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Professor ZhanJun Tong, male, born in 1973. Now he is the dean of College of Humanities and Law of Beijing University of Agriculture, also serves as the chairman of Agriculture Law Research Center of Beijing Metropolitan Agriculture Academy and the vice-chairmen of Beijing Research Base for New Countryside Building. He is the vice-chairman of Beijing Rural Areas Law Research Council, the director of Chinese society of international economic law and the director of China International Economic and Trade Law Society. He is also a specialist director of ChangPing District Administrative Reconsideration Committee, Beijing. He passed the National Lawyer Qualification Examination in 1997, then serves as a part-time lawyer.

Tong graduated from Law School of Jilin University in 1996 with a Bachelor of Law, and then he continued his study and received a master degree in economic law in 1999. After that, Tong got doctor's degree in international law from Law School of Tsinghua University. Then he was enrolled as post-doctor at University of International Business and Economics. He was trained at Haber - Adams University College in June 2004, and then he studied at University of Minnesota in the United States as a visiting scholar since October 2006.

Tong came to Beijing University of Agriculture in 1999 July, gives lectures on "international economic law", "civil law", "contract law", "economic law" and other law professional courses, and teaches "international business law" in English at the International College for the joint education program with Haber - Adams University College.

Tong published over 20 papers in the " Studies in Law and Business ", "Hebei Law Science "and other journals. He also published 6 law books as single author, 3  law books as editor in chief and 10 law books as joint editor.

Tong is now in charge of a philosophy and social science research program from the Ministry of Education, a research program from China Law Society, a research program for excellent young teachers from Beijing Education Committee and so on. He also participates in the national social science fund research program and other several provincial-level research programs.




董景山 , 男,19725月生,山东栖霞人,中国人民大学民商法学博士,中国社科院法学所博士后。北京农学院文法学院副教授,北京市中青年骨干教师,中国法学会信息法学研究会理事,中国环境科学学会环境法学研究会理事,北京市法学会农村法治研究会理事。曾讲授《宪法学》、《法律文书写作》、《法律实务》、《证据法学》等课程,现主要给本科生讲授必修课《农业法学》、《土地法学》等课程,给研究生讲授《农业政策与法规》专题课程。主要从事民商法学及三农法律问题研究,近年来在《法学论坛》、《法学杂志》等期刊发表论文二十余篇,出版《农村集体所有权行使模式研究》等专著三部。主持国家社科基金课题1项:土地承包权入股相关法律问题研究(12BFX101);[2012-2015]主持教育部课题1项:合作社背景下的农村土地承包经营权权能研究(09YJC20010)[2009-2012];农业部课题行政调解在农业行政执法中的应用(2012);北京市委组织部课题1项:农产品地理标志保制度研究(2007)。参与省部级课题多项。撰写的论文先后获得中国法学会研究部科研论文二等奖 (2002),中国法学会科研论文三等奖(2005),中国法官协会科研论文一等奖(2008),中国法学会征文优秀奖(2009)。



Dong Jingshan

Associate Professor


Renmin University of China                          PhD of Business Law

Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences    Post doctorate

Social Appointments

Director of Information Law Institute, China Law Society

Director of environmental law branch, Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences

Director of Rural Legal Research Center, Beijing Law Society

Courses of Teaching

Constitutional Law

The Elements of Legal Style

A Practical Guide to Law

Evidence Law

Agricultural Law (for undergraduates)

Science of Land Laws (for undergraduates)

Agricultural Policies and Regulations (for postgraduates)

Research Areas

civil and commercial law, legal issues related to the agriculture, countryside and farmers


Associate professor Dong has published over 20 academic articles in periodicals such as Legal Forum and Law Science Magazine, etc. He has published three monographs as well, including On Rural Collective Land Ownership Performing Model.

Research Projects

1.     Study on legal Issues of Becoming A Shareholder of Rural Land Contractual Right, National Social Science Fund Project 12BFX1012012-2015

2.     Study on Rural Land Contractual Management Right under the Background of Cooperatives, project of Ministry of Education 09YJC200102009-2012

3.     The Use of Mediation in the Administrative Law Enforcement, project of Ministry of Agriculture  2012

4.     Study on Protection System of Geographical Indications for Agro-products, project of Beijing Municipal Committee of CPC Organization Department  2007

   Besides the above projects, associate professor Dong has also taken part in several projects in provincial level.


1.     One scientific article was awarded the second prize by Research Department of China Law Society in 2002.

2.     One scientific article was awarded the third prize by China Law Society in 2005.

3.     One scientific article was awarded the first prize by China Association of Judges in 2008.

4.     One scientific article was rewarded excellent Paper by China Law Society in 2009.


Tel: 13910727257010-80799490

E-mail: wshdjs@sina.com







Han Fang, born in 1972, female, vice professor in the college of humanity and law, PhD, intermediate social worker. The main research areas are rural development and management, rural sociology, women’s social work, etc.

Achievements in teaching and scientific research:

Teaching courses :Rural sociology, Rural development, Urban sociology, population sociology , Organizational sociology, Social issues research, Family sociology and family social work, Teenagers’ social work, Women's social work,etc.

Research projects: Presided over more than 10 projects including the Ministry of education, the Beijing Science and Technology Commission, Beijing Municipal Education Commission, Beijing Social Work Commission. Participated in a number of national social science fund projects, the Ministry of agriculture soft science research. Published more than 20 papers, including Chinese core journals and CSSCI papers, 3 monographs, 6 compiles, 3 teaching materials.





学习及工作经历:1988年北京大学法律系本科毕业, 1999年于北京大学法学院获法理学硕士学位。曾任山东烟台大学法学院教师,澳大利亚维多利亚科技大学商业与法律学院访问学者,2004年进入北京农学院,主要从事宪法学以及农村社会保障法的教学与研究,重点关注反就业歧视以及农民权益保障等问题。






Wang Chunguang

Associate Professor , born in 1966 in Shandong Province, female.

Education & Career

Peking University Law School, Bachelor of Law,  1988,  Master of Jurisprudence, 1999.

1988—2003, Law School of Yantai University, Shandong Province.

2001-2003, Visiting Scholar of Commerce and Law School of Victoria University of Technology, Australia.

From 2004,  Humantity & Law school, Beijing University of Agriculture.

Research & Fruits

Interested in Constitutional Law, Rural Social Security Law, and focused on anti-discrimination in employment & protection of farmers' rights and interests from 2005.

Ever being in charge of and taken part in several provincial projects, for example, being the project supervisor and the main researcher of Elimination of Employment Discrimination in China, the international joint project between Constitutionalism Research Institute of China University of Political Science and Law and Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Being part-time researcher in Constitutionalism Research Institute of China University of Political Science and Law .

Over 30 academic articles published in periodicals such as Legal Daily, Peking University Law Journal, Law Science Magazine, Chinese Lawyer, etc. The latest book is Equal Employment: Legislation and Practice of Anti-discrimination in Employment in some countries and areas,published in 2011.


Outstanding Young Teachers of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education in 2006.

Excellent Achievements in Philosophy and Social Science, Shandong Province, the third prize.



[北京农学院研究生处版权所有 Power by Ricky]

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