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²     “都市型现代农业”方向




E-mail: hzw28@126.com


Brief Introduction of Professor He Zhongwei
He Zhongwei, male, was born in Yongxing, Hunan province. Member of Communist Party of China (CPC). Doctor of Management and Post Doctor of Economics. As a professor and the master’s tutor, he has won many professional titles such as the talent of Ministry of Education for New Century, Person in charge of National Characteristic Specialty, the leader of Beijing Excellent Teaching Team, the head of High-Quality Courses in Beijing. He is also one of Young and Middle-aged Key Teachers of Higher Institutions in Beijing, Beijing Outstanding Communist Party Members, Pioneers of Beijing Higher Education, and Outstanding Individuals of Beijing Teachers’ Professional Ethics. He currently serves as the Secretary of CPC General Branch at Economics and Management School of Beijing University of Agriculture and holds additional posts of Deputy Secretary General (Executive Member of The Council) of Chinese Association of Agro-Technical Economics (CAATE), member of Beijing Association of Agricultural Science Society, member of China Agro-technological Extension Association (CATEA), member of Beijing Forestry Society (BFS), and so on.
He mainly engages in teaching and research, and teaches undergraduates the courses such as Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Science of Agricultural Enterprise Management, Development Economics, Agricultural Policies and Regulations, etc. He lectures for postgraduates on several courses such as Intermediate Macroeconomics and Methodology of Economics Research , etc. So far 160 articles have been published at various levels of academic journals such as Chinese Rural Economy, and Issues in Agricultural Economy, etc; He presided over 40 research projects at both provincial level (such as Humanity and Social Science Fundation of Ministry of Education) and national level (such as National Social Science Fundation of China). He won many awards such as National Science and Technology Progress Awards, Second Prize, Beijing Science and Technology Progress Prize, First Prize, Excellent Soft Science Research Award of the State Grain Administration, First Prize, Beijing Education and Teaching Achievement Award (higher education), First Prize and so on. 10 volumes of monographs and several textbooks have been published, among which Research on Beijing Valley Economy Development, and Research on Ecological Economy Development of Beijing Suburbs, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Rural Development Economics arerepresentatives.
His major research fields cover Urban Modern Agriculture and Agro-technical Economics.
1.        Research and Demonstration of the Key Technology of Efficient Ecological Regulation of Jujube Forest. 2010 National Science and Technology Progress Award, Second Prize.
2.       Research and Demonstration of Active Acaricidal Substances of Plant. 2009 Beijing science and Technology Progress Award, First Prize.
3.       Research on Effect and System of Agricultural Subsidy Policy in China. 10th Beijing Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award, Second Prize.
4.       Research on the Development of Ecological Industry in Beijing Mountain Area under the Restriction of Resources and Environment.  11th Beijing Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award, Second Prize.
5.        Theory and Practice of Flourishing Village through Science and Education. 2006 Beijing Science and Technology Award, Third Prize.
6.       Research on Food Support Policy in China and Promoting National Food Security under the New Situation. 2008 Excellent Soft Science Research of the State Administration of Grain Award, First Prize.
7.       Innovation and Practice of Talents Cultivation in Urban Agricultural Colleges and Universities, Beijing Teaching and Education Achievement Award (Higher Education) , First Prize.
8.       Research on the Model of Adjustment of Agricultural Structure and Increase of Beijing Farmers’ Income with the Lead of Efficient Agricultural Park. Beijing Science and Technology Award, Third Prize.
9.       Report of Research on Valley Economy Development in Beijing. 2008-2009 Beijing Outstanding Research Achievement of New Rural Construction and Urban-rural Integration Awards, First Prize.



联系电话:010-80799305,13021939391;邮箱: shiyajun@126.com


SHI YAJUN, male, was born in Beijing in 1957. He is the director of the Institute of Urban Agriculture in Beijing University of Agriculture. And he is the supervisor of the master in Beijing University of Agriculture. He is the executive director and the deputy secretary-general of the branch of Chinese Society of Agronomy, which is urban agriculture and leisure agriculture. He is also the director of economic research of the suburban in China and the supervisor of economic research of the suburban in Beijing. He is the director of Agricultural Society in Beijing. He is the editorial board of Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin and Agricultural Engineering, which are the national core journals. He is an economic consultant of the agriculture of Shunyi District in Beijing. He is the expert of Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau of Urban Agriculture. His main direction of the research includes: urban modern agriculture, leisure agriculture, new rural construction and the research of rural cultural industry. He was long engaged in urban agriculture and rural development. He presided over the first Twelve Five-Year Plan of national development of leisure agriculture in China in 2010. He had accumulated a wealth of the experience in the industrial development of urban modern agriculture, the construction of new rural and the sustainable development of the society. So he is a well-known expert of urban agriculture. He mainly teaches the courses of the introduction to urban modern agriculture, the introduction to leisure agriculture, the evaluation of urban agriculture and the introduction to agriculture and agriculture policy. He had published 17 monographs, 2 textbooks and 50 papers of urban agriculture. He had won two awards of Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Progress, an award of Beijing Teaching Achievement and three awards of Beijing Agricultural Extension.

Tel: 010 -80799305, 13021939391; E-mail: shiyajun@126.com




刘芳 女,1973年出生,山东临沂人,中共党员,管理学博士,教授、硕士生导师,北京市高校中青年骨干教师。现任北京农学院经济管理学院主管科研与研究生工作的副院长,兼任首都女教授协会北京农学院分会副秘书长,中国商业统计学会常务理事,中国林牧渔业经济学会常务理事,北京农经学会理事。2012年加入北京市创新团队奶牛产业技术体系,担任奶牛产业经济岗位专家。
出版《 中国鲜活果蔬产品价格波动与形成机制研究》、《北京少数民族乡村经济发展研究》、《中国肉羊产业国际竞争力研究》、《农业技能培训》、《农村土地资源的保护和利用》、《农村统计与调查(北京市精品教材)》等学术专著或教材10余部;先后在农业经济问题、农业技术经济等期刊发表学术论文50余篇;荣获北京市第十一届哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖1项(第四),北京农学院教学成果一等奖2项,二等奖2项。主要研究方向为都市型现代农业,农业技术经济,畜牧业经济。
联系电话:13693113736;E-mail: livfang@sohu.com


LIU FANG, female, was born in Linyi, Shandong province in 1973. She is a member of Chinese Communist Party, doctor of management, professor, master’s supervisor, the backbone among young and middle-aged teachers in Beijing. Her administrative and social posts include incumbent Vice Dean of Economics & Management School of Beijing University of Agriculture (BUA), who in Charge of research and postgraduate affairs, Deputy Secretary-general in the BUA Branch of Capital Female Professor Association(CFPA), Executive Director of the Commerce Statistical Society of China(CSSC), Executive Director of the Chinese Society of Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Economics(CSFAFE), Council member in the Beijing Association of Agricultural Economics. In 2012, she joined the Beijing Innovation Team of Cow Industrial Technology System and became an expert on the Industrial & Economic post.
In 1997, she received her bachelor’s degree in education at the Mathematics Department of Qufu Normal University of Shandong. She received her master’s degree in 2000 and her doctor’s degree in 2006, both in management, from the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS).
Since professor Liu became a teacher, she has been undertaking the teaching task for both undergraduates and postgraduates. The main courses for undergraduates include Probability Theory, Mathematic Statistics, Econometrics, Operation Research, Statistics, Social Statistics, the Application of Economic Statistics software, etc. The main courses for postgraduates are Intermediate Econometrics and Rural statistics and investigation.
Professor Liu had hosted and has been hosting about 20 research projects of different levels, including the Cow Industrial Economy Research among Beijing Innovation Team (2012-2016), Natural Science fund of China—Positive Study on the Impact of Exotic Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources to the Development of Chinese Animal Husbandry (2010-2012), State Forestry Administration of China—Policy Analysis and Suggestion on the Trial Reform of Collective Forestland tenure in China (2012), Soft Science Project from Ministry of Agriculture of People’s Republic of China—Market Adjustment Problem Research of Fresh Agricultural Products (2010), Key project from Beijing Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science—Study on the Pricing Mechanism and Adjustment Mechanism of Fresh Agricultural Products in Beijing (2011), Project from Beijing Organization Department—Study on the Market Competitiveness of Meat Products in Beijing (2006), Key Investigation Project from Beijing Personnel Bureau—Study on Long-term Mechanism of College Students Serving as Village Officials in Beijing (2008), etc. The ongoing research funds add up to over RMB 600,000. 
Professor Liu has authored over 10 successful academic monographs including 《 Study on the price fluctuation and pricing mechanism of fresh fruits and vegetables in China , 《 Study on the Development of Rural Economy of Ethnic Minority in Beijing , 《 Study on the International Competitiveness of China’s Mutton Industry , 《 Agricultural Technical Skills Training ,《the Protection and Utilization of Land Resources in the countryside , etc; She has also written over 50 articles for leading economic journals, including Issues in Agricultural Economy and Journal of Agrotechnical Economics. She has been very active in research and teaching. She once won the second prize of Excellent Award in the 11th Philosophy and Social Science of Beijing (Ranking the Fourth). She was also awarded the first and second prize twice respectively for Excellent Teaching in BUA.
Her research interest lies in Metropolitan Modern Agriculture , Agrotechnical Economics, Animal Husbandry Economics.
TEL:13693113736;E-mail: livfang@sohu.com




联系电话:13718139837;E-mail: chenraov@163.com


Chen Rao is a member of the NLD in Chang Ping District who was born in 1969. She works as a professor and master tutor in Beijing University of Agriculture, holding a PHD in management. She has been honored as the young backbone teacher of universities in Beijing, and one of the NLD Beijing Municipal League workers. Currently Dr. Chen is the head of department of Economics and Management in Beijing University of Agricultural. Also she serves as several other positions, such as the vice chairman and secretary general of the Teaching and Research Institute of China agricultural business management, director of China Agricultural Economic Research Association, Supervisor of Beijing Agricultural Association and senior member of the Chinese Institute of Management Science and so on.
Dr. Chen is principally engaged in teaching and research work, mainly teaching courses such as Agricultural Economic Management, Operation and Management of Agricultural Enterprises and so on.
Dr. Chen has led and participated in more than 10 provincial researches. And she has published four monographs and more than 20 papers. She also is the editor-in-chief and deputy editor of eight textbooks. Besides she has achieved three provincial and ministerial awards.



曹暕 ,女,1977年出生,辽宁沈阳人,管理学博士,副教授、硕士生导师。2005年任教以来,主要承担《农业政策与法规》、《农业技术经济》、《农业经济学》、《产业经济学》等本科生课程和研究生学位课程《农业项目投资与案例分析》的教学任务。主持北京市教委项目、北京市组织部项目、北京市新农村建设基地项目等课题9项,参与国家自然科学基金项目等10余项。出版《中国奶业经济》、《中国农户原料奶生产经济效率分析》等专著5部,副主编《中国农业政策与法规》( 十一五 规划教材),主编教材1部,参编教材3部。在《中国农村经济》、《农业技术经济》等各级期刊发表学术论文30余篇。主要研究方向为都市型现代农业、农产品市场与政策、畜牧经济。
Dr. Cao Jian Associate Professor Male Born in 1977 in Shengyang Liaoning province. Dr. Cao takes the teaching task of “Agricultural Policy and Law ”,” “Agrotechnical Economics "," Agricultural Economics” and "investment in agricultural projects and case studies ”. Prof. Cao take scharge of some projects, such as projects from Beijing Natural Science Foundation, Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, Beijing Municipal Organization Department, Beijing Research Base for New Countryside Building. Five monographs have been published, such as “Dairy Economy in China”,” Analysis on Raw Milk Production Economic Efficiency of Farms in China”.More than 30 papers have been published in different journals, for example, “China's rural economy”, ”Agrotechnical Economics”. The Main research topics are urban modern agriculture, agricultural market policies, animal husbandry economy.
 TEL :13693138577;E-mail:caojian@163.com






藤田武弘,男,1962年7月23日生,现任国立大学法人和歌山大学观光学院教授,区域再生学科学科长,日本大阪府立大学大学院农学生命科学研究科博士(农学)。1992年4月-2000年3月大阪府立大学大学院农学生命科学研究科专属讲师; 2007年4月-2008年3月和歌山大学经济学院教授;2008年4月和歌山大学观光学院教授。日本农业经济学会全国理事、日本农业市场学会全国理事、地域农林经济学会全国理事、近几支部常任委员、农业理论研究会学会事务局;和歌山县农产品加工食品出口促进协会委员、和歌山县青少年农村教育计划推进委员会会长、和歌山县农业农村建设事业环境情报协会委员、大阪府农产品推进计划委员、大阪府亚洲饮食文化推进委员、大阪府批发市场发展推进会委员、京都府区域再生活动顾问、近几农政局区域建设方向研讨会委员。
ABOUT Fujita Takehiro
Fujita Takehiro, male, was born in 1962. He is the legal of National University and the professor of Tourism College of Wakayama University. And he was the agricultural doctor of Japanese University of Osaka Prefecture. From 1992 to 2000, he was the exclusive lecturer of Agriculture and Life Sciences in Japanese University of Osaka Prefecture. And he was the economic professor in Wakayama University from 2007 to 2008. Since April 2008, he has been the professor of Tourism College of Wakayama University. He is the national governing of Japanese society of agricultural economy society, Japanese society of agricultural markets and economic society of regional forestry. And he is a expert in the promotion of rural education of young people in Wakayama Prefecture, the agricultural products in Osaka and the development of wholesale market in Osaka. 

²     “农村社会发展”方向







联系电话:13681266658;邮箱: liruifen88570@sohu.com
Prof. LI Ruifen , female, was born in 1966 in Shanxi, qualified master degree in China Agricultural University, and have taught in college of economics and management in BeiJing University of Agriculture since 1999, and also as one of Director of Beijing Municipal Accounting Association ,executive directors in Academic Committee of China Association of Township Enterprises and China Marketing Association
She has been responsible for and participated in 23 research projects, and 13 of them supported by Social Science Foundation from Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing Social Science Foundation and etc.. Meanwhile , 4 monographs, 2 books about popular science introduction, 6 teaching books was published, and over 40 academic articles h ave been published by famous Journal like " Issues in Agricultural Economy ". She won the Young Scientists Award in 2004, and "Approaching Accounting Practices" courseware won Excellence Award in 2008 in Beijing. Research interesting is rural development.



隋文香 : 北京农学院经贸系教师,84年毕业于北京农学院农经系,获农学学士,87年至89年在中国政法大学第二学士学位班学习,获第二学士学位。89年参加全国律师资格考试,获得律师资格。96年评为北京市青年骨干教师。97年晋升为副教授,2010年晋升为教授。自1994年以来,一直担任中国农业经济法研究会理事。2000年聘为中国农业经济法研究会学术委员会委员。致力于与农业有关的知识产权、农村集体土地等相关农业法律研究。
联系电话:13651088844;邮箱: swx@bac.edu.cn 
Sui Wenxiang: Teacher of school of economics & management of Beijing University of agriculture. I graduated from department of agricultural economics of Beijing University of agriculture in 1984 and received bachelor degree of agronomy, then studied law in China University of political science and law in 1987-1989 and got second bachelor's degree. I passed national qualification test of lawyers and acquired the certificate of lawyer in 1989.Awarded as a young prominent teacher of Beijing in 1996 and promoted to associate professor in 1997 and professor in 2010. I was appointedcouncil member of China Association of Agricultural Law (CAAL) since 1994 and promoted member of academic committee in CAAL in 2000.I engaged in research of intellectual property in agriculture and law of rural collectives land.   
I taught courses of economic law, intellectual property in agriculture, policies and law of Agriculture. I published more than 30 papers on core journal of layer in China, modern law science, technology & law ,China seed industry and issued the book of legal precedent and legal principle study on infringement of new plant varieties. Issued works also include courses of intellectual property in agriculture, economic law, insurance. My personal research mainly include properties of management right in rural collectives land and law of land transfer, issues on intellectual property of export in high-tech products in Beijing(Project on invigorating foreign trade though science and technology supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, No. 2005EE660005), rural shareholding cooperative system (the study supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, No. 0424-2),legal issue on forms of transfer right of land management in Beijing, status and policies of intellectual property on agricultural high-tech enterprises in Beijing(the research supported by Beijing planning office of philosophy and social science,No.10BeFX082), collection and research on open resources of platform in science and technology condition etc.








联系电话:13911603607;E-mail: huayw15@sohu.com
Name : Hua yuwu                        
Gender : Man
Birth Date : 12. 1965
Native Place : Jianping City Liaoning Province       Telephone: 13911603607
Party Affiliation : Communist Party of China        E-mail: huayw15@sohu.com
Research direction : Metropolis modern agriculture culture
Bachelor of Economics, Master of Laws, Professor, Master Tutor
The School Director of General Office, Socialism In the World Research Center Standing director, Beijing Agricultural Association members, Beijing Rural Special Technology Association Standing director
Teaching "Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics"for Undergraduate
Teaching "Chinese Characteristic Socialism Theory and Practice, The Marx Doctrine and Methodology of Social Science" for Master
Beijing City Board of Education Teaching Achievement prize two,
On "the Scientific Socialism" and "Journal of Ideological & Theoretical Education" all levels of academic journals published more than 20 papers. Presided over "The Beijing New Rural Construction" research base, "Beijing City Board of Education of Humanities" and "Social Science Fund" project 6. Editor of 12 works of " Beijing City Contemporary Agriculture Culture Research", "The Integration of Urban and Rural Construction of Beijing", "From the Viewpoint of New Rural Construction of Beijing Suburb", "Beijing Suburb Rural Development Research".




联系电话:13683629549;邮箱: liyuhongzhou@sohu.com
Yuhong Li, Female, born in Ning'an County, Heilongjiang Province in 1973 ,Doctor of Economics, Renmin University of China,Associate Professor, Master Instructor, Young and middle-aged backbone teachers of universities in Beijing. Mainly responsible for teaching the courses of "Public Finance", "Tax Law", "Money and Banking", "Human Resource Management", "Financial Management", "Foreign Trade English",etc. .  Hosting and participating in more than 10 projects from the " National Social Science Fund", " Beijing Natural Science Fund", "Talents Fund of Beijing Organization Department", "Beijing Municipal Education Commission", "Beijing's New Rural Construction Base ",etc. . Publishing books of "the Research on Rural Public Goods Supply System and Mechanism Design " , " the Research on SME Tax Planning Based on the Financial Management ", "Rural Microcredit Management". Deputy Editor of textbooks of "Agriculture-related Enterprises Operation and Management ", "Financial Management ". Publishing more than 20 papers in the Journal of "Tax Research", "Journal of the Central University Of Finance and Economics", "International Tax",etc. . My research areas relate Rural Development, Fiscal Policy and Fiscal Management.
Tel: 13683629549; E-mail: liyuhongzhou@sohu.com





孙素芬,女,1964年出生,河北省冀州市人,中共党员,于2006年获中国农业大学推广硕士学位,现为北京市农林科学院农业科技信息研究所所长,研究员,国农学会科技情报分会副理事长、中国农学会农业图书馆分会理事、中国科技情报学会学会农业情报分会副理事长、北京科学技术情报学会常务理事、北京通讯信息技术学会理事、中国扶贫开发协会中国村络工程顾问、中国农业科技推广协会高新技术专业委员会常务理事、北京市农业技术系列高级职称评审委员会委员、《农业图书情报学刊》编委会委员,研究方向为农业信息技术、农业技术推广和都市型现代农业发展政策。先后主持了40余项国家、部委和北京市的科技攻关、星火计划、示范推广、农村科普项目, 创建了由信息资源系统、信息传播系统和信息接收反馈应用系统构成的全方位、多层次的农村科技综合信息服务体系。发表论文10余篇;获奖成果10项;专利和软件著作6项;目前,由孙素芬研究员主持的重点在研项目有:国家科技支撑课题“村镇应急公共服务标准化技术及适应性设备开发”、北京市发改委项目“北京市农村党员干部现代远程教育市级平台建设”、北京市农委示范推广项目“新农村网络双向视频咨询服务系统的示范应用”、北京市科委软科学研究课题“以科技协调员为核心的新型农村科技服务体系建设研究”等。
邮箱: sunsf@agri.ac.cn 
Sun Sufen, female, born in 1964, Jizhou City, Hebei Province, CPC member. In 2006, she obtained a master's degree in agricultural extension at Agricultural University of China and now she is the director of Agricultural Science and Technology Information Research Institute of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, researcher, vice president of National Society of Agronomy Science and Technology Information branch, director of the Chinese Society of Agronomy agricultural Library branch, vice president of China Institute of science and Technology Information Institute of agricultural intelligence branch, executive director of the Beijing science and Technology Information Institute, Beijing Institute director of communications and information technology, the China Association of Poverty Alleviation and Development Chinese village of network Engineering consultant. China Agricultural Science and Technology Association for the Promotion of high-tech professional committee executive director, Beijing agricultural Technology series titles Vetting Committee, "Agriculture Library and Information Sciences" Editorial Board members. Her research direction is agricultural information technology, promotion of agricultural technology and development policies of urban modern agricultural.She has successively presided over more than 40 items Countries, National ministries and commissions, Beijing municipal science and technology research, Spark plan, demonstration and promotion, rural science project. She created an all-round, multi-level rural science and technology of integrated information service system. The system consists by the information resource system, information dissemination system and information feedback application system.
Published more than 10 articles; 10 award-winning achievements; six patents and software works;At present, the researchers SunSuFen focus on the research project has the following several aspects. National science and technology support project "town emergency public service standardization technology and adaptive equipment development";Beijing development and reform commission (NDRC) project "Beijing rural party members and carders of modern distance education municipal platform construction";Beijing municipal rural demonstration promotion project "the new rural network two-way video consulting service system demonstration application";The Beijing municipal science and technology commission soft science research project "by the science and technology coordinator is the core of the new type of rural science and technology service system construction research" and so on.

²      农(林)产品市场与贸易方向



联系电话:13381362336;邮箱: agrirose@bac.edu.cn


Master Instructor Deng Rong
Deng Rong, PhD in Management, Professor of Agricultural Economics and Management
E-mail: agrirose@bua.edu.cn
Position: Professor in Beijing University of Agriculture, Dean of Department of Business Administration
Specialisation - Major Field: Agricultural Economics and Management, Livestock Enterprise Management, Management Thought and Organizational Behavior
Education background:
Deng Rong received her Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Economics from Beijing Agricultural College, and her PhD in Agricultural Economics and Management from the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. She received her certificate of advanced studies in Business Administration from Renmin University of China, and her Diploma in English from Beijing Language and Culture University.
Professional Activities:
Deng Rong has held visiting appointments at Orange Faculty in University of Sydney and Harper Adams University College.
She is currently an Editorial Board member of Journal of Beijing University of agriculture,and Executive director of China Society of Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Economics. And she is currently Executive director of China Society of Foreign Agricultural Economics.
Main Publications:
1、 Animal Husbandry Industry Chain Analysis in China, China Agriculture Press, May 2011
2、 Modern Agriculture and Circular Economy, China Light Industry Press, August 2010
3、 Beijing Livestock Supply Chain Management Research, China Agricultural Science and Technology Press, June 2009
4、 Modern agriculture basics, China Agriculture Press, January 2008
5、 Agricultural Resource Economics, China Agriculture Press, April 2007
6、 Economics of Rural Land,China Agriculture Press, March 2006
7、 Principles of Management,China Agricultural Science and Technology Press, January 2006
8、 China's Livestock Development Research, China Agriculture Press, November 2005
9、 Research on Livestock Production and Trade in China, China Agriculture Press, May 2004
10、 Development Research of Poultry Industry in China, China Agriculture Press, November 2003
Journal Articles
11、Further Discussion on the Pig Breeding Regionalization, Modernizing agriculture, September 2012
12、The Significance and Approaches of the Development of Low-carbon Economy in China, Proceedings of the Ninth International Forum —— International Trade and Investment,July 2012
13、Seabuckthorn Industry Multifunctional Development in China, China's Agricultural Outlook, January 2012
14、Further Discussion on China's Modern Agriculture——Background and Development Path, Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, September 2011
15、Analysis of Beef Cattle Production in China, Chinese Journal of Animal Science, September 2009
16、Study on the protection and sustainable use of rural land resources, Modern Agricultural Science and Technology,October 2009
17、Study on the Multifunctionality of Agriculture, Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, September 2009
18、Analysis of Beef Cattle Industry Development in China, Chinese Rural Economy, December 2008
19、Sustainable Development of Animal Husbandry in China, China's Agricultural Outlook, October 2008
20、Leisure Agriculture Development in Chinese New Rural Construction, Journal of Beijing Vocational College of Agriculture, March 2008
21、The formation of the Pork Price and the Countermeasures to Stabilize the Pork Price, Modernizing Agriculture, December 2007
22、China's Modern Agriculture——Background and Development Path, Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, October 2007
23、Sheep Production Analysis in Chinese Agriculture, Modernizing Agriculture, April 2007
24、A Summary of Views on New Rural Construction, Journal of Beijing University of agriculture, December 2006
25、Analysis on China Import and Export of Livestock and Poultry Products, Chinese Journal of Animal Science, July 2005
26、Analysis of the Import and Export of Animal Products in China, Commercial Research, December 2004
27、Livestock Production Scale Analysis, Modernizing Agriculture, December 2004
28、The Import and Export of Poultry Products in China, China Poultry, July 2004

21世纪以来先后主持和参与国家、省级以上相关科研课题50余项。高新技术改造传统农业(2004)、北京市科教兴村理论与实践研究(2008)先后获得北京市科技进步三等奖;“中苜一号” 新品种选育与推广获得北京市科技进步二等奖(2005);优质红小豆标准化技术与基地建设:获得北京市科技进步三等奖(2004)和北京市农业推广二等奖(2003)等。北京市农村科普基地建设与发展战略获北京市科协系统调研二等奖(2005)。北京市农业现代化研究(2000)和北京市农民教育发展战略研究(2001)分获北京市统战系统调研一等奖、二等奖。著有《中国农村人力资源开发理论与实践》、《新西兰农业比较》个人专著2部,主编著作、教材20多部;发表论文100余篇;执笔起草20多个新农村等各类规划等;为企业和基层农村起草项目书和策划书100多份;近十年在北京等20多省市主讲农产品营销与品牌建设、农民科学素质、农业产业结构调整等100多场,培训2万多人。
2003年被中宣部、中央文明办、科技部、教育部、农业部等14个部委联合授予“科技、文化、卫生三下乡先进个人”,2004年被农业部授予“农业先进工作者”、“ 全国农业科普工作先进个人”,2002年被北京市科委、经委、教委联合授予“北京市产学研先进个人”,2004年被北京市科协授予“北京市科技下乡优秀专家”;2008年被北京市教工委评为“高校优秀党务工作者”;2009年被北京市农工委、农委、市人事局联合授予“为郊区经济发展”十佳科技工作者;被北京市科协、市财政局评为“科普惠农兴村计划优秀农业服务专家”;2010年5月被科技部、中宣部、中国科协联合授予“全国科普先进工作者”;被北京市科委、宣传部、市科协、市人事局联合授予“北京市科普先进工作者”。先后获北京市高等学校优秀青年骨干教师、全国科教兴村试点工作先进个人、被北京市委组织部列为优秀人才。
联系电话:13641097706;邮箱: lihuaa1962@sina.com



Name:        Li Hua

Date of birth:  1962.10.30

Contact Information: Address: 7 Beinong Road , Dewai, Zhuxinzhuang                                 Beijing , 102206,P R China

                    Tel:+86 13641097706                                               Fax:+86 80795715                                                 Email: lihuaa1962@126.com




u      Dean of the Economics and Management school of Beijing University of Agriculture

u      Professor in Rural Social Development

u      The Responsible Person of the Key Disciplines in Beijing --Economics and Management of Agriculture

u      Master Instructor of the Major of Economics and ManagementBeijing University of Agriculture and Xinjiang Agricultural University

Teaching subjects:

u      1984-1988  Crop Cultivation

u      1987-1989  An Introduction to Agronomy              

u      1989-1996  Forage Crop Production ,Grass Science

u      1995-1997  Public Relationship Science

u      1998-now  Village and Town Planning

u      2002-2004  An Introduction to Modern Agriculture ( China People                 University)

u      2004-now  Agricultural Extension China Agricultural Science and                Technology Policy and the Three Rural Policy

Research Fields:

   He mainly engaged in rural human resources development, agricultural product brand construction and marketing. By now , he has organized and participated in more than 50 related research projects above the provincial level. The past 10 years, he has conducted training on the village planning, marketing and agricultural brand building more than 100 times, training more than 20000 people.


  He has two individual monographs, the one is the Theory and Practice of Rural Human Resource Development and Utilization in China , and the other is The Diagnosis of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Management .So far, he has edited more than 20 writings and teaching materials, such as Agricultural Extension, Rural Public Management, The Rural Project Selection and Entrepreneurship. In addition, he has published over one hundred papers.


u      Nearly 10 years ,I won the "National Science Advanced Worker" title given by the Central Propaganda Department, Ministry of Science and Technology , China Association for Science and Technology.2010

u      "Top Ten" of Science and Technology Workers of the Economic Development of the Suburbs of Beijing2009

u      Advanced Individual for Revitalizing Countryside Through Science and Education(2008)

u      Advanced Individual of the National Agricultural Industrialization 2008

u      Advanced Individual of Agricultural Science and Technology Year2004

u      Advanced Individual of National Scientific and Technological Work (2004

u      The Third Class of Beijing Scientific and Technique Prize in 2003 for Using modern technique to promote traditional agriculture in Beijing (2003)

u      Won more than ten awards of the provincial science and technology progress award, agricultural promotion award, research award.

Academic Group Position:

u      Deputy Secretary General of China Rural Special Technology Association ( CRSTA)

u      Secretary General of Beijing Rural Special Technology Association

u      Vice Chairman of Beijing Association of Agricultural Economics(BAAE)

u      Expert on Economic post of Poultry team of Beijing Modern Agricultural Technology System

u      The Director of Chinese Association of Agricultural Economics

u      The Deputy Chairman of Beijing Association of Agricultural Economics

u      The Director of Chinese Association of Agricultural Science Societies

u      Executive director of the Agricultural Industrialization

u      Executive Director of the Branch of Agricultural Science and Technology Park

u      Executive Director of Chinese Township Enterprise Directors Assocation

u      Executive Director of Township Entrepreneurs Committee

Professional Affiliations:

u      The Evaluation Experts of the National and the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award

u      the Evaluation Experts of Ministry of Science and Technology Transfer and Major Projects to Promote

u      the Evaluation Experts of China Association for Science and Technology about consulting, a significant academic and science

u      The Director of Consultative Committee of Central Committee of Jiusan Society

u      The Expert of Farmer`s Scientific Literacy Themes of The Ministry of Agriculture 

u      The Evaluation Expert of The Country and the Beijing Social Science Fund





陈跃雪,女,教授,1964年出生,1998年研究生毕业于华东师范大学国际金融系,获经济学硕士学位,2001.2-2002.1清华大学经济管理学院高级访问学者。2007.9-2008.6,国家公派留学瑞典,访问学者进行合作研究。北京市中青年骨干教师,兼任中国世界经济学会国际贸易专业教学委员会委员,WTO第5届年会理事。 从教20年来,主要从事国际贸易、金融学的教学和研究,主要讲授过国际贸易、农产品国际贸易、国际贸易实务、国际贸易专题、信用证专题、国际结算、国际金融、金融风险防范专题。主持、参加完成国家和省、部级科研课题18项,多次获得调研成果奖,在国内外研究期刊上发表论文60多篇,编著著作、教材20多部。主编的全国高等农林院校“十五”规划教材《国际贸易理论与实务》2005年获优秀教材一等奖,2010年指导学生参加第二届ACI中国区高校“就业之光”国际商务谈判大赛获二等奖。
联系电话:13683520583;邮箱: buacyx@126.com
Brief introduction to Chen Yuexue
Prof. Chen Yuexue, a female, born in 1964, graduated as a master of economics from Department of International Finance of East China Normal University in 1998, and was a visiting scholar in the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University (Tsinghua SEM) from Feb. 2001 to Jan.2002. As a member of Beijing Young and Middle-aged Core Teachers, Prof. Chen is the dean of the Department of Economics and Trade, Beijing University of Agriculture, and a concurrent member of International Finance Teaching Committee of Chinese Society of World Economy.
Apart from teaching, Prof. Chen has done research on international trade and finance. She has taken charge of or participated in 18 research subjects of national level or provincial level, and has won awards for many times. Prof. Chen has published over 40 papers, and edited (some with others) over 20 books or textbooks. Theory and Practice of International Trade, a nationally planned textbook for "Tenth Five-year Plan" and a planned textbook for agricultural and forestry colleges and universities, edited by Chen Yuexue, won the first prize of 2005 National Book Prize for Excellent Textbooks. Her paper, “Exploration on Teaching Reform of International Trade of Agricultural Products”, won the first prize of 2005 excellent papers of Chinese universities in international trade teaching and reform, conferred by Training Center of Chinese Universities. Her book, Settlement and Law Practice, was awarded the research book prize. She also directed a university program on Teaching Reform of International Trade, which won the second prize of Higher Education Teaching Achievements of Beijing University of Agriculture in 2004. And Prof. Chen was singled out as a model worker in teaching of Beijing University of Agriculture in 2004.








刘瑞涵,女。1990年毕业于中国农业大学。管理学博士,教授;经济管理学院市场营销教研室主任,北京市中青年骨干教师,中国市场学会理事。主要讲授研究生的“中级微观经济学”。主讲过本科生的“农产品营销学”、“营销调研”、“市场营销综合实践” “市场营销学”、“经济法”和“农业技术经济”等课程;在负责营销专业建设的同时,主要研究方向为农产品营销与贸易、农业技术经济等。主持并完成来自北京市委组织部、北京市教委、北京社科规划办所属北京新农村基地等项目以及来自北京市农委和北京市科委等研究项目的子课题,参与完成了国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金及农业部和商务部等方面的研究课题。同时主持完成多项来自北京市区(县)、局级单位委托的横向合作课题乃至企业委托项目。研究成果曾获北京市科学技术二等奖1项,中国农科院科学技术二等奖2项以及北京农学院科研论文奖、科研成果奖、科研著作奖和科研项目奖等多项奖励。发表论文30余篇;出版第一作者专著4部,副主编著作4部。硕士招生方向为“农产品市场与政策”。
联系电话:13661163410 邮箱: ruihanliu@163.com


Liu Ruihan
Professor of Business Administration. Dean of Marketing Department.
Unit:Economics and Management College, Beijing University of Agriculture

Institution and Location
Field of Study
Postgraduate School, The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China
Agricultural Economics
Postgraduate School, The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China
Agricultural Economics
Postgraduate School, The Chinese Academy

2009 --- present :   Teaching Economics for postgraduate, as a professor in Economics and Management School of Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, China.
2002- -- 2009:   Teaching Marketing Research for undergraduate as an associate professor in Economics and Management School of Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, China.
1997 --- 2001 :  Teaching Marketing of Agriculture Products for undergraduate as a lecturer in Department of Economic and Trade of Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, China.
1990----1996 : Teaching Agronomy for undergraduate as an assistant in Department of Plant Science and Technology of Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, China.

Funding Body
Agriculture Bureau of Beijing
Financial Bureau of Beijing
Leafy vegetables industrial technology system, innovation team in Beijing
Expert of Industrial Economy
Beijing   Municipal Science and Technology Commission
( No: Z101108002110041 )
Study on Integration Mode of  Production, teaching and research about Chang Ping District of Beijing
Project Leader
Mi Yun District of Agriculture Bureau of Beijing
Study on Marketing strategy of Farmer Cooperatives
Project Leader
Beijing Municipal Philosophy and Social Science Foundation
 ( No: BJXNCJD2009-02-02)
Study on diversified management pattern and appropriate scale of dominant industry in mountainous area of Beijing
Project Leader
National Philosophy and Social Science Foundation
(No: 08BJY136 )
Investigating on International Compare of Agriculture Subsidies Policies
Beijing Municipal Commission of Education
 ( No: PXM2007014207044539 )
Study on Marketing Issue of Horticulture Products in Beijing
Project Leader
Beijing   Municipal Science and Technology Commission  ( No:ZZ0711)
Investigating on the Management Pattern of Supply Chain of Local Fresh Fruit in Beijing
Project Leader
Shun Yi District of Agriculture Bureau of   Beijing
Study on development strategy of high quality agriculture products in Shun Yi District of Beijing
Project Leader
Tong Zhou District of Agriculture Bureau of Beijing
Study on market strategy of edible flower products in Tong Zhou District of Beijing
Project Leader
An Agricultural Company
Study on Marketing strategy of Agriculture Products of Enterprise
Project Leader
Ministry of Commercial of the People’s Republic of China
Study on the export market of agriculture products of China
Beijing Municipal Organization Department
Investigating on developing trend and strategy about international trade of fruit and vegetable in Beijing
Project Leader
Ministry of Commercial of the People’s Republic of China
Study  on the development strategy of agriculture products export during 2006-2010 in China
Agriculture Bureau of Beijing
Study on market orientation and development strategy of export vegetable in Beijing
Project Leader
Agriculture Bureau of Beijing
Analysis and Investigate on international trade information of agriculture products
Project Leader
Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China
Study on the idea and strategy about exploiting rural market in China 

1. Liu Ruihan, Yang Weimin, Gui Lin ,Wu Chunxia,“Study on Marketing Issue of Horticulture Products in Beijing”, Beijing :China Agriculture Press,2010 (In Chinese).
2. Liu Ruihan, “Study on the integration pattern of supply chain of local fresh fruit in Beijing” , Beijing :China Agriculture Press,2009 (In Chinese).
3. Liu Ruihan, Tao Zhiqiang “Research on export-oriented development of vegetable industry in China” , Beijing :China Agriculture Press,2006 (In Chinese).
4. Guo Jianchun, Li Guang, Zhou Jing, Liu Ruihan, et al.“Marketing of Agriculture Products” , . Beijing :China Agriculture Press,2007 (In Chinese).
5. Li Xingjia, Liu Ruihan, Li Ping, Zheng Chunhui, “How to Deal with the Trade of Agriculture Products in Suburb,” , . Beijing : Jindun Press,2006 (In Chinese).
6. Sun xiaoling,Liu Ruihan, Luruixue, “Overview on Research of Customer Satisfaction Degree”, Proceedings of 2012 exchange conference International Marketing Science and Information Technology /ST.PLUM-BLOSSOM PRESS  /JUNE 2012 ( In English)
7. Liu Ruihan, Wu Chunxia, Pu Yingyan “Empirical Analysis on Fruit Farmers' Selection of the Type of Cooperation Partners on Supply Chain in Beijing Suburbs ” Marketing Science Innovations and Economic Development, Proceedings:229-235, 2009 ( In English). 
8. Liu Ruihan , Wu Chunxia  “Factors Affecting Suburb Fruit Farmers Cooperators Selection in Supply Chain Management----Based On The Sample of 425 Fruit Farmers In Beijing Surburb”  WSM2009: 2ND Workshop on Strategy and Marketing Proceedings:66-69,2009  ( In English).
9. Zhou Yun, Liu Ruihan “Studies on Conditions of Brand Extension and The Framework of Evaluation” The 10th International Conference on Global Business and Economic Development, Montclair State University,Upper Montclair,NJ07043, 2007(5) ( In English). 
10. Liu Ruihan, Zhang Huaibo ,“Analysis on Agriculture Support and Policy Reform in Russia” , Issues in Agriculture Economy (Monthly),2010(12),105-109 (In Chinese).
11. Liu Ruihan, Zhouyun, “Analysis and investigating on the Integration Pattern of Fruit Supply Chain in Beijing” , Chinese Agriculture Science Bulletin, 2010,26(5):29-35 (In Chinese).
12. Liu Ruihan, “Analysis on the Integration Pattern of Supply Chain—Based on the examples of Agriculture products”, Marketing Herald, 2009(5),19-23 (In Chinese).
13. Liu Ruihan, Shen Qiuhong,“Introspection of the Supply Institution of Public Goods in China’s Rural Area”, . Beijing:China Agriculture Science and Technology Press,2009 (In Chinese)
14. Liu Ruihan, Li Xiande, “Customer Value Analysis of Beijing Fruit Market and Market Segmentation Research”,Journal of Agrotechnical Economics (Bimonthly),2008(3),93-99
(In Chinese).
15. Liu Ruihan, Bo Lin,“Analysis on the Customer’s Cognitive and Need Intention of Edible Flower Products in Beijing” , . Marketing Herald, 2008(3),35-38 (In Chinese).
16. Liu Ruihan, Li Xiande,“Preliminary Analysis of the Current Situation and Prospects of Vegetable Trade between China and Germany” . , World Agriculture, 2007(1):15-18
  (In Chinese).
17. Liu Ruihan, “Research on Current Situation and Countermeasure of the export-oriented development of vegetable industry in Beijing” , Beijing: China Agriculture Press,2007
  (In Chinese).
18. Liu Ruihan, Li Xiande,“An Empirical Study of China’s Vegetable Export to U.K.”  , Finance and Trade Research , 2006(4),30-34 (In Chinese).
19. Liu Ruihan, Li Xiande,“Preliminary Investigating of the Current Situation and Market Development of Vegetable Trade between China and South Korea”, World Agriculture, 2006(5):44-47 (In Chinese).
20. Li Jinling,Liu Ruihan,“Analysis on the Market Quotation of Fruit and Vegetable in Japan” , Beijing:China Agriculture Science and Technology Press,2006:455-460 (In Chinese).
21. Tian Shumin, Liu Ruihan, Hou Fuqiang,“Study on Evaluation Indicator System of Conservation Tillage Technology Implementary Benefit in Beijing Rural Areas” , Journal of Beijing Agriculture College, 2006,21(4):50-53 (In Chinese).
22. Liu Ruihan, “Based on Characteristic for Existence Discuss orientation of Marketing Major” , Journal of Beijing Agriculture College, 2005,20(8):142-143 (In Chinese).
23. Deng Yu, Liu Ruihan, “Analysis and Investigating on the Customer’s Need Intention to Green Vegetable in Beijing area”, Journal of Beijing Agriculture College, 2004,19(6):120-124  
 (In Chinese).
24. Liu Ruihan, Wang Hongling,Kuang Yuanpei, “Analysis of EvaluationModel of Value on Human Resources of  Enterprise” , Truth Seeking, 2003(6):161-162 (In Chinese).
25. Wang Wei,Liu Rui-han, “Analysis on Brand Strategy of Agriculture products in Agricultural High-tech Park” , Commercial Research,2004(5):176-178(In Chinese).
26. Liu Ruihan, “On Knowledge-based Marketing Applied in Marketing of Agriculture Products , Commercial Research,2002(4):89-91(In Chinese).
27. Liu Ruihan, Zhou Chunjiang,Song Huixin,Xiang Zhihong, “Economic benefits analysis and evaluation on non-traditional intercroping technology system”, Journal of Agrotechnical Economics 2002(3):34-38(In Chinese).
28. Kuang Yuanpei, Zeng Fusheng,Liu Ruihan, “Investigating on the issue of quality criterion system of Agriculture Products” ,Social Science of Beijing 2002(2):55-62(In Chinese).,
29. Liu Ruihan, Li Ruifen,Deng Rong, “Developing Agriculture Based on Knowledge in China”, Chinese Rural Economy(Monthly),2001(12):16-21 (In Chinese).
30. Liu Ruihan, “Practice and investigating on case teaching of marketing” , Journal of Beijing Agriculture College, 2000,15(3):70-73 (In Chinese).
31. Liu Ruihan, “Analysis of developing and marketing of Green Food ”, Journal of Beijing Agriculture College2000,15(4):52-57 (In Chinese).
32. Liu Ruihan, Wang Hongying, Ren Yuling,“Comparative Analysis of Economic Benefits Between Grain and Vegetable Industry in Beijing ”, Journal of Beijing Agriculture College1999,14(1):24-28 (In Chinese).
33. Liu Ruihan , Feng Haifa, “Analysis of economic benefit of vegetable product from farmers in Beijing”,Journal of Beijing Agriculture College, 1999,14(2):13-19(In Chinese).
34. Liu Ruihan, Shao Liansheng,Wang Yanxia,“Analysis of the Fluctuations in Vegetable Prices and Trading Volumes  in Wholesale Markets of Consuming Place in Beijing ”, Chinese Rural Economy(Monthly), 1998(10):54-57(In Chinese).
35.  Liu Ruihan, Wang Yanxia,“Analysis of Income and Consumption of  farmers in Beijing”, Journal of Beijing Agriculture College, 1997,12(3):58-62(In Chinese).
Tel 86-10-13641319868        E-mail:  ruihanliu@sina.com
Web: http://jgxy.bua.edu.cn/News_View.asp?NewsID=25





联系电话:13621228852;邮箱: guilin2004@bac.edu.cn
Gui Lin(1978-), Bored in YongZhou, Hunan province.
 Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Research Fields: Logistics Management, International Marketing(bilingual Chinese&English), Consumer Behaviour
(2008-2012),PhD, Land Resource Management, China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT)
(2009.9-2009,12), Visiting Scholar, HarperAdams
1999-2002 M.A Enterprises Management Xiangtan University
1995-1999 B.E Chemical Engineering Xiangtan University
Assistant Professor of Marketing,Beijing University of Agriculture(BUA), Ecnomic and Management School of BUA (2010-present)
Lecturer, Beijing University of Agriculture(BUA), Ecnomic and Management School of BUA (2002-2010)
1 Research on Logistics Distribution in Beijing Agric-food Supply Channels 2010 International Conference on Marketing Science and Management Technology Sydney Australia: ORIENT ACADEMIC FORUM.
2 Analysis of Agricultural Products E-commerce Models Based on Supply Chain Management.2011 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, Volume 10.
4 Application of BOT Investment Model on Land Consolidation in Beijing Valley Areas.2011 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, Volume 3, p2075-2078.
5 Analysis of BOT Financing on Land Consolidation, Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Business Management(EBM2011) March22-24,2011,p1370-1372, Produced by Scientific Research Publishing,.
6 Research on Project Financing Mechanism for Land Consolidation, Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Business Management(EBM2011) Produced by Scientific Research Publishing,
7 Influencing Factors on the Private Brand of local Supermarket in China-A Case Study of WuMart Supermarket, The 2nd International Conference on Business Management and Electronic Information
 Tel: 13621228852; E-mail: guilin2004@bac.edu.cn





蒲应䶮(yǎn),女,2000年于西北大学获得经济学硕士学位:2006年在中国社会科学院研究生院获得经济学博士学位;2009年3月至7月在美国明尼苏达大学(University of Minneasota)做访问学者。2000至今在北京农学院主讲微观经济学、宏观经济学和国际金融等课程。

联系电话:13718283708;邮箱: pump3@163.com


Pu Yingyan, female, associate professor. Email:  pump3@163.com
Ⅰ Educational and employment history
1994.9-2000.7: B. E. & M.E.. Department of Economics, Scholl of Economics & Management, Northwest University ;
    2003.9-2006.7: Ph.D. (Department of World Economics, Graduate School, The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
2009.3-2009.7: Visiting Scholar at University of Minneasota, USA
 2000-present: Teaching at Beijing University of Agriculture (as an instructor in courses such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, international finance, international trade and professional English.)
Ⅱ Main research area : Economics and International economics. Pu has systemic and thorough research on rural finance. In recent 5 years, as a chief researcher, Pu took charge of projects “Research on diversified rural financial system in Beijing” "Development and innovation of rural credit system in Beijing", "Innovation of rural credit system","Economics assessment on land use in Fengshun County, Guangdong Province","Research on the safety-supervision modes of apple and apple juice production", and so on. Pu also took part in several projects such as "research on the modes of new rural development" and "research on the safety of vegetable supply chain in Beijing".
Ⅲ Main publications 2 professional books including Research on the optimization of vegetable supply chains in China (The 2nd author); 1science book_Rural credit System; 2 translated books such as The Future of Retail Ranking: Delivering Value to global customers (The 3rd author); 3 teaching books (in one of which Pu is deputy editor; the other two, compiler ); About 20 papers published such as Analysis on capital factors restricting rural economic growth in China, New Rural Area Desiderating New Rural Financial System, Coexistence of the credit rationing and the inadequate effective credit demand in rural area, USA’s agricultural credit clauses that can be used as reference for China, About researches on twin surpluses of China's balance of payments, and Functional mechanism of FDI crowding out/in domestic investment.









郑文堂,1960年7月出生,山西潞城人,中共党员, 经济学博士教授, 博士生导师,亚美尼亚工程院外籍院士。毕业于 西南财经大学产业经济学专业1983年8月参加工作 主要从事工业企业管理、产业经济、高等教育管理研究。曾任北方工业大学党委副书记、纪委书记、副校长,北京建筑工程学院校长等职兼任英国格莱摩根大学荣誉教授,教育部本科教学工作水平评估专家,中国建设教育协会高等教育委员会主任,中国有色金属学会经济管理学术委员会副主任委员, 中国优选法统筹法,分管学校办公室,负责干部工作与经济数学研究常务理事,北京市企业管理现代化创新成果评审委员会委员,北京大学亚太研究院兼职教授北京市新农村建设研究基地(省部级哲社研究平台)主任,主持学校党委全面工作英国格莱摩根大学荣誉博士俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立建筑工程大学荣誉博士。
联系电话:80797235; 邮箱zhengwt@bac.edu.cn
Zheng Wentang
 Born: July 1960; Lucheng,, Shanxi Province. 
 Member of the CPC; Ph.D in Economics, Professor, doctoral advisor; Foreign academician of the Armenia Academy of Engineering . He had been to work since 1983.
Zheng graduated from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, and his major is Industrial Economics. He was awarded Honorary Doctor Degree of University of Glamorgan and St. Petersburg State Architectural and Civil Engineering University. He has served as Deputy Party Secretary of the North China University of Technology, Secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection, President of Beijing university of civil engineering and architecture. He has been president of Beijing university of agricultural since September 2011. He also serves as Honorary Professor of University of Glamorgan, expert in Undergraduate teaching level evaluation in the Ministry of Education, Chairman of the higher education committee of China Construction Education Association, deputy director of Economic Management Academic Committee of the Nonferrous Metals Society of China, standing Director of Chinese Society for Optimization, Overall Planning and Economic Mathematics, the member of the achievement of innovation of business management modernization evaluation committee, an adjunct professor at Asia-Pacific Research Institute of Peking University, the director of the New Rural Construction Research center.
He is in charge of the overall work of Party committees and Daily Affairs and Services , and responsible for the work of cadres in Beijing University of Agricultural.








    HuBaoGui, male, born in 1965, Beijing, master of economics of Renmin University of China ,professor , deputy director of the science and technology department, vice President and secretary general of Chinese Society For   Environmental Sciences of professional committee of the green packaging , director of Chinese Association for Applied Statistics  of  statistics comprehensive evaluation research center; expert of modern agricultural industry technical system innovation team of Beijing promotion and evaluation function laboratory .
Primary domain of research: Rural industry economy, Agricultural enterprise operation and management     ,H uman resource development management .Hosting or participating in more than 20 research projects ,which including two Beijing social science fund project ( M anagement and control research of B eijing "basket" products supply system risk [ 12JGB019 ], Beijing rural industry development research ), a natural science fund project ( formation and evaluation research of Beijing suburbs (county) agriculture science and technology innovation ability [9102006]);the number of comprehensive, professional planning project he hosted and finished is more than 10;   M ore than 20 academic theses being published,which including 2 EI articles, two CPCI-S CPCI-SSI ( Formerly known as ISTP and ISSHP )articles,       more than 10 articles published in National core periodical; Publish more than 9 books:< modern agriculture and cycle economy > (the "eleventh five-year plan" national key book planning projects), < Beijing rural industry development theory and practice > (Beijing philosophy social science "eleventh five-year plan" planning projects), ew rural construction of rural industry development research >and so on .     
Main contents of teaching :< The development economics > , < human resources management > , < modern logistics > , < electronic commerce > and so on. Editor or participated in < A gricultural enterprise management > (the national higher agriculture and forestry colleges and universities" eleventh five-year plan "planning teaching material), < L ogistics purchasing and supply management > (national planning teaching material), evelopment economics >, < agricultural economy management> and many other teaching materials.
 Phone: 13141280782 ;E-mail: hubaogui@126.com






                                   The resume of Li ping      
Li ping, female, master of management, PhD candidate, associate professor, supervisor of postgraduate. The main research direction includes technical innovation management and evaluation agricultural enterprise management and agricultural technology economy so on.
1. Education and Work experience:
(1) 1990.9-1993.7 ,Qiqihar Light Industry College in Department of Electrical ,major in  mechanical design and manufacturing.
(2) 1994.9-1997.7 Beijing University of Chemical Industry in Economics and Management Academy ,obtaining a Bachelor of Management.
(3)2000.9-2003.4 ,Harbin Polytechnic University in Economics and Management Academy , obtaining a master degree of management.
(4)1993.8-2000.8 ,worked in Mudanjiang birch forest tire co., LTD., engineering department , engineer titles, Mainly engaged in machinery non-standard design, project feasibility study, engineering budget work, etc.
(5) 2003.7 –so far, taught at Beijing University of Agriculture Economics and Management Academy , is mainly responsible for the teaching of the course of production and operations management, ERP, financial management, tax laws, investment project evaluation.
2. Scientific Research Experience
presided over the three subjects
(1)2012-2014, host the Beijing natural science fund project "Beijing agricultural science and technology enterprise technological innovation ability evaluation and path selection research".
(2)2010-2011 ,hosted the enterprise horizontal topic "the Beijing aerospace Byrd science and technology co., LTD. Tax planning research".
(3)2007-2009,hosted the Beijing University of Agricultural humanities and social science fund key project "Beijing agricultural technological innovation ability measure and evaluation research".
the main subject involved:
(1) 2010-2012, as a backbone to participate in the Beijing Natural Science Foundation of Beijing suburban counties in agricultural science and technology innovation capability formation and evaluation studies "(As the third participants).
(2) 2008-2010, participated in the Beijing municipal education commission social science fund project "under the new accounting standards the listed company accounting information quality research".
(3) 2006.6-2006.8, took part in the ministry of agriculture soft task "China's agricultural science and technology independent innovation strategy research".
(4) 2006-2009, took the Beijing bureau of personnel project "Beijing suburbs rural village financial management research".
(5) 2005.1-2006.12 ,participated in the Beijing municipal science and technology commission significant research subject "Beijing urban modern agriculture framework research-- urban modern agriculture support system research".
(6) 2005-2006,as a backbone to participate in Pinggu District COAG subject “tens - Hundreds - Thousands Engineering of Beijing mountain - Village domains overall development planning projects. "
( 7) 2003-2005 ,participated in Social Science Foundation of Beijing Municipal Education Commission "Beijing suburban industrial park development research".
(8) 2004.5 2004.10, as the backbone to take part in the city science and technology commission sub - project " Beijing agricultural employment contribution to the secondary and tertiary industries".
(9) 2002-2003,as a backbone to participate in Heilongjiang province soft science projects "Heilongjiang province manufacturing technology innovation strategy research".
(10) 2002-2003,participated in the national natural science fund project, small and medium-sized enterprise technology innovation measure and evaluation research ".
3. Main Teaching and Scientific Researches:
Worked as the editor of teaching material "financial management", associate editor teaching material "management", "the agricultural enterprise management" and participated in national 11th five-year planning teaching material "investment project evaluation".
First author: "the small and medium-sized enterprise tax planning research based on financial management" (2010), the second: " the mission of the University Student Village official and Entrepreneurship "(2009), and the third: how do the suburban rural manage collective enterprises and private enterprises ", "how can suburban rural to improve agricultural products trade".
Main papers include:
(1)” Independent Technology Innovation System Structure and Mechanism Analysis of Agricultural Science and Technology Enterprises” ,Beijing University of Agriculture Journal ,2012.10 ,corresponding author.
(2) "the Characteristic and Influent Factor Analysis of Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation ", 2007-2008 Rural Economic Development Research ,2009.4 ,the first author.
(3) “ Agricultural Technological Innovation Ability Evaluation Theory Trial ", 2005-2006 Rural Economic Development Research ,2007.6 ,the first author.
(4) "Reflections on the Construction of Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation System", 2005 Agriculture Intellectual Property Management Training Conference Proceedings ,2006.9, the first author.
(5) “Problems Research on Agricultural Science and Technology Independent Innovation” , Agricultural Economy and Rural Development Proceedings Agricultural Science and Technology Press, 2006.10 ,the first author.
(6) "Connotation of Independent Innovation of China Agricultural Science and Technology, Agricultural Science and Technology Management, 2006.12 ,the second author.
(7) “Construction of Beijing Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Supporting System ", 2005-2006 Rural Economic Development Research, the second author.
(8) "Technology Innovation Present Situation and Countermeasure Research of Heilongjiang Province Manufacturing”, the Technology and Management,2003.2 ,the first author.
(9) “ Discussions on Private Enterprise Technology Innovation Strategy”, Technology and Management, 2005. 3, the first author.
(10) “Financing Problems of Small and Medium-sized Private Enterprises”, SME Management Research, 2007.8, the first author.
(11)” the Countryside Public Product Characteristics and Supply System Analyses”,2009, the first author.







联系电话:13621332639;E-mail: lianjingzhao@163.com



Zhaolianjing (1974- ), Associate Professor, Ph.D., vice dean
Research Fields: Rural Financial Management, Financial Management of Listed Agricultural Companies, Accounting Informatization.
9/2007-7/2011 PhD , Management of Agricultural Economy, China Agricultural University
11/2011 Governance and Higher Education Management, Harper Adams University College
9/1998-4/2001 M. Acc, Accounting, Shenyang University of Technology
9/1994-7/1998 B.A, Management of Agricultural Economy, Shenyang Agricultural University
2008--present Assistant Professor of Accounting, Economic and Management School of Beijing University of Agriculture (BUA) 
2001-2008, Lecturer, Economic and Management School of Beijing University of Agriculture (BUA)
Research Experience as Project Leader:
2011 - 2012 A Case Study of the Rural Community Joint-stock System in Beijing, funded by Beijing philosophy and social science planning project.
2009 – 2011 Behaviors of Valley Household’s Investment in Beijing Mountain Region, funded by Training Programs Foundation for the Talents of Beijing Municipal Committee of CPC Organization Department.
2008-2010 Research on financial problems of agricultural listing Corporation, funded by Youth Foundation of Beijing University of Agriculture.
Zhao, I.J., The Study of Investment Efficiency of Listed Agricultural Companies based on Finance, China Agriculture Press.
Zhao, I.J., Accounting Principles, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press.
Zhao, I.J., The Study on Financial Management of Farmer cooperatives, China Agriculture Press.
Zhao, I.J., Financing Constraints, Agency Conflicts and the Agricultural Investment Efficiency of Listed Companies. Journal of Agrotechnical Economics.
Zhao, I.J., Practical Architecture of Accounting Based on ERP Sand Table Simulation, China Management Informatization.
Zhao, I.J., Does Earning Management Meet Analysts’ Forecasts? 2011 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government.
Zhao, I.J., Valley Household’s Investment Behaviors in Beijing Mountain Region, Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Business Management(EBM2011) Produced by Scientific Research Publishing.
Zhao, I.J., Can Higher Earnings Quality Improve Investment Efficiency, Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM2011) Produced by Scientific Research Publishing.
Tel: 13621332639; E-mail: zhaolianjing@bac.edu.cn




联系电话:13671098276;邮箱: zn6708@yahoo.com.cn
Zhang Ning, female, born in 1967, was awarded a master’s degree in Business Administration by Beijing Technology and Business and bachelor’s degree in Economics by Beijing Normal University. Now she is an associate professor and master tutor at School of Economics and Management of Beijing University of Agriculture. She is also the members of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Chinese Institute of Registered Tax Agents. As a visiting scholar, she went to Europe and the United States of America for her financial research. She is mainly engaged in financial accounting and auditing areas related to the teaching and research work. The main teaching courses she focused on are " Financial Accounting ", " Auditing ", " Financial Management ", " Principle of Accounting "etc. She also edited more than 10 textbooks such as" Financial Accounting ", " Auditing " etc. and 3 academic books such as " Contemporary Rural Financial Theory and Practice ", " Financial Management Strategies of Logistics Enterprise in Beijing " and " Study on Tax Planning Based on the Financial Management of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises " . She published over 20 academic papers as well. Meanwhile, she hosted and participated in several research projects, which  were financed by Beijing Municipal Personnel Bureau for returned overseas students and scholars and by Beijing Municipal Education Commission etc.





张志强 男, 1968年生,内蒙古呼和浩特市人, 中共党员,副教授,硕士生导师。1988年就读于内蒙古农业大学,获得经济学学士学位。1994 年就读于中国农业大学,获得工学硕士学位。1997年至今在北京农学院任教,主要讲授金融学、管理学、房地产经营管理、财务管理等教学课程。2006年入选“北京中青年骨干教师”。编写教材6部,其中主编3部。研究领域主要涉及农村经济与政策、土地流转、农村产业结构方面,主持与参与的研究项目11项,其中主持省部级项目4项,编写著作5部,其中合作编写3部,在公开期刊发表论文50余篇。
1 中国粮食生产波动分析与预警研究    课题组成员 1994年   国家自然科学基金    
2 中国粮食生产波动原因研究          课题主持人 1998年   北京农学院基金项目
3北京郊区农民收入增长制约因素研究   课题主持人 2003年   北京农学院基金项目
4北京郊区农民收入增长变动制约因素与长效机制研究   课题主持人 2004年北京市委组织部优秀人才资助项目
5中国粮食供求价格波动与粮食安全问题研究   课题主持人 2006年   北京教育委员会
6北京农地资源优化配置研究                 课题主持人 2008年   北京教育委员会
7北京农学院工商管理专业优秀教学团队建设   课题第一主持人 2010年 北京农学院教改项目
8北京重点小城镇建设动力机制研究   课题主持人 2011年   北京社会科学基金基地项目
9都市型农业院校工商管理专业人才培养创新模式研究   课题主持人 2011年 北京农学院教改项目
10北京城乡结合部社区管理研究   课题第一主持人 2011年   北京社会科学联合会
                          Zhang Zhiqiang – Biography
Zhang Zhiqiang Male ,Born in 1968 Hohhot, Inner Mongolia people Associate Professor Associate Professor ,Master Instructor。 1988 studied at the Inner Mongolia Agricultural University Bachelor's degree in economics Studied at the China Agricultural University in 1994 A master's degree in engineering Since 1997 to teach at Beijing University of Agriculture Mainly teaches finance Management 、Real estate management、Financial management tutorial 。appeared in the " 2006 Beijing youth backbone teachers" Textbooks six Including three of editor The research is mainly related to the rural economy and policy, land transfer, the industrial structure in rural areas Host and participate in research projects eleven Which presided over the provincial and ministerial level four Writing book five Which was co-authored three Published in the public journals fifty
Major research projects
One China 's grain production fluctuation analysis and early warning Task Force members In1994 National Natural Science Foundation of China
Two Chinese fluctuations of grain production Honored In1998 Beijing Agricultural Fund
Three Beijing suburb of farmers' income growth constraints Honored In 2003 Beijing Agricultural Fund
Four Beijing suburb of changes in farmers' income growth constraints and long-term mechanism Honored In 2004 Talents of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee Organization Department-funded project
Five China 's grain supply and price volatility and food security issues Honored In 2006 Beijing Education Committee
Six The Beijing agricultural land optimal allocation of resources Honored In 2008 Beijing Education Committee
Seven The professional excellent teaching team-building of Beijing Agricultural College of Business Administration Subject first presenters In 2010 Beijing Agricultural reform project
Eight Focus on small towns dynamic mechanism research Honored In 2011 Beijing Social Science Fund base project
Nine To cultivate innovative urban agricultural colleges of Business Administration professionals mode research Honored In 2011 Beijing Agricultural reform project
Ten Beijing urban fringe community management research Subject first presenters In 2011 Beijing Federation of Social Sciences
联系电话:13121870126 ;邮箱: zqmel@yahoo.com.cn




联系电话:13810614218;邮箱: uibezhouyun@163.com
Zhou Yun, PhD of Economics, who was born in Jinxiang, Shandong Province, is entitled as associate professor of Economic Management Department of Beijing Agriculture College. He is also working as a master supervisor and member of China Democratic League. Graduated from University of International Business and Economics, Mr. Zhou commits most of his time to the research and teaching of brand management science, with focus on agricultural brands and luxury brands. He has wrote 12 books, such as Theory and Practice of Brand Study, Direction of Luxury and Brand Management, Bossiness Strategy and Management of Agricultural Brand, published 27 theses in core journals and presided over and participated in 16 research project at different levels.
Now, he works as consultant in many prestigious enterprises, and is the chief consultant in Beijing Zhongneng Environment Engineering Co., Ltd. In addition, he is also a training expert of China Business Union, leading teacher among the backbone teachers for the Brand Management in China and has initiated over 30 speeches on Economics, Agricultural Brand Management and other topics all over China. Other social titles: Member of Editorial Board in Economist periodical office--core journal in economics, Member of China Brand Strategy Association, Standing Deputy Secretary General of China Marketing Association Brand Studying League, and Deputy Secretary General of China Brand Research Centre.





刘璨,男,山东省鱼台县人,1966年8月生,博士,国家林业局经济发展研究中心研究员(三级)、中心政策研究室主任,中国农业大学经济管理学院兼职研究生指导教师,青岛农业大学客座教授,中国林业科学院硕士研究生导师,国家林业局会计经济系列高级专业技术资格评审委员会委员,世界林业经济专业委员会委员,中国木材工业学会理事,内蒙古乌海市人民政府顾问(2008~2012年),国际环境与发展理事会资深会员(Fellow, Leadership for Environment and Development),《林业经济》杂志编委,《经济学(季刊)》特约审稿人,《北京林业大学学报(社科版)》特约审稿人,《北京林业大学学报》特约审稿人,《南京林业大学学报》特约审稿人,《Forestry Studies in China》特约审稿人,《Environmental Management》特约审稿人,《African Journal of Agricultural Research 》特邀审稿人。主要研究方向为林业经济理论与政策。主持国家重点基础研究发展计划973计划课题、世界银行项目、财政部项目、国家林业局重点项目等26项。出版《林业重点工程与消除贫困问题研究》等专著与译著12部,在《Environmental Management》等英文期刊发表论文10篇,在《中国农村经济》等中文核心期刊发表论文53篇。
联系电话:13161268950;邮箱: liucan@public.bta.net.cn
LIU CAN , male, was born in Yutai county, Shandong province in August 1966. He is the third-level researcher with doctor’s degree in Economic Research Center of the State Forestry Administration of China (SFAC), the director of policy research office, master’s part-time supervisor of Economics & Management School of China Agricultural University, the adjunct professor of Qingdao Agricultural University, master’s supervisor of the Chinese academy of Forestry Sciences, a member of the Senior Professional Technology Qualification Committee of Accounting Economics of SFAC, a member of the World Forestry Economics Professional Committee, the director of Chinese Institute of Wood Industry, the advisor of Inner Mongolia People’s Government (2008-2012), the senior fellow of International Environment and Development Council, a member of editorial board of Forestry Economics Journal, the invited reviewer for Economics, Journal of Beijing Forestry University (social sciences edition), Journal of Beijing Forestry University , Journal of Nanjing Forestry University, Forestry Studies in China, Environmental Management, African Journal of Agricultural Research. His research interest is theory and policy of forestry economics. He had hosted 26 research projects of different levels, including the 973 program, projects from World Bank, projects from China’s Ministry of Finance, key projects from SFAC, etc. Dr. Liu has authored and translated 12 books, like Study on Forestry Project and Eliminating Poverty. He also has written numerous articles for leading journals. He has published 10 articles on English journals such as Environmental Management. And 53 articles of him have appeared in Chinese core journals like Chinese Rural Economy.

























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