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2010-2012   主持北京市教委学术创新团队计划“畜禽中药添加剂的药效学评价与研制开发” (150万元)
1999年主持北京市科委课题“猪的热应激及其中药调控研究” (954414800,15万元),进行国标三类中兽药清凉冲剂的研制开发;
2009年主持的“石香颗粒”, 农业部三类新兽药(2009)新兽药证字37号,农业部新药审评中心(第一完成人)。已经成果转化。
获得国家发明专利“一种用于防治畜禽热应激综合症的药物”,(第一发明人,ZL200710175640.6);“评价暑热证及中药药效的基因芯片”,(第一发明人, ZL20091014954.1);“一种用于提高畜禽生产性能的药物(第二,ZL2007101755535.2)”。有关黄柏生物碱有效部位提取纯化专利“一种黄柏总生物碱的提取方法”,专利登记号(No:200710179815.0)。主编、副主编、参编著作或教材10余部,主编由中国农业科技出版社出版的《天然物饲料添加剂研制指南》,主编《家畜环境卫生学》获得北京市精品教材及普通高等教育十一五精品课程建设教材称号。中国农业出版社出版的《安全优质肉鸡生产》及《安全优质肉羊生产》,《生态养肉鸡》等10多部;在国内外发表论文70多篇。
1.        Jin Yu, Fenghua Liu, Peng Yin, Xiaoyu Zhu, Guiling Cheng, Ning Wang,An Lu, Weili Luan, Nuowei Zhang, Jiefeng Li, Kaijun Guo, Yulong Yin,Huichuan Wang, , Jianqin Xu. Integrating miRNA and mRNA Expression Profiles in Response to Heat Stress-Induced Injury in Rat Small Intestine. Functional & Integrative Genomics. 2011,11:203-213. IF 3.82.
2.        Liu F H, Yin J D, Du M, Yan P S, Xu J Q, Zhu X Y, Yu J. Heat Stress induced Damage to Porcine Small Intestinal Epithelium associated with Down-Regulation of Epithelial Growth Factor (EGF) Signaling. Journal of Animal Science. 2009,6(87):1941-1949 , IF 2.466.
3.        Yu Jin, Yin Peng, Liu Fenghua.. Involvement of ERK1/2 signaling pathway in heat stress-induced damage and expression change of growth factors in rat jejunum and IEC-6 cells. International Journal of Hyperthermia. 2010,10; 26(6): 538–555, Corresponding author. IF 2.713.
4.        Jin Yu, Peng Yin, Fenghua Liu, Xiaoyu Zhu, Guilin Cheng, An Lu, Weili Luan, Jianqin Xu. Effect of heat stress on porcine small intestine: a study of morphological and gene expression. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 156 (2010) 119–128. IF 2.196.
5.        An Lu, Huichuan Wang, Xiaolin Hou, Huanrong Li, Guilin Cheng, Ning Wang, Xiaoyu Zhu, Jin Yu, Weili Luan, Fenghua Liu, Jianqin Xu. Microarray analysis of gene expression profiles of rat small intestine in response to heat stress. Journal of Biomolecular Screening. 2011 16(6):655-67 IF 2. 5.
6.        Jiefeng Li, Huanrong Li, Nuowei Zhang, Wuren Ma, Guilin Cheng, Faqiang Liu, Fenghua Liu, Jianqin Xu Effects of Astragalus polysaccharide on peripheral blood lymphocytes in pigs inoculated with Foot-and-mouth disease virus vaccine. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2011 1;49(3):362-8. IF 2.366
7.        K. J. Guo, W. Wang, X. Z. Song, F. H. Liu, J. Q. Xu, I. Zoccarato. Antioxidant function of the active components of some traditional Chinese medicines. Journal of Animal Science. 2011, IF 2.5..
8.        Xiaoxi Liu, Huanrong Li, An Lu, Yougang Zhong, Xiaolin Hou1,Ning Wang, Dan Jia, Junlan Zan, Hong Zhao, Jianqin Xu, &Fenghua Liu Reduction of intestinal mucosal immune function in heat- stressed rats and bacterial translocation. Journal of Hyperthermia. 2012: EPUB, (SCI: IF1.9).
9.        Dan JIA, Fenghua LIU, Weili LUAN, Kaijun GUO, An LU, Jin YU. 2010. The research of apoptosis in the swine small intestine epithelium treated by heat stress. 2010 First international conference on cellular, molecular biology, biophysics and bioengineering. VI: 260-264.(EI收录)
10.    Song X Z, Xu J Q, Wang T, Liu F H. Chinese medicine granule affects the absorption and transport of glucose in porcine small intestinal brush border membrane vesicles under heat stress. Asian- Australasian journal of animal sciences. 2009, 20:246-254. IF 0.875 (Corresponding author)
11.    Song X Z, Xu J Q, Wang T, Liu F H. Traditional Chinese medicine decoction enhances growth performance and intestinal glucose absorption in heat stressed pigs by up-regulating the expressions of SGLT1 and GLUT2 mRNA. Livestock Science. 128 (2010) 75–81, Corresponding author) IF 1.41
12.    Zhu Xiaoyu; Ming Wang; Yujie Wang; Fenghua Liu; Tongquan Yu; Jianqin Xu; Jin Yu. Taguchi approach for anti-heat stress prescription compatibility in mice spleen lymphocytes in vitro. Archives of Pharmacal Research. 2011, 34(7):1125-33  IF 1.588.
13.    Anru Wang, Fenghua Liu, Zhepeng Wang, Xue Jiang, Wei Wang, Kedao Teng, Jianqin Xu. Pathological Study of SPF Chickens Experimentally Infected with a Chinese IBDV Strain BC6/85. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 2010. 6: 36-50.. IF 1.6.
14.    Hehui Qiu, Fenghua Liu, Jianqin Xu, Xiaoyu Zhu, Juan Zhao, Yujie Zhang. Effects of Astragalus Polysaccharides on Associated Immune Cells and Cytokines in Immunosuppressive Dogs. Procedia in Vaccinology 2 (2010) 26–33 ISTP
15.    GUO Kaijun, LIU Fenghua, LU Lin, Biagini Davide, Lazzaroni Carla and Zoccarato Ivo. Productive Performance of Double-Muscled Piemontese Cull Cows in Finishing Period. Agricultural Sciences in China. 2010, 9(5): 101-105 SSCI
16.    Guilin Cheng, Shufang Xu, Defeng Cui, Xin Chen, Fenghua Liu, An Lu, Weili Luan, Jianqin Xu. Antimicrobial activity of main components DADS from Garlic oil against four pathogenic bacteria in animals in vitro. The journal of traditional veterinary medicine. 2010, 18(1): 151-156.
17.    Hong Dong, Yougang Zhong, Fenghua Liu, Kai Yang, Jin Yu, Jianqin Xu. Regulating Effects and Mechanisms of Chinese Medicine Decoction on Growth and Gut Hormone Expression in Heat Stressed Pigs。Livestock Science. 10.1016/j.livsci.2011.08.015. 143 (2012), pp. 77-84 IF 1.41
Fenghua Liu, female, Ph.D, full professor of college of animal science and technology, Beijing University of Agriculture, the person in charge of the Animal Science major, the co-tutor for Ph.D. student of Chinese Agriculture University.She is the Deputy General Secretary of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Industrial Technology Innovation Strategy League.
Research area: livestock environmental stress and regulation with Chinese traditional veterinary medicine, R&D of Chinese traditional veterinary medicine and feed additives.
Work experience:  
1983.7- present: successively being an Assistant, a Lecturer, an Associate professor and a full professor in the College of Animal Science, Beijing University of   Agriculture;  the person in charge of the major of Animal Science. 
2004-present: Tutor of Master student in Clinic Veterinary Science and Basal Veterinary Science of  Beijing University of Agriculture.
2004-present: Cotutor of Master student and Doctor student in Clinic Veterinary Science and Basal Veterinary Science of China Agricultural University.
Research projects
2011-2015 in charge of National Twelve-Five Technological Supported Plan of China (No. 2011BAD34B0102, 3,30,000 RMB)
2008~2010 in charge of National Eleven-Five Technological Supported Plan of China: “R&D of Feed additives of Traditional Chinese Medicine” (No. 2008BADB4B07,7,780,000 RMB);
2008-2010 in charge of National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Effect of heat stress on the structure and function of epithelial mucosa in swine small intestine” (No. 30771566, 350,000 RMB)
2013-2016 in charge of National Natural Science Foundation of China:“EGF/EGFR-MAPKs-microRNAs pathway mediated repair in heat stress-porcine intestinal mucosa” (31272478,800,000 RMB)
2010-2012 in charge of Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Technology Project,: Study on Feed additives of Chinese Medicine for animal transportation stress. (201003060,1,500,000 RMB)
2010-2012 in charge of Academic Innovative Group Programs of Beijing Education Committee, “Academic Innovative Group Programs of Feed additives of Chinese Medicine” (1,500,000 RMB
Main publications
1.        Jin Yu, Fenghua Liu, Peng Yin, Xiaoyu Zhu, Guiling Cheng, Ning Wang,An Lu, Weili Luan, Nuowei Zhang, Jiefeng Li, Kaijun Guo, Yulong Yin,Huichuan Wang, , Jianqin Xu. Integrating miRNA and mRNA Expression Profiles in Response to Heat Stress-Induced Injury in Rat Small Intestine. Functional & Integrative Genomics. 2011,11:203-213. IF 3.82.
2.        Liu F H, Yin J D, Du M, Yan P S, Xu J Q, Zhu X Y, Yu J. Heat Stress induced Damage to Porcine Small Intestinal Epithelium associated with Down-Regulation of Epithelial Growth Factor (EGF) Signaling. Journal of Animal Science. 2009,6(87):1941-1949 , IF 2.466.
3.        Yu Jin, Yin Peng, Liu Fenghua.. Involvement of ERK1/2 signaling pathway in heat stress-induced damage and expression change of growth factors in rat jejunum and IEC-6 cells. International Journal of Hyperthermia. 2010,10; 26(6): 538–555, Corresponding author. IF 2.713.
4.        Jin Yu, Peng Yin, Fenghua Liu, Xiaoyu Zhu, Guilin Cheng, An Lu, Weili Luan, Jianqin Xu. Effect of heat stress on porcine small intestine: a study of morphological and gene expression. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 156 (2010) 119–128. IF 2.196.
5.        An Lu, Huichuan Wang, Xiaolin Hou, Huanrong Li, Guilin Cheng, Ning Wang, Xiaoyu Zhu, Jin Yu, Weili Luan, Fenghua Liu, Jianqin Xu. Microarray analysis of gene expression profiles of rat small intestine in response to heat stress. Journal of Biomolecular Screening. 2011 16(6):655-67 IF 2. 5.
6.        Jiefeng Li, Huanrong Li, Nuowei Zhang, Wuren Ma, Guilin Cheng, Faqiang Liu, Fenghua Liu, Jianqin Xu Effects of Astragalus polysaccharide on peripheral blood lymphocytes in pigs inoculated with Foot-and-mouth disease virus vaccine. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2011 1;49(3):362-8. IF 2.366
7.        K. J. Guo, W. Wang, X. Z. Song, F. H. Liu, J. Q. Xu, I. Zoccarato. Antioxidant function of the active components of some traditional Chinese medicines. Journal of Animal Science. 2011, IF 2.5..
8.        Xiaoxi Liu, Huanrong Li, An Lu, Yougang Zhong, Xiaolin Hou1,Ning Wang, Dan Jia, Junlan Zan, Hong Zhao, Jianqin Xu, &Fenghua Liu Reduction of intestinal mucosal immune function in heat- stressed rats and bacterial translocation. Journal of Hyperthermia. 2012: EPUB, (SCI: IF1.9).
9.        Zhu Xiaoyu; Ming Wang; Yujie Wang; Fenghua Liu; Tongquan Yu; Jianqin Xu; Jin Yu. Taguchi approach for anti-heat stress prescription compatibility in mice spleen lymphocytes in vitro. Archives of Pharmacal Research. 2011, 34(7):1125-33 IF 1.588.
10.    Hong Dong, Yougang Zhong, Fenghua Liu, Kai Yang, Jin Yu, Jianqin Xu. Regulating Effects and Mechanisms of Chinese Medicine Decoction on Growth and Gut Hormone Expression in Heat Stressed Pigs。Livestock Science. 10.1016/j.livsci.2011.08.015. 143 (2012), pp. 77-84 IF 1.41






高建明,女,196012月出生,中共党员。 1983年毕业于北京农学院畜牧专业,获农学学士学位,1996年获中国农业科学院动物繁殖专业硕士学位。1983年北京农学院留校任教。 1983—1988年任助教,1988—1997年任讲师,1997—2002任副教授,2002年至今为北京农学院动物科学技术学院教授,基础兽医学、临床兽医学硕士生导师及养殖领域(专业学位)导师研究方向:动物繁殖生物技术,主要从事哺乳动物卵巢、配子和胚胎生长发育机理的研究,并首次提出进行中药有效成分对胚胎体外发育的作用研究。社会兼职:中国畜牧兽医学会动物繁殖学分会常务理事,北京畜牧兽医学会理事会理事,《中国农业科学》、《畜牧兽医学报》、《中国畜牧杂志》等期刊审稿专家。曾被评为北京市高等学校优秀青年骨干教师、入选北京市跨世纪优秀人才、北京农学院学科带头人、北京农学院教书育人先进工作者。2011年在教育部、科学技术部、中国科学院、国家自然科学基金委员会联合开展的“10000个科学难题”征集活动中荣获“优秀撰稿人”奖荣誉证书。2010《中国农业科学》评为优秀审稿专家。2011年获北京农学院研究生就业工作突出贡献导师。





作为骨干主体人员参加完成了国家自然科学基金项目、国家“七五”科技攻关项目子课题、市科委重点课题等4项。主持完成了北京市教委、北京市自然科学基金、北京市优秀人才、开放课题等多项课题。现主持北京市自然科学基金项目“中药单体成分调控小鼠附植前胚胎抗凋亡基因miRNA-21的研究” (No.6112004)、北京农学院高质量论文项目“DNA甲基转移酶3a在小鼠卵泡膜细胞分化过程中作用机制” (No.Gl2012006)、参加北京市属高校人才强教深化计划“学术创新团队建设计划”主持有关“热应激对动物繁殖和胚胎发育的影响研究”和主持1项国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目子课题(No.2011BAD34B01-07)。获一项国家科技进步三等奖,两项市科技进步二等奖,一项北京市发明展览会金牌奖。主编出版教材2部,参编出版教材6部;主编出版著作3部。以第一作者或通讯作者发表研究论文80余篇。 

Gao Jianming, female, born in December 1960, member of the Communist Party of China, graduated from the animal husbandry major of Beijing University of Agriculture and got bachelor of agriculture degree in 1983, got master of animal reproduction of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1996.Teaches in Beijing University of Agriculture from 1983. Worked as teaching assistant, lecturer and associate professor separately during 1983-1988, 1988-1997 and 1997-2002. Professor of animal science and technology college of Beijing University of Agriculture since 2002, tutor for graduate of basic veterinary medicine, clinical veterinary medicine and breeding field (professional degree). Research area: animal reproductive biotechnology.The main research is about the mechanism of mammalian ovary, gamete and embryo development. And researched the effect of Chinese traditional medicine effective components on embryo development in vitro as the first in domestic and foreign. Social Appointments: executive director of Animal Reproductive Committee of Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, director of Beijing Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine. Reviewer of Scintia Agricultura Sinica, Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, Chinese Journal of Animal Science, etc. Rated as the key member of the outstanding young teacher of institution of higher education in Beijing and selected as the cross-century talents of Beijing, the academic leader of Beijing University of Agriculture and the advanced worker in imparting knowledge and educating people of Beijing University of Agriculture. Awarded Excellent Copywriter Honor certificate by the Collection Activity of 10000 scientific problems, which was jointly hosted in 2011 by Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Committee of  National Natural Science Foundation of China. Rated as the excellent reviewer by Scintia Agricultura Sinica in 2010 and the Mentor of Beijing University of Agriculture who make prominent contribution to the problem  of graduate students finding jobs in 2011.

Teaching Profession

Undertakes some undergraduate courses such as Animal Reproduction, Animal Embryonic Engineering,    Mammalian Sex Control, Method of Scientific Research and some graduate courses such as Advanced Animal Histology and Embryology, Animal reproduction theory and biotechnology, Experimental Design and scientific paper writing and so on.

Instructed postgraduates to win the prizes of distinguished paper in the academic conferences that were held by Animal Reproductive Committee of Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine in 2006, 2008 and 2012. Meanwhile, some postgraduates were admitted to Dr. of China Agricultural University and Peking University and some were rated as the excellent postgraduate of Beijing University of Agriculture.

Scientific Research

As one of main backbone members, participated and contributed to the achievement of 4 major research projects such as National Natural Science Foundation of China, National scientific and technological project and the key research projects of Beijing Science and Technology Commission. As a director, many research projects that were funded by Beijing Education Commission, Beijing Natural Science Foundation and Open Projects were completed. For now, taking charge of one Beijing Natural Science Foundation named "Research on the effectiveness of Chinese traditional medicine monomer in regulating anti-apoptosis gene miRNA-21" (No.6112004), and one High Quality Paper project of Beijing University of Agriculture named "Efeect and mechanism of Dnmt3a during follicular thecal cells differentiation in mice" (No.Gl2012006). Participating the "Academic Innovation Team Ponstructing Project" which is the Academic Human Resources Development in Institutions of Higher Learning Under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Municipality and in charge of the part about "Effect of heat-stress on animal reproduction and embryo development". In charge of a sub subject of National Twelve-Five Technological Supported Plan of China (No.2011BAD34B01-07). By now, won one third prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress, one second prize of Beijing Scientific and Technological Progress, one second prize of Shanghai Scientific and Technological Progress and one Beijing Invention Exhibition gold medal. Edited and published two teaching materials as an editor in chief and participated in editing and publishing six teaching materials. Edited and published three works as an editor in chief. Published more than 80 papers as first author or corresponding author.





郭勇,1963年生,教授,硕士生导师, 2006年度北京市中青年骨干教师,中国畜牧兽医学会动物繁殖分会常务理事。1985年毕业于北京农学院畜牧专业,获农学学士学位;1996年于中国农业科学院研究生院获农学硕士学位(方向:动物生物技术);2001年毕业于中国农业大学生物学院,获理学博士学位(方向:动物生理与生殖内分泌)。2003年1月至2005年5月,在美国Vanderbilt大学医学中心儿科系生殖生物学与发育生物学分部Dr. Dey的实验室从事博士后研究,研究方向为:小鼠早期胚胎着床的分子机理。
主要从事动物遗传学、分子生物学、动物生殖内分泌和动物生物技术的教学工作,侧重畜禽生殖机理(尤其是家畜早期胚胎着床机理、蛋用种公鸡营养与生殖机能相关性、以及提高种用畜禽综合繁殖力等方面)的研究。曾作为骨干人员参加完成了部分国家“863十五课题”、“中国-俄罗斯转基因动物(动物生物反应器)合作研究项目”以及国家杰出青年基金项目各1项,主持科技部攻关项目子课题1项,并入选“2006年度北京市中青年骨干教师”。现主持国家“十二五转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项”一级子课题2项、2013年度国家自然基金面上项目1项、同时从2012年起担任“北京市产业创新体系家禽创新团队”营养与功能岗位专家此外,已完成(主持)2009年度国家自然基金面上项目1项,以及2006年度国家人事部和2007年度教育部“留学人员科技活动择优资助启动类项目”各1项;合作主持2009年度北京市自然基金重点项目1项,并主要参加国家“十一五转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项”、“十一五国家科技支撑计划”、“十一五国家863计划”、“十二五国家863计划”重点项目二级子课题7项、2010年度国家自然基金面上项目1项、2011年度国家自然基金面上项目1项,以及北京市教委科技重点项目1项。发表论文70余篇,其中在Nature MedicinePNASJCIJBCBOR等国际著名SCI期刊发表文章11篇,第一作者文章单篇影响因子最高为5.85(JBC),总计影响因子约为86.0。
NAME:                                  GuoYong  
GENDER:                               Male
DATE OF BIRTH:                May 28, 1963
PLACE OF BIRTH:             Shanghai , China
CITIZENSHIP:                     China
 Department of Animal Science and Technology
Beijing University of Agriculture
Changping District, Huilongguan Beinong Road 7
Beijing , 102206
                                                Office: ( 8610) - 80799133
                                                 Fax:      (8610) - 80799468
E-MAIL:                                  y63guo@yahoo.com.cn
Institution and Location
Filed of Study
Beijing Agricultural College
Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
China Agricultural University
 Animal Science
Reproductive Physiology and Animal Biotechnology
Animal Reproductive
Biology, Cell Biology and Endocrinology
In 1987, receiving the Certificate for Proficiency in English from the Graduate School of Foreign Language Center of China Scientific and Technical University. In 1999, receiving the Certificate of PET-5 ( The highest grade of Public English Test in China).
1985-1992:    Lecturer in the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science of Beijing Agricultural College.
1992-1997:    Assistant Professor in the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science of  Beijing Agricultural College.
1998-2002:     Associated Professor in the Department of Animal Science and Technology of Beijing Agricultural College.
2003.1-2005.5:  Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Division of Reproductive & Developmental Biology, Department of Pediatrics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center. U. S. A
2005.5-2007.9: Associated Professor in the Department of Animal Science and Technology of Beijing University of Agriculture.
2007.12-2009.12: Professor in the Department of Animal Science and Technology of Beijing University of Agriculture.
2009.12-          Professor in the College of Animal Science and Technology of Beijing University of Agriculture.
1985-1992:    Focusing on teaching Poultry Science and Cattle Science in the Department of Animal Sciences in Beijing Agricultural College, and doing some research work on genetics and breeding of light layers, and on the application of some reproductive techniques (such as embryo transfer, embryo freezing, et al.) for dairy cattles.
1993-1997: Focusing on the nuclear transfer of bovine embryos, and production of                    transgenic rabbits and goats. Five transgenic rabbits (Human Insulin like Growth Factor-1, hIGF-1) and two transgenic goats (Bovine β-casein) were identified transgenic positively by Southern Blot Hybridization. Microinjection of foreign genes (such as bovine chamosin and hIGF-1) into bovine IVF (in vitro fertilization) embryos was also conducted. Construction of recombinant plasmids for gene transfer and positive transgenic animals were detected by PCR and Southern Blot Hybridization.
1998-2002:     Focusing on the mechanism of murine oocyte maturation by researching on the effects of recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone, recombinant human luteinizing hormone and recombinant human chorionic gonadotropin on the development of murine pre-implantation embryos.
2003.1-2005.5: As a postdoctoral research fellow in the Division of Reproductive and Developmental Biology in the Department of Pediatrics of Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN (mentor: S.K. Dey). Focusing on the special field of preimplantation and implantation biology as following:
1). Roles of lipid mediators in ovulation, fertilization and implantation using mutant mice.
2). Ligand-receptor signaling with endocannabinoids in early embryo development and implantation
1997            “Jingjiu - He Houhua Teacher Award ” from Beijing Agricultural College
2006            As a fellow of the Funding Project for Academic Human Resources Development in Institutions of Higher Learning Under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Municipality( PHB or IHLB )in 2006( from 2006 to 2008 ).
Grant Support
National Fund for Natural Sciences of China ( 31272526, PI )           2013/01/01 – 2016/12/31
The goal of this project is to explore the mechanism of the regulation of IFNτ,ISG15 and Wnt7a on different pre-implantation bovine embryos. [ $13,500,0]
National Key Scientific and Technological Grant of China for Breeding New Transgenic Animals and Plants---Sub-grant ( 2013ZX08008-005-03, PI )      2013/01/01—2013/12/31
The goal of this project is to breed a new transgenic anti-arthritis encephalitis ovine breed. [ $8,340,0]
National Key Scientific and Technological Grant of China for Breeding New Transgenic Animals and Plants---Sub-grant ( 2011ZX08008-005-03, PI )    2011/08/01—2012/12/31
The goal of this project is to breed a new transgenic anti-arthritis encephalitis ovine breed. [ $8,340,0]
National Fund for Natural Sciences of China ( 30871836, PI )           2009/01/01 – 2011/12/31
The goal of this project is to explore the mechanism of the regulation of both IFNτand Galectin15 on early implantation of ovine IVF embryos.[ $4,500,0]
Municipal Key Fund for Natural Sciences of Beijing Municipal Government
The goal of this project is to explore the functional analysis of both mouse and bovine trophoderm stem cells. [ $2,990,0]
National Key Scientific and Technological Grant of China for Breeding New Transgenic Animals and Plants---Sub-grant ( 2008ZX08008-005-02, Co-investigator, PI: Liu Yun-hai )
The goal of this project is to breed a new transgenic anti-arthritis encephalitis ovine breed. [ $19,400,0]
2008/08/01 – 2010/12/31
National Eleventh “5-year-plan” “863 High Tech Major Plan” of China---Sub-grant  ( 2008AA1003Co-investigator, PI: Ni Hemin )
The goal of this project is to explore the mechanism of in vitro maturation for ovine oocytes . [ $4,500,0]
2009/01/01 – 2011/12/31
1. Zhang Shaoyu, Liu Yunhai, Ni Hemin, Wang Hao, Gu Meichao, Yan Peng, Yang Fei, Guo Yong*, Gene expression profile analysis of dormant mouse embryos preserved by controlled slow freezing, Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica ,2012, 20(5): 15-19, (*: correspondence author)
2. Chen Li-ping, Piao Xue-jiao, Luo Yong, Ni He-min, Liu Yun-hai, Guo Yong*, Study on the in-vitro cultured methods for the uterine endometrical cells of dairy cattles and sheep, Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2012, 28(14): 99-104,(*: correspondence author)
3. Li Kai#, Ni He-min#, Liu Yun-hai, Zhao Yan-wei, Qu Yang-yan, Li Xiao-yan, Guo Yong*, LH plays a role to enhance the nuclear and cytoplasm synchronization for in vitro maturation of ovine oocytes, Scientia Agricultura Sinica,2011, 10(1):136-141;(#:co-first author, *: correspondence author, indexed by SCIE)
4. Ni He-min, Zhang Hong-bo, Liu Yun-hai, Deng Gui-xin, Lu Tian-gang, Guo Yong*, The distribution of LH receptor on the ovaries among three different sheep breeds by different efficiency of superovulation, Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2011, 42(11): 1625-1631,
5. Ni He-min, Zhang Hong-bo, Liu Yun-hai, Lu Tian-gang, Deng Gui-xin, Guo Yong*, Distribution of FSH receptor on the ovaries among different sheep breeds by different efficiency of superovulation, Scientia Agricultura Sinica,2011, 44(6):1232-1238;
6. Tian Yu-jing, Lu Wen-geng, Zhang Yu, Lin Hao, Ni He-min, Guo Yong*, Isolation and cultivation of bovine trophoblastic stem-like cell lines, Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2011, 27(26): 20-24,
7. Lin ZL, Gao Y, Deng GX, Liang HB, Zhang HB, Liu YH, Ni HM, Guo Y, Wang ZHG, Effect of estrus synchronization with PMSG and FSH on the distribution of estrogen receptor α in the mouse uterus, ovary and fallopian tube, Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica ,2010, 18(3): 204-207,
8. Gao Y, Lin ZL, Zhang HB, Liang HB, Liu YH, Guo Y, Ni HM, Comparison of the expression of estrogen receptor α in mouse endometrium between those treated by estrus synchronization and in natural estrus, Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica ,2010, 18(2): 168-171,
9. Liang HB, Liu JQ, Li FH, Xu HT, Niu JY, Li J, Sun Y, Guo Y, Liu YH, Comparison of different methods for boar sperm capacitation by CTC staining, China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2010, 37(4): 171-173,
10. Liu YJ, Xia Y, Jin JN, Guo R, Liu YH, Guo Y, Li JH, Wei XL, Effect od different durations treated by luteinizing hormone on maturation in vitro of bovine oocytes, China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2010, 37(5): 123-125,
11. Liu LQ, Guo Y, Liu YH, Xue JZH, Zhang H, Li XY, Ni HM, Effect of Calcium Ionophore and Caffeine on Ovine Sperm Capacitation in vitro, China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2010, 37(1): 112-115,
12. Li K#, Ni HM#, Liu YH, Zhao YW, Qu YY, Li XY, Guo Y*, LH plays a role to enhance the nuclear and cytoplasm synchronization for in vitro maturation of ovine oocytes, Scientia Agricultura Sinica,2009(10): 42(10):3633-3638, (*: correspondence author)
13. Li K, Mu YL, Han JL, Yang SL, Liu L, Yuan XX, Guo Y, Feng ST, Study on genetic variation of inbred families of Wuzhishan miniature pig using microsatellite DNA loci. Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2009, 40(3): 296-302,
14. Qin GS, Li HJ, Liang HB, Guo Y, Ni HM, Liu YH, In vitro production of early dairy cattle embryos by using X-bearing sperm. Chinese Journal of Animal Science, 2009,
15. Liu LQ, Liu YH, Guo Y, Yang FG, Ni HM, Comparison of the ovine sperm capacitation and fertilization in vitro among different concentration of serum collected from their different estrous stages. Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2009, 40(8): 1150-1156,
16. Qu YY, Liu YH, Guo Y, Li K, Zhao YW, Li XY, Ni HM, The tendency of mitochondrial distribution during maturation in vitro of ovine oocytes. Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sinica, 2009, 40(8): 1258-1261,
17. Liu JW, Ni HM, Guo Y, Xu Y, Bao WY, Liu YH, Murine parthenogenetic embryonic development can be improved by the associated chemical activation. Chinese Journal of Zoology, 2009, 44(4): 135-141,
18. Li K, Feng ST, Mu YL, Yang SL,Han JL, Liu L, Yuan XX, Guo Y, Study on genetic regulation of microsatellite loci gene of three inbred families of Wuzhishan miniature pig. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2009, 42(5): 1751-1760,
19. Wu J, Ni HM, Liu YH, Guo Y, Bao WY, Xu Y, Wang XZ. Effect of different durations on nuclear maturation in vitro of feline oocytes. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2009, 36(3): 102-105,
20. Zhang HB, Qin GS, Liu YH, Guo Y, Li XY, Liu LQ, Ni HM. Effect of estrogen and progesterone on the distribution of progesterone receptor on mouse endometrium of different pubescent ways. Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica ,2009, 17(3): 206-209,
21. Bao WY, Liu YH, Guo Y, Xu Y, Wu J, Ni HM. Determination of the ovulation duration for domestic cats after superovulation during their non-breeding seasons. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2009, 35(10): 72-74
22. Liu LQ, Zhou WB, Gu S, Yang FG, Guo Y*. Ovine Sperm Capacitation is not Affected by Their Reproductive Ducts during Different Reproductive Phases.Chinese Journal of Animal Science, 2008, 44(3): 13-15,
23. Zhang H, Liu YH, Ni HM, Yang FG, Liu LQ, Guo Y*. Effect of Different Co-culture Cell Types on the Development of Ovine Parthenogenetic Embryos. Heilongjiang Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, 2008, 316(5): 8-12,
24. Li XY, Ni HM, Liu YH, Zhao YW, Qu YY, Liu JW, Guo Y*. Effect of PGE2 ,PGF and
 Iloprost on Development in vitro of 2-cell Mouse Embryos. Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica , 2008,  16(2): 122-126,
    25. Bao WY, Liu YH, Guo Y, Xu Y, Wu J, Ni HM. Determination of the ovulation duration for domestic cats after superovulation during their Non-breeding seasons. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine,2008, 35(10): 72-74,
26. Li K, Zhao YW, Guo Y, Liu YH, Lu TG, Qu YY, Ni HM, Effect of E2 and P4 on maturation in vitro of oocytes from Kunming mouse. Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica , 2008,  16(4): 293-297,
    27. Yang FG, Ni HM, Guo Y, Liu LQ, Zhang H, Liu YH. Effect of Butyrolactone on in vitro maturation and fertilization of Ovine Oocytes. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, 2008, 16(1): 66-70,
28. Liu LQ, Liu YH, Ni HM, Xue JZ, Zhang JT, Bai JL, Guo Y*. Comparision of Ovine Sperm Capacitation in Different Animal Reproductive Ducts. Heilongjiang Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, 2008, 312(1): 27-29,
29. Yang FG, Guo Y, Ni HM, Zhang H, Liu LQ, Xue JZ,Liu YH. Effect of Medium and Duration on In Vitro Maturation and Development of Ovine Parthenogenetic Embryos. Heilongjiang Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, 2008, 312(1): 33-35,
30. ZHAO YW, LI K, Qu YY, LU TG, Liu YH, Guo Y, Ni HM. Effect of LH and hCG on
In Vitro Maturation of Oocytes from Kunming Mouse. Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine, 2008, 18(2): 23-27,
31. Tranguch S, Chakrabarty A, Guo Y, Wang H, Dey SK. Maternal Pentraxin 3 Deficiency Compromises Implantation in Mice. Biol Reprod, 2007, 77(3): 425-432,
32. Yang FG, Liu YH, Ni HM, Zhang H, Guo Y*. Effect of Butyrolactone on Maturation in vitro and Developmental Competence of Ovine Oocytes. Chinese Journal of Animal Science, 2007, 43(23): 7-10,
33. Liu LQ, Liu CS, Guo Y, Ni HM, Zhang H, Yang FG, Liu YH. Comparison of CTC Staining and in Vitro Fertilization among Different Ovine Sperm Capacitation Methods. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2007,34(8): 31-34,
34. Zhang H, Liu YH, Ni HM, Yang FG, Liu LQ, Xue  JZ, Guo Y*. Effect of Media and Serum Concentration on Development of Ovine Parthenogenetic Embryos. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2007,34(7): 32-34,
35. Xue JZ, Liu YH, Guo Y, Liu LQ, Zhang H, Yang FG, Ni HM. Effect of Different Concentrations of Progesterone on Ovine Sperm Capacitation in vitro, Journal of Guangxi Agric and Biol Science, 2006, 25(supp): 63-66,
36. Wang D, Wang H, Guo Y, Ning W, Katkuri S, Wahli W, Desvergne B, Dey SK, Dubois RN. Crosstalk between peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor {delta} and VEGF stimulates cancer progression. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 103(50):19069-74,
37. Wang H, Xie H, Guo Y, Zhang H, Takahashi T, Kingsley PJ, Marnett LJ, Das SK, Cravatt BF, Dey SK. Fatty acid amide hydrolase deficiency limits early pregnancy events. J Clin Invest. 2006, 116(8): 2122-2131,
38. Yong Guo#, Haibin Wang#, Yasuo Okamoto, Natsuo Ueda, Philip J. Kingsley, Lawrence J. Marnett, Harald H. O. Schmid, Sanjoy K. Das, and Sudhansu K. Dey. N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine-hydrolyzing phospholipase D is an important determinant of uterine anandamide levels during implantation. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005, 280(25): 23429-23432, (#equal contribution)
39. S. Tranguch, T. Daikoku, Y. Guo, H. Wang and S.K. Dey. Molecular complexity in establishing uterine receptivity and implantation. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2005, 62: 1964-73,
40. Haibin Wang, Yong Guo, Dingzhi Wang, Philip J Kingsley, Lawrence J Marnett, Sanjoy K Das, Raymond N Dubois & Sudhansu K Dey. Aberrant cannabinoid signaling impairs oviductal transport of embryos. Nature Medicine , 2004, 10 (10): 1074-80,
41. Daikoku T, Song H, Guo Y,  Riesewijk A,  Mosselman S,  Das SK,  Dey SK.  Uterine Msx-1 and Wnt4 signaling becomes aberrant in mice with the loss of leukemia inhibitory factor or Hoxa-10: Evidence for a novel cytokine-homeobox-Wnt signaling in implantation. Mol Endocrinol. 2004, 18(5): 1238-50,
42. Wang H, Matsumoto H, Guo Y, Paria BC, Roberts RL, and Dey SK. Differential G-protein coupled cannabinoid receptor signaling by anandamide directs blastocyst activation for implantation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA , 2003, 100(25): 14914-14919,
43. Wang S, Xia G, Bu S, Xie H, Wang J, Guo Y.  Effect of sodium nitroprusside (a donor of nitric oxide) on the spontaneous maturation of mouse oocyte in vitro. Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica. 2003, 11 (2): 88-91,
44. Shumin Bu, Guoliang Xia, Huirong Xie, Yong Guo. Nitric oxide produced by cumulus cells stimulates maturation of mouse oocytes. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2003, 48(1): 72-75,
45. Guo Yong, Xia GL, Wang H, Xie H, Lei L, and Bu S.  Effects of recombinant human LH on the early embryo development in mice. Acta Zoologica Sinica . 2002, 48 (6): 754-758;
46. Shumin Bu, Guoliang Xia, Huirong Xie, Yong Guo. Nitric oxide produced by cumulus cells stimulates maturation of mouse oocytes. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2002, 47: 1730-1733,
47. Wang H, Xia GL, Taya K, Xie H, and Guo Y .  Ontogeny of cytochrome P450 side chain cleavage enzyme in the mouse ovary. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology.  2002, 10 (1): 36-39,
48. Guo Yong, Xia Guoliang, Lei Lei, Bo Shumin, Xie Huirong. Effect of recombinant human luteinizing hormone on the development of murine oocytes fertilization in vitro, Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica , 2001,  (4): 227-229,
49. Lei lei, Guo Yong, Yang W, Xie H, Wang H, and Xia GL. Mechanisms of induced ovulation by recombinant human gonadotropins in mice. Progress in Natural Science. 2001, 12(8): 857-860,
50. Wang H, Xia GL, Li M, Guo Yong, and Xie H .  Effects of epidermal growth factor on the follicle development and estradiol secretion of mouse fetal ovary induced by follicle-stimulating hormone in vitro.  Journal of Agricultural  Biotechnology. 2001, 9 (1): 37-40,
51. Wang H, Li M, Xia GL, Lu Z, Guo Y, and Xie H.  Effects of epidermal growth factor on the follicle development and steroidogenesis of mouse fetal ovary in vitro. Journal of China Agricultural University. 2001, 6 (1): 1-6,
52. Wang H, Li M, Xia GL, Lu Z, Guo Y, and Zhang J.  Effects of gonadotrophins on the mouse fetal ovarian follicle development and steroidogenesis in vitro. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science. 2001, 21 (6): 617-621,
53. Guo Yong, Ni Hemin, Xia Guoliang, Zhu Yuding. Progress in cloning mammals from somatic cells, Progress in Biotechnology (China), 2000, (20): 44-49,
54. Yuding Zhu, Yong Guo, Hemin Ni. Progress in biotechnology of small ruminants in China, Small Ruminant Research,  1999, (34): 203-213,
55. Ni Hemin, Guo Yong, et al. Study on oocyte taken from live cows, Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 1999, (5): 87-95,
56. Guo Yong, Ni Hemin, et al. Improvement of microinjection system for transgenic rabbit embryos. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 1998, (5): 69-74,
57. Guo Yong, Ni Hemin, et al. Progress on producing transgenic mammals by microinjection, Progress in Biotechnology(China), 1997, (1): 42-47,
58. Li J.F, Zhu YD, Yang WS, Guo Y, et al. Role of the introductory MAR for integration frequency in transgenic rabbits, High Technology Letters, 1996, (6): 1-3,
59. Yang WS, Ni HM, Guo Y. Study on Superovulation in female rabbits, Laboratory Animal Science and Administration, 1996, (13): 8-11,
60. Gao LY, Guo Yong, et al.  Study on Effect of collecting embryo and histomorphological change of uterine mucosa in mice. Laboratory Animal Science and   Administration, 1997, (14): 17-21,















Linshu Jiang: male, born in August, 1971. Professor, PhD and Supervisor of postgraduate, holding the post of vice director of science and technology department, director of Village official office, vice general secretary of science and technology association of Beijing University of Agriculture.


Linshu Jiang had been candidate of The New Century Talent Project, Beijing Science and Technology Nova Plan, Beijing of Talents Scheme and so on. Now, He is vice general secretary of rural special technique association, member of Beijing agricultural engineering, member of China animal nutrition society, Beijing dairy industry association executive member and member of Beijing feed industry association. He also took charge of member of expert committee of China's rural professional associations, final judgment expert of Natural Science Foundation of China, evaluation expert of National Comprehensive Agricultural Development Project-breeding by straw, evaluation expert of Science and Technology Assessment Center of The State Ministry of Science and Technology, evaluation expert of dissertation of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, principal of Beijing Dairy industry science and technology resources workstation, expert of the Cows Innovation Team of Beijing Modern Agriculture Industry Technology System.

Hosted or lead completed four of China Natural Science Foundation, National Technology Support Program and other National projects and seven of Beijing Natural Science Foundation or Provincial project. Applied 2 national patent for invention: one of them had been accredited, the other one is pending approval. Win the third prize of Beijing science and technology improvement award, bronze award of Beijing excellent invention award, two of second prize of Beijing agricultural technology promotion. Three projects had been identified by Ministry of education. Seven Science and technology books are under his general editorship and one of them was judged as excellent science and technology books by General Administration of Press and Publication. 21 related academic papers had been published and 5 of them had been read at international academic meeting which achieved affirm and support by academia.

Major Research Direction:

Straw and other unconventional feed exploitation

Ruminant animal nutrition and immunity














Lu Lin, male, Ph.D. Associate professor.

Participated in the Beijing dairy cattle innovation team of modern agriculture industry technology 
system in 2012, appointed as the director and expert of the health feeding and environment control fu
nction laboratory.

Prof. Lu is mainly engaged in the teaching, research and extension of dairy cattle. For teaching activity, he teach the “Cattle feeding”, “Connoisseurship and feeding of companion animal”, etc. He is also the chief editor or member of editing board for the Beijing high-quality teaching material. He had the honor to get the title of “teacher's ethics Advanced Individual” for the young teachers of the universities in Beijing.

            As regards to the scientific research and the agricultural extension, prof. Lu has charged or par
ticipated 5 projects of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Beijing municipality. He has published 28 pa
pers.  He has served as the chief editor or member of editing board for 8 books. He had the honor to 
get the award for periodical outstanding dissertation in the fifth session of Chinese Science association
 and the third prize of  Beijing agricultural technology extension. As for the personnel training aspect, he
 actively study the new pattern for the teaching cooperation with other countries. At present, 60 teacher
s and students had participated the sino-French “3+1” cooperation project and the sino-america coope
ration in short-term exchange project.













2000年3月-2001年8月 t意大利SPALLANZANI研究院和米兰大学进修意大利家畜营养、育种体系和繁殖技术。
正在主持或参加北京市教委面上项目、意大利农业部子课题、北京市教委学术创新团队等多个项目。主要研究方向:1 植物提取物的提取工艺、生物学功能、作用机制及其开发利用研究;2 反刍动物营养与健康。
1.    石恩慧,贾昌喜,郭凯军,刘凤华。板栗总苞多酚纯化工艺优化及其对细胞活力影响。食品学报。2012。(已接受)
2.    石恩慧,刘凤华,贾昌喜,郭凯军。响应面法优化超声提取板栗总苞多酚工艺条件。食品学报。2012。(已接受)
3.    石恩慧,李红,谷明灿,贾昌喜,郭凯军。板栗总苞多酚提取工艺优化及其抗氧化性研究。 动物营养学报。(已接受)
4.    Shi Enhui, Li Hong,Liu Fenghua,Jia Changxi,Guo Kaijun. Extracting polyphenols from Castanea mollissima Blume by response Surface methodology. Food Chemistry. 2012. (待发表)。
5.    Guo K. J., Xu S. F., P. Yin,Wang W., Song X. Z., Liu F. H., Xu J. Q., Zoccarato I.. Active components of common traditional Chinese medicine decoctions have antioxidant functions. Journal of Animal Science. 2011. 89:3107-3115. (SCI文章 IF 2.466)
6.    K.J. Guo, W. Wang, F.H. Liu, Z.Y. Zhang, J.Q. Xu, I. Zoccarato Study on the anti-oxidative function of effective components of some traditional Chinese medicines. 20112011Pharma-nutrition.
7.    Xiaolin Hou, Kaijun Guo, Jie Bao, Yongnin Wu and Huanrong Li. Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of ofloxacin residue in environment matrix, Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 2011. Vol.9 (3&4) : 779-783 . (SCI文章 IF 0.486)
8.    Luca Rotolo, Kai Jun Guo, Ivo Zoccarato. Effect of dietary linoleic level and rearing season on fatty acids profile of heavy pigs. Italian Journal of Food Science. 2011. 3:310-317. (SCI文章 IF 0.386)
9.     Guo K.J., LIU F.H., LU L., Biagini D. Lazzaroni C., Zoccarato I. Productive Performance of Double-Muscled Piemontese Culled Cows in Finishing Period. Agricultural Sciences in China. 2010. 9(5): 721-728. (SCIE文章)
10. Guo K.J., Gasco L., Zoccarato I., Palmegiano G.B., Sicuro B. Proposal of a dynamic model as a tool to simulate growth performance and nitrogen release in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming. International Aquatic Research. 2010. 2:18-22.
11.Yu J., Yin P., Liu F.H., Cheng G.L., Guo K.J., Zhu X.Y. , Luan W.L., Xu J.Q. Effect of heat stress on porcine small intestine: a morphological and gene expression study, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 2010, 156(1): 119-128. (SCI文章 IF 1.745)
12.Yu J., Yin P., Liu F.H., Zhu X.Y. , Xu J.Q., Guo K.J. Effects of Heat Stress on Expression of Circadian Rhythm-related Genes in Rat Jejunum,International Journal of Hyperthermia. 2010, 26(6): 538-555. (SCI文章 IF 2.713)
13.Yu J.; Liu F.H., Yin, P., Zhu X.Y., Cheng G.L., Wang N., Lu A., Luan W.L., Zhang N., Li J., Guo, K.J.;, Xu J.Q. 2011. Integrating miRNA and mRNA Expression Profiles in Response to Heat Stress-Induced Injury in Rat Small Intestine. Functional & Integrative Genomics. (SCI文章 IF 4.66)
14.Liu H.W., Gai F., Gasco L., Brugiapaglia A., Lussiana C., Guo K.J., Tong J.M., Zoccarato I. Effects of chestnut tannins on carcass characteristics, meat quality, lipid oxidation and fatty acid composition of rabbits. Meat Science. 2009. 83(4): 678-683. (SCI 文章 IF 2.083)
15.Schiavone, A., Guo, K., Tassone, S., Gasco, L., Hernandez, E., Denti, R., Zoccarato, I. Effects of a Natural Extract of Chestnut Wood (SILVAFEED ENC) on Digestibility, Performance Traits and Nitrogen Balance of Broiler Chicks. Poultry science. 2008. 3:521-527. (通讯作者,SCI 文章 IF 1.656)
16.Zoccarato I., Gasco L., Schiavone A., Guo K.J., Barge P., Rotolo L., Savarino G., Masoero G. Effect of extract of chestnut wood inclusion (ENC) in normal and low protein amino acid supplemented diets on heavy broiler rabbits. In Proceedings 9th World Rabbit Congress, 3 June 2008, Verona, Italy. 2008. pp. 873-877.

Kaijun Guo:
 Associate professor. Ph.D. in Agriculture, Forestry And Food Sciences from Turin Univerity of Italy.
1995 Graduated from College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, North-western Agricultural University with bachelor degree.
1998 Graduated from of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, North-western Agricultural University with Master degree.
Aug. 1998- Oct.. 2001 Worked in National Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Service, Ministry of Agriculture, P.R. China.
2005 Graduated from Agriculture, Forestry And Food Sciences College, Turin Univerity of Italy with Ph.D. degree.
2004-2008 2 sessions of post doctorate research grants in Turin Univerity of Italy.
In charge of or participating several research projects such as General program of science and technology development project of Beijing Municipal Education Commission, the Funding Project for Academic Human Resources Development in Institutions of Higher Learning under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Municipality, etc.
Main research fields: 1. Plant extraction technology, biofunctions, mechanisms and applications; 2. Ruminants nutrition and healthy feeding.
1.         Shi Enhui, Jia Changxi,Guo Kaijun, Liu Fenghua. Optimazation of Castanea mollissima Blume Involucres Polyphenols extracting technology and its effect on cell profelition. Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology. 2012.(Corresponding author, accepted)
2.         Shi Enhui, Liu Fenghua, Jia Changxi,Guo Kaijun. Extracting polyphenols from Castanea mollissima Blume by response Surface methodology. Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology. 2013.(Corresponding author, accepted)
3.         Shi Enhui, Li Hong, Gu Mingcan, Jia Changxi,Guo Kaijun. Optimazation of Castanea mollissima Blume Involucres Polyphenols extracting technology and study on its antioxidant activity. Acta Zoonutrimenta Sinica.2013(Corresponding author, accepted)
4.         Shi Enhui, Li Hong,Liu Fenghua,Jia Changxi,Guo Kaijun. Antioxidant Activity of Castanea mollissima Blume Involucres Polyphenols. Food Chemistry. 2013. (Under review)。
5.         Guo K. J., Xu S. F., P. Yin,Wang W., Song X. Z., Liu F. H., Xu J. Q., Zoccarato I.. Active components of common traditional Chinese medicine decoctions have antioxidant functions. Journal of Animal Science. 2011. 89:3107-3115. (IF 2.466)
6.         Xiaolin Hou, Kaijun Guo, Jie Bao, Yongnin Wu and Huanrong Li. Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of ofloxacin residue in environment matrix, Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 2011. Vol.9 (3&4) : 779-783 . (IF 0.486)
7.         Luca Rotolo, Kai Jun Guo, Ivo Zoccarato. Effect of dietary linoleic level and rearing season on fatty acids profile of heavy pigs. Italian Journal of Food Science. 2011. 3:310-317. (IF 0.386)
8.         Guo K.J., LIU F.H., LU L., Biagini D. Lazzaroni C., Zoccarato I. Productive Performance of Double-Muscled Piemontese Culled Cows in Finishing Period. Agricultural Sciences in China. 2010. 9(5): 721-728. (SCIE)
9.          Guo K.J., Gasco L., Zoccarato I., Palmegiano G.B., Sicuro B. Proposal of a dynamic model as a tool to simulate growth performance and nitrogen release in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming. International Aquatic Research. 2010. 2:18-22.
10.      Yu J., Yin P., Liu F.H., Cheng G.L., Guo K.J., Zhu X.Y. , Luan W.L., Xu J.Q. Effect of heat stress on porcine small intestine: a morphological and gene expression study, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 2010, 156(1): 119-128. (IF 1.745)
11.      Yu J., Yin P., Liu F.H., Zhu X.Y. , Xu J.Q., Guo K.J. Effects of Heat Stress on Expression of Circadian Rhythm-related Genes in Rat Jejunum,International Journal of Hyperthermia. 2010, 26(6): 538-555. (IF 2.713)
12.      Yu J.; Liu F.H., Yin, P., Zhu X.Y., Cheng G.L., Wang N., Lu A., Luan W.L., Zhang N., Li J., Guo, K.J.;, Xu J.Q. 2011. Integrating miRNA and mRNA Expression Profiles in Response to Heat Stress-Induced Injury in Rat Small Intestine. Functional & Integrative Genomics. (IF 4.66)
13.      Liu H.W., Gai F., Gasco L., Brugiapaglia A., Lussiana C., Guo K.J., Tong J.M., Zoccarato I. Effects of chestnut tannins on carcass characteristics, meat quality, lipid oxidation and fatty acid composition of rabbits. Meat Science. 2009. 83(4): 678-683. (IF 2.083)
14.      Schiavone, A., Guo, K., Tassone, S., Gasco, L., Hernandez, E., Denti, R., Zoccarato, I. Effects of a Natural Extract of Chestnut Wood (SILVAFEED ENC) on Digestibility, Performance Traits and Nitrogen Balance of Broiler Chicks. Poultry science. 2008. 3:521-527. (Corresponding author , IF 1.656)
15.      Zoccarato I., Gasco L., Schiavone A., Guo K.J., Barge P., Rotolo L., Savarino G., Masoero G. Effect of extract of chestnut wood inclusion (ENC) in normal and low protein amino acid supplemented diets on heavy broiler rabbits. In Proceedings 9th World Rabbit Congress, 3 June 2008, Verona, Italy. 2008. pp. 873-877.
姓名 王占赫            出生日期    1956427
职务(主要是校内):动物科学技术系分工会主席,动物科学实验室主任         职称:副教授            参加工作时间:19838            
担任课程 :养猪生产学,动物育种学   
1、 当代畜牧,2006.23436,不同精液稀释液常温保存绵羊精液的效果,第1作者
Name: Zhanhe Wang
Gender: Male  
Date of birth: April, 1956
Current position: Associate professor
Employer: Beijing University of Agriculture
September 1995~July 1999   Master, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
September 1979~July 1983    Bachelor’s degree of agriculture, Beijing University of Agriculture
l        2010 annual scientific and technological package engineering excellent organization workers
l        In 2006 the second prize of agro-technical popularization
l        China science and technology consulting service center agricultural professional committee of experts
l        In 2003, the Beijing association for science and technology Jinqiao the high quality project of the third prize
l        Beijing science and technology to the countryside agricultural professional expert panel members
l        In 1999 the ministry of agriculture issued by the ministry of science and technology progress prize third prize
l        Boar feed nutrition value evaluation
l        To improve the quality of embryo ZhuTi traditional Chinese medicine effective component nutrient solution research
l        Livestock and poultry resistance to stress the infusion of research and development and promotion
l        Ecotype feed and feed additive transformation of scientific and technological achievements and service
l        Beijing Municipal Education Commission (2002~2005): “Green pork production and supporting technology research”
l        Zhanhe Wang YingYan Han ShuLin Jiang , Farmers' scientific quality reading book , China Agriculture Press , 2009 ISBN 9787109133969
l        Zhanhe Wang JunJie Chen XiuLian Wei , Chen Rabbit on a new technology , The Associated Press of commerce , 2007 ISBN 97878019348091/s.164
l        Zhanhe Wang JunJie Chen ShuLin Jiang , Dairy cattle raising management and disease prevention and control technology question and answer , China Agriculture Press , 2009 ISBN 978109117464
l        Zhanhe Wang , Boar raising management and disease prevention and control technology question and answer , China Agriculture Press , 2006 ISBN 7109112942
Representative Thesis
l        Zhanhe Wang. The effect of different sheep semen diluents preservation in room temperature [J].Contemporary Animal Husbandry 2006.2,34-36,
l        Zhanhe Wang. The preservation effect of test research of different diluent formula for different varieties boar semen in room temperature [J].Contemporary Animal Husbandry 2006.1,26-28
l        Zhanhe Wang.The test report of different disinfection sterilization effect contrast [J].Contemporary Animal Husbandry 2006.1,17-18
l        Zhanhe Wang. The effect of sheep epididymis tail sperm preserved in low temperature[J].Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture 2004.2,39-42
l        Zhanhe Wang.Meat of sheep sperm preserved in low temperature test[J].Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture 2006.1,55-57
l        Lin LU  Fenghua Liu Zhanhe Wang Qingming Chen.Herbal feed additives anti- the heat stress of fattening pigs [J] .2003 Beijing international conference and exhibition on pig
l        Zhanhe Wanng Xiaozhen Song Shuai Mao. Chinese medicine additives for high temperatures pig serum antioxidant[J] .Animal husbandry and veterinary2008.05
l        Fenghua Liu Zhanhe Wanng Guojuan Wu . Traditional Chinese medicine additive multiparous sows the effects of reproductive performance[J] .Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture 2003.01

郭玉琴,中共党员,博士,副教授, 19627月出生,1995年毕业于北京农业大学动物营养与饲料专业 ,获农学硕士学位;2006年毕业于中国农业科学院畜牧所反刍动物营养与饲料专业,获农学博士学位。1995年至今在北京农学院任教,主要从事动物营养与饲料学的教学和科研工作,主讲了动物营养及饲料分析学、动物微生态营养学等本科生课程及动物营养与饲养学研究生课程主要研究方向为动物营养与饲料,主持和参加了国家和市部级等10多个课题。 2003年获市科协肉羊舍饲配套技术推广三等奖,2010年获北京市农业技术推广三等奖。参编著作4部。发表论文20余篇。

Guo Yuqin, member of CPC, Ph.D., assistant professor, born in July 1962, graduated from Beijing Agricultural University in 1995, as a master of Animal Nutrition and Feed; graduated from Institute of animal sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural sciences in 2006, as a Ph.D. of Ruminate Nutrition and Feed. She has taught in Beijing University of Agriculture since 1995, mainly engaged in teaching and researching on Animal Nutrition and Feed. She has opened several undergraduate courses, such as Animal Nutrition and Feed Analyse, Animal Microecology Nutrition, and a graduate course: Animal Nutrition and Thremmatology. Her main research direction is Animal Nutrition and Feed, and she has led or participated in more than 10 national or provincial and ministerial subjects. She won the third prize of “The Promotion of supporting technology of mutton sheep barn feeding”, awarded by Municipal Association for science and technology in 2003, and won the third prize of “Promotion of Beijing Agricultural Technology” in 2010. She was a compiler member for 4 books, and has published more than 20 academic papers.







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