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Wenhe Wang / PhD, male, professor , born in fengzhen city, Inner Mongolia in 1964.
Ph.D. in pomology from shenyang agriculture University in Dec, 2001.
Master of Science degree in Department of Biology from Northeast Normal University during Sep, 1988 – July,1991.
Bachelor of Science in department of biology from Northeast Normal University during Sep, 1984—July, 1988.
July, 1991- July, 1999,  as a lecturer in department of basic science in plant, Shenyang Agricultural University.
July, 1999 - July, 2000, as a visiting scholar ,in school of life sciences, Wuhan University. July, 2000 – Sep,2002, as the director of plant department and master instructor in school of biological sciences and biotechnology, Shenyang Agricultural University
July, 2002– present, work in Beijing University of Agriculture, as associate dean of school of landscape architecture from 2007.
Engaged in teaching for 22 years, and specialized in “botany" , "general biology” " and biotechnology Introduction ” courses and so on. As the editor of two textbooks, and participated in the compilation of one works and six teaching materials. Published more than 50 research papers , of which "Embryologial studies on In vitro pollination in Rice" is  recorded by SCI, EI and CA. The Research interested in germplasm resources of garden plant and reproductive biology research, there are 4 research projects now.













ZhangKe, born 1958 in Shenzhou, Hebei province.Professor ZhangKe spent his college life in Gardens department of Ningxia Agriculture College and graduated in 1982.In 1993 a Master's degree in agriculture from NorthwestSci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry.He is a executive director of Bulb flowers branch of China Flower Association, and a leader of landscape architecture. Garden plant genetics and breeding is his major research.

Now he is teaching computer-assisted design and RS, GIS courses for undergraduates as well as computer-assisted design for landscape architecture , theory and technology of geographical information for postgraduate. He participated in and chaired a number of national level, provincial level scientific research project.




Personal information:
Name: Zhang Kezhong              Sex: Male
Year of Birth: 1968                      Degree: Doctor
Job Title: Professor
Position: The Subdecanal of Landscape and Plant Department being in charge of scientific research and postgraduate education
In 1990, he graduated from Hua Zhong Agricultural University , majoring in the ornamental horticulture  and obtaining bachelor's degree of agriculture;
In 1996, he graduated from Beijing Forestry University, majoring in  landscape plantand obtaining master’s degree of agriculture;
In 2003, he graduated from Beijing Forestry University , majoring in Ornamental Plants and Horticulture and obtaining doctor’s degree of agriculture;
In 2003, he was chosen into Nova of Beijing science and technology;
In 2005, he was chosen into Beijing youth backbone teachers.
In the past, he conducted and attended several scientific research projects, including the National “Fifteen” tackle hard-nut problems in science and technology project, the Nova of Beijing science and technology project, Beijing Municipal Education Commission project and Beijing science and technology innovation platform project .At now, he is conducting the projects of the natural science foundation of Beijing and Beijing agricultural commission project.
The project germplasm propagation, genetic relationship and cross breeding> was identified by Beijing Council for Science and Technology and gained the third prize of The Sixth China Flowers Expo. As the first participant, he finished the projects of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission of and the Beijing Science Foundation of < the search of the radiation inducing lily’s male sterile> were up to the standard of Beijing Council for Science and Technology and obtained the Bronze Award of the fifth China Flowers Expo and the third prize of the fifth China Flowers Expo ,respectively .Besides ,he also joined the project of germplasm resource and fine varieties breeding and cultivation techniques system>.The project gained the prize of the fourth China Flowers Expo .He published papers more than 30,and he ,as the first author , published one book ,as the second author, published two books ,and he participated in editing one book. He also published one popularization of science book and participated in editing one popularization of science book , respectively.
In teaching respect, he is in charge of the undergraduate’s teaching including and and the master’s teaching including and .In scientific research respect, he undertakes the study of flower breeding, flower culturing and flower fine varieties breeding and the flowers include lily, flamingo and chrysanthemum. He obtained some attainments in the search of lily’s source, breeding and fine varieties breeding.








Name: DUANBi-hua (DUANBihua, Ph.D)  
Citizen: P.R.China.
Date of Birth:Dec. 14, 1968
Address:    College of Plant Science and Technology
Beijing University of Agriculture
7 Beinong Road, Huilongguan,
2002-2005  Ph D , College of Forestry,
Beijing Forestry University, China
    1990-1993  M.S., Department of Agriculture,
Shanxi Agricultural University, China
2010- Professor, Director of Postgraduate and Agricultural Res/En.
Beijing University of Agriculture, China
1995-2010   Lecturer, associate professor
Beijing University of Agriculture, China
1995-  1> Resources Collection and Breeding on Grasses/Cover Plants,including molecular biology and genetic material resistance evaluation, mechanism, ecology,and so on.2> Environmental and ecological management, including relation between soil microorganismsand plants etc. 

“Lawn science ", "Lawn and cover plant application", "Agricultural ecology", "Environmental protection science", "Agricultural resource utilization and management" for the undergraduate and “Agricultural ecology", "Agricultural resource utilization" and so on. 










Curriculum vitae
Personal Information
Name: Guan Xuelian
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: Jan. 1963
Position: Associated Professor
E-mail: guanxl3152@sina.com
Academic qualifications
July1993,Ph.D  Cell Biology, Peking University
 Working Experience
July, 1993-present: Beijing University of Agriculture, Associate professor. Teaching General Biology, Botany, Cell Biology
Research direction
Molecular mechanism of plant resistance
Recentely Publications
1.        Effects of CaCl2 on Cold Resistance Physiology of Euonymus japonicus cv.CuzhiLeaves, Jour. Of Beijing University of Agriculture 2011, 26(4):23-26 (in Chiness)
2.        A Modified 2-DE Technique for Leaf Proteomics Analysis of Northern Evergreen Broad-leaf Woody Plants,Acta Bot. Boreal.-Occident. Sin., 2010,30(9):1906-1912 (in Chiness)
3.        The Mesophyll Cell Ultrastructural Variations of Four Species in Euonymus with Evergreen Broad-leaf Planted in Northern China in Winter, Jour. of Chin. Electr. Microsc. Soc., 2010,29(2): 167-172 (in Chiness)
4.        Proteomic Analysis of Cold Stress Responses in Euonymus japonicus Leaves, Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2011, 38(11): 2169-2179 (in Chiness)
5.        Pollen Viability and Stigma Receptivity of Tagetes erecta.Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2012, 28(19): 159-163 (in Chiness)
6.        Preservation of Hybrid Parents of Tagetes erecta L.in vitro Culture, Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2011, 31(12): 2545-2550 (in Chiness)
7.        General Biology (textbook), Subeditor, published by Higher Education Press in 2012(in Chiness)
8.        General Biology (textbook), Subeditor, published by Chinese Agriculture Publishing Companyin 2007 (in Chiness), National Higher Agricultural Colleges "Eleventh Five-Year" Planning Textbook
9.        Botany (textbook), Subeditor, published by Chinese Agriculture University Publishing Company in 2007(in Chiness)
10.    Plant Biology(textbook), Editor, published by The Weather Publishing Company in 2004 (in Chiness)
11.    The Instruction of Botany Experiment (textbook), Editor, published by Chinese Agriculture University Publishing Company in 2002 (in Chiness)
Research projects
1.      2003 Study on Cold-resistant Mechanism of Evergreen Broad-leaved Garden Plants in Beijing, General Program in Scientific and Technological Research of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education
2.      2008 Study onlow-temperature-induced proteins inEvergreen Broad-leaved Garden Plants in Beijing, General Program in Scientific and Technological Research of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education

2010-present Study on Reproductive biology of Fixed Rice Heterosis, National Natural Science Foundation of China








Wu Juying, female, researcher, plant protection professional master's degree, Master Instructor, director of the Beijing Grass and Environment Research and Development Center, is principally engaged in the environmental and ecological grass planting and grass weed control technology research.Bred varieties of six independent intellectual property rights, declared seven invention patents, developed the Beijing local standards and industry standards, Beijing Science and Technology Award, and the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award received a total of four, a State Forestry Administration Forestry Science and Technology Liang Xi Award, Beijing Agricultural Technology Promotion Award 4 times, Beijing GoldBridge projects Award 2 times, published more than 100 papers, published monographs three. Joint training of postdoctoral 9, 25 Ph.D. and graduates, and more than 30 undergraduate students.


1978.9-1982.7,西北林学院林业专业学习,获学士学位;1984.9-1987.9,北京林业大学森林培育专业学习,获硕士学位;2007.3-2008.1,留学中欧国家匈牙利,在位于首都布达佩斯的卡尔文纽什大学(Corvinus University of Budapest)学习。
Jian-bin Liu, male, born in May 1961, master's degree. Associate professor in Beijing University of Agriculture. Mainly teaches the following courses: Landscape Dendrology, Foundation of Landscape Plants, Professional English, and so on.
Research direction: cultivation and breeding of landscape plant.
1978.9 ~ 1982.7, Northwest Forestry College, Major of Forest, Bachelor's degree; 1984.9 ~ 1987.9, Beijing Forestry University, Major of Forest Cultivation, Master's Degree; 2007.3~2008.1, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary.
1998 ~ 2000, as a deputy host of Beijing municipal education commission’s research project “Introduction, Domestication and Application Research on Excellent Landscape Trees in Beijing Area”, introducing and planting more than 90 species of excellent landscape trees and had made great breakthrough in the introduction, domestication and breeding technique research of excellentcultivars of Syringa vulgaris and set up a Syringa resources collecting garden which includes more than 80 species, varieties and cultivars of Syringa.
Since 2005, hosted Beijing municipal education commission’s research project “Cross-breeding and New Cultivars Selection of Syringa Plants”, actively carried out the task of cross-breeding and new cultivars selection of Syringa. The project goes on smoothly.
Successively hosted or took part in six research projects with province and municipal level and won a science and technology progress reward of third class from the Forestry Department of China; published 10 monographs and teaching materials and more than 30 papers.




Population diversity of Primula denticulata Smith ssp. sinodenticulata (Balf.f. et Forr.) W.W. Smith et Forr. as revealed by AFLP makers. HortScience 2008,49,595
③北海道黄杨叶片应答低温胁迫的蛋白质组分析.园艺学报2011,31, 2169-2179
Ruili Zhang: Female, born in Gongyi City, Henan Province in 1979.
Academic Qualifications:
1999-2003: Department of Landscape, Beijing Forestry University, awarded bachelor’s degree in 2003
2003-2008: Department of Landscape, Beijing Forestry University, awarded Ph.D in 2008
Professional Background:
2008- : fellow of Department of Landscape, Beijing University of Agriculture, Lecture
Teaching courses: Botany (undergraduate), Ornamental Botany (undergraduate), New Varieties and Technology of Forestry Trees and Flowers (postgraduate).
Research interests: Alpine flowers resistance genetics and genetic breeding
Research projects: Beijing Natural Science Foundation (manager); National Natural Science Foundation of China (participation); Beijing Municipal Commission Research Project (participation) 
Selected publications:
Population diversity of Primula denticulata Smith ssp. sinodenticulata (Balf.f. et Forr.) W.W. Smith et Forr. as revealed by AFLP makers. HortScience 2008, 49,595
Phenotypic variation of natural populations of Primula denticulata ssp. Sinodenticulata (in Chinese). Biodiversity Science.2008, 16,362-368
Proteomic analysis of cold stress responses in Euonymus japonicus leaves (in Chinese). Acta Horticultural Sinica 2011, 31, 2169-2179

E-mail: zhangruili@bac.edu.cn 








Leng Pingsheng, male, was born in 1964who got a Ph.D. and is a professor. He is a leader of Garden Plant and Ornamental Horticulture Discipline, (Youth) academic leader of universities in Beijing, outstanding teacher of Beijing city, deputy Secretary-General of the Beijing Forestry Society , director of the China and Beijing Flower Association , and LEAD member. Prof. Leng is mainly engaged in the research subject including cultivation physiology, landscape ecology, and plant physiological ecology. He was in charge of/ engaged in 14 national/ department municipal scientific research projectsand won the 3rd-class prize of science and technology progress of Ministry of forestry, the 3rd-class prize of National Invention, the star of science and technology award of invention of the United Nations, 3rd-class prize of science and technology progress of Beijing city. He published 5 teaching materials and books, and over 60 scientific papers, among which the book < >, the textbook of the National fifteen program, was excellent teaching material of Beijing city. The research project he is in charge of at present is: The response of emission pattern of methyl benzoate in snapdragon flowers to light and emission mechanism ( NSFC ) .  




主持完成北京市科技计划“牛粪无公害处理及有机肥生产技术”;北京市农业科技成果转化资金项目“猪粪无公害资源化技术研究”;北京市农业科技项目“规模化猪场粪污处理及资源化利用配套技术应用与示范”;北京市教委科技成果转化与产业化项目“延庆县牛粪无公害处理及有机肥生产技术”;北京市教委、农委园林绿化局一串红品种选育、栽培项目各一项;现为北京市园林绿化局草花育种成员、一串红种质资源创新团队负责人。北京市教委面上项目《北京地区草花引种研究及标准化生产规程建立》;北京市科技创新平台项目《工厂化育苗技术京郊本地化改良》;北京市园林绿化局项目《废弃关停矿区植物生态恢复关键技术研究》;2009年至2011年,培育的六个一串红新品种‘白马王子’、‘橙香公主’、‘红粉佳人’、‘彩铃红’、‘紫冠精灵’、‘紫衣仙子’通过品种审定;收集国内外鼠尾草属品种、品系400余个。 2010年,作为团队负责人受到北京市属高等学校人才强教深化计划“学术创新团队建设计划”项目三年持续资助;现主持十二五科技支撑计划重点项目-循环农业科技工程项目---两个子课题“养殖污水、沼液等废弃物浓缩处理和肥料化技术与示范”和“集约化种养废弃物无害化处理技术集成”。
著书9部,发表论文40余篇。代表性著作论文有:主编中国林业出版社“十二五”规划教材一部、《土壤肥料学》、《土壤、植物营养与施肥》、《环境学导论》、《花卉栽培》、“北京市属十大公园土壤性状调查及其改良利用研究”、“猪粪堆肥快速发酵菌剂及工艺控制参数初步研究”、“AFLP Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationship of Salvia spp. in Beijing”等。    


Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information:
Name: Liu Kefeng
Gender: Male
Date of birth: 1955
Education Background: Master degree
Current Employer: Beijing University of Agriculture
Academic Title: Professor
Present Position: Dean of College of Urban & Rural Development, College of Continuing Education, Beijing University of Agriculture
Field of Research: soil & fertilizer, flower cultivation, introduction and breeding, factory standardized seedling
Social Appointments: Director of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, standing director of China Convention and Exhibition Society, bidding evaluation experts of Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Committee, Beijing Education Bureau and Beijing Municipal Bureau of Landscape and Forestry
Awards / honors:
1. Third-Class Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award (twice),
2. Third-Class Prize of China Agriculture Science and Technology Award of Ministry of Agriculture (once),
3. Second-Class prize of Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award of Environmental Ministry (once),
4. Third-Class and Second-Class prize of Beijing Agricultural Popularization (once),
5. Second-Class Prize of Sci-Tech Achievements of China Flower Exposition (once),
6. Two national invention patents, and five patents for inventions (to be declared)
7. Jingjiu– He Houhua Agricultural Fund Award (once) and the Rainbow Project Award (once),
8. Award of the title of the 2005 National Outstanding Agricultural Science Technology Worker, and the title of Outstanding Communist of Beijing Universities
Research Projects:
1. Beijing Science and Technology Plan “Cow manure pollution-free treatment and organic fertilizer production technology”
2. Beijing Transformation of agricultural science technology achievements into capital project “Pig manure harmless resource technology research”
3. Beijing agricultural science technology project “Application and demonstration of  large-scale piggery waste treatment and resource utilization of supporting technology”
4. Science technology achievement transformation and industrialization project of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education "Yanqing County cow manure pollution-free treatment and organic fertilizer production technology "
5. Beijing Municipal Commission of Education and Bureau of Landscape Forestry of Agricultural Commission project “Salvia splendens Ker-Gawler breeding” and “Salvia splendens Ker-Gawler cultivation”
6. Beijing Municipal Commission of Education general project “Caohua introduction and establishment of standardized production procedures in Beijing”
7. Beijing science technology innovation platform project “Beijing outskirt localization improvement of industrialized breeding technique”
8. Beijing Municipal Bureau of Landscape Forestry project “Key technology research of ecological restoration in abandoned and shut down mining area”
9. From 2009 to 2011, six new varieties of Salvia splendens Ker-Gawler, “prince charming”, “Orange Princess”, “Pink Lady”, “Colored Bell”, “Purple Crown Wizard”, “Purple fairy” were checked and approved
10. In 2010, three years’ continuous subsidy from “construction plan of academic innovation team” which is the further education plan for talents from Beijing municipal Universities (working as the team leader)
11. Presiding two sub-tasks of key projects of the 12th five–year” science & technology supportive plan (the circulating agricultural science & technology projects)“Concentration treatment of aquaculture wastewater and liquid waste and fertilization technology and demonstration” and “Technology integration of intensive cultivation waste harmless treatment”
9 books, over 40 theses
Some major representative works are:
1.      One textbook (the Twelfth Five-Year-Plan national programmed textbook) publish by China Forestry Publishing House
2.      Soil Fertilizer Science
3.      Soil, Plant Nutrition and Fertilization
4.      Introduction to Environmental Science
5.      Flower Cultivation
6.      Soil Characteristics Survey, Improvement and Utilization of  Ten Park in Beijing
7.      Preliminary Study on Fast Fermentation of Pig Manure Compost and Process Control Parameters
8.       AFLP Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationship of Salvia spp. in Beijing





窦德泉,男,19629月生于黑龙江省双城市。副教授,2003年作为引进人才到北京农学院工作。 1985年毕业于哈尔滨师范大学生物系,获得理学学士学位;19961—20037月,在日本香川大学和爱媛大学留学,获得硕士、博士学位,及博士后研究工作。




1.  水分胁迫对几种常绿阔叶树的光合作用和蒸腾作用的影响

日本绿化工学会志  26  4  300-308  (2001)

2.  关于粘质土壤改良的基础研究

日本绿化工学会志  27  1  56-61  (2001)

3.  种植在中央隔离带里的樟树其生长发育状况及树形管理

日本绿化工学会志  27  1  292-295  (2001)

4. 热带雨林下砂仁叶片光合作用和叶绿体荧光参数在雾凉季和雨季的日变化 

生态学报  24  7  1421-1429  (2004)



Dequan Dou: Male, born in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province in 1962.
Academic and Professional Background:
1981-1985: Harbin Normal University, awarded bachelor’s degree in 1985
1996-1998: Kagawa University, Japan, awarded master degree in 1998
1999-2001: Ehime University, Japan, awarded Ph.D in 2001
2001-2003: Ehime University, Japan, postdoctoral research
2003- : fellow of Department of Landscape, Beijing University of Agriculture, Associate Professor
Research experience in Japan: Intensive research on greening tree species selection, cultivation and management. Through photosynthesis, transpiration and water metabolism studies of tree seedlings to clarify the differences among the drought-resistant ability of tree species. These results provide direct evidence for the appropriate selection of landscape tree species.
Teaching courses: Landscape Tree (undergraduate), Forestry Ecology (undergraduate), Germplasm Resources of Landscape Plant (postgraduate).
Research interests:
Landscape tree selection for Beijing Area
Rooftops landscape
Research projects: National Scholarship Foundation (one item); Beijing Municipal Commission Research Project (two items). 
Selected publications:
Effects of water stress on the photosynthetic and transpiratory activities of some evergreen broad-leaved trees (in Japanese). Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 2001, 26(4), 300-308  
A fundamental study for the improvement of clay soil (in Japanese). Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 2001, 27(1), 56-61 
The growth condition and tree form control of the camphor trees planted on the median strip (in Japanese). Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 2001, 27(1), 292-295 
Diurnal changes in photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Amomum villosum lour. grown under tropical rainforest in rainy, and foggy and cool seasons at Xishuangbanna (in Chinese). Acta Ecologica Sinica 2004, 24(7):1421-1429


 Hu Zenghui, male, lecturer, obtained a doctor of science in 2007, and did postdoctor research in Beijing Forestry University from 2007-2009. He is mainly engaged in the research of plant physiological ecology. At present he teaches the courses including “Forest Mensuration, “Ecological Engineering”, “Comprehensive Experiment of Landscape Plant, and “Professional Practice”. He participated in some scientific projects, such as project “Primary response of transmembrane ion flux in leaf cells of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus (Maxim.) Cheng f. to insect feeding” supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China. Now he is the leader of Scientific Research Common Program of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education "The emission of floral fragrance and the response to variable light intensity in lily flowers", and participates in the project “The response of emission pattern of methyl benzoate in snapdragon flowers to light and emission mechanism” supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has published more than 10 papers in different Chinese and foreign academic journals .



Email buahuzenghui@163.com

Email: buahuzenghui@163.com 





刘云 女,1971年生,副教授。2003年中国农业大学资源与环境学院生态学理学博士毕业来北京农学院任教,2008年在荷兰瓦赫宁根大学做访问学者1年。给学生讲授“景观生态学”,“遥感技术与应用”,“农业资源信息系统”,“土地利用规划”,“流域面源污染与生态工程”等课程。主持和参与多项项目。发表论文30余篇(其中EI检索期刊8篇),软件著作权1项,参编4部教材,专著1部。联系方式:liuyun_bj@tom.com,现在北京农学院植物科学技术学院农业资源与环境教研室工作。










中荷合作项目:“基于作物模型和3S技术不同层次尺度的区域土地资源持续利用研究” (编号:SAIL-SPP 299.399,执行时间:20001-200412);




Liu Yun: Female, Born in 1971, Associate Professor. Working in agriculture resources and environment teaching and research section, plant science and technology institute, Beijing University of Agriculture. In 2003, graduated from resources and environment institute, ChinaAgriculturalUniversity as ecology doctor of science, and in 2008 went to Wageningen University as a visiting scholar for 1year. Give a lecture course has “landscape ecology”, “remote sensing technology and application”, “agricultural resources information system”, “land-use planning”, “Watershed non-point source pollution and ecological engineering” and so on. Published more than 30 papers (including EI retrieval periodicals 8 articles) and 1 software copyright, compiled the teaching material of 4 and 1 monograph. E-mail: liuyun_bj@tom.com.
Mainly engaged in landscape ecology research, and research direction for the landscape pattern and land use change, namely: the social and natural drive mechanism of land use change and its environmental effect, etc. Hosted and joined the subjects are as follows:
Presided over the subjects:
1.         National Natural Science Foundation of China General Program: “The regulation mechanism research of landscape pattern and process principle used in Beijing suburbs agricultural nonpoint source pollution” (Number: 40871232; Execution time: 2009, 1-2011, 12);
2.         National Natural Science Foundation of China for Youth Scholar Program: “The application of the outskirts of sustainable land use based on the landscape ecological and thermal infrared remote sensing” (Number: 40501029; Execution time: 2006, 1-2008, 12);
3.         National Study Foundation and the Dutch Government Scholarship Exchange Program: “The research of land use space-time evolution and sustainable management mode in Daxing district of Beijing” (2008, 10-2009, 10);
4.         The Beijing Municipal Education Commission Key Laboratory for Agricultural Application and New Technique Open Subject of Beijing University of Agriculture: “Pinggu big peach recommended fertilization expert system research and development” (2007, 1-2008, 12);
5.         Beijing talents training Program: “The research of ecological tourism resources quantitative in Beijing shallow mountain -A case study in Changping” (2006, 1-2007, 12);
6.         Beijing University of Agriculture Introduce Talents Program: “The study on evaluation index system of green space ecological benefit in Beijing” (2005, 1-2008, 12).
Participate in the subjects:
1.         Sino-Dutch Cooperation Project: “The research of sustainable use of regional land resources in different levels scale based on crop model and 3S technology” (Number: SAIL-SPP 299.399; Execution time: 2000, 1-2004, 12);
2.         National Natural Science Foundation of China General Program: “The study on sustainable operation method in Tianshan forest ecological system” (Number: 39660066; Execution time: 1997, 1-1999, 12);
3.         National Natural Science Foundation of China General Program: “The study on ecological function in Tianshan spruce coarse woodiness residues” (Number: 39960063; Execution time: 2000, 1-2002, 12);

National Natural Science Foundation of China General Program: “The research of the crop growth simulation and early warning by inversion crop canopy temperature based on remote sensing” (Number: 30270776; Execution time: 2003, 1-2005, 12). 


赵和文,男,1967年出生,副教授,硕士。曾任北京农学院园林学院党总支书记,现任北京农学院党委组织部部长。目前主持教委课题《北京及其周边地区乡土攀援植物引种驯化与栽培应用研究》, 作为骨干人员参加国家星火计划项目《大型观赏树木(果树)特大容器栽植园》的研究等项目,参编国家“十一五”规划教材《园林苗圃学》,主编及参编教材多部,获得国家实用新型专利三项,发表论文多篇。目前在教学上主讲《园林苗圃学》、《森林培育学》等课程,科研上主要从事园林植物栽培与应用的研究。


Personal Information
Personal Information
Name: Zhao Hewen
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 1967
Position: Associate Professor
Education: Master degree
 Working Experience
Former: as Party branch secretary of Landscape Architecture School in Beijing     University of Agriculture
Present: as minister of the Organization Department of the Party Committee of Beijing University of Agriculture,Teaching "Nursery Gardening", "Silviculture"
and so on
Research direction
  Cultivation and application of garden plants
Recentely Publications
With the decades' studies and practice, Professor Zhao concluded his thoughts and ideas in the books and articles. He has participated in the editor of 11th Five-Year National Programmed Textbooks-"Nursery Gardening", edited and participated in several textbooks, published many articles and there are three technics that gaining the practical new type patents of the nation.
Research projects
At present, Professor Zhao hosts board of education subject--study of native climbing plants' introduction and domestication as well as cultivation and application of Beijing and its surrounding areas; he also as the a backbone personnel to the national Spark Program projects--study of super-large container planting garden of large ornamental trees (fruit trees).





    1994 - 至今,北京农学院从事教学和科研工作
    刘克锋,刘悦秋主编.《环境科学概论》. 北京:气象出版社,2010
刘悦秋,江幸福主编.《园林植物病虫害》修订版. 北京:气象出版社,2006
刘悦秋,江幸福主编.《园林植物病虫害》. 北京:气象出版社,2001
 刘克锋,张颍主编,刘悦秋副主编,普通高等教育十二五国家级规划教材 《环境学导论》,北京:中国林业出版社,2012
主持北京市委组织部优秀人才项目“彩色云芝Polystictus versicolor在降解废弃物中的应用”
董伊晨,刘悦秋(通讯作者).土壤水分对异株荨麻Urtica dioica保护性酶和渗透调节物质的影响及其与叶片光合和生物量的相关性.生态学报,2009296):2845-2851
董伊晨,刘悦秋(通讯作者).异株荨麻Urtica dioica生长及光合特性对不同土壤水分含量的相应.生态学报,20082810):4685-4692
刘悦秋,孙向阳,王勇,刘音.遮荫对异株荨麻光合特性和荧光参数的影响.生态学报,2007, 278):3457-3464
刘悦秋,孙向阳.异株荨麻Urtica dioica种子萌发特性研究.北京农学院学报,2006213):34-38
刘悦秋,孙向阳.异株荨麻Urtica dioica的活性成分及其开发价值.国外医学中医中药分册2005273):144-148
刘悦秋,刘克锋,雷增谱,石爱平,刘采苓,王红利.菌剂垃圾肥施用于矮生伽蓝菜Kalanchoe flammea的效果分析. 农业环境科学学报,2003226):740-744
Jiang X.F., Huang S.H., Luo L.Z., Liu Y. Q., Zhang L. Diapause termination, post- diapause development and reproduction in the beet webworm, Loxostege sticticalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal of Insect Physiology, 2010,56 (9):1325-1331;
刘克锋,刘悦秋,雷增谱,刘采苓,石爱平,王红利.提高猪粪和城市垃圾堆肥质量的菌种选择. 农村生态环境,2003192):47-50
刘克锋,刘悦秋,石爱平,李月华,王红利.不同配比复混肥对瓦巴斯草生长性状影响的研究. 北京农学院学报,2002173):10-12
刘克锋,刘悦秋,雷增谱,刘采苓,石爱平.不同微生物处理对猪粪堆肥质量的影响. 农业环境科学学报,2003223):311-314
刘克锋,石爱平,刘悦秋,雷增谱,刘采苓,王红利,李月华. 不同稀土添加剂对猪粪堆肥质量的影响. 城市环境与城市生态2003163):47-48
刘克锋,石爱平,王红利,刘悦秋. 北京市城区近郊区生活垃圾成分调查及可农用性分析.农业环境保护,2002213):232-236
北京市科学技术三等奖. 完成人:刘克锋,石爱平,王红利,刘悦秋,李月华. 2003

中国花卉博览会二等奖. 完成人:刘克锋,石爱平,王红利,刘悦秋. 2005


Yueqiu Liu, Female, Associate professor, PhD in Ecology, Han nationality
Mainly engaged in teaching and research work on ecology and environment, specifically, focus on the field of environmental microbiology compost project, organic solid waste compost and ecology et al. Possess stiff professional theory basis, skilled experimental technique and ability to undertake project independently as well as to organize and coordinate project. Systematic research progress have been obtained on the microbiology selection, establish of compost technology, evaluation of compost mature index and the mechanism of lignin degradation using fungus during the performance of 7 project including 2 national, 4 province and 1 university project. More than 20 papers have been published including 1 Sci paper and 1 paper indexed by CA. Five books (including chief editor of 4 books and associate chief editor of 1 book ) have been published. One Beijing scientific and technological progress third prize, one Chinese flowers and plants exhibition second prize and a honor of “Sanyuren” of Beijing University of agriculture have been awarded.
Study and work experience:
1994- Present, teaching and do research work inBeijing university of agriculture;
1990-1994: Department of landscape of Beijing University of Agriculture, undergraduate student / bachelor
1998-2001, Department of biology, Beijing Forest University, graduate student / master
2003-007, Department of forestry,  Beijing Forest University, graduate student / doctor
Teaching courses:
Introduction of Environmental Science”, “City Ecology”, “Ecological Tourism” “Sylvan Tourism” “Forest Management”
Edited books:
Edited by Liu YueqiuLiu Kefeng,City ecology.Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 2010
Edited by Liu KefengLiu Yueqiu, Introduction of environmental science.Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 2010
Edited by Liu YueqiuJing XingfuGarden plant diseases and insect pests Revision. Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 2006
Edited by Liu YueqiuJing Xingfu. Garden plant diseases and insect pests. Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 2001
Edited by Liu Kefeng and Zhang Yin, assistant edited by Liu Yueqiu. The 12 five years plan of national programming book for General high education Environics introduction, Beijing: China forest Press, 2012
Ministry of organization of Beijing municipal Party committee outstanding talent project “Application of microbe Polystictus versicolor in degradation of waste”- hoster
Beijing science committee extending project “Technology of manure harmlessness and resource utilization- Assistant hoster
Beijing college and university innovate team establishment project “Study on harmlessness and resource utilization of agricultural and forestry waste and organic compost production” - Assistant hoster
Beijing education committee innovation project “Construction of course of environmental science introduction”- hoster
Broadwise project “Study on chemical component and structure change during the compost of landscaping waste” -hoster
Broadwise project “Investigation on forest and soil resource and sample collection”-hoster
The 12 five years plan of national science and technology supporting project “Integration and demonstration of Beijing suburb agricultural industry circle technology ”- member
Beijing science committee project “Study on harmlessness and organic compost production of domestic garbage and livestock manure” - member
Published papers:
Liu YueqiuLiu KefengShi AipingLei ZengpuLiu CailingWang HongliSelection of favorable microbes in composting wasteJournal of Agro-environmental Science,2003225):597-601
Liu YueqiuLiu KefengShi AipingLei ZengpuLiu CailingWang HongliSelection of favorable microbes in composting waste Chemical abstracts (USA)20041416):88526
LIU Yue-Qiu, SUN Xiang-Yang, WANG Yong, LIU Yin,Effects of shades on the photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Urtica dioica.Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2007, 278):3457-3464
DONG Yi-Chen, LIU Yue-Qiu. Soil water influences on protective enzymes and osmolytes of Urtica dioica and their correlations with leaf photosynthesis and biomass. Acta Ecologica Sinica,2009296):2845-2851
DONG Yi-Chen, LIU Yue-Qiu. The response of Urtica dioica to different soil water on growth and photosynthesis. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 20082810):4685-4692
LIU Yueqiu, LIU Kefeng, LEI Zengpu, SHI Aiping, LIU Cailing, WANG Honli, Effects of Composted Biowastes Inoculated by Different Microbes Consortia on Growth of Kalanchoe Flammea, Journal of Agro-environmental Science, 2003226):740-744
Liu yueqiu, Liu kefeng, Lei zungpu, Shi aiping , Liu Cailin, Wang hongli, Influences of Microadditives on Compost of Pig Manure. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin,2003191:9-14
LIU Yue-qiu,SUN Xiang-yang,WANG Bao-ping, Study on Seed Germination of Urtica dioica.Journal of Beijing Agricultural College, 2006213):34-38
LIU Kefeng, LIU Yueqiu, LEI Zengpu, LIU Cailing, SHI Aiping.Effects of Different Microorganism Consortiums on Quality of Composting Pig-Dung, Journal of Agro-environmental Science, 2003223):311-314
LIU Ke-f eng, LIU Yue-qiu,LEI Zeng-pu, LIU Cai-ling, SHI Ai-ping, WANG Hong-li, Screening of starter strains for higher quality of pig-dung and urban waste compost.Rural Eco-Environment,2003,19 (2) :47-50
Jiang X.F., Huang S.H., Luo L.Z., Liu Y. Q., Zhang L. Diapause termination, post- diapause development and reproduction in the beet webworm, Loxostege sticticalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal of Insect Physiology, 2010,56 (9):1325-1331
LIU Ke-feng, LIU Yue-qiu, SHI Ai-ping, LI Yue-hua, WANG Hong-li, Effects of different combinations of fertilizers on the growth of Turf Grass. Journal of Beijing Agricultural College, 2002:173:10-12
LIU Kefeng, SHI Aiping, LIU Yueqiu, LEI Zengpu, LIU Cailing, WANG Hongli, LI Yuhua, Effects of Different Additives on the Compost Quality of the Pig-Dung, Urban Environment & Urban Ecology, 2003,163:47-48
LIU Ke-feng, SHI Ai-ping, WANG Hong-li, LIU Yue-qiu, LIU Cai-ling,Survey and Utilization of Municipal Garbage in Urban and Suburb of Beijing, Agro-environmental Protection, 2002,213:232-236
Research prizes:
Beijing scientific and technological progress third prize
Chinese flowers and plants exhibition second prize


专 业:应用气象学、生态学
1995 - 至今 北京农学院从事教学和科研工作
2007.7 中国农业大学资源与环境学院生态学博士毕业,获理学博士学位
1995.7 中国农业大学应用气象专业毕业,获理学硕士学位
1990.7 中国农业大学农业气象专业毕业,获农学学士学位
1. 主持北京市教育委员会科技计划面上项目(KM200810020010:北京山区果园生态系统服务功能与效益评价。
2. 主持北京市属市管高等学校人才强教计划——中青年骨干教师资助计划2006-2008.
3. 主要参加北京市自然科学基金重点项目(6031001),北京山区土地利用变化规律及土地持续利用模式研究
4. 主要参加国家自然学基金项目(40501029):基于景观生态和热红外遥感在土地持续利用中的应用研究
5. 主要参加北京市自然科学基金重点项目(6071001):有机观光果园间作对有害生物及生态环境影响的研究
6. 主要参加北京市优秀人才培养资助项目北京浅山区生态旅游资源定量化研究-以昌平为例
1.         田志会,刘云,王有年.北京山区果园生态系统消解畜禽的服务功能及其价值分析.生态经济.2011,(1:85-88
2.         田志会,王有年.北京山区果园生态系统土壤保持功能及其生态经济价值估算.林业科学.2011.47(12):165-171
3.       田志会,刘雪楠.农业观光园客源市场的特征与空间结构的研究-----以北京市朝来农艺园为例,中国农业气象,20107月,31(增):43-47
4.         田志会,郑大玮,郭文利等.北京山区旅游气候舒适度的定量评价,资源科学,20083012):1846~1851
5.     田志会,郑大玮.北京山区生态系统服务价值的估算.中国农业气象,200728(增刊):99-102
6.         田志会郭文利,赵新平等. 北京地区1km2网格植物气候生产力的估算. 中国农业资源与区划. 2006, 27(2):56~62.
7.         田志会,郑大玮,刘云等. 北京山区小流域土地利用行为调查分析中国水土保持. 2006,(7):36~38.
8.       田志会,郭文利,赵新平等. 基于小网格的北京山区农业气候资源系统的模糊综合评判. 山地学报,2005,23(4):507~512.
9.     田志会,杨志新,刘云等. 城郊区农业环境问题的成因与对策研究. 生态经济,2005,(1):80~82.
10.     田志会,郑大玮,刘云等. 北京山区旅游资源及旅游业发展现状的调查分析. 经济地理,2005年,专辑:78~82.
11.     刘云,赵群,寇明军,田志会,基于TM影像的城郊景观土地利用初步研究--以北京昌平沙河区为例. 遥感技术与应用. 2005, 20(6)
12.     田志会,李凤琴,郭文利等. 基于小网格的北京山区植物气候生产力及其限制因子分析. 中国农业大学学报,2004,9(6):21~26.
13.     郭建平,田志会,张娟娟,东北地区玉米热量指数的预测模型研究,应用气象学报,2003年第5
14.     郭建平,田志会,左旭,东北地区水稻热量指数的预测模型研究,自然灾害学报,2004年第3
15.     杨志新,田志会,郑大伟,农药外部成本问题研究综述,生态经济,2004年第1


Tian Zhihui: Associate Professor, Dr.of Ecology  
Professional: Applied Meteorology,Ecology
The main research areas:Ecology, Applied Meteorology
1995 - Present Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, China.Teaching and Research work
2007.7 China Agricultural University, Beijing, China. Department of College of Resources and Environment , Doctor of Ecology.
1995.7 China Agricultural University, Beijing, China. Department of Applied Meteorology, Master of Science
1990.7 China Agricultural University , Beijing, China. Department of Agricultural Meteorology, Bachelor of Agriculture
1. Leader of science and technology project of Beijing Municipal Education Commission (KM200810020010): “The estimation of orchard ecosystem service value in Beijing mountain areas.(2009-2010)”
2. Leader of funding project for academic human resources development in institutions of higher learning under the jurisdiction of Beijing Municipality- Young backbone teacher’s scheme (2006 – 2008).
3. Participated in Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation,Project Number(6031001)
4. Participated in Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation,Project Number(6071001)
5. Participated in the General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China,Project Number:(40871232)
6. Participated in National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young ScholarsProject Number:(40501029).
7. Lectured Principles and Practices of Agricultural Meteorology and Meteorology and Introduction to Environmental Science and Ecology Quantitative Methods and Major Software Applications and World Climate and Agriculture.
Director of China Agricultural Society of Agricultural Meteorology Branch
1. Tian Zhihui, Zheng Dawei, Wang Younian, Evaluation of Climatic Resource and development and utilization Ways in Beijing Mountain Area. China Meteorological Press, May 2008
2. Tian Zhihui. The estimation of agro-ecosystem service value in Beijing mountain areas. China Meteorological Press, October 2012
1. Tian Zhihui ,Liu yun. The eco-economic value of the digestion of livestock manure service of orchard eco-systems in Beijing Mountain Area: a Case study of orchard in Pinggu of Beijing. Ecological Economy .2011, (1) :85-88
2. Tian Zhihui,Wang Younian. Eco-Economic Value of soil conservation service of orchard ecosystems in Beijing Mountainous Area:a case study of srchard in Pinggu district of Beijing. Scientia Silvae Sinicae .2011.47 (12): 165-171
3. Tian Zhihui, Liu Xuenan .Study on the Characteristics of the Tourist Source Market and Spatial Structure. Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology, 2010, July 31 (Supp.): 43-47
4. Tian Zhihui, Zheng Dawei, Guo Wenli. Quantitative evaluation of climatic suitability for tourism in the Beijing Mountainous Area. Resource Science, 2008, 30 (12): 1846 - 1851
5. Tian Zhihui, Zheng Dawei. Estimate of the value of mountain ecosystems. Agricultural Meteorology, 2007, 28 (Suppl.): 99-102
6. Tian Zhihui, Guo Wenli, Zhao Xinping. Calculation of plant climate productivities by 1km2 in Beijing . Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning.2006, 27 (2): 56 - 62.
7. Tian Zhihui, Zheng Dawei, Beijing mountainous watershed land use behaviors . Soil and Water Conservation in China. 2006, (7): 36 - 38.
8. Tian Zhihui, Guo Wenli, Zhao Xinping. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on the agroclimatic system of 1 km2 grid of Beijing Mountain Area. Journal of Mountain Research, 2005,23 (4): 507 - 512.
9. Tian Zhihui, Yang Zhixin, Liu Yun. Study on the cause and countermeasure of the problems of agricultural environment in the outskirts of a city. Ecological economy, 2005, (1): 80-82.
10. Tian Zhihui, Zheng Dawei, Liu Yun. Analysis of tourism resources and tourism development status survey of Beijing mountain area. Economic Geography, 2005, album: 78- 82.
11. Liu Yun, Zhao Qun, Kou Mingjun, Tian Zhihui, Primary study on land use of suburb landscape based on TM images——A case study in Shahe,Changping Distirct,Beijing. Remote Sensing Technology and Applications . 2005,20 (6)
12. Tian Zhihui, Li Fengqin,Guo Wenli. Analysis of plant climatic production potential and it s restricting factors of 1km2 grid of Beijing mountain area. Journal of China Agricultural University, 2004,9 (6): 21-26.
13. Guo Jianping, Tian Zhihui, Zhang Juanjuan, Forecasting models of heat index for rice in Northeast China, Journal of Natural Disasters, 2004 ,13(3)
14. Guo Jianping, Tian Zhihui, Zuo Xu. Forecasting models of heat index for corn in northeast china . Quarterly Journal of Applied Meteorology .2003,14(5) 
1. Ma xiuling, Diao yingyuan, Wu zhong ling, "Agricultural Meteorology”, China Agricultural Science and Technology Press, 1996. (Editors)
2. Duan ruoxi, Jiang Huifei. “Textbook series for the 21st century "," Agricultural Meteorology, China Meteorological Press, 2002.1. (Editors)
3. Duan ruoxi, Yao Yuli. “Textbook series for the 21st century ", " Guide of Agricultural Meteorological Training”, China Meteorological Press, 2002.10  (Editors)
4 Jiang Huifei, ZHeng Dawei. “Textbook series for the 21st century ", “The World's Climate and Agriculture”, China Meteorological Press, 2008.3    (Editors)          
5.Jiang Huifei. Ordinary higher education "Eleventh Five-Year" national planning materials ,"Agricultural Meteorology”, Science Press.2008.2 (Editors)
6. Liu Kefeng, Liu Yueqiu . Introduction to Environmental Science, China Meteorological Press, 2010.8  ( associate editor)     
7. Liu Kefeng, Liu Yueqiu. Urban ecology. Meteorological Press, 2010.8 ( associate editor)


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