of Agriculture, Director of Beijing Key Laboratory for Agricultural application and new technique, Vice President of Chinese Society for Horticultural Science, Vice Chairman of China Rural Special Technology Association, Vice Chairman of Beijing Fruit Tree Association, Vice President of Beijing Institute of Agricultural Engineering, and an expert who enjoys the special allowance of the State Council, as well as the Beijing State Council allowance for outstanding experts. He is also the editors of Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture and ACTA HORTICULTURAL SINICA. He is concentrating on Ecological quality and safe studies of the fruits, and has hosted and completed more than 20 projects supported by the National Natural Science Fund, Beijing Municipal Science Foundation, Beijing Science and Technology Commission, Agriculture Committee and etc.. He has been awarded second prize one times for technological progress of P. R China, He has been awarded first prize three times for provincial, ministry, municipal technological progress, three times of second prized and nine times of third prizes. He has declared at least 37 national invention patents, as well as more than 100 publications with many of them were SCI, EI included.



    张志勇,男,1961年出生,博士,教授,博士生导师,国务院政府特殊津贴专家。中国植物保护学会理事,北京昆虫学会常务理事。1981年至今一直从事植物保护学科高等教育与科研工作。其间,1991-1996年在西北农业大学攻读研究生,分别于1993年和1996年获得理学硕士和理学博士学位。2000-2002日本名古屋大学博士后、学术振兴会(JSPS)外国人特别研究员。现为新疆农业大学博士生导师,本校果品安全技术方向、植物保护领域硕士生导师。2004.72011.7兼任校科技处处长、研究生部主任,2011.7-今,兼任校对外交流中心主任及国际学院院长。主要从事昆虫资源保护利用和农产品无公害安全技术方面的教学和研究,讲授《普通昆虫学》、《害虫生物防治》、《农药环境毒理》、《农药残留与安全控制》、《观赏植物害虫防治》、《果园IPM研究进展》等课程。主持完成JSPS国际合作项目1项,中匈政府间国际合作项目1项,省部级科研项目5项,参加完成国家攻关课题2项。现主持国家自然科学基金项目、北京市科技计划项目及北京市高校人才强教创新团队项目各一项。主持编写了省级无公害生产地方标准(DB41/T152.1--5-2000)。在国内外发表学术论文90余篇, 出版学术著作15,获省部级科技进步二等奖2,推广奖1项,国家发明专利2项。研究方向:农药安全应用技术,害虫综合治理及昆虫资源保护利用。





Name:  ZHANG  Zhi-Yong  (ZHANG Zhiyong, Ph.D)  

Citizen: P.R.China.

  Date of Birth: Jan. 23, 1961

  Address:    Office of International Affairs

Beijing University of Agriculture

7 Beinong Road, Huilongguan,



Tel/Fax: 86-10-80797302

                Email: zhangzy16@yahoo.com.cn;   zzy@bac.edu.cn



    1993-1996  Ph D , Institute of Entomology, Northwestern Agricultural University, China

    1991-1993  M.S., Entomology Division, Department of Plant Protection,

Northwestern Agricultural University, China


2011-            Professor, Director of International Affairs Office

Beijing University of Agriculture

2003-2011  Professor, Director of Postgraduate and Sci/Tech.

Beijing University of Agriculture

2000-2002   Lab.of Applied Entomology, Graduate School of Bioagricultureal Sciences,

Nagaya University, Japan, JSPS (Japan society for promotion of sciences ) Postdoctoral research fellow

1999-2000  Institute of Plant Protection, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China,

Senior Entomologist, Professor ,Standing director

    1996-1999  Institute of Plant Protection, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China,

Senior Entomologist

    1981-1993  Yu-xi Agricultural College, China, Lecturer, Associate Professor



2003-     Pesticide Assessment and Food safety technology 

2000-2002 Mating behavior of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, between resistance and susceptible strains.

1996-2000  1> IPM Program relevant studies of main pests on vegetable crops, including biology, ecology, relation between pasts and their host plants, toxicology of insecticides, and so on.  2> The interaction between wheat aphids and their host plants, including wheat cultivars and genetic material resistance evaluation, mechanism, wheat ecological system etc.

1993-1996 Cantharidin resources, its protection and utilization. The objects ware: Investigation of cantharidin resource insects in China (by taxology and GC analysis), Developing cantharidin isolation technology, evaluation of the cantharidin resource, and the activities of cantharidin on insect (including its effect to the diet finding and feeding behavior of DBM)

    1988-1993 Economic threshold, applied ecology, and controlling decision making studies on 28-spotted ladybeteetle Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata .

    1985-1991 IPM Program relevant studies of main vagetable pests in glasshouse and fields, fruit pests, after 1988 mainly on phytophagous ladybeetle Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata on potato, eggplant etc.


SELECTED PUBLICATIONS *Author for correspondence


WANG PFXU SPZHANG Zhi-Yong* et al. Residual safety analysis of acetamiprid for treatment on grape leafhopperErythroneura apicalis ( Nawa). JOURNAL OF BIOSAFETY, 201120( 2) : 166-170

ZHANG MZ, ZONG Y, WANG XY, CAI X, ZHANG Zhi-yong*. Study on the Death-Feigning Behavior of the Harmful Mollusk, Cathaica fasciola (Draparnaud 1801). Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2009,42(11):3914-3921

WANG XW, YANG BD, ZHANG Zhi-yong *et al., Analysis method of imidicloprid residues in peach. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture, 2011263):20-23

CHEN LP,YANG BD, ZHANG ZY* et al., Effect of cantharidin on the integument structureof Plutella xylostella. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 201148( 6) : 17791785

    ZHANG LX, YANG BD, ZHANG MZ, WANG JZ, ZANG AH, ZHANG ZY*. Critical Condition of Apoptosis of Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9 Cells Lead by Cantharidin. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture.2011262):14-16

ZHANG Zhiyong. Study Approaches on the Chestnut Gall Wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu in China. Acta Horticulture, 2009, 844:425-432.

XIAO Y , ZHANG Zhiyong *, SUN SL , YANG BD ,WANG J Z ,YANG L. Residual Dynamics of Iprodione in Shed Strawberry Fruit. J. Beijing University of Agriculture, 2007,  22(2):29-31

XIAO Y, ZHANG Zhi-Yong*, SUN SL, WANG JZ, YANG BD, QIAO FQ. Residual Dynamics of Imidaclopr id on Shed Strawberry.  Journal of Agro-Environment Science. 2007, 26(3):1076- 1079

XIAO Yi, ZHANG Zhi-yong*, SUN SL, WANG JZ, YANG BD, QIAO FQ. Residual Dynamics of Chlorolthalonil on Shed Strawberry.  AGROCHEMICALS.2007, 46( 8):548-550

ZHANG MZ, JIN WL, WANG JZ, SUN SL, QIN XC, ZHANG ZhiYong*. Insecticidal efficacy of microwave treatment against Callosobruchus chinensis(L.)(Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and its effects on the germination rate of adzuki beans.  Acta Entomologica Sinica, 2007, 50(9): 967-974

XIAO Y, LI MQ, YANG BD, ZHANG Zhi-yong*. Research development of pesticide release.  Agrochemicals, 2006, 45(2)796-798,809

Ren ZG, Zhang Zhiyong, Li D, Chen R, Wei YM. Fermentation Conditions for Production of Antifungal substances by Bacillus sp. BJ – 6.  Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2007, 23(5 ):321-325

REN ZG ,LIU Y, LIU SH ,CHEN Y, ZHANG Zhiyong ,WEI YM.  Antifungal Substance from Bacillus sp. BJ-6 and Its Antagonism against Plant Pathogens.  J. Beijing Agricultural College. 2006,21(3):49-52

REN ZG , ZHANG Zhiyong , WEI YM. Research Progress on Biological Control of Horticultural Plant Diseases by Bacillus spp. Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 2006,22(Suppl):194-198

LI MQ , ZHANG Zhiyong*.  Bioassay of  Optimized Cantharidin Microemulsion (No.25).  J. Beijing Agricultural College. 2006, 21(3): 53-56

TANG J ,W ANG JZ ,YANG BD ,SUN SL ,ZHANG Zhiyong*. . Residue and Degradation Dynamics of Parathion in Rape at Three Growth Stages.  J. Beijing Agricultural College. 2006,

2006, 21(2):51-53

ZHANG Zhiyong. A Brief Review of Medical Insect Research History in China.  J. Beijing Agricultural College. 2005, 20(2): 75-80

WANG BC, ZHANG Zhi-yong, MA DY, LIU SY.  Effect of Mushroom House Conditioning on Growth and Development of Lycoriella pleuroti. EDIBLE FUNGI OF CHINA. 2004,23(1):49-50, 23(2):52-53

JIN WL, TAN RJ, WANG JZ, ZHANG Zhiyong,  LIU CA, ZHAO B. Preliminary analysis on spatial distribution pettens of Callasobruchus chinensis eggs in adzuki been fields. Plant Protection, 2004,30(6):34-36

ZHANG Zhiyong,, LI D X. Study on the Medical Value of Epicauta chinensis Lap.  J. Beijing Agricultural College. 2005, 20(1): 34-37

ZHANG YL , ZHOU Y , ZHANG Zhi-Yong*. Effect of cantharidin on the midgut of the orient armyworm ( Mythimna separata ) and diamondback moth ( Plutella xylostella). Acta Entomologica Sinica , 2003 , 46 (3) : 272 - 276 

ZHANG Zhiyong, RHMAN T., Mo J., NISIN K., and MIYATA T. Biotic fitness variation between susceptible and resistant strains of diamondback moth to acetamiprid. Presentation of 46th annual conference of Japan applied entomology and zoology society, Tokyo, 2002Mar.28-30.

Z ZHANG Zhiyong, MIYATA T. Comparision of biological characteristics between acetamiprid selectede and non-selected strains of diamondback moth.  Joint meeting of 138th Tokai branch of the Japan Entomology Society and the 75th Tokai branch of the Japan Applied Entomology and Zoology h, Jul. 13, 2002. Nagaya.

Zhang Z.Y., Yuan F. & Zhang X.  Effect of cantharidin on the digestive enzymes and esterases of diamondback moth larva. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica. 2000,27(4):354-358  

Zhang Z.Y., Li S. J., Zhang Y.D. et al. The damage and economical threshold of wireworm, Melannotus caudex in pepper fields. In Approach in Entomology (The bulletin of younth entomologist conference of China.) Beijing, China Agricultural Science and Technology Press, 2000, pp278-281. 

Zhang Z.Y.,Yuan F. Analysis on nutrients of cantharis insects.  Acta Agric. Boreali-occidentalis Sinica. 1998,7(3):63-66

Zhang Z.Y.,Yuan F. Synthetical evaluation on the resource valaue of Meloids. Acta Agric. Boreali-occidentalis Sinica. 1999,8(4):17-21

Zhang Z.Y., Li S. J., Zhang Y.D. et al.  Comparative studies on winter wheat resistance to aphids in different developmental stages. Acta Agricaulturae Boreali- Sinica. 2000,15(1): 57-61

Li S.J., Zhang Z. Y., Liu A. Z. et al.  Dynamics of wheat aphids and their natural enemies influenced by wheat populations.  In : Entomology in China, approach to the 21st century (Edt by Li D.M.). 2000, Beijing, pp:974-977 

Zhang Z.Y., Wang G. Q., Lu C.T. et al. The IPM tech-system in potato field in western mountain area of Henan province.  In: Foresight on plant protection in the 21st century, the proceeding of 99`s national conference, Chongqing, 1999. pp:575-578

Li S.J., Ming S.L., Zhang Z. Y.  Evaluation on wheat cultivars and strains resistant to angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella. In: Foresight on plant protection in the 21st century,  the proceeding of 99`s national conference, Chongqing, 1999. pp:479-481

Li S.J., Wang X.Y., Zhang Z. Y.  Chemical fertilizer effect on the population dynamics of wheat aphids and their natural enemies. In Foresight on plant protection in the 21st century, (the proceeding of 99`s national conference), Chongqing, 1999. pp:449-452

Li S.J., Zhang Z. Y., Wang X.Y., et al.  Evaluation on the resistance to aphids of wheat cultivars and strains by fuzzy distinguishing methods. Plant protection, 1998, 24(5):15-16 

Zhang Z.Y.,Yuan F.& Zhang  X. et  al. The insecticidal  function  of  cantharidin to the larva of diamondback moth. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica. 1998,25(3):166-170

Zhang Z.Y., Wang G.Q. Lei T.S. et al. IPM on phytophagous ladybird Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata  in He’nan province. Proceeding of International Conference of IPM-theory and practice, developing sustainable agriculture. Guangzhou, China. June 15-20,1998

   Zhang Z.Y., Zhang Y.D., Wang H.  Reasonable exploitation new biological resource,  raising new agricultural economical increasing point--understanding on the industries of useful insects. Acta Agricaulturae Boreali- Sinica. 1998,13(Mono.): 150-154

   Zhang Z.Y., Zhang Y.D., Li S.J. et al. Cantharidin—a special insect pheromone substance. In :Chemical Ecology –II (Edit by Chemical ecological branch of Chinese Ecological Society), Zheng Zhou ,1998, 63-66,108   

   *Zhang Z.Y.  Effects of temperature and humidity on the development of 28- spotted ladybird Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata. Acta Agri. Boreali-occidentalis Sinica. 1997, 6(1):30-34

   Zhang Z.Y. and Yuan F.  A review of cantharidin resources and its utilization. Acta Agric. Boreali-occidentalis Sinica 1996,5(4):89-92

   Zhang Z.Y. Effects of temperature on population dynamics of 28-spotted ladybird Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata. Acta Univ. Agri .Boreali-occidentalis. 1996,24(2):61-65 

   Li D.X., Zhang Z. Y., Lei T.S.et al Studies on the population dynamics and control techniques of the lady bird skinner in western Henan province. Chinese J. Potato 1996,107(3):147-150

   Zhang Z.Y.  Effects of insecticides on growth of  edible  fungi  Pleurotus ostrealus. Acta Univ. Agri .Boreali-occidentalis.1995 23(2):109-111 

   Yuan F., Zhang Z.Y., Wang Y.L. et al. Spatial  distribution pattern and sampling techniques of gallnut aphid  Kuburagia rhusicola Takagi overwintering population. Acta Univ. Agri .Boreali-occidentalis. 1995,23(2):65-69

   Zhang Z.Y., Duanmu T.Z., Li Z.G.et al.  Study on the control decision-making of Henosepilouhna vigintioctomuculata.  J. Hunan Agric. Sci. 1995,(1):33-37

   Zhang Z.Y. Study on the pest of edible fungi in Henan province. Proc.1st National Conference of IPM of edible fungi pests. Laiyang (1994). J.Laiyang Agri. College.1995, 12(Suppl): 99-103

   Li D.X., Zhang Z.Y., Chen G.Q. Studies on the bionomics and predation influence of  Epistropthe basteata Degeer. J. Luoyang Agric. College. 1995,15(1): 12-17  

   Zhang Z.Y. and Yuan F. A review of the classification of Henosepilachna Vigintioctomaculta complex. Entomotaxonomia 1994, 16(3):225-228

   Zhang Z.Y. and Liu S.Y. Studies on the population life tables of 28-sportted ladybird Henosepilachna vigintioctomuculata under laboratory condition. J. Nanjing Agric. Univ.1994, 17(2): 33-38

   Li D.X., Zhang Z.Y., Chen G.Q. The population dynamics of aphids on apple tree in western Henan province. J. Luoyang Agric. College. 1994, 14(2): 15-19 

   Li D.X., Tian J., Zhang Z.Y. Studies on the bionomics and control techniques of Aphis craecivova Koch on mung bean. Plant Protection. 1994, 20(6)4--6

   Zhou L.H., Hu G.L.& Zhang Z.Y. Crop Protectology. Laodong Press of China.Beijing, 1994.

   Zhang Z.Y.  A list of pests on edible fungi and herbages in Henan Province.In Shen, X.C.(edt.).The list of insect of Henan. Agricultural Science and Techonolgy Publishing House of China, Beijing, 1993

   Hu G.L., Zhang Z.Y. and Lin X.M. The principle and methods of pests and disease of edible fungi. Statistics Publishing House of China, 1993

   Zhang Z.Y., Lian E.P. and Kang Y.B. Investigation studies on pests of cultivated herbage in Henan. Herbage Science, 1993,10(2): 41-44

   Zhang Z.Y., Li D.X., Lei T.S. et al. Primary studies on the host plants of Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata. Chinese J. Potato 1993, 7(2): 96-98

   Zhang Z.Y., Li D.X., Lei T.S. et al. Study on the development zero and the active accumulated temperature of the phytophagous ladybird Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata. J. Luoyang Agric. College. 1993,13(1) 1-4

   Zhang Z.Y., Pan A.Z., Guo S.S., et al. A supply list of pests on horticulture plants in Luoyang city. J. Luoyang Agric. College. 1993,13(1) 38-43

   Li D.X., Zhang Z.Y., Tian J.  Studies on natural population life table of Aphis craccivora Koch. J. Luoyang Agric. College. 1993, 13(3): 8-12.

   Lei T.S., Zhang  Z.Y., Li D.X. et al.  Studies on the spatial pettern and sampling techniques of Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata. Ibid. 1993, 13(2): 34-39

   Li D.X., Zhang Z.Y. and Tian J. The predation of natural enimeis on Aphis craccivora  in the field of mung bean. Ibid. 1992, 12(2): 16-20

   Zhang Z.Y. A review of studies on pests of edible fungi in China. Kunchong Zhishi (Entomological Knowledge). 1991 28(3): 181-185

   Zhang Z.Y., Fan Z.B., Huang H.W. A report of control experiment using Wenyingjing smoke agent on  Lycoriella spp. Edible Fungi 1991, 13(5): 36-37

   Zhang Z.Y., Biological observation and management on Muscina stabulans in cultivated edible fungi. Edible Fungi 1991, 13(6): 39-40

   Zhang Z.Y. Investigation on the pests and disease of edible fungi in western Henan Province (I).  J. Yuxi (Luoyang) Agric. College 1991, 11(1): 49-52

   Zhang Z.Y. Studies on occurring characteristics of Lycoriella sp. on mushroom green house and it's control.  Ibid. 1991, 11(4): 29-33

 Zhang Z.Y., Lian E.P. and Kang Y.B. Primary records of pests on the cultivated herbages in Henan province. J. Henan Agric. Sci. 1990, (2): 27-30

   Zhang Z.Y., Lian E.P. and Kang Y.B. The control strategy on the main pests of cultivated herbages in Henan province. J. Henan Agric. Sci. 1988, (7): 16-17





Professor Guanglu Shi, Ph.D., doctoral supervisor, Deputy Director of Key Laboratory of Urban Agriculture (North)
Ministry of Agriculture, Deputy Director of Biotechnology Institute, Beijing University of Agriculture. Provincial excellent teachers and "Three Education" advanced individuals, the provincial excellent agricultural workers, the provincial science and technology advanced workers, the title of elite who have returned from abroad, the provincial model teachers, provincial model workers, the provincial young scientific leaders, and expert who enjoys the special allowance of the State Council for outstanding contribution. He hosted a number projects of provincial level or above, He has been awarded second prize one times for technological progress of P. R China, and was awarded the first prizes for third provincial scientific and technological progresses, second prizes for several provincial scientific and technological progresses, declared or authorized a number of the national invention patents, as well as more than 100 publications many of them were SCI, EI included.







王进忠,男,副教授,硕士生导师。1980-1984河北农业大学学习并获农学学士学位,1984-1988河北省农林科学院植物保护研究所从事害虫防治工作,1991年获中国科学院动物研究所理学硕士学位,1991-至今 在北京农学院从事昆虫学教学和科学研究工作。主讲本科“普通昆虫学”、“昆虫研究法”、“园林植物昆虫学”、“园艺植物昆虫学”和研究生“昆虫生理学”和“植物病虫害防治研究进展”等课程。主编观光农业系列教材《观赏植物保护学》,参编普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材《普通昆虫学》、全国高等农林院校“十一五”规划教材《园艺植物昆虫学》和教育部“一村一名大学生计划”教材《作物病虫害防治》等。获北京农学院高等教育教学成果二等奖1项,以第一完成人获北京市高校首届多媒体教育软件大竞赛三等奖1项。





NameWang  Jin-zhong

Date of birth: 06 Mar 1964

Academic rank:  Professor

Address :College of Plant Science and technologyBeijing University of Agriculture ,China 102206

Phone(s): 01080799135  E-mail: jinzhw9276@163.com

1980-1984 B.S. in Plant Protection, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, Hebei Province
1988-1991 M. S. in Entomology, Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, China.
Area(s) of Specialization:
(1)Insect Toxicology;(2)Insect Vector and Plant diseases  and  IPM.

Funded Project: (1)Norcantharidin induces apoptosis in lepidopteron cells through mitochondrial pathways(31272099) 2013-2016 , Grant from The National Natural Science Funds ;(2) Detection for viruses Infected Lily with DNA  Microarray Techniques(5043026) 2004, Grant from The Beijing Natural Science Funds.

Selected publications:

1. GAO Ya-Hong,WANG Jin-Zhong*,LI Ming-Fu*,LI Gui-Fen  Development of a Real-Time Fluorescent Quantitative RTPCR Method for the Detection of Plum Pox Virus  Letters in biotechnology  2011,22 (1):77-80

2.Zhang Tao,Wang Jin-zhong, Du Yan-li Infection of Wolbachia and and sequence analysis of wsp Gene in eight species of Phycitina in Beijing  Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture 2009.243.

3.WANG Jin-zhong  JIA Hui , WEN Si-yuan  et al. Detection for CMV, LSV, LMoV  Infected Lily with DNA  Microarray Techniques  Virologica  sinica 2005 20(4):429-433

4.WANG Jin-zhong,W ANG Yan-jun, WANG Xin-fen Transformation of Pokeweed Antiviral Protein Gene into Calli of Lilium longiflorum  BIOTECHNOLOG  2005 153: 73-75

5Wang Jin-zhong Ding Jian-yun, et al.,The embryonic development of the oriental armywormMythimna separata (Walker) (Lepidoptera: noctuidae)   Acta entomologica sinica  1997 40(3)  276-282


魏艳敏女,1963年生,副教授,北京市植物病理学会理事。19801984河北农业大学学习并获农学学士学位,19842000年河北农业大学任教,19931996年南开大学微生物专业学习并获理学硕士,2000~至今在北京农学院从事植物病理学教学和科学研究工作。主讲 “普通植物病理学”、“植病研究法”、“植物病害生物防治”、 “园艺植物病理学”等课程。


  E-mailyanminwei@yahoo.com.cn  Tel13693316558




Name:  Yanmin Wei  魏艳敏

Sex:   Female                         

Date of Birth: December 12, 1963

Place of Birth:  Ren Qiu City, Hebei Province, China

Home address:No.7, Beinong road, Changping District, Beijing, China,102206

Current Employer: the Plant Science and Technology Department, Beijing University of Agriculture, Changping District, Beijing, China, 102206

Position:  Associate professor in Plant Pathology

Home Phone:    +861080793212

Mobile Phone:   +8613693316558

E-mail:  yanminwei @ yahoo.com.cn


Educational Background

 1993-1996M.A in MicrobiologyGraduated from the Department of Biology of the University of Nankai. Majored in Microbiology.

   1980-1984B.A in AgricultureGraduated from the Department of Plant Protection of the Hebei Agricultural University. Majored in Plant Pathology.

Working Experience

2000 till now Work in the Beijing University of Agriculture, as a Plant Pathology Associate Professor.

1984-2000Work in the Hebei Agricultural University , as a Plant Pathology Assistant , a lecturera Associate Professor.

Professional Organizations

1986 till nowThe member of Chinese Society of Plant Pathology

2000 till nowThe member of Beijing Society for Plant Pathology

2008 till nowThe member of American Phytopathological Society

International Experience

U.S.A.  (2008)

Italy    (2008)

Research Support

1.2009-2013the earmarked fund for Modern Agro-industry Technology Research System (700000 per yearNo:nycytx-30-bc-03) from Ministry of Agriculture & Finance of the People’s Republic of China

2. 2010-2013: Funding Project for Academic Human Resources Development in Institutions of Higher Learning Under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Municipality  (500000 per year;No. PHR201107135)

Selected publications

1. Wei, Y.M., et al. A taxonomic study of Rhodotorula based on isoenzyme patterns. Mycosystema,199817(1):63-67

2. Wei, Y.M., et al. Species of Rhodotorula Harrison from fresh water of China. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis199730(3):103-105

3. Wei, Y.M., et al. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of isozymes of Verticillum dahliae. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 2000301):87-88

4Wei, Y.M., et al. Species of Rhodotorula Harrison found in Yangtze River. Journal of Agricultural University of Hebei,199821(2):51-54

5Wei, Y.M., et al. The antagonism of 26 strains of Streptomyces spp. against several vegetable pathogens. Journal of Agricultural University of Hebei, 2000233):65-68

6. Wei, Y.M., et al. Isozyme And Protein Patterns of 26 Strains of Verticillium dahliae Differing in Virulence. Proceedings, The First Asian Conference On Plant Pathology. Beijing, China, 2000, 8

7. Wei,Y.M. et al. Identification of a Chestnut Stem Disease and Its Integrated Management. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture2005202):37-39

8. Ren,Z.G et al. address authorResearch progress on biological control of horticultural plant disease by Bacillus spp. Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 200622(s):194-198

9. Wang, H. X. et al.address authorPathogens caused Chinese Chestnut Seed Rot during Storage and Their Infection Process. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture2006214):33-36

10. Ren Z.G., et al. (address author) Antifungal Substance from Bacillus sp. BJ-6 and Its Antagonism against Plant Pathogens. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture2006213):49-52

11. Ren, Z.G. et al. (address author) Fermentation Conditions for Production of Antifungal substances by Bacillus sp. BJ-6. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin.2007235):321-325

12. Wei,Y., et al. Causes and prevention of Chinese chestnut rotten fruit disease. Phytopathology. 200898(6):168.

13. Ren, Z.G., et al. (address author). Purification and some properties of antifungal substances from antagonistic Bacillus sp. BJ-6. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2008,90(2)124-125

14. Song,Q.F., et al. (address author). Preparation of Antiserum and Development of an Indirect ELISA to Bacillus BJ-6 Strain. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2009252):202-205

15. Ren Z.G., et al. (address author). Purification and mechanism of antifungal protein from Bacillus strain BJ-6. Journal of Fruit Science, 2009263):325-328

16. Wei,Y.M., et al. Preliminary study on fermentation process of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BJ-6. Phytopathology, 2009,99(6)140.

17. Zhu, X., et al.address author. Preliminary studies on pathogenic fungi of chestnut fruit rot and its control. Acta Horticulturae, 2008844:83-88

18. Wei Y.M.,et al. Study on the Anthracnose resistance of the main wine grape cultivars in Yantai. Sino-overseas Grapevine & wine20101561):15-17

19. W L Geng, P Hu, Z Ma, X Y Zhao, and Y M Weiaddress author. First Report of Pilidium concavum Causing Tan-Brown Leaf Spot on Strawberry in China, Plant Disease,2012, 96(9)1377.

20.Zhang,X.L.et al. (address author). Control efficacy of six fungicides and two antifungal strains against grape gray mold.Sino-overseas Grapevine & wine2011127-30


Accepted English special training course sponsored by the Hebei Agricultural University from 1986-1987.

Computer—Used freely, easily

Writing---Office writing either in English or Chinese

Communication---Good communication with all kinds of people


Professor Qin Ling: Dean of Plant Science and Technology Department, Beijing University of Agriculture













7Suitability of various prey types for the development of Propylaea japonica (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).2007. European Journal of Entomology


9Induction of the activities of antioxidative enzymes and the levels of malondialdehyde in cucumber seedlings as a consequence of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) infestation.2008Arthropod-Plant Interactions

10Induction of antioxidative enzyme activities and malondialdehyde in cucumber seedlings under feeding stress of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae).2008Agricultural Sciences in China


12、温度对西花蓟马(Frankliniella occidentalis)生长发育和存活率的影响.   2008,生态学报

13、光周期对大草蛉Chrysopa pallens滞育及发育的影响.2008,生态学报






19Suitability of Aphis craccivora (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) biotype-B as prey for Chrysopa pallens (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)2010, Biocontrol Science and Technology,














马兰青,理学博士,副教授 硕士生导师


Lan-Qing Ma, Ph.D., Professor, Master Supervisor


Deputy director of Key Laboratory of Urban Agriculture (North) Ministry of Agriculture


Graduated from Jilin University in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Presiding and participating in the scientific research projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation, Beijing Natural Science Foundation of Key Projects, 948 Project of the Ministry of Agriculture, et al. The research work has been engaged in gene isolation and functional analysis of genes playing crucial roles in biosynthesis of plant secondary metabolites. Published 13 scientific research papers in the primary journals of the related field, and eight of them were as the first author with cumulative SCI impact factor of 20.2. Authorized four national invention patents. Won the third prize of the provincial Science and Technology Progress Award.









E-mailyaoyc_20@bac.edu.cn; yaoyc_20@126.com







姓 名: 沈漫    

职 称: 副教授

职 务: 北京农学院植物科技系园艺育种教研室主任

学 历: 博 士







Name:    SHEN  Man                                  

Date of Birth:    April 26, 1968                        

Citizenship:     P.R.of China

SEX:     Female

Major:    Forest Genetics & Breeding

Professional Title:     Associate Professor


Current Academic Status:

Engaged as associate professor in Dept. of Horticulture, School of Plant Science & Technology at Beijing University of Agriculture.


Academic Experience:   

2001-Present   Associate Professor, Horticulture, School of Plant Science & Technology, Beijing University of Agriculture

1999-2001         Lecture, Horticulture, Dept. of Horticulture, Beijing University of Agriculture

1997-1999       Postdoctoral Researcher, Landscape Architecture & Ornamental Horticulture, Beijing Forestry University

1994-1997         Ph.D., Forest Tree Genetics & Breeding, Nanjing Forestry University

1992-1994     Postgraduate for M.S., Forest Tree Genetics & Breeding, Nanjing Forestry University. In 1994, passed the entrance examination of Ph.D. candidate and transferred to the Combined MSc-PhD Program.

1989-1992       Technician, Landscape Designing, Nanjing Landscape Architecture Planning & Designing Institute

1986-1989       Associate degree, Landscape Architecture, Jinling Institute of Technology


Research Program

Took charge of the research programs since 2000:

2006-2008     Study on propagation and application of resistant varieties selected from colorized-leaf ground-covers, funded by Beijing Education Commission.

2001-2005   Study on the relationship between cold-resistance of ground-cover chrysanthemum and changes of membrane lipids and proteins under low temperature, funded by “Nova of Science & Technology” Program, Beijing Science & Technology Commission.


Research Journal Articles:

LIU Ting et al. (corresponding author). Effects of different light intensities on blooming traits of the ground-cover chrysanthemum. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture, 2012, 27(3):14-17.

MENG Qing-fang et al. (corresponding author). Study on the adaptability of three species on Sedum to low temperature. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture, 2011, 26(2):50-54.

YU Fei et al. (the 3rd author). Micropropagation of Pistacia veraKerman’. Agricultural Biotechnology, 2011, 11(1):107-108, 121.

XING Miao-miao et al. (corresponding author). Tissue culture and rapid propagation of two sedum cultivars. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture, 2010, 25(1):65-68.

LI Na-na et al. (corresponding author). Optimum conditions in extracting polyphenol from Pistacia vera. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture. 2009, 24(2):59-63.

HOU Shu-jing et al. (the 2nd author). Stem-segment culture and propagation of Weigela florida cv. Variegata. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture. 2008, 23(2):28-31.

SHEN Man. Comparison and analysis of changes in membrane-lipids from cold Stress treated chrysanthemum leaves. Acta Horticulturae. 2007, 766: 97-102.   (ISTP)

SHEN Man. Study on the relationship between endogenous hormone and cold-resistance of ivy. Acta Horticulturae sinica. 2005, 32(1):141-144.

SHEN Man. Preparation of  plasma membrane from leaves of ground-cover chrysanthemum by aqueous polymer two-phase partition. Chinese Bulletin of Botany. 2004, 21(1): 66-73.

SHEN Man. The Comparisons and analyses of changes in phospholipids from leaf of ivy growing in different temperature conditions. Acta Horticulturae sinica. 2003, 30(4): 431-435.

ZHANG Chuanhong et al (the 3rd author). Effect of salinity on membrane lipids in pagoda tree and poplar ‘zhonglin-46’. Journal of Beijing Forestry University. 2002, 24(5/6):89-95.

SHEN Man et al. Composition of molecular species and positional distribution of fatty acid of phosphatidylglycerol from Ginkgo leaf. Chinese Bulletin of Botany. 1998, 15(5):50-55.

SHEN Man et al. Study on composition of molecular species of phosphatidylglycerol in relation to cold-resistance of poplar. Acta Botanica Sinica. 1998, 40(4):349-355. (SCI)

SHEN Man et al. Study on cold resistance of Poplar by ESR spin label. Scientia Silvae Sinicae. 1997, 33(3):212-218.

BAO Hong et al (the 2nd author). High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of molecular species of phosphatidylglycerol from leaves of Ginkgo biloba, Chinese fir and poplar. Scientia Silvae Sinicae. 1997, 33(5):447-453.

SHEN Man et al. The comparisons and analysis of differences in composition of phosphlipids and fatty acids from the leaf of different chilling-resistant varieties of azalea. Journal of Nanjing Forestry University. 1997, 21(2):66-69.

SHEN Man et al. Advances in research on chilling-resistance mechanisms of plants. Chinese Bulletin of Botany. 1997, 14(2):1-8.


Research Publications:

Woody ornamental plants in China (chief editor, with CAO Guangcai ). China agricultural science & Technology Press, Beijing, 2010.

Introduction and acclimatization of wild herbaceous plants (chief editor, with CAO Guangcai ). China agricultural science & Technology Press, Beijing, 2009.


Courses Taught:

Under-graduate: Horticultural plant breeding; Horticultural plant culture; Application and designing of ornamental plants; Basic of arrangement art of cutting flower; General horticulture.

Post-graduate: Germplasm resources & breeding of horticultural plants; Ornamental plant genetics & breeding; Post-harvest physiology & technology of ornamental Plants..



2009  Teaching commendations from School of Adult Continuing Education, Beijing University of Agriculture

2004   The third award in the 4th Teaching Skill Competition of Young Teachers at Universities and Colleges in Beijing.






    孔云,男,博士,副教授。主要从事设施果树研究。主要讲授的课程有“设施园艺学”和“家庭园艺装饰与养护”等。近年来主持与参加的课题有10多项,发表论文30多篇,其中2篇被EI收录,6篇被ISTP收录,3篇被SCI收录。编写著作9部。受北京市教委和国家留学基金委资助,先后分别于2009年与2010年赴美国Michigan State University进行访学和以色列Agricultural Research Organization从事博士后研究。获北京市农业技术推广三等奖2项,二等奖1项;北京市科技进步奖三等奖1项;申报北京市新品种4个。






张杰,男,博士,讲师,植物科学技术学院园艺教研室老师。主要从事观赏海棠着色机理与果树有机栽培等方面的研究。主要讲授的课程有“果树栽培学”、“园艺植物育种学”“农产品质量认证”等。自工作年来主持北京市教委面上项目1项;参加 “十一五”科技支撑计划、国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金等3项,发表论文3篇,其中2篇被SCI收录。承担及北京市科委等项目。





张运涛  男,19632月生,民盟盟员,河北馆陶人,果树学博士,现为北京市农林科学院林业果树研究所研究员,中国国家草莓资源圃和北京市林果所草莓课题组主持人,兼任中国园艺学会草莓分会理事长。研究方向为草莓资源育种和栽培。19828月参加工作以来一直从事果树科研和教学工作,曾主讲果树学和果树专业英语等课程,先后在《Acta Horticulture》、《中国农业科学》、《园艺学报》等各级学术刊物发表论文60多篇,译文60多篇;主持或参加各项课题30多项,撰写专著13本。选育的新品种‘天香’、‘燕香’和‘书香’2008年通过了北京市林木品种审定委员会的审定。



1.Recent progress in strawberry breeding in China[J],《Acta Horticulture》,2006年第708卷,国际园艺学会会刊,第一。





6.草莓香味的形成和香味育种 [J],《中国农业科学》,2004年第7期,中文核心期刊,第一。






12. 草莓畸形果形成的原因分析[J],《落叶果树》,2004年第6期,第一。


14.不同草莓品种性状的综合评判和品质分析. 2002年,《草莓研究进展》(一)第一。







 4. 草莓研究进展(一),中国农业出版社,200212月,第一。

5  草莓研究进展(二),中国林业出版社,20067月,第一。

6  草莓研究进展(三),中国农业出版社,20102月,第一。

7中国果树志.草莓卷. 中国林业出版社,20057月,副主编

8 优质高档草莓生产技术 中原农民出版社, 2003,副主编

9中国作物及其野生近缘植物—果树卷, 中国农业出版社,20067月,参编。

10 国外农产品质量安全管理体系, 中国农业科学技术出版社,20032月,参编







2. 科技部科技支撑项目:优质、高效、低能耗设施果树品种筛选与配套生产技术研究,课题编号为2007-2011,草莓经费17万,草莓主持。


4.北京市农村工作委员会:草莓优良品种脱毒快繁体系的构建和示范推广,20092010, 经费200万,主持。

5. 北京市科委:北京种业良种更新示范与质量保障工程,2009-2011年,草莓经费210万,草莓主持。

6 农业部公益项目:草莓产业技术研究与试验示范, 20102015年,经费1000万,主持。

联系电话:010-13581828697         E-mail zhytao1963@ 126.com






联系电话:010-51503587      13801309716        









主讲研究生课程“果树种质资源学”等,研究方向为园艺植物发育生物学与种质资源创新。重点研究花果发育的生物学机制与调控技术,主持完成国家自然科学基金等国家及市部级项目10余项。培育板栗新品种共2个,发表研究论文40余篇。获教育部科技进步二等奖及市级科技与推广奖共5项。2008年承办国际园艺学会每4年一届的“第四届国际板栗学术会议”,主编国际园艺学会主办的《Acta Horticulturae》第844卷。



Email: qinling@bac.edu.com





近年来主要围绕植物激素脱落酸与果实发育调控的分子机制展开研究:并提供了分子证据揭示了果实中ABA从信号产生到信号识别、信号转导的分子基础。以首次在桃和草莓果实中建立的病毒诱导基因沉默技术(VIGS)为研究平台,已确切的证据证实了ABA在桃和草莓果实成熟中发挥着重要的作用,并提出ABA激素调控果实成熟可能的信号转导机制。研究的主要结果发表在国际著名的综合性植物期刊《Plant Physiology》、《Journal of Experimental Botany》、《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》、《Plant Signaling & Behavior》上。目前发表SCI收录论文8篇, 主持科技部973前期研究1项,国家自然科学基金2项。
  [1] Jia HF, Chai YM, Li CL, Lu D, Luo JJ, Qin L, Shen YY. Abscisic Acid Plays an Important Role in the Regulation of Strawberry Fruit Ripening. Plant Physiology,2011, 157(1):188-199.  (IF 6.5)
[6]Shen YY, Wang XF,Wu FQ, et al .The Mg-chelatase H subunit is an abscisic acid receptor. Nature, 2006,Nature,2006,443(7113):824~826
[7]Shen YY, Duan CQ, liang XE, Zhang DP. Membrane-associated protein kinase activities in the developing mesocarp of grape berry. Fruit. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2004,161:15-23
[8]Duan CQ ,Shen YY(并列第一), liang XE, Zhang DP. Membrane-associated protein kinase activities in the developing apple fruit. Physiologia Plantarum, 2003,118:105-113




Yuan-Yue Shen47, male, Professor, Doctor, Doctor Instructor.


1985-1889, Laiyang Agricultural College, Agricultural Bachelor;

1994-1997, China Agricultural University, Agricultural Master;

1999-2003, China Agricultural University, Agricultural Doctor ;

2004-2006; China Agricultural University, Post-doctor.



1989-2006, Laiyang Agricultural College, teacher;

2006-2012, Beijing University of Agriculture, teacher.




Focus on the molecular mechanisms underlying the relationship of plant hormone abscisic acid with fruit ripening, provide molecular evidence to reveal ABA from production to action in fruit. On basis of virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) research platform established firstly in the peach and strawberry fruit, provide physiological and molecular evidence to demonstrated that ABA plays an important role in the peach and strawberry fruit ripening, and propose a model for the possible signal transduction mechanisms of ABA regulating fruit ripening. The main findings have been published in “Plant Physiology”, “Journal of Experimental Botany ", “Journal of Plant Growth Regulation”, and “Plant Signaling & Behavior". 



 [1] Jia HF, Chai YM, Li CL, Lu D, Luo JJ, Qin L, Shen YY . Abscisic Acid Plays an Important Role in the Regulation of Strawberry Fruit Ripening. Plant Physiology2011, 157(1):188-199.  (IF 6.5)

[2] Chai YM, Jia HF, Li CL, Dong QH, Shen YY . FaPYR1 is involved in strawberry fruit ripening.  Journal of Experimental Botany, 2011, 62(14):5079-5089.  (IF 4.9)

[3] Jia HF, Chai YM, Li CL, Qin L, Shen YY . Cloning and Characterization of the H Subunit of a Magnesium Chelatase Gene (PpCHLH) in Peach. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2011, 30(4): 445-455.   (IF 2.2)

[4] Li CL, Jia HF, Chai YM, Shen YY . Abscisic acid perception and signaling transduction in strawberry: A model for non-climacteric fruit ripening. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 2011, 6(12): 1950 -1953.  (IF 2.0)

[5] Jia HF, Guo JX, Qin L, Shen YY . Virus-induced PpCHLH Gene silencing in peach leaves (Prunus persica). Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2010, 85 (6): 528–532. (IF 0.8)

[6] Shen YY, Wang XF,Wu FQ, et al .The Mg-chelatase H subunit is an abscisic acid receptor.Nature20064437113):824~826

[7] Shen YY, Duan CQ, liang XE, Zhang DP. Membrane-associated protein kinase activities in the developing mesocarp of grape berry. Fruit. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2004,161:15-23

[8] Duan CQ, Shen YY (equal first author), liang XE, Zhang DP. Membrane-associated protein kinase activities in the developing apple fruit. Physiologia Plantarum, 2003, 118:105-113



[1] Molecular mechaninsms for regulation of non-climacteric fruit ripening: the National Key Basic Research ‘973’ Program of China (grant No. 2012CB126306, 2012-2014);

[2] Research on the function of abscisic acid receptor ABAR in peach fruit: the National Science Foundation of China (grant No. 30971977, 2009-2011);

[3] Molecular mechanisms for FaRRP1 regulation of strawberry fruit ripening: the National Science Foundation of China (grant No. 30971977, 2013-2016).



  Tel:   010-8079442613552048716





















Yue-Ping Liu, female, born in 1976, associate professor.

Got the Ph.D. degree at the China Agricultural University in 2003, in Pomology, now as a teacher in biological science and engineering college, focus on biochemistry, biochemical experiments and proteomics courses.

Award second prize in Beijing Working Committee of young teachers teaching competition in 2007.  Presiding two items of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Participated items of the National Natural Science Foundation of Beijing. Finished one item of Beijing Municipal Education Commission and another item of municipal party Committee Organization Department. Be selected in Beijing Nova program in 2008 and Beijing young and middle-aged backbone teachers in 2009. More than 10 papers were publishedsome of them indexed by SCI or EI . As a visiting schalor worked in Hungary biological sciences college during 2007 to 2008. The main research area is the proteomics of the plant cell cycle.

Current work is mainly focused on the mechanism of fruit development and maturation regulated by auxin.










    曹庆芹,女,博士, 教授,1974年生. 主要从事果树分子与发育生物学研究。主要讲授的课程有“分子生物学”、“分子生物学实验”、 “生物化学”等。近年来主持与参加的课题有10多项,发表论文20多篇,其中2篇被EI收录,2篇被ISTP收录,1篇被SCI收录, 其中以第四作者在<Science>上发表论文一篇。先后分别于2008年参加国际板栗大会,荷兰国际园艺博览会, 荷兰植物学会议,荷兰国际植物进化学会议, 并在2008年在第四届国际板栗大会年做大会报告。2008-2009年在荷兰瓦赫宁根大学留学访问一年。此后,与荷兰瓦赫宁根大学植物科学分子生物学Ton Bisseling课题组建立了长期的合作关系,每年定期访问荷兰。获北京农学院2008年教学成果二等奖1, 2011年指导的本科生论文获北京市科技论文二等奖。2007年被评为北京市科技新星。2010年被评为北京市中青年骨干教师。





Cao Qingqin

Doctor of Agriculture, associated professorMaster tutor


Teaching and research

 Main courses are Molecular Biology, Experimental Course of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.

One second prize of Teaching Achievement was awarded by Beijing University of Agriculture in 2008. One graduate’s paper guided by myself awarded one Second prize of Beijing Science and technology Paper in 2011.

In 2007, I was honored a Beijing New Star of Science and Technology. In 2010, I was honored a Beijing Promising Key Teacher

In recent years, more than 10 projects have been persided and participated, and more than 20 papers have been published. Two papers are EI index, ISTP index, SCI index respectively. One of paper has been published on Science journal by fourth authorship. 

Oversea study experiences and international co-operations

In 2008-2009, I had studied for one year as researcher scholar in Wageningen Universtiy. In 2011.6-2011.10 and in 2012.3-2012.5, respectively, I visited Wageningen University as a senior researcher. For those years I continue to cooperate with molecular biology group in Plant Science Department, Wageningen University

Main research directions

Pomology mycorrhizal mutual symbiosis, especially chestnut and strawberry, chestnut breeding, chestnut germplasm.

Publications in recent years

(1)       Qingqin Cao, Rik Op den Camp, Maryam Seifi Kalhor, Ton Bisseling, Rene Geurts. Efficiency of Agrobacterium rhizogenes–mediated root transformation of Parasponia and Trema is temperature dependent. Plant Growth Regulation, 2012, in press

(2)       Camp ROD, Streng, AMita SD, Cao Q, Polone E, Liu W, Ammiraju JSS, Kudrna D, Wing R, Untergasser A, Bisseling T, Geurts R. LysM-Type Mycorrhizal Receptor Recruited for Rhizobium Symbiosis in Nonlegume Parasponia. 2011,331:909-912

(3)       Camp ROD, Mita SD , Lillo A, Cao Q, Limpens E, Bisseling T, Geurts R. A phylogenetic strategy based on a legume-specific whole genome duplication yields symbiotic cytokinin type-A response regulators. Plant Physiology, 2011, 157: 2013–2022

(4)       Xian-Ping Guo, Xing-Liang Li1Xu-Wei Duan, Yuan-Yue Shen, Yu Xing, Qing-Qin Cao, Ling Qin. Characterization of sck1, a novel Castanea mollissima mutant with the extreme short catkins and decreased gibberellin. Plos One, 2012 (accept)

(5)       Xian-Ping Guo, Xing-Liang Li,Xu-Wei Duan, Shu Deng, Qing-Qin Cao, Ling Qin. Comparation of key enzymes of gibberellin biosynthesis between normal catkin and short male catkin in Castanea mollissima Bl. Journal of China Agricultural University, 2012174:91-95

(6)       Xingliang Li, Xianping Guo, Yuanyue Shen, Qingqin Cao, Yongqing Feng, Ling Qin. Preliminary identification of GAs-deficient short male catkin mutant and expression analysis of CmGID1 in Castanea mollissima. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2011, 38(7): 1251-1258

(7)       Qingqin Cao, Yongqing Feng, Yu-Fen Liu, Xian-Ping Guo, Guoqing Zhang, Ling Qin. Advance of plant phosphorus uptake improved by mycorrhiza fungi. 2011, 3(4): 407-413

(8)       Duan XXCao QQShen YYFeng YQQin Ling. CmMYB cloning and its expression during catkin differentiation of Castanea mollissima. Journal of Fruit Science, 2010,275:713718

(9)       Cao Qingqin, Yang Kai, Zhen Zhen, Feng Yongqing, Qin Ling. A preliminary study on chloroplast simple sequence repeats in Castanea. Acta Horticulturae Number 844: Proceedings of the Fourth International Chestnut Symposium, 2009: 319-326

(10)   Cao Qingqin et al. Characterization of an endo-1,4-β-glucanase from Lilium longiflorum that functioned in pollen germination and pollen tube growth. Chinese Science Bulletin2008535):739-745

(11)   Cao QQ, Zhen ZJiang J, Liu YF, Feng YQ, Qin Ling. Chloroplast DNA analysis technology and its application in Castanea.J.Fruit Science200824(3)396-399.

Projects in recent years

(1)       National Natural Science Foundation of Chinagrant no.:31201610The molecular mechanism on phosphate uptake improved by mycorrhizal phosphate transporter in chestnut (Castanea mollissima)2013.1—2015.12

(2)       European Research CouncilERC:The mechanism by which a non-leguminous plant, the Parasponia, extracts nitrogen from the air to grow. 2012-2017

(3)       Beijing Municipal Commission of EducationPHR201108274,2011.1-2013.12

(4)      Beijing New Star Programme of Science and Technologies2007B031:  2007.10-2012.12  

(5)      Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation (grant no. 6092003), 2009.1-2011.12

(6)      National Natural Science Foundation of Chinagrant no.: 30872039, 2009.1-2011.12








2009年1月-2010年12月 美国UC riverside分校植物系 博士后
2007年5月-2007年12月 香港浸会大学生物系 博士后
2004年5月-2007年4月 香港浸会大学生物系博士
2000年9月-2003年7月 中国农业大学果树系硕士
1996年9月-2000年7月 北京农学院园艺系   学士
* Wei-hua Chen, Yu Xing and Yi Pang. 2011. A highly selective pyrophosphate sensor based on ESIPT turn-on in water. Organic Letters. 13: 1362-1365.
* Zheng Z, Xing Y, He XJ, Li W, Hu Y, Yadav SK, Oh J, Zhu JK. 2010. An SGS3-like protein functions in RNA-directed DNA methylation and transcriptional gene silencing in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal. 62:92-99.
* Yu Xing, Wensuo Jia and Jianhua Zhang. 2009. AtMKK1 and AtMPK6 are involved in abscisic acid and sugar signaling in Arabidopsis seed germination. Plant Molecular Biology. 70: 725-736.
* Yu Xing, Wensuo Jia and Jianhua Zhang. 2008. AtMKK1 mediates ABA-induced CAT1 expression and H2O2 production via AtMPK6-coupled signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal.54: 440-451.
* Gangping Hao, Yu Xing, Jianhua Zhang. 2008. Role of nitric oxide dependent on nitric oxide synthase-like activity in the water stress signalling of maize seedlings. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 50: 435-442.
* Yu Xing, Wensuo Jia and Jianhua Zhang. 2007. AtMEK1 mediates stress-induced gene expression of CAT1 catalase by triggering H2O2 production in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany. 58: 2969-2981.
* Yu Xing, Youqun Wang, Conglin Huang, Zhongyi Wu, Shuqiu Zhang, Wensuo Jia. 2003. Protein tyrosine phosphatase is possibly involved in cellular signal transduction and the regulation of ABA accumulation in response to water deficit in maize L. Coleoptiles. Chinese Science Bulletin.48: 369-374.
* Wensuo Jia, Yu Xing, CongMing Lu, Jian-Hua Zhang. 2002. Signal transduction from water stress perception to ABA accumulation. ACTA BOTANICA SINICA.44: 1135-1141.

* Wensuo Jia, Yu Xing, Jian Zhao, Jianhua Zhang, Shuqiu Zhang. 2002. Cellular stress signaling from water-deficit perception to ABA accumulation. Development of Plant Science.4: 205-212.


Yu Xing

7 Beinong Rd. Huilong guan, Changping District, Beijing, 102206, P.R. China

Tel: 86-10-80797229

Email: 20117802@bua.edu.cn



2004.5- 2007.5       Dept. of Biology     Hong Kong Baptist University     Ph. D

2000.9- 2003.7       Dept. of Pomology   China Agricultural University      Master

1996.9- 2000.7       Dept. of Horticulture  Beijing University of Agriculture   Bachelor


2011.3-2012.8    Dept. of Biology, Hong Kong Baptist University       Research Associate

2009.1-2010.12   Dept. of Plant Science, UC. Riverside             Postdoctoral Researcher

2007.5-2007.11   Dept. of Biology, Hong Kong Baptist University     Postdoctoral Researcher


1.       Fruit development and ripening

2.       MAPK cascades in abiotic stresses



Wei-hua Chen, Yu Xing and Yi Pang. (2011) A highly selective pyrophosphate sensor based on ESIPT turn-on in water. Organic Letter. 13: 1362-1365. 

Zheng Z*, Xing Y*, He XJ, Li W, Hu Y, Yadav SK, Oh J, Zhu JK. (2010) An SGS3-like protein functions in RNA-directed DNA methylation and transcriptional gene silencing in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal. 62:92-99. (* Co-first author)

Yu Xing, Wensuo Jia and Jianhua Zhang. (2009) AtMKK1 and AtMPK6 are involved in abscisic acid and sugar signaling in Arabidopsis seed germination. Plant Molecular Biology. 70: 725-736.

Yu Xing, Wensuo Jia and Jianhua Zhang. (2008) AtMKK1 mediates ABA-induced CAT1 expression and H2O2 production via AtMPK6-coupled signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal. 54: 440-451.

Yu Xing, Wensuo Jia and Jianhua Zhang. (2007) AtMEK1 mediates stress-induced gene expression of CAT1 catalase by triggering H2O2 production in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany. 58: 2969-2981.






Zhang Jie Ph.D


Curriculum Vitae, November 19, 2012



College of Plant Science and Technology         Date of Birth:  January  3,1982 

Beijing University of Agriculture               Citizenship:China

7 Beinong Road, Huilongguan Town                 SEX: Male

Changping District                                             Major: Horticulture

Beijing 102206                                                   Professional Title: Dr.

P. R. China                                                         


Office Telephone:   86-1080799300             E-mail: anyzj034@126.com

Mobile:  13811793796                                 School Website: http://www.bua.edu.cn




            Lecturer, College of Plant Science and Technology, Beijing University of Agriculture, 2009-2011

            Associate ProfessorCollege of Plant Science and Technology, Beijing University of Agriculture, 2012-Present




            Ph.D. 2006-2009. Pomology, College of agriculture and biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China. Dissertation title: Establishment of the Core Collection and Analysis of Genetic Relationship of Apple Germplasm Resource.

            Master 2003-2009. Pomology, College of Landscape and HorticultureShanxi Agricultural University, Taigu, China. Thesis title: Effect of drought stress on Sugar Metabolism in apricot leaves.

            B.S. 1999-2003. Horticulture, College of Landscape and HorticultureShanxi Agricultural University, Taigu, China. Thesis title: Analysis of Mineral elements in jujube branches during sprout stage.



My research interests are mainly in the area of Organic Cultivation of Tree Fruit; Tree Fruit Germplasm Resource;Fruit quality; Leaf  and fruit color of ornamental plant .



Li Xiao-Peng, Li Xin-Gang, Wu Gao-Lin, Wei Xue-Hong and Sun Lei. “Yak and Tibet sheep grazing ingestion restrain seed germination of two Saussurea species in Tibetan meadow” , African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(40), pp. 6670-6674, 4 October, 2010



Zhang Jie, Yao Yuncong*, John G. Streeter and David C. Ferree. Activities of Some Enzymes associated with Oxygen MetablolismLipid Peroxidation and Cell Permeability in dehydrated M.micromalus Seedling. African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 9(17), pp. 2521-2526, 26 April, 2010.(IF 0.545)

Zhang Jie, Kong Yun, Wang Shaohui and Yao Yuncong*. Influence of Soil Drought Stress on the Photosynthesis, Carbohydrates and the N,P Absorb in Different Section Leaves at Stem of Fugi/M.9EMLA Young Apple seedlings . African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 9(33), pp. 5320-5325, 16 August, 2010.(IF 0.545)

Song Beizhou, Zhang Jie, Hu Jinghui, Wu Hongying, Kong Yun and Yao Yuncong*. Temporal dynamics of the arthropod community in pear orchards intercropped with aromatic plants. Pest Manag Sci 2011; 67: 1107–1114.(IF 2.313)

Ji Tian, Hongxiang Shen, Jie Zhang, Tingting Song, Yuncong  Yao* . Characteristics of chalcone synthase promoters from different leaf-color malus crabapple cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae, 129 (2011) :449–458.(IF 1.129)

Jin Kaina, Zhang Jie, Liu Junli, Geng Hui, Shen Hongxiang and Yao Yuncong*. Establishment of high effective regeneration and propagation system for ornamental crabapple (Malus spp.). African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 10(34), pp. 6447-6455, 11 July, 2011          




Horticultural Plant CulturePlant breeding in horticulture  Plant Cell and Tissue Culture, Organic Agriculture,  Authentication on Safety of Agricultural Products      ……



Chair  of  Key Laboratory of Beijing Municipality of Stress Physiology and Molecular Biology for Tree Fruit 2008-2009





Conferences, 2005-present


International Workshop on Biology of Fruit QualityHangzhou city, China2011.10


Seminar for construction and regulation of fruit quality, Hangzhou city, China2008.12





First name: Liandi    Family name: Zhou    Sex: Male

Birth Date: July 7, 1963     Marital status: Married

Degree: PH.D ( Pomology Science)         

Academic title: Professor


Address: Institute of Integrated Development of Agriculture, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences Haidian, Beijing,China

Postcode: 100097

Telephone: +86-010-5153587        Mobile: +86-13801309716

E-mail: liandizhou@126.com   


09/2006 – 07/2003


Doctor           Department of Pomology Sciences, China Agriculture University, Beijing , P.R. China

09/1998 – 07/2001


Master           Department of Agricultural Economic Management, China Renmin University , Beijing, P.R. China

Bachelor         Department of Forestry Science, Shenyang Agriculture University, Shenyang,

09/1998 – 07/2001


P.R. China. 


More than 25 years of experience and strong skills in fruits resources utilization and agricultural resources management, particularly in the areas of mountainous-regional resources utilization. In recent years, directed researching National(Ministry of ST) Projects and Municipal(Beijing ST Commission) Projects more than 50, taking agricultural engineering consulting projects more than 100, Popularization of agro-technologies in Beijing suburbs more than 100, Got 12 rewards of Municipal ST, Got 3 municipal advanced individual's title, Published dissertation more than 80(the first author and correspondence author more than 30), Published  5 monographs, Obtained 5 patent of invention, approved 19 fruits varieties.

At present, holding the post of (1)Director and Communist Party Branch Secretary of the institute of agricultural integrated development, Beijing academy of agriculture and forestry sciences, (2)Commissioner of Academic Committee in Beijing academy of agriculture and forestry sciences, (3)Chief Commissioner of Chinese Economic Forest Association-Chestnut Professional Committee Branch, (4)Vice-president and Secretary-general of China Academy of Technology and Economy --Chinese Agricultural Technology Economic Branch, (5)Standing director of Chinese Society of Agronomy--Agricultural S&T Park Branch,(6)Standing vice-director and Secretary-general of Beijing Mountainous-regional Development Association, (7)Vice President of Beijing Engineering Consulting, (8)Director of  Beijing Agricultural Association and President of Urban Agriculture Branch. In 2008, being Member of “Beijing new century talents of hundreds-thousands project”.



1.  Carrying out research of fruits resources

Collection and arrangement more than 20 of Beijing local fruits resources .Taking the lead of breeding dual purpose peach series more than 500, of which breeding 17 new varieties. Collection and arrangement 103 chestnut series, of which breeding 2 new varieties. Introduction of eco-economical covering tree--prunus humilis more than 4 series. Developing 9 Chestnut processing products and prunus humilis products and promoting  the corresponding fruits industrialization.

2. Management of Beijing agro-resources data using modern information technology

Structuring of Beijing agriculture decision-consulting systems for sustainable utilization agro-resources. Establishing of Beijing mountainous-regional decision-consulting systems for valley economy development.

3. Carrying out theory research of Peri-urban modernistic agriculture

Development theory of Peri-urban modernistic agriculture and industrial economics. Application the theory in governments’ strategic decision-making and enterprises investment. Completing planning for different scales and different types more than 100, including agriculture development planning and Beijing mountainous-regional development planning.


1. Zhou Liandi, Hu Yanxia, Wang yazhi et al.Emergy evaluation of an agro-circulation system in Beijing suburb---take Jianyan village as a case study. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2012,32(23):345-355.

2. Hu Yanxia, Li Hong, Zhou Liandicorrespondence author), et al. Eco-economic evaluation of key village in the north of Miyun reservior and designing. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 20102622):313-317.

3. Hu Yanxia, Li Hong, Zhou Liandicorrespondence author), et al. Resources analysis of biomass stations in the north of Miyun reservoir and measurement of the collecting radium. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 20102616):416-419.

4. Hu Yanxia, Li Hong, Wang Yu, Zhou Liandicorrespondence author).Comprehensive evaluation on the multi-output cycling agriculture in Beijing suburb: a case study of the big hoggery-biogas eco-econony system in Fangshan district. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 20092509:251-257.

5. Hu Yanxia, Zhou Liandicorrespondence author), Li Hong, et al. Evaluation ang analysis of net emergy yield of two bio-energy stations in Beijing suburb. Transactions of the CSAE, 2009258):200-203.

6. Hu Yanxia, Zhou Liandicorrespondence author), Dong Xiaobin, Li Hong. Evaluation of a demonstration fish farm using river water upreach of Miyun reservoir, Beizhuang district, Beijing. Acta Ecological Sinica, 20082811:5675-5683.

7. Hu Yanxia, Zhou Liandicorrespondence author), Yan Maochao, et al.Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Time serial analysis to the eco-ecological mode in Miyun Beijing water source protection areas of Beijing. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2008241):402-405.

8. Hu Yanxia, Zhou Liandicorrespondence author), Dong Xiaobin, Yan Maochao, Emergy evaluation of the artificial forest ecosystems in the watershed of Miyun reservioir: a case study for ecosystems valuation and environmental management, Ecological Economy, 2007, 10381-392.

9. Zhou Liandi, Hu Yanxia, Yan Maochao, et al. Emergy evaluation of Miyun county as the area of watershed conservation for Beijing. Progress in Geography, 2006255):94-104.

10. Zhou Liandi, Hu Yanxia, Yan Maochao, et al. Strategic Thinking about the eco-ecological mode of Beijing Miyun reservoir. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2006229):390-394.


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