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Xujian, male, born in 1966, a member of Beijing CPPCC and Beijing branch of China Association for Promoting Democracy, professor, doctor of science. He had studied at the University of Maryland (HACCP) in United States. And now he is the head of Information Engineering College, Beijing University of Agriculture.

He is engaged in teaching, scientific research and popularization work on the agricultural informatization and precision agriculture, and lecturing on four major courses, including "Modern Agriculture and Agricultural Informatization", "Agriculture Foundation". He has hosted and completed more than 10 national and provincial research subjects, the results of which have been successfully applied in Mentougou, Pinggu, Baoding and Tangshan etc. There are six achievements that he has fulfilled being awarded above city-level. Works, translations, teaching materials and science books that he has written or partly written reaches about 10, and more than 40 research papers have been published. “The Standards of Beijing pollution-free potherb production” is presided over by him.

What’s more, he wins the title of “the advanced individual who made a prominent contribution to the capital economy”, ”national excellent social worker of promoting democracy" awarded by Beijing municipal government.








出版专著、教材等十四部。其中,《大学计算机基础》于2006年获得全国农林院校优秀教材奖。在国内外公开发表论文数十篇,主要论文:Research on mathematical Modeling of The Transferring Processes in Affection2006 International Symposium on AI—50 Years’ Achievements, Future Directions and Social Impacts (IEEE ISAI’06),ISTP收录;一种情感模型的研究,EI检索。

Wang Yujie, female, professor, doctor, the teacher of Information Engineering College, Beijing University of Agriculture, master’s supervisor; expert of Computer Science and Technology Professional Teaching and Steering Committee that is subordinated to Ministry of Education; member of Artificial Psychological Professional Committee in Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence; director of Beijing Artificial Intelligence Association; director of Beijing Agricultural Informatization Association. Research area: artificial intelligence and agricultural information technology.

The courses she lectures include Introduction to the Agricultural Informatization, the principles of Computer Composition and Architecture, Microcomputer Technology, Assembly Language Programming, Circuit Electronics, Digital Logic, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Foundation, Electrical Safety, Principle of Automatic Control, Electromechanics, the Computer Control Technology, Agricultural Information Technology, Sensor and Detecting Technology, Microcomputer Monitoring of the Power Supply System, Advanced Programming, and etc.

The research projects she hosted include “the research and development of livestock anti-stress dissolved medicine”, “model research of simulating growth process of peach, computer simulation of power supply and overvoltage in the coal mine”, etc. Among them, there are two rated as the second prize of excellent results granted respectively by Beijing municipal government and Hebei province.

She has published about 14 treatises and textbooks. Fundamentals of Computers has been conferred the excellent textbook of the year in 2006 among national agriculture and forestry educational institutions. The theses published at home and aboard contain Research on Mathematical Modeling of The Transferring Processes in Affection2006; International Symposium on AI50 Years’ Achievements, Future Directions and Social Impacts (IEEE ISAI 06), collected in ISTP; Research on an Affective Model, EI searching.






Liusa, female, associate professor, is engaged in scientific research on computer vision and software engineering.

She graduated from The University of Electro-Communications in Japan with a master degree in electronic information in 1992. She got a job in CORE comprehensive research institution in Japan the same year, occupied in the research on “Application of image processing technique to automatic detection in circuit board quality project” and development of “image processing on science popularization software”. In 1996, she joined the Seiko-Epson to in charge of the research and development of HD ink printer and late-model ink printer. She has studied the application of computer vision technology in agriculture in the Information Engineering College, Beijing University of Agriculture since 2005. She took charge the project of Beijing Municipal Education Commission named “the intelligence database establishment for fruit tree pest diagnosis based on computer vision technology” and “the research and development of late-model financial information terminal product”. She has awarded 10 patents granted by US, Europe and Japan and published 14 theses.





Zhangna, associate professor, postgraduate, master’s supervisor, the head of Information Management and Information Technology department, Information Engineering College, Beijing University of Agriculture; master’s supervisor.

She is engaged in teaching and scientific research work on agricultural informatization and database application. The courses she lectures include Agricultural Application System Development, Principles of Database System, Information Technology Applied Mathematics, Management Operating System, VB Program Design, Computer Image Processing Techniques and etc. She took charge of the informatization projects including “the establishment of eco-agriculture information platform with Mentougou characteristics (one issue)”, “the establishment of information platform for conceptual plan in Mentougou Ecopolis”, “the management platform for key technology optimization of fruit industry with Mentougou characteristics” and “key technology integration and demonstration of fruit industry in Mentougou (cheery and Beijing white pear) precise management”. She is the chief editor of The Introduction to Urban Agricultural Informatiaztion and Case Study of Urban Agricultural Informatiaztion, and associate editor of the fundamental application of computer network, participates in compiling Fundamentals of Computers and Agricultural Information Technology, and publishes more than 10 theses. She was awarded the first prize of Mentougou scientific and technological progress, the third prize of Mentougou scientific and technological promotion, the first prize and the second prize of Beijing Agricultural College teaching achievement.






Panjuan, female, born in 1977, associate professor, the teacher of Information Engineering College, Beijing University of Agriculture; member of Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering.

She has worked in Beijing University of Agriculture since April, 2003. She gave lectures on Computer Operation System, Introduction to Computer Science, Network of Computer, Computer Language, and Introduction to E-Commerce for undergraduates and Case Study of Agricultural Informatization for postgraduates. She wrote or participated in compiling 6 treatises and textbooks, published about 10 teaching and scientific theses in academic periodicals at home and aboard, 3 of which has been included in SCI. Two projects have been on the way regarding to agricultural informatization, database and information management.








代表性成果:副主编《面向新农村建设的信息技术人才培养改革与实践》.中国农业出版社;编写《都市农业信息化概论》绪论.中国农业出版社;门头沟区沟域经济发展中体育旅游资源开发SWOT分析  参加北京西南五区经济论坛(2009年);北京郊区沟域经济优先发展休闲旅游的必要性研究    参加2009年北京沟域经济论坛;获2010年度北京市门头沟区科学技术推广三等奖。

Yan Xiaojun, male, born in 1972, associate professor. And now he is the secretary of Information Engineering College, Beijing University of Agriculture.        Master’s supervisor

Main research area: agricultural informatization.

Projects: research on the occupation-oriented individual cultivation for computer majors (Beijing Education Commission and Personnel Bureau); research on the cultivating computer professionals for new rural area construction (Beijing Education Commission); the establishment of eco-agriculture information platform with Mentougou characteristics (one issue) (Mentougou Science and Technology Commission), the establishment of information platform for conceptual plan in Mentougou Ecopolis (Mentougou Science and Technology Commission).

Achievements: deputy editor of cultivation reform and practice of information technology professionals in new rural areas construction, China Agriculture Press; introduction compiler of Introduction to Urban Agriculture Informatization, China Agriculture Press; participate in sports tourism resource development SWOT analysis in Mentougou local economic development; join in economic forum of zone 5 in southwest of Beijing (2009); research on the necessary of giving priority to recreational tourism development in Beijing suburban economy; join in Beijing local economic forum; awarded the third prize of 2010 Beijing Mentougou Science and Technology Promotion.





孙素芬:女,1964年出生于河北省冀州市,中共党员,于2006年获中国农业大学推广硕士学位,现为北京市农林科学院农业科技信息研究所所长,研究员,研究方向为农业信息技术、农业技术推广和都市型现代农业发展政策。作为北京市农村信息技术研究领域的知名专家和重大项目主持人,“十五”以来先后主持了“北京市农业远程教育及信息服务示范工程”、“村镇应急公共服务标准化技术及适应性设备开发”、“北京市农村党员干部现代远程教育市级平台建设”、“北京农业数字信息资源郊区共享工程”等40余项国家、部委和北京市的科技攻关、星火计划、示范推广、农村科普项目, 创建了由信息资源系统、信息传播系统和信息接收反馈应用系统构成的全方位、多层次的农村科技综合信息服务体系,先后荣获农业部中华农业科技奖、北京市科学技术奖,北京市农业技术推广奖,北京市金桥工程奖、北京市科技情报成果奖等各类奖项10余次,获得专利5项,软件著作权11项,发表论文40余篇。由于贡献突出,她还荣获了全国“五一”劳动奖章、全国“三八”红旗手、首都劳动奖章、北京市“五四”奖章、北京市“三八”红旗手、北京市巾帼十杰、首都发展现代农业“十佳”科技工作者、北京市经济技术创新标兵、北京农林科学院先进共产党员等10余项荣誉称号,并被推选为中国共产党第十七次、第十八次全国代表大会代表。

Sun Sufen, female, born in Jizhou city, Hebei province in 1964, member of CPC. She graduated from China Agricultural University with degree of master of Agriculture Extension. She is the director and researcher of Agriculture Science and Technology Information Institution subordinated to Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, mainly engaged in agricultural information technology, agricultural technology promotion and urban modern agriculture development policy. As the renowned expert of agricultural information technology in Beijing and host of major projects, he has presided over more than 40 projects at national and ministerial level since the tenth five-year plan carried out, including “Beijing agriculture remote education and information service trial project”, “standardized technique and adaptive equipment development of emergent public service in villages and small towns”, “establishment of modern remote education platform at municipal level for rural party cadres in Beijing” and “Beijing agriculture digital information resource sharing project”, etc. These projects involve Beijing key scientific and technological projects, spark program, and rural science dissemination project, setting up an all-round and multilevel rural science and technology integrated information service system consisting of information resource system, information transmission system, information application system of receiving and feedback. She won about 10 prizes containing China agricultural science and technology award, Beijing science and technology award, Beijing agriculture dissemination award, Beijing golden bridge project award and Beijing scientific and technological intelligence achievement award, 5 patents and 11 software copyright, and published about 40 theses. Due to her prominent contribution, she was granted 10 honors, such as National Labor Medal, National Excellent Female Worker, Capital Labor Medal, Beijing Youth Medal, Beijing Excellent Female Worker, Beijing Woman of Best Ten, Beijing Top Ten Scientific and Technical Worker in Field of Modern Agriculture Development, Innovation Model of Beijing Economic Technology and Advanced CPC Member in Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, etc. She has been elected as delegate of the 17th and 18th National People's Congress.






Chu Yeping, born in 1959, a researcher of agricultural information of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, doctoral student tutor; He graduated from computer major in Tianjin University in August 1982. He always actively engages in frontline of scientific research, conducts subject research of computer agricultural application, and actively organizes and participates in application for many research subjects. The research directions include: intelligent technology application, decision-supporting system, geographical information system and management information system. He has undertaken more than 30 projects such as National Technology Breakthrough, National “863” Program, Key Projects of Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing Natural Funds, Breakthroughs of Ministry of Agriculture, and President Funds of China Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Thereinto, he has taken charge of 20 projects and obtained 14 achievements. He has got 7 technology progress awards from Ministry of Agriculture and Beijing City, and 3 technology progress awards from China Academy of Agricultural Sciences. He has published more than 50 papers and compiled three books on domestic and overseas academic journals in the following fields: computer technology, crop simulation research, soil environment capacity simulation research, crop simulation visual research, computer vision agriculture application, and network technology application research, etc. Currently, he is taking charge of many subjects such as National “863” Program, technological breakthrough, technology progress application fund project, and Natural fund. He was awarded Special Government Allowance in 1993 and was appraised as “Middle-Age Expert with Outstanding Contributions” by Ministry of Agriculture in 1997.



[北京农学院研究生处版权所有 Power by Ricky]

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