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Personal Information


Sex: Female

Date of Birth: March  9, 1958

Place of Birth:  Bei Jing, China      

Company Address: Dept. of Plant Science and Technology Beijing University of Agriculture

No. 7 Beinong Road, Huilong Guan Town ,Changping District,Beijing102206, P.R. China

Current Employer: the Plant Science and Technology Department, Beijing Agricultural College

Position: professor in Plant Pathology

Fax:  86-1080796917

E-mail:  liuzhengping8882000@ yahoo.com.

 Educational Background:

   B.A in Agriculture Graduated from the Department of agronomy of the Innermongolia Agricultural University. Majored in Plant Protection

Working Experience:

1982-2004      Work in the Innermongolia Agricultural University , as a Plant Pathology Assistant , a lecturera Associate Professor, a Professor.

2004 till now   Work in the Beijing University of Agriculture , as a Plant Pathology Professor.

 Scholar Award:

Have published several articles: *Author for correspondence

1.Liu Zheng-ping Effects of Seed Streatment With Two Mixed Fungicide on Maize Growth

Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,2000,21(3):109~111

2.Liu Zhengping,et al  Effection of Toxicity of Verticillium dahliae on Seeds Germination and Seedling Growthin Eggplant

Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica,2001,16(1):63~66

3.LiuZhengping,et al .Preliminary Identification on theVariety of Wheat Take-all Pathogens in Bayannol,Inner Mongolia

Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica,2001,16(4):132~135

4.LiuZhengping,et al The Influence of Verticillium dahliae on Cell Membrance Permeability of Egg-plant Root

Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,2001,22(3):45~47

5.LiuZheng-ping,et al  Laboratory Test of Four Fungcide on Pathoegens of Wheat Common Rot

Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,2001,22(4):85~87

6.Liu Zheng-pin Identification and Biological Character Test of Wheat Common Rot Pathogen

Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica,2002,17(2):44~48                                   

7.Liu Zhengping,et al The Effects of Verticilliumdahliae Toxin on the Permeability of Cell Membrane of Eggplant Leaf and Callus

Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,2003,24(1):1~4

8.Liu Zheng-ping. et al .Effects of Verticillium dahliae toxin on the activities of some enzymes in eggplant calli

    Acta Phytopathologica Sinica ,2003,33(4):381~382

9.Zhao Ming-min,LiuZheng-ping.*The Effects of Verticillium dahliae Toxin on Some Enzyme Activities of Eggplant

Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica,2003,18(2):70~73(address author)

10.Zhou Hong-you,Liu Zheng-ping.Preliminary Exploration of Bacteria That Produce 2,4-DAPG Colonize the Rhizoplance and Controll the Tomato Southern BacterialWilt

Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica,2004,19(4):105~108

11.Sun Gui-ying, Liu Zheng-ping. Aprimary Expl Oration of ConditionsFor Inducing allusof Eggplant

Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,2004,25(2):66~68

12.Wei Yan-min1,Liu Zheng-ping.Identification of a Chestnut Stem Disease and Its Integrated Management

    Journal of Beijing Agricultural College,2005,20(2):37~39

13.Liu Zheng-ping.et al Studies on the Biological Characteristics of Colletotrichum

Gloeospo rioides Penzon Chinese Wolfberry

Journal of Beijing Agricultural College,2005,20(3):36~39

14.Wang Lan-ying,Zong Zhao-feng,Liu Zheng-ping.Isolation and screening of biocontrol actinomyces against Verticillium dahliae and Botrytis cinerea

     Jour. Of Northwest Sci-TechUniv.of Agri.and For.(Nat.Sci.Ed.) 2005,33(suppl.)153~156

15.Liu Zheng-ping* Isolationand Screening of Antagonistic Bacteria for Control of Sunflower Sclerotinic Rot

 Journal of Beijing Agricultural College,2005,20(2):34~36 (address author)

16.Liu Zheng-ping* Research on invitro Screening of Resistant Mutants of Eggplant

To Verticillium daliae with Fungi Toxin

Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica,2006,21(1):92~95(address author)

17.Liu Zhengping* Screening andI dentification of Wheat Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria

Journal of Beijing Agricultural College,2006,21(2):47~50. (address author)

18.Zhao Ming-min,LiuZheng-ping Research on invitro Screening of Resistant Mutants of Eggplant To Verticillium daliae with Fungi Toxin

Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica,2006,21(1) :92~95

19.Hu Jun,Liu Zheng-ping.Studies on Isolation and Screening of Antagonistic mycetes-fungus

And Its Antagonistic Effect for Sunflower Sclerotinia Rot

Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica,2006,21(1) :96~99

20.Liu Zheng-ping* Screening of Antagonistic Bacteria for the Controlof Peach Brown Rot

Journal of Beijing Agricultural College,2006,21(4):29~32. (address author)

21.Wang Hai-xia1,LiuZheng-ping. Pathogens Caused Chinese Chestnut Seed Rot during Storage and Their In fection Process

    Journal of Beijing Agricultural College,2006,21(4):33~36

22.Zhao Xiao-yan ,Liu Zheng-ping. Recent Advancein Fungal Polygalaturonase

    Journal of Fungal Research,2007,5(3)183~186

23.Wang Xing-hua,,MaHuan-pu,LiuZheng-ping.Isolation and Screening of Antagonistic Actinomyces of Monilinia  fracticola

   Plant Protection – Soil and fertilizer,2007,(5):28~29(30)

24.Liu Zheng-ping*.Effect of Cultural Conditionson Mycelial Growth and Conidial Germination of Monilinia fructicola

Journal of Beijing Agricultural College,2007,22(4):34~37.

 25. Yang Haiqing, ZhaoXiaoyan,WeiYanmin,ShangQiaoxia1,Liu Suhua1,Liu Zhengping*.

   Antagonistic effect and m echanism of the antagonistic substance of bacterium CE againstMonilinia fructicola

Acta  Phytophylacica  Sinica .2008 35(2 ),191~192.

26. Zhang Xiao-yu,Liu Zheng-yuan,Yang Hai-ming,Li Rong-xi,Hu Jun,Liu Zheng-ping*

Factors affecting mycelia growth and oxalic acid accumulation bySclerotinia sclerotiorumin sunflower

Chinese journal of oil crop sciences. 2009,31(1):065~069. (address author)

28. Zhou Hong-you,Liu Zheng-ping,Hu Jun,CHANG Jing

Biological Characteristics of the Pathogenic Fungus Sudan Grass Large Leaf Spot Pathogen

Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica. 2009,24(1):174~177

29. Wu Rui-jie,Wang Xing-hua,Liu Zhi-min,Liu Zheng-ping,Hu Hao,Ma Huan-pu

Isolation,Identification and Interaction of Rhizosphere Microorganisms Involved in Peach Replant Diseases

Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2009,42(5):1631~1638

30. Yang Jinfeng,Li He,Liu Suhua,Hu Haiwen,Liu Zhengping*,Zhao Xiaoyan

Fungistasis of Three Kinds of Chinese Herbs Extracts against Monilinia fructico

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletinla. 2009,25(12):188~194

31. Hu Haiwen,Yang Haiqing,Wang Peng,Liu Suhua,Zhao Xiaoyan,Liu Zhengping*

Isolation and Screening of Antagonistic Bacteria against Monilinia fructicola

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2009,25(12):195~200

32. Z. Liu , Y. Wei , H. Wang, X. Zhu, Q. Shang, X. Zhao, S.Liu

Preliminary study on the seed rot and physiological properties of chestnut in storage

Phytopathology 99:S75  Phytopathology Vol. 99, No. 6 (Supplement), 2009 S1

33. Xue Wei ,Zhao Xiao-Meng ,Liu Su-Hua ,Zhao Xiao-Yan, Liu Zheng-Ping.*

Protoplast Preparation and Regeneration of Monilia fructigena

Microbiology China. JAN 20,2010,37(1):71-77

34. Yang Hai-qing,Zhao Xiao-Meng, Zhao Xiao-Yan, Liu Zheng-Ping.*

Antifungal mechanism against monilinia fruticola and stability of the antagonistic substance from bacterium strain CE

Journal Fruit Science .2011,28(2):204-208

34.Chen Yao,Wang Shu-xue,Wei Yan-min, Shang Qiao-xia,,Zhao Xiao-yan, Liu Zheng-Ping.*

Isolation and Screening of Antagonistic Bacteria for Strawberry Root Rot Control

Journal of Beijing Agricultural College,2011,26(4):14~17.

35. Chen Yao,Wang Shu-xue,Wei Yan-min, ,Zhao Xiao-yan, Shang Qiao-xia*, Liu Zheng-Ping.* Studies on isolation,identification and biological characteristics of pathogenic fungus strain C16-4 of strawberry root rot

Journal of Fruit Science2012294:638~643



张志勇,男,1961年出生,博士,教授,博士生导师,国务院政府特殊津贴专家。中国植物保护学会理事,北京昆虫学会常务理事。1981年至今一直从事植物保护学科高等教育与科研工作。其间,1991-1996年在西北农业大学攻读研究生,分别于1993年和1996年获得理学硕士和理学博士学位。2000-2002日本名古屋大学博士后、学术振兴会(JSPS)外国人特别研究员。现为新疆农业大学博士生导师,本校果品安全技术方向、植物保护领域硕士生导师。2004.72011.7兼任校科技处处长、研究生部主任,2011.7-今,兼任校对外交流中心主任及国际学院院长。主要从事昆虫资源保护利用和农产品无公害安全技术方面的教学和研究,讲授《普通昆虫学》、《害虫生物防治》、《农药环境毒理》、《农药残留与安全控制》、《观赏植物害虫防治》、《果园IPM研究进展》等课程。主持完成JSPS国际合作项目1项,中匈政府间国际合作项目1项,省部级科研项目5项,参加完成国家攻关课题2项。现主持国家自然科学基金项目、北京市科技计划项目及北京市高校人才强教创新团队项目各一项。主持编写了省级无公害生产地方标准(DB41/T152.1--5-2000)。在国内外发表学术论文90余篇, 出版学术著作15,获省部级科技进步二等奖2,推广奖1项,国家发明专利2项。研究方向:农药安全应用技术,害虫综合治理及昆虫资源保护利用。





魏艳敏女,1963年生,副教授,北京市植物病理学会理事。19801984河北农业大学学习并获农学学士学位,19842000年河北农业大学任教,19931996年南开大学微生物专业学习并获理学硕士,2000~至今在北京农学院从事植物病理学教学和科学研究工作。主讲 “普通植物病理学”、“植病研究法”、“植物病害生物防治”、 “园艺植物病理学”等课程。


  E-mailyanminwei@yahoo.com.cn  Tel13693316558




Name:  Yanmin Wei  魏艳敏

Sex:   Female                         

Date of Birth: December 12, 1963

Place of Birth:  Ren Qiu City, Hebei Province, China

Home address:No.7, Beinong road, Changping District, Beijing, China,102206

Current Employer: the Plant Science and Technology Department, Beijing University of Agriculture, Changping District, Beijing, China, 102206

Position:  Associate professor in Plant Pathology

Home Phone:    +861080793212

Mobile Phone:   +8613693316558

E-mail:  yanminwei @ yahoo.com.cn


Educational Background

 1993-1996M.A in MicrobiologyGraduated from the Department of Biology of the University of Nankai. Majored in Microbiology.

   1980-1984B.A in AgricultureGraduated from the Department of Plant Protection of the Hebei Agricultural University. Majored in Plant Pathology.

Working Experience

2000 till now Work in the Beijing University of Agriculture, as a Plant Pathology Associate Professor.

1984-2000Work in the Hebei Agricultural University , as a Plant Pathology Assistant , a lecturera Associate Professor.

Professional Organizations

1986 till nowThe member of Chinese Society of Plant Pathology

2000 till nowThe member of Beijing Society for Plant Pathology

2008 till nowThe member of American Phytopathological Society

International Experience

U.S.A.  (2008)

Italy    (2008)

Research Support

1.2009-2013the earmarked fund for Modern Agro-industry Technology Research System (700000 per yearNo:nycytx-30-bc-03) from Ministry of Agriculture & Finance of the People’s Republic of China

2. 2010-2013: Funding Project for Academic Human Resources Development in Institutions of Higher Learning Under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Municipality  (500000 per year;No. PHR201107135)

Selected publications

1. Wei, Y.M., et al. A taxonomic study of Rhodotorula based on isoenzyme patterns. Mycosystema,199817(1):63-67

2. Wei, Y.M., et al. Species of Rhodotorula Harrison from fresh water of China. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis199730(3):103-105

3. Wei, Y.M., et al. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of isozymes of Verticillum dahliae. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 2000301):87-88

4Wei, Y.M., et al. Species of Rhodotorula Harrison found in Yangtze River. Journal of Agricultural University of Hebei,199821(2):51-54

5Wei, Y.M., et al. The antagonism of 26 strains of Streptomyces spp. against several vegetable pathogens. Journal of Agricultural University of Hebei, 2000233):65-68

6. Wei, Y.M., et al. Isozyme And Protein Patterns of 26 Strains of Verticillium dahliae Differing in Virulence. Proceedings, The First Asian Conference On Plant Pathology. Beijing, China, 2000, 8

7. Wei,Y.M. et al. Identification of a Chestnut Stem Disease and Its Integrated Management. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture2005202):37-39

8. Ren,Z.G et al. address authorResearch progress on biological control of horticultural plant disease by Bacillus spp. Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 200622(s):194-198

9. Wang, H. X. et al.address authorPathogens caused Chinese Chestnut Seed Rot during Storage and Their Infection Process. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture2006214):33-36

10. Ren Z.G., et al. (address author) Antifungal Substance from Bacillus sp. BJ-6 and Its Antagonism against Plant Pathogens. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture2006213):49-52

11. Ren, Z.G. et al. (address author) Fermentation Conditions for Production of Antifungal substances by Bacillus sp. BJ-6. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin.2007235):321-325

12. Wei,Y., et al. Causes and prevention of Chinese chestnut rotten fruit disease. Phytopathology. 200898(6):168.

13. Ren, Z.G., et al. (address author). Purification and some properties of antifungal substances from antagonistic Bacillus sp. BJ-6. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2008,90(2)124-125

14. Song,Q.F., et al. (address author). Preparation of Antiserum and Development of an Indirect ELISA to Bacillus BJ-6 Strain. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2009252):202-205

15. Ren Z.G., et al. (address author). Purification and mechanism of antifungal protein from Bacillus strain BJ-6. Journal of Fruit Science, 2009263):325-328

16. Wei,Y.M., et al. Preliminary study on fermentation process of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BJ-6. Phytopathology, 2009,99(6)140.

17. Zhu, X., et al.address author. Preliminary studies on pathogenic fungi of chestnut fruit rot and its control. Acta Horticulturae, 2008844:83-88

18. Wei Y.M.,et al. Study on the Anthracnose resistance of the main wine grape cultivars in Yantai. Sino-overseas Grapevine & wine20101561):15-17

19. W L Geng, P Hu, Z Ma, X Y Zhao, and Y M Weiaddress author. First Report of Pilidium concavum Causing Tan-Brown Leaf Spot on Strawberry in China, Plant Disease,2012, 96(9)1377.

20.Zhang,X.L.et al. (address author). Control efficacy of six fungicides and two antifungal strains against grape gray mold.Sino-overseas Grapevine & wine2011127-30


Accepted English special training course sponsored by the Hebei Agricultural University from 1986-1987.

Computer—Used freely, easily

Writing---Office writing either in English or Chinese

Communication---Good communication with all kinds of people


Professor Qin Ling: Dean of Plant Science and Technology Department, Beijing University of Agriculture



王进忠,男,副教授,硕士生导师。1980-1984河北农业大学学习并获农学学士学位,1984-1988河北省农林科学院植物保护研究所从事害虫防治工作,1991年获中国科学院动物研究所理学硕士学位,1991-至今 在北京农学院从事昆虫学教学和科学研究工作。主讲本科“普通昆虫学”、“昆虫研究法”、“园林植物昆虫学”、“园艺植物昆虫学”和研究生“昆虫生理学”和“植物病虫害防治研究进展”等课程。主编观光农业系列教材《观赏植物保护学》,参编普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材《普通昆虫学》、全国高等农林院校“十一五”规划教材《园艺植物昆虫学》和教育部“一村一名大学生计划”教材《作物病虫害防治》等。获北京农学院高等教育教学成果二等奖1项,以第一完成人获北京市高校首届多媒体教育软件大竞赛三等奖1项。




NameWang  Jin-zhong

Date of birth: 06 Mar 1964

Academic rank:  Professor

Address :College of Plant Science and technologyBeijing University of Agriculture ,China 102206

Phone(s): 01080799135  E-mail: jinzhw9276@163.com

1980-1984 B.S. in Plant Protection, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, Hebei Province
1988-1991 M. S. in Entomology, Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, China.
Area(s) of Specialization:
(1)Insect Toxicology;(2)Insect Vector and Plant diseases  and  IPM.

Funded Project: (1)Norcantharidin induces apoptosis in lepidopteron cells through mitochondrial pathways(31272099) 2013-2016 , Grant from The National Natural Science Funds ;(2) Detection for viruses Infected Lily with DNA  Microarray Techniques(5043026) 2004, Grant from The Beijing Natural Science Funds.

Selected publications:

1. GAO Ya-Hong,WANG Jin-Zhong*,LI Ming-Fu*,LI Gui-Fen  Development of a Real-Time Fluorescent Quantitative RTPCR Method for the Detection of Plum Pox Virus  Letters in biotechnology  2011,22 (1):77-80

2.Zhang Tao,Wang Jin-zhong, Du Yan-li Infection of Wolbachia and and sequence analysis of wsp Gene in eight species of Phycitina in Beijing  Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture 2009.243.

3.WANG Jin-zhong  JIA Hui , WEN Si-yuan  et al. Detection for CMV, LSV, LMoV  Infected Lily with DNA  Microarray Techniques  Virologica  sinica 2005 20(4):429-433

4.WANG Jin-zhong,W ANG Yan-jun, WANG Xin-fen Transformation of Pokeweed Antiviral Protein Gene into Calli of Lilium longiflorum  BIOTECHNOLOG  2005 153: 73-75

5Wang Jin-zhong Ding Jian-yun, et al.,The embryonic development of the oriental armywormMythimna separata (Walker) (Lepidoptera: noctuidae)   Acta entomologica sinica  1997 40(3)  276-282














杜艳丽,女,博士(),副教授。主要从事园艺植物害虫综合治理、昆虫行为生理与化学通讯、斑螟亚科昆虫分类与分子系统学的研究。讲授“普通昆虫学”、“昆虫分类学”、“植物保护概论”、“植物检疫技术”、“城市昆虫学”等课程。近5年来,主持国家自然科学基金2项,省部级及其它科研项目4项,发表学术论文30多篇,其中,以第一作者发表SCI论文8篇,参编著作4部;以第三完成人获国家发明专利2项;以第一完成人获北京昆虫学会暄д哂判懵畚亩冉?span lang="EN-US">1项,以第三完成人获北京市高校首届多媒体教育软件大竞赛三等奖1项、北京农学院高等教育教学成果二等奖1项和北京农学院第三届优秀多媒体课件三等奖1项。2006年被评为北京市科技新星,2010年被评为北京市中青年骨干教师。










Name   Qiaoxia, Shang

Gender   Female

Birth date   August 14th, 1975

Birth place   Fengzhen city, Inner mongolia

Home address   No.7, Beinong road, Changping District, Beijing, China, 102206

Working address   Beijing University of Agriculture, Changping District, Beijing, China, 102206

Home Phone   0086-010-80794280

Mobile Phone   0086-013520343168

Email   shangqiaoxia@bac.edu.cn



·     2004-2009:  Ph.D. Plant Pathology   China Agricultural University, Beijing, China

Thesis title: Detection, distribution and molecular diversity of cucurbit-infecting poleroviruses

·     1997-2000:  M.S. Plant Pathology     China Agricultural University, Beijing, China

Thesis title: Construction of the full-length cDNA clone of wheat yellow mosaic virus RNA1         and its transcriptions in vitro

·     1992-1996:  B.A. Plant Protection     Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhot, China


Professional Experience

·     2000- present:  Teaching assistant(2000-2002), lecturer(2002-2011), Associate professor(2011- Present), Department of Plant Science and Technology, Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, China

·     2011-2012:   Visiting scholar, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, U.S.A.

·     1998- 1999:   Research Assistant, Laboratory of Plant Virology, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China. Project: Incidence of rhizomania and the screening of sugar beet cultivars for resistance to BNYVV

·     1996- 1997:   Technician, Research on the protection of ornamental plants in a park in Wu Hai City, Inner Mongolia, China


Other Relevant Training

·     Intensive bilingual (English-Chinese) teachers training program, October 2007- February 2008, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A.


Selected publications

·     Shang QX, Xiang HY, Han CG, Li DW, Yu JL. (2009) Distribution and molecular diversity of three Cucurbit-infecting poleroviruses in China. Virus Research, 145:341-346.

·     Shang QX, Liu ZP, Liu SH, Li J, Zhang XT, Shao AH, Deng CJ. (2009) Identification of wheat head scab pathogens infected by dsRNA. Phytopathology, 99:118.

·     Shang QX, Wei YM, Huo S, Yan K, Wang LY, Liu ZP. (2009) Cultivated conditions can affect the antagonism activities of cellulolytic enzyme produced by Trichoderma sp. Phytopathology, 99:118

·     Xiang HY, Shang QX, Han CG, Li DW, Yu JL. (2008) Complete sequence analysis reveals two distinct poleroviruses infecting cucurbits in China. Archives of Virology, 153:1155-1160.

·     Shang QX, Xiang HY, Han CG, Li DW, Yu JL. (2008) Partial sequence analysis of two isolates of Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus from Hubei and Yunnan in China. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 38:64-68.

·     Wei YM, Shang QX, Qin L, Liu SH, Liu ZP. (2008) Causes and prevention of Chinese chestnut rotten fruit disease. Phytopathology, 98:168.

·     Yang HQ, Wei YM, Shang QX, Zhao XY, Liu SH, Liu ZP. (2008) Preliminary study on biological control of antagonistic bacterium CE on peach brown rot. Journal of Plant Pathology, 90:133.

·     Ren ZG, Liu ZP, Shang QX, Zhao XY, Liu SH, Wei YM. (2008) Purification and some properties of antifungal substances from antagonistic Bacillus sp. BJ-6. Journal of Plant Pathology, 90:133.

·     Xiang HY, Shang QX, Han CG, Li DW, Yu JL. (2008) First report on the occurrence of Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus on nine cucurbitaceous species in China. Plant Pathology, 57:390.

·     Xiang HY, Shang QX, Han CG, Li DW, Yu JL. (2008) Complete sequences of two distinct poleroviruses infecting cucurbits in China. Jounal of Plant Pathology, 90:438.

·     Xiang HY, Shang QX, Han CG, Li DW, Yu JL. (2008) First identification of Beet western yellows virus on sugar beet and lettuce in China. Plant Pathology, 57:390.

·     Shang QX, Xiang HY, Han CG, Li DW, Yu JL. (2007) Sequence analysis of the 3' terminal region of the genome of Lettuce mosaic virus Beijing isolate. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 23:88-90.

·     Shang QX, Zhou LL, Liu SH. (2005) Pathogen identification of bulb rot in Lilium spp. Journal of Beijing Agricultural College, 1:24-25.

·     Yang J, Zhang WH, Shang QX, Zhai YF, Han CG , Li DW, Yu JL. (2005) Identification of a low molecular weight component of Wheat yellow mosaic virus RNA1 in infected wheat. Virologica sinica, 20: 179-183.

·     Shang QX, Fan SX, Liu SH. (2004) Effect of three bio-fungicides on tomato diseases in protective ground. Journal of Beijing Agricultural College, 19:24-25.

·     Shang QX, Han CG,Yang LL. (2002) Elisa detection of Wheat yellow mosaic virus. Journal of Beijing Agricultural College, 17:15-17.

·     Shang QX, Han CG, Yu JL. (2002) Mechanical inoculation of Wheat yellow mosaic virus to wheat. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica, 17:54-58.


Professional Organizations

·   China Society of Plant Pathology 2000-Current

·   Beijing Society of Plant Pathology 2000-Current

·   China Society of Plant Protection 2006-Current

·   American Phytopathological Society 2008-Current


Research Support

·     (PI) National Natural Science Foundation of China (31000840)--Molecular diversity and pathogenicity of 3 poleroviruses infecting infecting cucurbits crops in China (200,000) 2011-2013.

·     (PI) The Natural Science Foundation of Beijing City (6082006), the Science and Technology Nova Program of Beijing (2007B032) -- Distribution and molecular variation of Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus on Cucurbitaceous crops in Beijing (400,000) 2008-2010.

·     (PI) The University Science Fund for Young Scholars of Beijing University of Agriculture (06-ZD-ZK-02) -- Preliminary study on a mycovirus from Fusarium sp., conferring hypovirulence (20,000) 2006-2008.

·     (PI) The University Science Fund for Young Scholars of Beijing University of Agriculture -- Studies on the antagonism of Trichoderma sp. against six tomato fungal pathogens (5,000) 2004-2006.


Teaching Experience

·     Lecturer, General Plant Pathology, Beijing University of Agriculture, Department of Plant Science and Technology, Fall semester in 2002-2004, 2009.

·     Lecturer, Principles of Plant Protection, Beijing University of Agriculture, Department of Plant Science and Technology, Fall semester in 2009.

·     Teaching Assistant, Research Techniques in Plant Virology, China Agricultural University, Department of Plant Pathology, Fall semester in 2005-2008.

·     Lecturer, Agriculture and Plant Pathology, Beijing University of Agriculture, Department of Plant Science and Technology, Spring semester in 2001-2004.

·     Lecturer, Introduction to Plant Virology, Beijing University of Agriculture, Spring semester in 2002-2004.


Awards and Honors  

·     Beinong Award for presentation in plant pathology judged to be outstanding at Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, September, 2004.

·     Teaching-skill Excellence Award, Department of Plant Science and Technology, Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, March, 2002.

·     National An Li Fang Fellowship for outstanding graduate student, China Agricultural University, Beijing, March, 1999.

·     Awarded “Top Student” at China Agricultural University, Department of Plant Pathology, Beijing, June, 1998.










Sex:  Female

Company address: No.7 Beinong road, Huilongguan, Changping District, Beijing, China, 102206

Home phone number: 861081747129

Work phone number: 861080794280

Mobile phone number: 8613683136129

Email address: zhaoxy777@163.com20057504@bac.edu.cn



·     2000-2005:  Ph.D. Major in Plant Pathology, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China, Thesis title: A Novel Nuclear Protein Gene Controls the Conidial Morphology and the Formation of Infection Structures of Magnaporthe grisea.

·     1993-1997:  B.A. Major in Virology, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China


Other Relevant Training

·   Intensive bilingual (English-Chinese) teachers training program, September 2009- December 2009, Harper-Adams University Cology, Newport, Shropshire, UK


Professional Experience

·     2005- Present:  Lecture, Department of Plant Science and Technology, Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, China

·     1997- 1999: Assistant pharmacist, Shangdong pharmaceuticals, Jinan, Shandong, China



Research projects

·     2013.1- 2015.12: Identification of flagellin gene domains related to the antifungal activity of Bacillus subtilis. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation.

·     2011.1- 2013.12: Separation and biological activities of the activator of Monilinia fructicola. Supported by Beijing municipal commission of education.


Selected publications

·     LIU ZP., Zhao XY., Wei YM., Shang QX., Yang JF.. Isolation, identification of scutellaria extraction by 80% ethanol and its antifungal mechenism against Monilinia fructicola. Phytopathology, 2011, 101(6):107

·     Zhao XY., Liu ZP. , Wei YM., Shang QX., Zhao XM.. Isolation, purification and identification of the antifungal protein produced by a newly isolated Bacillus subtilis strain. Phytopathology, 2011, 101(6):204

·     Yang HQ, Zhao XM, Zhao XY, Liu ZP. Antifungal mechanism and stability of the antagonistic substance from bacterium strain CE. Journal of fruit science, 2011, 28(2):204-208.

·     Xue W, Zhao XM, Liu SH, Zhao XY, Liu ZP. Protoplast Preparation and Regeneration of Monilia fructigena. Microbiology China, 2010, 37(1):71-77.

·     Yang J, Zhao XY, Sun J, Kang ZS, Ding SL, Xu JR, Peng YL.A novel nuclear protein Com1 is required for normal conidial morphology and full virulence in Magnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions,2010, 23(1):112-123.

·   Yang J, Zhao XY, Sun J, Kang ZS, Ding SL, Xu JR, Peng YL.A novel nuclear protein Com1 is required for normal conidium morphology and full virulence in Magnaporthe oryzea.Phytopathology,2009, 99(6):146-147.

·     Zhao XY, Yang HQ, Wei YM, Shang QX, Liu SH, Liu ZP. Antagonistic activities and properties of metabolites from Bacillus sp. CE. Phytopathology, 2009, 99(6):150.

·     Hu HW, Yang HQ, Wang P, Liu SH, Zhao XY, Liu ZP. Isolation and screening of antagonistic bacteria against Monilinia fructicola. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2009, 25(12):195-200.

·     Zhao XY, Wu S, Yang HQ, Liu SH, Liu ZP. Fermentation conditions for antagonistic bacterium CE against Monilinia fruticola. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2008, 24(10):413-418.

·     Yang HQ, Wei YM, Shang QX, Zhao XY, Liu SH, Liu ZP. Preliminary study on biological control of antagonistic bacterium CE on peach brown rot. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2008, 90(2, supplement):133.

·     Zhao XY, Wei SP, Peng YL, Disruption of a novel gene resulted in conidial shape and attenuated pathogenicity in Magnaporthe grisea. InGuo Yu-yuan, eds. Plant Protection Towards the 21st Century. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2004, p81.


Professional Organizations

·         China Society of Plant Pathology 2000-Current

·         Beijing Society of Plant Pathology 2005-Current

·         China Society of Plant Protection 2005-Current

·         American Phytopathological Society 2011






Name:  ZHANG  Zhi-Yong  (ZHANG Zhiyong, Ph.D)  

Citizen: P.R.China.

  Date of Birth: Jan. 23, 1961

  Address:    Office of International Affairs

Beijing University of Agriculture

7 Beinong Road, Huilongguan,



Tel/Fax: 86-10-80797302

                Email: zhangzy16@yahoo.com.cn;   zzy@bac.edu.cn



    1993-1996  Ph D , Institute of Entomology, Northwestern Agricultural University, China

    1991-1993  M.S., Entomology Division, Department of Plant Protection,

Northwestern Agricultural University, China


2011-            Professor, Director of International Affairs Office

Beijing University of Agriculture

2003-2011  Professor, Director of Postgraduate and Sci/Tech.

Beijing University of Agriculture

2000-2002   Lab.of Applied Entomology, Graduate School of Bioagricultureal Sciences,

Nagaya University, Japan, JSPS (Japan society for promotion of sciences ) Postdoctoral research fellow

1999-2000  Institute of Plant Protection, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China,

Senior Entomologist, Professor ,Standing director

    1996-1999  Institute of Plant Protection, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China,

Senior Entomologist

    1981-1993  Yu-xi Agricultural College, China, Lecturer, Associate Professor



2003-     Pesticide Assessment and Food safety technology 

2000-2002 Mating behavior of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, between resistance and susceptible strains.

1996-2000  1> IPM Program relevant studies of main pests on vegetable crops, including biology, ecology, relation between pasts and their host plants, toxicology of insecticides, and so on.  2> The interaction between wheat aphids and their host plants, including wheat cultivars and genetic material resistance evaluation, mechanism, wheat ecological system etc.

1993-1996 Cantharidin resources, its protection and utilization. The objects ware: Investigation of cantharidin resource insects in China (by taxology and GC analysis), Developing cantharidin isolation technology, evaluation of the cantharidin resource, and the activities of cantharidin on insect (including its effect to the diet finding and feeding behavior of DBM)

    1988-1993 Economic threshold, applied ecology, and controlling decision making studies on 28-spotted ladybeteetle Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata .

    1985-1991 IPM Program relevant studies of main vagetable pests in glasshouse and fields, fruit pests, after 1988 mainly on phytophagous ladybeetle Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata on potato, eggplant etc.


SELECTED PUBLICATIONS *Author for correspondence


WANG PFXU SPZHANG Zhi-Yong* et al. Residual safety analysis of acetamiprid for treatment on grape leafhopperErythroneura apicalis ( Nawa). JOURNAL OF BIOSAFETY, 201120( 2) : 166-170

ZHANG MZ, ZONG Y, WANG XY, CAI X, ZHANG Zhi-yong*. Study on the Death-Feigning Behavior of the Harmful Mollusk, Cathaica fasciola (Draparnaud 1801). Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2009,42(11):3914-3921

WANG XW, YANG BD, ZHANG Zhi-yong *et al., Analysis method of imidicloprid residues in peach. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture, 2011263):20-23

CHEN LP,YANG BD, ZHANG ZY* et al., Effect of cantharidin on the integument structureof Plutella xylostella. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 201148( 6) : 17791785

    ZHANG LX, YANG BD, ZHANG MZ, WANG JZ, ZANG AH, ZHANG ZY*. Critical Condition of Apoptosis of Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9 Cells Lead by Cantharidin. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture.2011262):14-16

ZHANG Zhiyong. Study Approaches on the Chestnut Gall Wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu in China. Acta Horticulture, 2009, 844:425-432.

XIAO Y , ZHANG Zhiyong *, SUN SL , YANG BD ,WANG J Z ,YANG L. Residual Dynamics of Iprodione in Shed Strawberry Fruit. J. Beijing University of Agriculture, 2007,  22(2):29-31

XIAO Y, ZHANG Zhi-Yong*, SUN SL, WANG JZ, YANG BD, QIAO FQ. Residual Dynamics of Imidaclopr id on Shed Strawberry.  Journal of Agro-Environment Science. 2007, 26(3):1076- 1079

XIAO Yi, ZHANG Zhi-yong*, SUN SL, WANG JZ, YANG BD, QIAO FQ. Residual Dynamics of Chlorolthalonil on Shed Strawberry.  AGROCHEMICALS.2007, 46( 8):548-550

ZHANG MZ, JIN WL, WANG JZ, SUN SL, QIN XC, ZHANG ZhiYong*. Insecticidal efficacy of microwave treatment against Callosobruchus chinensis(L.)(Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and its effects on the germination rate of adzuki beans.  Acta Entomologica Sinica, 2007, 50(9): 967-974

XIAO Y, LI MQ, YANG BD, ZHANG Zhi-yong*. Research development of pesticide release.  Agrochemicals, 2006, 45(2)796-798,809

Ren ZG, Zhang Zhiyong, Li D, Chen R, Wei YM. Fermentation Conditions for Production of Antifungal substances by Bacillus sp. BJ – 6.  Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2007, 23(5 ):321-325

REN ZG ,LIU Y, LIU SH ,CHEN Y, ZHANG Zhiyong ,WEI YM.  Antifungal Substance from Bacillus sp. BJ-6 and Its Antagonism against Plant Pathogens.  J. Beijing Agricultural College. 2006,21(3):49-52

REN ZG , ZHANG Zhiyong , WEI YM. Research Progress on Biological Control of Horticultural Plant Diseases by Bacillus spp. Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 2006,22(Suppl):194-198

LI MQ , ZHANG Zhiyong*.  Bioassay of  Optimized Cantharidin Microemulsion (No.25).  J. Beijing Agricultural College. 2006, 21(3): 53-56

TANG J ,W ANG JZ ,YANG BD ,SUN SL ,ZHANG Zhiyong*. . Residue and Degradation Dynamics of Parathion in Rape at Three Growth Stages.  J. Beijing Agricultural College. 2006,

2006, 21(2):51-53

ZHANG Zhiyong. A Brief Review of Medical Insect Research History in China.  J. Beijing Agricultural College. 2005, 20(2): 75-80

WANG BC, ZHANG Zhi-yong, MA DY, LIU SY.  Effect of Mushroom House Conditioning on Growth and Development of Lycoriella pleuroti. EDIBLE FUNGI OF CHINA. 2004,23(1):49-50, 23(2):52-53

JIN WL, TAN RJ, WANG JZ, ZHANG Zhiyong,  LIU CA, ZHAO B. Preliminary analysis on spatial distribution pettens of Callasobruchus chinensis eggs in adzuki been fields. Plant Protection, 2004,30(6):34-36

ZHANG Zhiyong,, LI D X. Study on the Medical Value of Epicauta chinensis Lap.  J. Beijing Agricultural College. 2005, 20(1): 34-37

ZHANG YL , ZHOU Y , ZHANG Zhi-Yong*. Effect of cantharidin on the midgut of the orient armyworm ( Mythimna separata ) and diamondback moth ( Plutella xylostella). Acta Entomologica Sinica , 2003 , 46 (3) : 272 - 276 

ZHANG Zhiyong, RHMAN T., Mo J., NISIN K., and MIYATA T. Biotic fitness variation between susceptible and resistant strains of diamondback moth to acetamiprid. Presentation of 46th annual conference of Japan applied entomology and zoology society, Tokyo, 2002Mar.28-30.

Z ZHANG Zhiyong, MIYATA T. Comparision of biological characteristics between acetamiprid selectede and non-selected strains of diamondback moth.  Joint meeting of 138th Tokai branch of the Japan Entomology Society and the 75th Tokai branch of the Japan Applied Entomology and Zoology h, Jul. 13, 2002. Nagaya.

Zhang Z.Y., Yuan F. & Zhang X.  Effect of cantharidin on the digestive enzymes and esterases of diamondback moth larva. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica. 2000,27(4):354-358  

Zhang Z.Y., Li S. J., Zhang Y.D. et al. The damage and economical threshold of wireworm, Melannotus caudex in pepper fields. In Approach in Entomology (The bulletin of younth entomologist conference of China.) Beijing, China Agricultural Science and Technology Press, 2000, pp278-281. 

Zhang Z.Y.,Yuan F. Analysis on nutrients of cantharis insects.  Acta Agric. Boreali-occidentalis Sinica. 1998,7(3):63-66

Zhang Z.Y.,Yuan F. Synthetical evaluation on the resource valaue of Meloids. Acta Agric. Boreali-occidentalis Sinica. 1999,8(4):17-21

Zhang Z.Y., Li S. J., Zhang Y.D. et al.  Comparative studies on winter wheat resistance to aphids in different developmental stages. Acta Agricaulturae Boreali- Sinica. 2000,15(1): 57-61

Li S.J., Zhang Z. Y., Liu A. Z. et al.  Dynamics of wheat aphids and their natural enemies influenced by wheat populations.  In : Entomology in China, approach to the 21st century (Edt by Li D.M.). 2000, Beijing, pp:974-977 

Zhang Z.Y., Wang G. Q., Lu C.T. et al. The IPM tech-system in potato field in western mountain area of Henan province.  In: Foresight on plant protection in the 21st century, the proceeding of 99`s national conference, Chongqing, 1999. pp:575-578

Li S.J., Ming S.L., Zhang Z. Y.  Evaluation on wheat cultivars and strains resistant to angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella. In: Foresight on plant protection in the 21st century,  the proceeding of 99`s national conference, Chongqing, 1999. pp:479-481

Li S.J., Wang X.Y., Zhang Z. Y.  Chemical fertilizer effect on the population dynamics of wheat aphids and their natural enemies. In Foresight on plant protection in the 21st century, (the proceeding of 99`s national conference), Chongqing, 1999. pp:449-452

Li S.J., Zhang Z. Y., Wang X.Y., et al.  Evaluation on the resistance to aphids of wheat cultivars and strains by fuzzy distinguishing methods. Plant protection, 1998, 24(5):15-16 

Zhang Z.Y.,Yuan F.& Zhang  X. et  al. The insecticidal  function  of  cantharidin to the larva of diamondback moth. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica. 1998,25(3):166-170

Zhang Z.Y., Wang G.Q. Lei T.S. et al. IPM on phytophagous ladybird Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata  in He’nan province. Proceeding of International Conference of IPM-theory and practice, developing sustainable agriculture. Guangzhou, China. June 15-20,1998

   Zhang Z.Y., Zhang Y.D., Wang H.  Reasonable exploitation new biological resource,  raising new agricultural economical increasing point--understanding on the industries of useful insects. Acta Agricaulturae Boreali- Sinica. 1998,13(Mono.): 150-154

   Zhang Z.Y., Zhang Y.D., Li S.J. et al. Cantharidin—a special insect pheromone substance. In :Chemical Ecology –II (Edit by Chemical ecological branch of Chinese Ecological Society), Zheng Zhou ,1998, 63-66,108   

   *Zhang Z.Y.  Effects of temperature and humidity on the development of 28- spotted ladybird Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata. Acta Agri. Boreali-occidentalis Sinica. 1997, 6(1):30-34

   Zhang Z.Y. and Yuan F.  A review of cantharidin resources and its utilization. Acta Agric. Boreali-occidentalis Sinica 1996,5(4):89-92

   Zhang Z.Y. Effects of temperature on population dynamics of 28-spotted ladybird Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata. Acta Univ. Agri .Boreali-occidentalis. 1996,24(2):61-65 

   Li D.X., Zhang Z. Y., Lei T.S.et al Studies on the population dynamics and control techniques of the lady bird skinner in western Henan province. Chinese J. Potato 1996,107(3):147-150

   Zhang Z.Y.  Effects of insecticides on growth of  edible  fungi  Pleurotus ostrealus. Acta Univ. Agri .Boreali-occidentalis.1995 23(2):109-111 

   Yuan F., Zhang Z.Y., Wang Y.L. et al. Spatial  distribution pattern and sampling techniques of gallnut aphid  Kuburagia rhusicola Takagi overwintering population. Acta Univ. Agri .Boreali-occidentalis. 1995,23(2):65-69

   Zhang Z.Y., Duanmu T.Z., Li Z.G.et al.  Study on the control decision-making of Henosepilouhna vigintioctomuculata.  J. Hunan Agric. Sci. 1995,(1):33-37

   Zhang Z.Y. Study on the pest of edible fungi in Henan province. Proc.1st National Conference of IPM of edible fungi pests. Laiyang (1994). J.Laiyang Agri. College.1995, 12(Suppl): 99-103

   Li D.X., Zhang Z.Y., Chen G.Q. Studies on the bionomics and predation influence of  Epistropthe basteata Degeer. J. Luoyang Agric. College. 1995,15(1): 12-17  

   Zhang Z.Y. and Yuan F. A review of the classification of Henosepilachna Vigintioctomaculta complex. Entomotaxonomia 1994, 16(3):225-228

   Zhang Z.Y. and Liu S.Y. Studies on the population life tables of 28-sportted ladybird Henosepilachna vigintioctomuculata under laboratory condition. J. Nanjing Agric. Univ.1994, 17(2): 33-38

   Li D.X., Zhang Z.Y., Chen G.Q. The population dynamics of aphids on apple tree in western Henan province. J. Luoyang Agric. College. 1994, 14(2): 15-19 

   Li D.X., Tian J., Zhang Z.Y. Studies on the bionomics and control techniques of Aphis craecivova Koch on mung bean. Plant Protection. 1994, 20(6)4--6

   Zhou L.H., Hu G.L.& Zhang Z.Y. Crop Protectology. Laodong Press of China.Beijing, 1994.

   Zhang Z.Y.  A list of pests on edible fungi and herbages in Henan Province.In Shen, X.C.(edt.).The list of insect of Henan. Agricultural Science and Techonolgy Publishing House of China, Beijing, 1993

   Hu G.L., Zhang Z.Y. and Lin X.M. The principle and methods of pests and disease of edible fungi. Statistics Publishing House of China, 1993

   Zhang Z.Y., Lian E.P. and Kang Y.B. Investigation studies on pests of cultivated herbage in Henan. Herbage Science, 1993,10(2): 41-44

   Zhang Z.Y., Li D.X., Lei T.S. et al. Primary studies on the host plants of Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata. Chinese J. Potato 1993, 7(2): 96-98

   Zhang Z.Y., Li D.X., Lei T.S. et al. Study on the development zero and the active accumulated temperature of the phytophagous ladybird Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata. J. Luoyang Agric. College. 1993,13(1) 1-4

   Zhang Z.Y., Pan A.Z., Guo S.S., et al. A supply list of pests on horticulture plants in Luoyang city. J. Luoyang Agric. College. 1993,13(1) 38-43

   Li D.X., Zhang Z.Y., Tian J.  Studies on natural population life table of Aphis craccivora Koch. J. Luoyang Agric. College. 1993, 13(3): 8-12.

   Lei T.S., Zhang  Z.Y., Li D.X. et al.  Studies on the spatial pettern and sampling techniques of Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata. Ibid. 1993, 13(2): 34-39

   Li D.X., Zhang Z.Y. and Tian J. The predation of natural enimeis on Aphis craccivora  in the field of mung bean. Ibid. 1992, 12(2): 16-20

   Zhang Z.Y. A review of studies on pests of edible fungi in China. Kunchong Zhishi (Entomological Knowledge). 1991 28(3): 181-185

   Zhang Z.Y., Fan Z.B., Huang H.W. A report of control experiment using Wenyingjing smoke agent on  Lycoriella spp. Edible Fungi 1991, 13(5): 36-37

   Zhang Z.Y., Biological observation and management on Muscina stabulans in cultivated edible fungi. Edible Fungi 1991, 13(6): 39-40

   Zhang Z.Y. Investigation on the pests and disease of edible fungi in western Henan Province (I).  J. Yuxi (Luoyang) Agric. College 1991, 11(1): 49-52

   Zhang Z.Y. Studies on occurring characteristics of Lycoriella sp. on mushroom green house and it's control.  Ibid. 1991, 11(4): 29-33

 Zhang Z.Y., Lian E.P. and Kang Y.B. Primary records of pests on the cultivated herbages in Henan province. J. Henan Agric. Sci. 1990, (2): 27-30

   Zhang Z.Y., Lian E.P. and Kang Y.B. The control strategy on the main pests of cultivated herbages in Henan province. J. Henan Agric. Sci. 1988, (7): 16-17


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